


I'm an editor that works with people who though they speak English, are non-native speakers, and are unfamiliar with the typical everyday use of English in writing. My hours are 1pm - 5pm EST

2021-07-11 JoinedUnited States

of reading


Read books




  • Waka_Metalbelly

    Story padding? Really? You'd think one of the "Big Ranking" stories wouldn't need that....

    Ch 1 Ignore this
    Naruto: Sakura's Symbiote [Rewrite]
    Anime & Comics · PrincessThrone
  • Waka_Metalbelly
    Replied to FireFlames

    The word your looking for is (It's). It's is a contraction of "it is" and should be used where a sentence would normally read "it is." An absence of contractions and other such signs of TPE, otherwise known as "Too Perfect English", are usually caused by one of/or two things happening. Either both author and editor are non-native speakers of the language used in the story and don't understand American vernacular, or it's the copy/paste result of a direct machine translation from the language the author originally wrote the story in sans an editor that's a native speaker. Neither are good things when it comes to American readers by the way.

    But all of a sudden his phone started ringing, hearing which he sighed and said, "Probably it's mom who is not able to find the T.V. remote. Well back to the duty boy."
    My Hero Academia: The customizer
    Anime & Comics · overloaded_maxima
  • Waka_Metalbelly
    Replied to Honoured_Writer

    This reads like someone wrote a novel in Chinese then fed it through Google Translate and posted what came out.

    Ch 1 IT'S ANIME!!!
    My Hero Academia: The customizer
    Anime & Comics · overloaded_maxima
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    Listen, the TL/DR of it all is that if you've got an afternoon to kill but your desperate for a Witcher fic, and don't mind bad grammar and a subpar plot that was dragged out to the point of absurdity? Go for it. Myself? Yea, I wasn't a fan of this, but hey your mileage may vary.

    Witcher: The Divine Hunter
    Others · MkoPoland
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    I'm not gonna sugar coat it, It's got some issues. The grammar is a bit wonky, but otherwise doesn't suck. So far.....

    Ch 3 Chapter 3: Butcher
    Witcher: The Divine Hunter
    Others · MkoPoland
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    And here we have yet another really interesting story killed by bad grammar. If you can stand the bad "engrish" it might be something you'd like. But for me? I don't *care* if it "gets better". Just getting to the third chapter was about as much as I could stand.

    A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)
    Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    Genuinely one of the single worst stories I've ever read. And yet another story on Webnovel that makes me wonder how much money these people pay for these obviously fake high ratings. I slogged it out till chapter 384, so while it may get better? I'll not be seeing it. I know that sounds defeatist, but I just could force myself to read more of this absolute garbage. I won't spoil it for anyone that (by whatever miracle) actually enjoys this story, but for everyone looking for a good Multi-crossover Witcher Fanfic? Avoid this. Because this was a story written by someone who enjoyed The Witcher on Netflix after Henry Cavill left the show. So if you're looking for a good fic? This is not the read for you. For those that don't mind spoilers, read on. Some stories are so bad they come back around to good just by how laughably awful they are. This is *not* one of those times. Right around the HP move, the MC turns into a self-righteous high-horse riding asshole/spinless loser with delusions of competence. While Ciri goes from a minor level of "bearable but not that nice" to uber-cunt and turns almost completely unlikeable to the point of ridiculousness. She's a "Femdom" lesbian queen that's *constantly* after the MC's main romance. And not in a fun way either. It's being done in such a way that in RL you would knock out the asshole doing what she does, and then not talk to them anymore. Like she's pulling some actual friendship-killing bullshit. Am I overreacting? No. Not at all. If someone did to me what she keeps doing to the MC, I'd very likely (without a DAMN good apology) never speak to them again. And depending on their attitude, probably get into a pretty ugly fight with them. As for the MC? He's a cucking little fool who can't stop talking out of his ass. You constantly go back and say "No way did he actually say something *that* cringe" only to find out that not only was he actually as cringe as he sounded, but he also gets worse as time goes on. It's like two separate people wrote this story and swapped places halfway through the first half of it. To the *absolute* detriment of the story. Because this story, it didn't start this way. This started out as an honestly amazing story. The writing quality was fine, the MC was interesting, and the plot was engaging. But after a while, this very quickly turned into yet another trash heap. So yea. Avoid.

