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  • RosoviyR

    of course, a well-off girl, you still need context, does she provide for you or do you still have to work

    Imagine this: you're in a hypothetical situation. You're faced with a choice between a beautiful but financially struggling woman who would rely on you for a living or a woman who may not be conventionally beautiful but is financially secure, ensuring your future. What would you do in this scenario?
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • RosoviyR

    What is true is true, sometimes I think that it is no worse than popular actors, but the front camera invigorates me)

    At the same time, Isao's bangs were rather long, and he also wore round glasses, which obscured his eyes. Frankly, he was handsome, but as a male, it was normal for Bell to think that he was more handsome since a guy was a creature who believed that they were the most handsome guy in the world. 
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • RosoviyR

    I am very glad that he will not die here as in other fiks, it is better to let him be "like that"...

    Yes, he had planned to make Souichiro into a messiah, the leader of everyone, who was immune from the bite of those "things." 
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • RosoviyR

    Yes, of course it's nice to play things that you're good at, especially your friends)

    It was a fun Skill to have that could even make me millions of dollars a month if I focused. Unfortunately, that wasn't my goal, but it could still be a useful Skill to have fun when horsing around with friends in the future.
    Gamer Superstar
    Fantasy · NunuXD
  • RosoviyR
    Replied to Bret_Desanti

    30$ )

    I think I can get about $80 if I sell all this... I thought as I decided to sell everything to buy a guitar.
    Gamer Superstar
    Fantasy · NunuXD
  • RosoviyR

    Am I dreaming? The lemon scene in the novel Akikan?

    Ch 46 A night butterfly
    Ultimate Being from the Tokonosu City
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • RosoviyR
    Replied to diabolic_diablo


    Transmigrated as a Fat villain: All heroines are after me
    Fantasy · A4KL
  • RosoviyR
    Replied to diabolic_diablo

    let's consider the topic closed, my English is not good enough to continue the dialogue with you

    Transmigrated as a Fat villain: All heroines are after me
    Fantasy · A4KL
  • RosoviyR
    Replied to diabolic_diablo

    🙈 another person who thinks that the face of the most important fortune in the world, which will take you anywhere, can, which saddens me, that you cannot feel for yourself how useless it really is to have all the “desirable” qualities, just being a little above average, and the rest depends on your abilities) (I’m not taking into account the really beautiful people, they are really lucky, well, there are only 0.00001 such people in the whole world)

    Transmigrated as a Fat villain: All heroines are after me
    Fantasy · A4KL
  • RosoviyR

    I noticed that a couple of years ago, when something like this happened in novels, I immediately threw them, but now I can quite tolerate a couple of situations, what an infectious thing...

    "Fuck, fuck, fuck! I am so not cut out for this bullshit!"
    Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night
    Urban · Zentmeister
  • RosoviyR
    Replied to Bibongsensei

    Mostly, yes. Although it is more correct to say a narcissist or just a person who is crazy about his appearance...

    Transmigrated as a Fat villain: All heroines are after me
    Fantasy · A4KL
  • RosoviyR

    Guys, just drop off the chapter number where all the "unpleasant" events with Freya and so on take place, after reading them you will be able to understand whether this is your cup of tea, and whether it will be possible to tolerate it...

    Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos
    Anime & Comics · Einlion
  • RosoviyR

    Yes, it is better not to read to people living in Russia, this is complete nonsense and the author has a good imagination to invent) юююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю

    Becoming a Russian Oligarch After Rebirth
    Urban · Azure Bay
  • RosoviyR

    Well, for a novice author the story is quite good, but the characters do not have a consistent character, the story goes too quickly, although the pace is not great. The main character cares too much about his appearance, why? Was he a model in a past life or something? There are still some moments that confuse me, but the story is quite suitable to pass the time, because the plot itself is quite interesting)

    Transmigrated as a Fat villain: All heroines are after me
    Fantasy · A4KL
  • RosoviyR

    She fell in love too quickly, she felt dislike for him at most a chapter ago, and maybe she saw a man in him, and after an incomprehensible speech she fell in love? They broke my character.

    Ch 61 He is the great Hydral![5K]
    A Villain's Way of Taming Heroines
    Fantasy · POWER_
  • RosoviyR

    $200 and I can live on it for a month, and I live...

    He came from a middle-class background and currently lived with his parents, who had a ton of debt. They were barely earning up to $50,000 a year.
    My Evil Stepson System
    Urban · Megabyte
  • RosoviyR

    Let's start with the fact that for me this is the first novel of this kind, the idea is original. I like the way the characters are written, maybe there is no 100% similarity, but there is no feeling of awkwardness. Also speaking about the plot I would like to say that here the main character collects rather "loving" harem and I do not think that the story will be passable heroines (at the time of review 100 chapters) The most important bed scenes in the norm, which does not allow you to distract from the development of events. the chapters come out often enough, and the words are enough. probably the only thing that can be commented on is the monotony, because for me this everyday life about "a little lacking love" of a man who confuses it with lust) I would like to write a good review, but I'm afraid of my English deal.🌚

    Unheard Wishes: A Tale of Desires
    Anime & Comics · Over_The_Moon69
  • RosoviyR
    Replied to GilgameshTheFirst

    . I guess I rather love the Harem, but, unfortunately, its composition should not exceed 3 at the very least, if a little more. And that's for stories with lots of chapters and great interactions. Again, it's difficult to write novels with this tag, because in all novels the characters are too superficial, and I understand your point of view, but as a reader I want the hero to go through a lot of things along the way, unsuccessful relationships or some kind of misunderstanding, it seems to me that stories with romance where only the hero and heroine are not very good, since most authors cannot show them correctly that they will get bored after 100 chapters.

    Systemless Villain
    Eastern · abinn
  • RosoviyR

    In my country it is 18. But unfortunately, many people can safely buy alcohol in small shops. Of course, some even buy medicine with alcohol content and use them...

    The students were shocked as soon as they heard Klaus's answer, especially a female student who had previously intended to tease him. They stared at Justin. The minimum age to consume alcohol was 21, if they gave Klaus alcohol, then they would be in trouble.
    Reincarnated as the Son of Conglomerate
    Fantasy · mozziexxxx
  • RosoviyR
    Replied to Voltixx

    I am more surprised that you are thinking about it at the moment, it is probably difficult to keep such things in mind all the time. How can you even enjoy novels?

    "I should be able to create a new technique with this, I still have my knowledge from my previous world, and if I remember correctly, As lightning passes through a minus two hundred seventy degrees Celsius cold temperature. They become polarized and align, which can generate energy that is discharged when lightning flashes, at times creating so much energy that a bolt can heat the air it passes through to 50,000°F."
    A Destined Young Master Villain
    Fantasy · Xerzxes