

2022-09-07 JoinedIndia



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  • A_random_student
    Replied to krishna0512

    Not dropped. I am working on a new chapter. Actually I was focused on my JEE mains and JEE advanced and now that it is over I am testing a crazy theory about this novel. A crazy outerversal level theory that I'll most likely implement here. Also I was busy cheating in surveys and earning from there so that also took my time. Don't worry, in a week it will start uploading again.

    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to PhantomTheif

    Some confusion is to be expected. It can't go smoothly like a kid's fairy tale, can it? I am building up for a (partial) very big reveal in the near future. And this novel will be full of mysteries.

    Ch 8 Chapter 7 : Frenzy in the world of whales (Part - III)
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to PhantomTheif

    Are you liking it so far? Cause from your comment history I can see that you binge read it, which tells that it should have been a likeable experience.

    Ch 8 Chapter 7 : Frenzy in the world of whales (Part - III)
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to noiceguy420

    It is mostly explained but you can read about it on the wiki. Just search there for the name "zheng zha" and you will get a basic idea of the novel. My story has already deviated from classic terror infinity already, so no need to worry too much, I am just using it as a kind of template, though it is definitely more than just "a simple template".

    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to LazyBartender

    Did my explanation clear your doubts?

    Alex had woken up at the very beginning, with the other 3, whom he knew were not newbies. But he didn't get up before everyone else because he wanted to ensure future co-operation with his teammates-to-be. When the scar-faced man kicked the first of the newbies and had succeeded in waking him up, then Alex also started to rouse. He acted as if he was feeling groggy and confused. He tried to act a bit stupid to not get unwanted attention, because in this world, it can quickly cause your doom if others begin to lay their expectations down on you.
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to

    Not exactly, people can be very strange. What he didn't want was unnecessary attention. For example, imagine a normal looking dude committing mass murder without batting an eye and has fighting capabilities that are too good to be true. That would incur suspicion in the future like he got some bonuses at the Beginning that he didn't share with the rest of them. And waking up first is a sure fire way to have the other newbies start trying to leech on you for support. They would want you to carry them and if you refuse then they would absolutely try their best to take ownership of whatever it is that had given you the unnatural capabilities that conflicted their common sense. But in the armor and with how loaded with guns he was, they would assume that he was either a professionally trained person or a psychopath hitman. And by not being the first one to wake would make it a little less suspicious for the veterans. They would believe he was just lucky to arrive here in the way he was. They wouldn't think that he had gotten any additional bonus which should have belonged to them and not him. This is a VERY REASONABLE DEVELOPMENT because of the suspicious nature of changes that GOD had made in the rules of the 'game' suddenly, shifting from horror movies to something entirely different which all the veterans were unable to get any idea of.

    Alex had woken up at the very beginning, with the other 3, whom he knew were not newbies. But he didn't get up before everyone else because he wanted to ensure future co-operation with his teammates-to-be. When the scar-faced man kicked the first of the newbies and had succeeded in waking him up, then Alex also started to rouse. He acted as if he was feeling groggy and confused. He tried to act a bit stupid to not get unwanted attention, because in this world, it can quickly cause your doom if others begin to lay their expectations down on you.
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student


    Breaking the Soul Limit
    Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
    Book&Literature · LazySageDao
  • A_random_student
    Replied to tomasiva

    I dropped a hint in ch1 or ch2 when Alex met with the fake ROB. I wrote something along the lines of " The meeting with the ROB had almost caused Alex's soul to mutate " It is a very reasonable development. That was just the influence of a higher life-form on a lower form. Although it was not a complete mutation (it would have been a bad situation), his soul got a very high affinity to the void as a result. Hint :- The design of Alex's mental space holds secrets older than time. Keep looking for such hints, I drop them frequently.

    Ch 8 Chapter 7 : Frenzy in the world of whales (Part - III)
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    [ Image for reference ]
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to wororrin

    Woah! I made an accidental JoJo's reference.

