

2022-07-30 JoinedGlobal

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  • GrInfo

    I don’t understand why so many people like Tsunade, and believe she is so important, at this point in the timeline, she’s more or less useless, and the protagonist is easily developing high level medical ninjutsu.

    Ch 54 Will You Join Us? I
    Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection
    Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
  • GrInfo

    Shisui is not kind dude, watch an analysis YouTube video of Shisui.

    Ch 29 Hypocrisy I
    Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection
    Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
  • GrInfo

    Make reaction chapters, and don’t keep timeskipping. Also to many only 1-4 paragraphs for many of his inventions, make it like the newspaper again, show many reaction from several characters please.

    Ch 23 The Coming Of War II
    Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection
    Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
  • GrInfo

    Shisui is overrated, he in the original is a complete loyal soldier for the Leaf village, and doesn’t have the greatest loyalty towards the Uchiha, and I doubt he completely cared for Itachi either… Author, can you not make huge time skips, maybe only months or a year or perhaps you can make chapters that explain what has happened in the passing of time. I want to see certain characters reactions to the newspaper. Personal bias but I feel like Isaac is to focused for the Leaf, him conquering the fire daimyo, and the Leaf village so that he can rule the other 4 is good but I feel like Isaac would make things equal, and as such not give advantages primarily to the leaf. (Biased: Hopefully when Isaac rules the world eventually, he gives each of the hidden villages equal treatment or he eliminates all of the hidden villages including the Leaf village, and creates a new nation.)

    Ch 22 The Coming Of War I
    Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection
    Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
  • GrInfo

    I have read most of this authors books, and they are all pretty great fanfics. I greatly enjoy the writing style, and how the protagonists don’t have op cheats, and live full lives, I also enjoy that I don’t have to read dozens of chapters of the childhood phase when we can just get a summary, and flashbacks in later chapters. The reason I gave this specific novel a lower rating is because I don’t quite like the protagonist or the ‘contradictions’. It seems as if the protagonist is a saint mostly while most of his enemies are only seen in a dark light much like his other fanfics in GoT, I believe this to be because the author has a huge bias for the Targaryens not that it is a wrong thing, I personally just don’t care for them that much. I have read many fanfics about the protagonist being transported into GoT, and becoming a Targaryen, then going about saying “I am a dragon!”, etc…, gaining a huge pride, and somehow giving a crap about bloodlines. This fanfic is 1 of them, and as such I dislike it but the writing is great, and I don’t want people to dislike this author. My personal opinions once more, if you are someone who was isekai’ed, then you should not easily believe in these things such as “I am a dragon” etc…, you should be more inclined to think your blood has been experimented to have dragon blood but that doesn’t make you a dragon. The protagonist is considered extremely kind, and cares for the common folk yet he would kill Tywins men to ignore his test, and show him what happens if he faces Targaryens, and he says only the Starks have ‘somewhat’, ‘somewhat’ justified for rebellion?! He knows his father was awful, and these rebellions are mostly justified. Also, why would he try to go save his father when he was in Duskendale!? Another thing, he judges others (many fanfic protagonists do, not only this one) despite knowing that only he knows because of his Isekai knowledge, if he didn’t, he would have no right to judge them, and if he knows, talk about it in subtle ways. Finally but not least (there are several other things why I dislike this protagonist) he feels almost like a Mary sue in that he is kind, more gentle than Rhaegar, 1 of the greatest swordsman who can fight Arthur despite being somewhat injured before hand, and is extremely intelligent. (Intelligence I can understand, he is Isekai’ed, being kind, and gentle, and caring for the common folk, I can understand, being skilled with the sword, I can let pass by but it’s becoming to much for me, especially when he was probably just an average person before.) Many of the characters that are not on the main characters side are just criticized over, and over again seemingly, though I can see this as the perspective of the characters, and not the author, I feel as if I can see the authors biases. Also, several of the characters seem far more strong willed or different than what they should actually be like, and there are certain theories that the author chooses to make real that I dislike but it’s creative liberties, especially since it’s not so hard canon in the real source material anyway so I can’t complain to much. I have probably left many things unsaid which I wanted to write but this is getting to long, anyway, this fanfic, and the authors other works are far above many other fanfics I’ve read (I have read over 20 GoT fanfics, did not finish them all or get past many of them halfway or even several chapters but still read more than 4 chapters each, if just 1 chapter, I have read close to 40 GoT fanfics), and I give this author a recommend.

