
The Legendary Mechanic

Author: Qi Peijia
Video Games
Completed · 52.7M Views
  • 1463 Chs
  • 4.6
    5.8K ratings
  • NO.80

What is The Legendary Mechanic

Read ‘The Legendary Mechanic’ Online for Free, written by the author Qi Peijia, This book is a Video Games Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, WEAKTOSTRONG Light Novel, VIDEOGAME Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: What do you do when you wake up and find yourself inside the very game that you love? What do you do when you realize yo...


What do you do when you wake up and find yourself inside the very game that you love? What do you do when you realize you that you have not only become an NPC - you have even been thrown back in time to before the game even launched! What will happen when our protagonist's two realities coincide? Han Xiao was a professional power leveler before his transmigration. Using his past life's knowledge, Han Xiao sweeps through the universe as he prepares for the arrival of the players. This is definitely not your typical transmigration novel.

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(MENGANDUNG KONTEN 21+) CERITA INI 100% KARANGAN AUTHOR SAJA YA, UNTUK HIBURAN SEMATA DAN BUKAN CERITA NYATA YANG BENAR-BENAR TERJADI !!! . . Vol 1 Hidup mewah tidak menjamin kebahagiaan, nyatanya Kisha si gadis kecil yang ceria malah mendapatkan bahaya dan duka dari kehidupan mewahnya itu. Satu persatu keluarganya mati mengenaskan, mereka di bunuh demi sebuah keserakahan. Perjuangannya dalam menuntaskan dendam dimulai, ia melangkah keluar dari zona nyamannya demi sebuah misi kehancuran. Tapi nyatanya, yang ia dapatkan malah kembali kehilangan. Mampukah Kisha melanjutkan langkahnya??? . . Vol 2 3 tahun setelah pembantai, Kisha tumbuh jadi gadis yang cantik. Ia berusia 20 tahun, dan sudah menjadi pimpinan perusahaan yang sangat cerdas dan kreatif. Kehidupannya di London terbilang santai, sampai tiba saat harus kembali ke kota A untuk sebuah kerja sama. Kisha di pertemukan kembali dengan masa lalu yang cukup di kenalnya, walau sudah berusaha menghindar dan menjauh. Ingatan yang hilang pun perlahan kembali, mengajak Kisha untuk kembali masuk ke rasa sakit yang sama. Dendam lama kembali terbuka dan ada satu perintah yang membuat Kisha berubah 180° setelahnya. Nama yang selama ini dicarinya karna membunuh seluruh keluarganya, berubah menjadi daftar orang-orang yang harus di bantu olehnya. Akankah Kisha kembali melanjutkan misi balas dendamnya??? Atau malah terjebak dalam kisah lainnya? . . Adult Konten, ada beberapa chapter yang mengandung kekerasan dan seksual. Harap bijak dalam membaca, dan tolong hargai penulis !!! Maaf typo, kepotong, atau kesalahan lainnya. Maklum buku pertama, sengaja tidak di edit biar jadi kenangan perjuangan :) . . . * BACA JUGA CERITAKU YANG LAINNYA : 1. POLIGAMI 2. Bukan Salah Rasa 3. Jika Takdir Berkehendak *JANGAN LUPA FOLLOW IG AUTHOR JUGA, HEHE @shasecret_ ARIGATOU NE MINNA, JAA MATTA.

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ridhaanasution · General
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4 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8
Volume 9
Volume 10
Volume 11
Volume 12
Volume 13
Volume 14
Volume 15


  • Overall Rate
  • Translation Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

Reveal spoiler


Editor review. Hey guys, glad to see this novel finally published :D It's been in the works for over a year now, but due to a few changes of translators, it'll been constantly delayed. When we lost the first translator, I specifically requested to stay on this project because I enjoy the story so much. So, obviously, I'm a big fan of the story. The MC has some heartfelt moments, some hilarious moments (the 'Spicy.' in one of the early chapters killed me), and some smart/scheming moments, which is pretty much all I ask for in a novel :D If you have any questions or notice any errors or inconsistencies (they're inevitable, especially with a change of translator midway), feel free to reply here or message me on Discord. My ID is millman97#8008.


(Guys Check out my new on my profile) Website : qidian china Views : 32.67million Rating : 9.2 (1328) Chapters : 765 Rank : 20 Status : ongoing Word count : 2.19million author level : 5 No of works : 2 Disscussion : 26006 Year started : 2017 Chinese title : 超神机械师 One of the most popular novels in qidian right now


nice litRPG theme novel, realistic stories, plot encounter, dramatic spices all of this blend perfectly... better than other brain dead MC with same genre, I thought this is not Chinese novel more like Korean novel, but after my "dream" "wakes up" by some BS illogical author, I now know how to spend my stone~


Story was quite good until 80+ chapters. After that, MC started to develop complex of god and author started to cover loopholes in story. In this novel was stated that this world is real and MC was believing in it, but, at some point, he started to treat NPC just as XP and after some analyzes, I believe he has quite serious mental issues. Some readers believe that officers are "arrogant idiot", orders and regulations were incorrect and stuff that MC did is fine. But such readers are looking at situations only from POV of MC, and does not look beyond what author shows them. If we analyze this novel from POV of real life army and other characters, we can see that MC is very stupid, immature and a psycho. I love smart MC, and I am fine with him being a psycho, but when you show that some random gamer with average talent is smarter than all officers, government, etc... It is a completely different story... Basically, in my opinion, author does not understand real life.