    When he saw Daud had slapped Jessamine and was going for the kill without caring about the surroundings, Alex forced his hands to move through sheer willpower alone and shot twice at Daud. The bullets hit him in the stomach but didn't manage to kill him but the effect of the 'bend time' had stopped. Daud, alarmed, quickly blinked from the scene and tried to escape and survive, because the bullets had dealt more damage to him than he had imagined (well, it was a modern weapon, so it was to be expected),while the whalers ran to attack Alex, he didn't care about them and quickly arrived at the edge of the gazebo to go for the kill.
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to DragonGodSmith3000

    sword training in 2 days? What will he learn in 2 days, " space-time f*ckery for dummies, zero to hero level in 20 pages, full money-back guarantee if you don't become a god-killer "? That looks like a scam to me. But as I have stated earlier, he will be getting sword training in dishonored, just after this arc will end, in another 6-7 chapters.

    Ch 6 Chapter 5: Frenzy in the world of whales
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to DragonGodSmith3000

    There are 3 reasons, for the 3 adventurers 1. With the seductive girl, she is a magic user , and even if she has any equipment, they would not be so good, else require magic energy. Think yourself, she survived just 2 worlds and had both healing magic and defensive magic. She is not a protagonist, and hence doesn't have enough points to go for a better weapon/defensive item. 2. With the glasses man, he had a half-decent experience with Qi and also had a compatible sword. Hence it is impractical to think he would have another comparable item. Alex also doesn't have sword training (he will learn swordsmanship here) or Qi. 3. With the scarface, he had used up his points to boost his stats and had a Uzi with infinite ammo as his main weapon and might have had a defensive equipment to protect him, but not a magical one. Alex already had his okay-okay armor and his body's build was different. The defensive equipment would not fit him. As for the UZI, it would be better to give it to Corvo who could use it better and prove to be more helpful.

    Ch 6 Chapter 5: Frenzy in the world of whales
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST
    [Photo for reference]
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to

    See my other comment. That is how loaded Alex is.

    [Photo for reference]
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student

    This one.

    [Photo for reference]
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST

    Yeah, you just need a cheap place to sleep, but with random as* neighbours who do not know the concept of privacy and will randomly intrude into your life, essentially preventing you from doing many necessary things. I mean, just imagine Alex returning late from running everyday, with his body in a messed up condition. Him going to shooting classes, martial arts clubs, as well as being of Indian origins, and therefore having the "coloured skin". With how the people and police there exist in the USA (at least what I have seen in news and social media, I am an Indian so I can't tell if they are true or not), Alex would have been shot down before he could reach the god space. And with how he can't die, do you think the american government or the " pentagon" would leave such a research material? They will be going crazy, trying to weaponize him and finding solutions that lead to, and that can be used against(to reverse) immortality. Just allow the poor man some peace before he has to fight for his life, would you?

    "No matter how rich you are, houses in America will be always expensive."
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST

    No, India is only because of its weak laws. Thus Alex was able to get high amount of his inheritance money, and didn't have to pay unrealistic amounts of taxes. Though he will be in team India, because this body was of Indian origins.

    He now knew the name of the person whose body he had occupied, but it didn't matter to him. He would not have to take over his identity. He was a 23 years old man born and raised in India and had graduated from IIT Madras. His parents had died, leaving behind a big inheritance for him, and in a country like India, with weak inheritance laws, all of that was truly his. He didn't have to give a major part of it as taxes, like in France or Japan. His relatives were also few in number and they were too busy in their businesses to care about him.
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to Zero_Five_7869

    Nope. carter. Randolph carter. HP Lovecraft. lovecraftian horror

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: The Story begins
    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to A_random_student

    To be honest, that might be the only good fanfic of terror infinity actually, aside from side B , but I unfortunately didn't like that. The Btooom arc ruined it for me.

    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student
  • A_random_student
    Replied to A_random_student

    Actually, I got a little inspiration of using video games world in my fic from that one only. Everything is top tier but author dropped it. We lost another gem.

    Terror Infinity : On the brink of madness
    Book&Literature · A_random_student