    The Burnt Prince-GOT SI
    Book&Literature · Drkest
  • GrInfo

    Dislike the protagonist, he judges entire nations on a few people, and on his biases. He judges others while being a hypocrite himself, and mainly only on his own circumstances. None of the characters seem wise at all, and seem dumb. They do things only on impulse. The author never explains the protagonists ‘obsession’ so how are we supposed to know if we are supposed to root for him? It’s been over 110 chapters, still no clue about his so called ‘obsession’. Slow, and so many things happen for no discernible reason, and in a way, it’s boring, there is no connection or need for the readers to be invested in the protagonist at all. Writing is ok, not the best, and can sometimes be seen as rigid dialogue, and cliche Chinese writing but it’s better than any real Chinese dialogue.

    Traitor's Obsession: Reincarnation of the Strongest Calamity
    Fantasy · Demonic_angel
  • GrInfo

    Author, u dead?

    Ch 240 Professional Older Brother
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • GrInfo

    Author why delete Fate/Despair, I haven’t read it, it has good reviews?

    Ch 3 Important Update
    Blood & Honour
    Anime & Comics · EdgyTheWriter
  • GrInfo

    This is a personal opinion, and I can’t tell others not to read this novel, others can enjoy this novel but I hated every chapter, could not get past chapter 10. These are the cons of this story: -The protagonist isn’t Ainz, just a rip-off character that is a beta pathetic MC. Ainz is 1 of my top 5 protagonists, and I have read Overlord LN’s three times, the manga, and watched the anime several times. This character is not Ainz, his undead trait is not there, some readers, and author says they don’t want a character that has no emotions but Ainz has emotions, it’s just his emotions are negated after a certain degree, and if you can’t write Ainz like how he is, then don’t write him! This Ainz is also so judgemental that he judges others so quick, he calls someone master, he kneels, he has unfounded not acting arrogance, is not cautious (Ainz is 1 of the most cautious protagonists ever!), is a complete hypocrite (He is a hypocrite but not in the same way this author makes him), makes vows easily, and is an idiot but if course everyone including author says he’s smart because thats what the author wants! Character assassination. -There are many contradictions. -So fast paced, and so convenient for the protagonist. Sakura accepts Ainz as her family in a few paragraphs/minutes perhaps seconds, and in less than 2 chapters will fight in the 4th holy grail war to ‘save’ Ainz. (Make it so Ainz does not leave this her.) -Characters believe Ainz so easily, they can’t think he’s lying, and so many characters aren’t properly portrayed, not just Ainz! -Kills other servants so easily, no drama, no restriction of power, just a op yet beta kind MC pretty much. -There is much more in just 10 chapters but yeah, it’s mostly about the protagonist, he is not Ainz! The other characters are also not completely portrayed well, and everything goes to easily, to conventions, and to fast.

    Fate Ruler Of Death
    Anime & Comics · Xshamee
  • GrInfo

    There can be several reasons, and not knowing means you can also be the one who is blind.

    "You're right, I don't know what it was like before. Perhaps that is why I can see the truth where you are blinded." Thor continued, knowing full well that they were repeating an argument that they had many times prior to this. "And if we truly were the Celestials success, why would they allow the Deviants to kill us. In fact, why, if they are so great and powerful, did they allow the Deviants to live?"
    Thor: The God of Thunder V2
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • GrInfo

    It’s 6 moons with 1 of the moons having a moon of its own

    We're talking about a world brimming with unexplored regions and unique lifeforms completely foreign to Earth. Advanced technology, giant beasts and sea monsters that can swallow ships. Not to mention the seven habitable moons orbiting the planet and the different sentient species living on their surface.
    One Piece: The Rising Tide
    Anime & Comics · Professor_Zzyzx
  • GrInfo

    Why give Kaku such a lame fruit, there are so many better fruits!

