
The Kid: Series

Note: I have Exams by the end of May so I'm sorry to say that there will no Chapters till 10th June. They are not aliens or the product of dark magic, so what the hell are these bizarre creatures who have been colonising Earth? This world has never been peaceful, with perpetual war, family separation, dads becoming sonless, and moms becoming daughterless, and that was not enough. As Nas and his devoted companions battle the Legion of Chaos, they unintentionally stumble upon an unidentified force that may aid them in defeating these creatures. However, they are unaware of the implications. But would it be enough? This might be considered a male hero, yet each character in the book has a significant and important role to play. Hey everyone, I hope today is going well for everyone. I'd want to point out that this is my first novel, so there will undoubtedly be errors and possibly bad narrative, character development, or even story pacing. Please feel free to explain my errors in the comments section so that I can improve or correct them. Regards, The Writer Note: Gore, Violence, and Bad language are not for kids under 17 No Harem. there will be romance in some chapters but not that kind of stuff.

EternalBalance · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 44: Figuring it Out

Kerunlé listened to all of the things Gastat told her, 'The thing is that Gastat used all the thinking ability he had, but he found a new mystery to solve.' said Lucia proudly but Nas said to Gastat, ' Guess you will be unconscious for some years and gain your thinking ability again, Brother.' they laughed but Gastat made a fake laughing sound and replied, 'Very funny, guess you will miss talking.' but Kerunlé shut them both up and said, 'Please go fight somewhere else we have a mystery to solve.' she pointed at one of the Soldeir and asked him, 'Who summoned you?.' the Soldier replied with pointing at Nas, 'Lord Nas did,' Kerunlé thought for a second and said. 'I know this will hurt you but I have to do it for the sake of finding a key.' before the Soldier could say anything, Tasarai said, 'There is no need to hurt that Soldier.' they all looked at him, 'What do you mean then.' asked Nas, to which Tasarai replied, 'It pretty basic, When the Soldiers are in a certain radius of their summoner, they get a aoura or some increasing in thier abilities, like they can indure more hits but get less damaged and get tired after along time.' they all looked proud, Nas said, 'Well, Tasarai, my man, you are one smart man!.' to which Gastaat replied with a laugh, 'He is smart, I wonder what his thinking ability he has,' they all agreed to Gastat's settlement there, Darien turned towards the Soldier and said, 'You must thank Tasarai, he saved you. 'before he could laugh at it, Tasarai said, 'Don't be happy, we have to find the Certain Distance I talked about earlier!.' but Tasarai sat on a chair and drank a glass, as the first sip hits his throat and relaxses his throat, a sudden current ran through his body, as he quickly got up and said to all of them, 'Follow me, we go outside of the Castle, to get some open space.' 

They reached the open area just after leaving the castle, Tasarai said, 'Kerunlé, please write down the distance I tell you.' he then turned towards the Soldier and asked, 'Do you feel something., Unusual, when you are close to Nas,' the Soldier replied, 'No!.' then Tasarai said, 'Ok now we will fight, and I'll see how much you will change as we go away 10 meters from Nas.' 

Tasarai and the Soldiers perfected their stance for the small duel they ran at each other and the fight began, The Soldier was easily defending Tasarai, he could easily predict where Tasarai would attack.

Tasarai stopped the duel and said, 'Woh, you are pretty good, it's impossible to find an opening.' they then got 20 meters away from Nas and again began to fight, and as always, The Soldier was making it a hell of an impossible challenge for Tasarai to make him block a single attack late.

They stopped again, Tasarai was breathing heavily now, as breaking through the Soldier's defence was not any child's play, 'Ok now, we go away 40 meters away, and again no Tasarai was unable to break his defence, he stopped again and then said, 'Ok now make it double, 80 meters now,' and again absolutely nothing happened, this time Tasarai add 40 more meters making it 120 meters away, and now this time, The Soldier was now getting weak, and to confirm the Radius, Tasarai added only 10 meters more and finally after a lot of hard work, Tasarai finally defeated The Soldiers, he was laughing like he had won the War, the others who were 120 meters away from them and were seeing Tasarai was going mad, Gastat said, 'My man has lost it!.' to this Nas replied, 'Yeah, my man thinks he has won us the war.' the Soldier and Tasarai approached them and Tasarai said, 'Finally after what felt like a year, we have found the exact radius and its 120 meters.' just then Tasarai asked, 'Where is Darien and Therold?.' and everyone there muttered the same question, 'Where is Darien and Therold?.'