This is another transmigration into a role-playing video game where the MC knows what will happen in the future. The twist is the MC transmigrate as an NPC that can also level up and learn skills like a player. It is still unclear if players will be introduced into the story or how smart the MC is at utilizing his foresight, but so far, it's not a bad story. No face slapping, stuck-up girl or young master in the first 15 chapters.


Somewhat Disappointing, it has a fantastic beginning and really kick ass MC... for the first few chapters, after that the characters become increasingly 2d, and disposable, a great deal of face slapping and MC pride mongering ensues, there are some funny moments and a couple slightly thought provoking ones...but it leaves you with the feeling of bait and switch, which is really frustrating and makes you feel robbed. Don't get me wrong, its not a bad story, but it feels like a scifi with all the tropes of a wuxia novel, So much potential in this story feels like it has been wasted, and a lot of it feels like it is first sucked out of the authors thumb, and then given shallow justifications as to why and how it is happening.


I LOVE THOS STORY. But it went premium. I am poor. These two things go together as well as Han Xiao and Germinal. T_T Anyway, this is an amazing story, and give the first 89 free chapters a go if you are poor like me. Chapters are short, but overall this is a very enjoyable novel. Don’t hold a grudge for the short chapters.


The whole writing is a mess. Logic is non-existent and there's no consistency. Main character loses past life's memories but still remembers a lot of things when it's convenient for the author, while at other times he murders without blinking cause he doesn't remember. Just no.


Story started out great, was really getting into it. However, as of the most current chapters(90), the last few have been very iffy. The interaction with the Germinal boss after the base sabotage for instance was pretty sloppy and downright stupid. Story seems to be going downhill. Not to mention the sub par release rate and the author/translator selling out for premium.


While it isn't perfect, this is a better example of the trope of using future knowledge to your benefit. What really makes it stand out is the protagonist doesn't care if his actions change outcomes and in facts welcomes changes as opportunities to be exploited. It sometimes suffers from a little deus ex machina where he conveniently finds the design he needs or stumbles upon a treasure that helps him in his next encounter. The solutions he comes up with and his unorthodox methodology are enjoyable though. It also doesn't appear to be written off the cuff as there is evidence of foreshadowing and links back to earlier characters and story that show there is at least some planning behind it. Author doesn't conveniently forget about things just because it happened 40 chapters ago.


After the initial novelty about thr mechanic class it fell right into another chinese novel genre. I don't know if it is just the chinese way of writing things.. god like things.. mt tai.. trash talk.. call trash to anyone .. maybe i have read a lot of those types of novels where the dialogue gets boring. He cries at start about unfair . But the 'evil' woman that is somehow really ice queen and sexy type is not evil and 10 out of 10 is gonna be with mc. And mechanic hard class? Nvm. Here start in high tech labs and dissasemble for 6 months... right.. unfair.. no love.. sure.. Another chinese novel.. Sometime the descriptions feel very bland or very hasty.. All in all.. just meh.


So far I love the start and can tell there is a ton of potential. The only downside is the 7chapters/week release......................................


one of the better novels in here. system novel, that logically explained itself and tied up most of the loose plots at ending. i read the whole thing, and inhave to say it was enjoyable all the time and i had no such times when i wanted to drop it. standing ovation for author from me. shame ending was cut so short, wished for a bit more trivia and short stories here ;(


curious about the continuation of this novel? You can read the MTL version first on : novelraw.blogspot.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


We need more !! we need mass chapter !! 7/week not enough !! spirit stone? power stone? if this novel not make me bored.. i will give it all to you~ now i waiting.....for...more.... chapter.....


this is a good novel, but anyone reaching where privilege starts, don't waste your coins. translator and/or editor is cheating all readers and the system by resetting the time it says a chapter released, which causes webnovel's system to register it as if it's still getting updates at the proper rate. the last 2 weeks we've gotten maybe 6 chapters, even though it's supposed to be 11 chapters weekly. DO NOT WASTE YOUR COINS ON PRIVILEGE, THEY ARE SCAMMING US ALL. and to make it even better webnovel is refusing udls refunds because of the chapter release timer reset trick.


A decent story ruined by greedy translators. They can't even do 1 per day anymore and are lowering it to 1 every 2 days? The SS for each chapter are not cheap, and even with privilege it would only be a max of 1 per day, so what even is this ****ty quality of updates? Forget about mass releases, can you even finish the story this decade?


This novel has high potential to be awesome. This 140 chacter review thing is pissing me off 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


I have read up to volume 3 of this novel raw, though it looks boring, do give it a chance. pros: it is a unique story unlike any there I have, it is about how the mc uses the players to his advantage cons: big plot hole include how the troubles caused by the mc never get the devs attention. This game world is real and the players are like beings from higher dimensions or something like that so. There will be lots of action and comedy. There is little romance to where I have read which is about 400 chapters.


More about this book

Millman97, AtlasStudios, Atlas StudiosTranslatorchickenpau, Chocolion, AtlasStudiosEditor