    Ch 89 An Era Stranger Than Imagination I
    One Piece: Limitlessness
    Anime & Comics · VQuintessence
  • GrInfo

    Who are you, are you the originals brother, clone, doppelgänger? Also when exactly did the original die in the last year, decade or century new author?

    Ch 240 Professional Older Brother
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • GrInfo

    Arthur! Please work on your other work more instead!

    Ch 57 Epilogue09-Guilt and Family
    The Dragonwolf
    Book&Literature · Gladiusx
  • GrInfo

    I have read all 62 chapters so far, and I can say out of all the GoT fanfics I’ve read, this one is definitely top 5. (I’ve read like 24-28 fanfics with the majority being bad. Only like less than 10 are good.) This fanfic however does the threat of the White Walkers justice more than any other fanfic I’ve read, the undead are scary, and I actually felt it, they weren’t just like a minor inconvenience. The MC is both OP, and not that OP like many other main characters in fanfics, he is ‘half’ white walker. He’s stronger, faster, and does not tire, he only needs to eat, and sleep like once per month but he also has cons like not being able to get laid due to his body. He also so far does not seem to be immune to regular steel as he got shot by a normal arrow through his arm but he is capable of creating that op ice sword. (I personally hope that he is not capable of creating hundreds of that sword since that would be far to op, and bullshit because he shouldn’t be using his blood to create those ice in huge quantities in my own opinion.) I at 1 point felt that everything was going a little to easy for the MC wanting to go south but the last few chapters proved me wrong. The writing, and development is great, this fanfic overall is a great read. Minor problems, the he/she, and words like that can often get mixed. The MC is told to have a perfect memory but does not show it. (Just a really good but definitely not perfect memory.) MC is told to be losing his emotions but we’ve not been shown his emotionless in his average dialogues unless you consider being worried, and surprised often as emotionless. (I know he has some emotions but he shouldn’t be getting worried so often.) Finally some things I hope for the future, MC hopefully uses an ice sword instead of the family weapon in combat but this is just my own bias for epic ice sword moments. MC should be very skilled, and maybe because of his body, and training considered a genius but he should be an unparalleled swordsman. His upper limits should be comparable to Jamey Lannister or even Arthur Dayne level of skill but not much more. MC should gain a little more but not much more physical strength than what he has in the latest chapters. Hopefully MC is not a necromancer (But if he is, that’s fine because necromancers are epic) since he is not a full white walker, he shouldn’t have all the powers of a white walker nor all the weaknesses of a white walker since he is only ‘half’ white walker. (And no bs about species that are half such as half vampire, warewolf, kryptonian and more being stronger please!)

    Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King
    Book&Literature · papudepapus
  • GrInfo

    I feel that MC should not lose his powers but at the same time that he should not become more human, instead he should remain ‘cursed’. Also since MC isn’t a complete White Walker, he should have both pros, and cons, and not the full extent of their abilities or weaknesses. (He doesn’t die instantly from dragonglass or Valyrian steel but he can’t reanimate the dead.)

    Ch 62 Black hands
    Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King
    Book&Literature · papudepapus
  • GrInfo

    Have a reaction chapter to a white walker fighting, and easily killing powerful warriors like it’s nothing please. Also Robb being able to warg many horses did not make so much sense, he should not have that type of power, Bran should. Also, where is Euron Greyjoy?

    Ch 150 Time to Think
    Game of Thrones: Blood and Winter
    TV · Carrots123
  • GrInfo

    If this is the injustice universe, Batman would not, he did not forgive Damian for murdering much less a stranger. Just take them to jail.

    Esau had a long way to go if he wanted to get onto Batman's level, that's why the very same hero wanted to teach him. Just like Dick, Esau had the potential and raw talent to actually surpass him and he didn't want talent like that to go to waste or end up in the wrong hands. But he also knew that Esau would never accept his training outright, Barbara had described his distaste and anger for superheroes quite vividly and so would spurn their offer for help.
    Injustice: The Path To Hell (DC Comics)
    Anime & Comics · Carrots123
  • GrInfo

    When are you coming back! 😭

    Ch 239 Finalised deal
    How to Raise Your Regressor
    Fantasy · Anit666
  • GrInfo

    Fire is hot.

    `They are preparing for war`
    Prince of the Desert
    Book&Literature · Eden_of_Kovir