    Elder Blood Witcher
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    It's a *very* interesting story, but be very aware that when the OP says "English is a third language" they mean it. The bad "engrish" makes that pretty obvious. Like it's an already-written story they fed through Grammarly or something. Anyway yea, give it a shot, but keep that in mind.

    Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel
    Anime & Comics · EvansKannon
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    There's not much to say other than it's a really interesting idea let down by absolutely garbage writing. Now, when you read "garbage writing" you probably thought, "Oh it can't be *that* bad." right? Wrong. It really is that bad. Till this get's a major top-to-bottom rewrite with a qualified editor, it would be best to avoid it.

    Dragonball : Super Raditz
    Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    You need an editor. Badly. This was awful.

    Ch 8 A father
    Dragonball : Super Raditz
    Anime & Comics · ImagineMaker
  • Waka_Metalbelly
    Replied to rubber_band123

    Why is it so many stories on this site (that's *supposed* to be an English *only* site btw) are so damn full of bad "engrish"? And I agree. Yamcha is normally not the brightest bulb in the house, but this one made a bowling ball look sharp.

    I'm Gohan!
    Anime & Comics · LordPhenex026
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    A native-speaking English editor. You need one.

    Ch 1 Chapter 1: What?!
    I'm Gohan!
    Anime & Comics · LordPhenex026
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    Rather than the lengthy rant/novel I had planned to write, I'll post a shot from a conversation I had with a friend that summed up my thoughts on this story. "The whole thing is confusing in the extreme. You have *no clue* what's going on. At all. And it's not till around 8 or so that things even START to look like a story. As for Mass Effect being involved? I mean maybe? You could look, but I wouldn't recommend it. I stopped reading around chapter 10 or so. I just couldn't force my way through more of this acid trip pretending to be a story." Basically, this "story" is an example of 'go home and try again'. The wild part is that this is a rewrite. God, I can't imagine how bad the first one was that *this* was considered an improvement. Yikes. All in all, unless yet *another* rewrite with an actual editor that's worth a damn riding shotgun is in the future for this fic, it's a safe throw into the "AVOID" pile.

    Crap, I Was Rifted (New Game+)
    Video Games · FrozenTidez
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    In today's episode, an interesting story and plot are overwhelmed by bad grammar. Really bad. As in "I'm fairly sure English isn't a first language for either the writer or the editor" bad. Now I only made it to chapter 4, but that's all I'm willing to slog through.

    Reincarnated As The Hero Ring
    Fantasy · ExChaser
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    Two things are clear. Firstly, the writer is *Not* a native English speaker. Secondly, neither is their editor. An interesting idea, but wow is this hard to read.

    Ch 3 Chapter 003 | The three friends
    Marvel's Superman [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · BingeFics
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    This story is what it looks like when a great writer "Hey, wouldn't be cool if..." themselves straight into Grimtard. Now granted said Grimtard is only in the last few chapters, but Oh My Damn is it in the last few chapters. Up to the last few chapters though? Easily one of the better Fallout fics I've ever read.

    Steel Waste
    Video Games · Niggross
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    Whoever told you that "Thump" **** was a good idea? Slap them.

    Ch 12 Is it cowardly?
    Prince Of Waste. Reborn into Fallout as a Molag/Deathclaw
    Video Games · So_Aap_Jay
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    Then why the **** is it there?

    Ch 1 Read the lastest chapter.
    Prince Of Waste. Reborn into Fallout as a Molag/Deathclaw
    Video Games · So_Aap_Jay
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    The formatting of this is absolute garbage. This a perfect example of go home and do it again. The story? It might be nice. I couldn't get past the script posing as a first chapter.

    Fallout 4 Infinity
    Video Games · LordSpecter3366
  • Waka_Metalbelly

    What started off as yet another "Hew hew hew, System screws you!" story turned into exactly that. The actual idea of this story was interesting for sure, but the execution left much to be desired. TL/DR: Basically the MC is completely screwed over innumerous times by the "System" that said in chapter one it would have no further interaction after the initial setup. The "System" not only proceeds to interact, but consistently becomes a story breaking problem. And it does so every other chapter. So every time the MC starts to get a handle of how things work, and in general just starts to get ahead, the "System" shows up to either nerf to hell and back, or outright destroy any advancement. Yea. Not worth the read. Yet another example in a long list of stories on this site that does *not* deserve the high rating it has.

    Reject Humanity, Return to Monke
    Fantasy · IAmGuavaFruit