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  • Rayyer

    characters are not that interesting as it's kinda hard read because how boring it its AZ u can't really tell how's talking throw the dialogue as they are forgettable and the humor is dry. say Nig*a was ligit written as if it's was the best joke in the world

    This book has been deleted.
  • Rayyer

    this story feels half haphazardly made with inconsistencies singing would be stated and would then next its made redundant. mc is a insert expect all female to be protected no matter what they do

    System Of The Undead
    Sci-fi · Kelvin_A
  • Rayyer

    there alot of problems with this story the heavy incest and pedophile vibe this story constantly shove in ur face which further degrades the already lacking personality of the characters in the story. the forced self insert narrative in the story and the unnecessary need for the isaki stuff

    Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System
    Fantasy · Barion_Trident
  • Rayyer

    the story has potential but that fact that this book is over a year old and only 50 readable chp is absorbed there not much to make an opinion on it but fuck the update is horrendous he make 6 chp 8months later then make 20 then another 9months then 20 again and not 20 bomb u going have to wait for him to lowly release them

    The Soul Sovereign System
    Urban · Rish_madara
  • Rayyer

    it was really good at the start but if got more irrating as the story goes on has Quinn never matures in any way for the longest of time and he get all the prize and title only for those responsible to be pushed on other and get credited for it and don't like how forced the romance get after a death of a certain character and they try to force sexual thing in the story just for it and to start forcing sexual on said female character even though it doesn't fit there personally in a succubus to justify it

    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Rayyer

    no don't know how the f people this this is good in any way

    The Legendary Mechanic
    · Webnovel Comics
  • Rayyer

    it just generic overpowered mc story like the rest.there no story development in this book I have read about 100chp how can u write a interesting consent moving story if the mc already know what to what going to happen how all the characters thing , there past future depiste desire etc u can't it just fan fiction at that point since nothing has value anymore u just waiting for the mc to get more overpowered then he already is

    The Legendary Mechanic
    Games · Qi Peijia
  • Rayyer

    I want to know does the thought of a story where an mc both breaks every rule set in this world and know everything about every one appeal to and characters are just troupes after troupes there meaningful build up to anything

    Conquering The Game's World
    Fantasy · Dakshay
  • Rayyer

    19 chapters in and you don't get a good image of who the mc is. the fights scen e in this book can even be qualified to be called a scuffle has its to fast and there a no show and a lot of tell the story us Hella rushed as in 5chp the mc light goes 2 ranks up aka 20 levels the power system is both generic and stupid as outside the 2 highest rank awakened are not that strong a B rank 4 highest has enough power to Crack a wall literally stated in the book meaning there weaker then grenade. I'm here winder how the fuck the wasn't able to kill the monster

    Only Wisdom Awakened
    Fantasy · Almun_
  • Rayyer

    this story is just an story about the incel author rape fantasy for the like the next 20 chapters all he doesn't if both defend and justify the mc rape and pedophile nature saying the world is wrong for judging him. do you know of fuck up it is for and 80 old man in a 14year old boy going around and doing this shit

    Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil
    Fantasy · Grayback
  • Rayyer

    character are unlikable especially the mc and the girls there written only to be mega slots for the mc and I don't know why because there been no Build up no chemistry etc justify shit behavior and treatment be oh shit she's hot and miss understood . mc personality is both

    The Invincible Full-Moon System
    Fantasy · Mrboogey13
  • Rayyer

    my main gripes with this story is the character there so stereotypical there literally nothing likeable about the mc and the side character there entire personality and existane is based on 3 thing 1) a negative trait 2) there race and sex( not in a good way) female are constantly belittle and overly sexaulized every other paragraph. blatant racism . 3) the mc superiority complex and narcissistic personality thinking he is always right, everyone's wrong. preaches virtues that he never implements etc

    Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom
    Fantasy · Arkinslize
  • Rayyer

    shifty generic iskai story the flow of the panel are so disconnected its pain inducing. design of character are as generic and fanservesy as possible dialog doesn't fell natural etc

    The Legendary Mechanic
    · Webnovel Comics
  • Rayyer

    I'm really enjoying how the story is developing at first I commented that the mc was overpowering but I change my mind as the story developing the wordl is pretty balance mostly leaning into overpower but balance. the characters are are very expressive and different giving the wordl a more vibrant and dark really like yo real work no body is just a characterization of a trope for the most part and are pretty likeable. the jokes are hit or miss the theme is mature. not dark not edge it well written with a maturity of an adult when "certain" things are talk about/approach. I belive the written actually wants you write a story rather the self insert generic edgy fantasy like most work p.s I believe the romance in the book was done a bit poorly no build up or nothing just bang a couple

    Hero x Villain Online (ARRPG)
    Games · SurelyNotEli
  • Rayyer

    the book has potential but 20 chapters is way to short for reader to get a good feel about the story chp20 just end right in a middle of a conflicts that not how you sell a book because there be people like Mt that font want to invest as we didn't get enough time to feel the book out.

    Fantasy · MagusRex
  • Rayyer

    this is one of the most potential books but because of all they shit it keeps trying to do just makes me madI don't mc is personal is just mega simpthey try to make him cool by making him dumb idiot that simp over a girl that has less personality then some of the side characters can only be described using negative characteristic e.g demanding .every female except 1 is described,Behavior and demeanor is the sluttiest its as if the writer has never interactive with a women other then from porn and shit. the action underwhelming as the power scaling is so inconsistent its maddening. everything is written for the convenience of the mc so everything the writer say " cool and calculative" it's just cringe there he's just a stupid kid that looking for reasons to justify kill and dumb

    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • Rayyer

    let tell u this the entire story is built on the for the continent of the mc he barely develop even 1000chapters in has the intelligence of a toddler as he goes on and on about evil this corrupt this etc but never has a plan about h oe to solve what to get rid of the corrupt l. is shit leader has everyone else does that shit for him but get all the credit for some reason he literally the hulk does nothing but destroy shit that it. but some how he's a Jesus Christ 😒😒😒

    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Rayyer

    they story a as uninspired as trash soup I like seriously bad shit happens just for the sake of it to be used as a plot point for shifty attempt to move and develop a story. I one chaper he's parents die, develop a crush on a girl to then time skip 12 she get raped and killed for what to make the story edgy to give the mc a goal.don't waste ur time her that was only the 1st it just gets worse the more u read and porn has better dialog then this

    The Magitek System
    Fantasy · MosbyYors
  • Rayyer

    this is by far the laziest and rape infested shit I have ever seen

    God of Milfs: The Gods Request Me To Make a Milf Harem
    Urban · AGodAmongMen
  • Rayyer

    I didn't like the story at first but there been a few Grammer errors with entire words or sentences missing that laps u in the face when you recognize them.then story development what I don't like is how the druids agency, free will and to some level respect has this ark in sense force the white savior trope on how everything and everyone is just there to worship and to be "saved" by the whites as the table talk about a savior make it so the druids entire existence to worshiping a hod not of there race and to sit by and wait for someone of another race to save them as they can't do anything them self or not worthy of saving them slef/ reaching greatness but is just a stepping stone for others

    The Cardinals Path to the Supreme
    Fantasy · Silver72