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  • Tensa
    Replied to Caleb_Ross_9643

    Depends actually. It can be human and angel, demon and human, demon and angel, or even god and human or god and demon. Depending on parentage your heritage may also never awaken.

    The Knight Called Kyros
    Ascension of the Nephilim
    Fantasy · Rapture_Tales
  • Tensa
    Replied to Draekan

    There may be a “base” left to it. Like the spine and some such pieces stuck to it.

    Eventually, he managed to scramble into a corner next to the corpse of the Spark Seeker, only to find himself in another part a few seconds later due to the sudden jolt.
    Endless Evolution: Last Star
    Fantasy · Arlemit
  • Tensa
    Replied to KVCD13

    I haven’t read the other book from this author people speculate this may have something to do with but I don’t see why not. If it can creat armor and weapons/accessories when they didn’t exist before why not a monster egg?

    It was also at the Commander Rank, and the lower ranked members of the team sighed. They would be basically sidelined again, and the best rewards would predictably go to the strongest among them.
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Tensa
    Replied to Superdee

    It’s embedded in a shield and the Champion orcs chest right now and would take precious time he may not have to retrieve. Picking one up is much faster than freeing the blade.

    Karl gave the Orc Champion's blade a twirl, getting used to the size and weight, and moved up to engage the other Orcs. He didn't need to be at the front, the Golems had that, but he did need a good angle to attack from, and Alice's golem was as tall as the Orcs were, impossible to attack around.
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Tensa
    Replied to aussiegw

    Thor is still a baby and she knows that. So definitely the Berserkers.

    "I swear, they're all on the same mental level." 
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantasy · Aoki_Aku
  • Tensa
    Replied to Badman_J

    Much more accurate lol

    – A place where insectoid type monsters roam.
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasy · Elyon
  • Tensa
    Replied to kyci

    Lol what?

    Ch 1 Nym, the boy just trying to help
    The Kindest Demon Hunter Nym
    Fantasy · Tensa
  • Tensa
    Replied to Chris_Music_Stuff

    Thank you! I appreciate the feed back. I finally stated a book.

    Ch 1 An Unknown’s Curious Adventure
    An Unknown’s Curious Adventure
    Fantasy · Tensa
  • Tensa

    I‘m looking forward to what’s to come! Don’ forget I’m going to try and start my own! Thanks for encouragement when I was unsure. You have been a good friend and I truly can’t wait to see how you go from here. Look forward to my story too bud.

    Ch 74 Special Notice
    Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint
    Fantasy · kyci
  • Tensa

    Did you mean killing and not milling?

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint
    Fantasy · kyci
  • Tensa

    Klum clearly wants to fight Yorub out of jealousy and I very much would like to see it.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint
    Fantasy · kyci
  • Tensa
    Replied to Riassuba

    So I went through your comments for other books. You are just a hateful, vial, and terrible individual whose upset at the world for some reason. If you do not like it, leave a review and explain why clearly and move on. Don’ be hateful to others. You bloody edge lord. Now go back to the end of the void.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Necromancer Of The Shadows
    Fantasy · Zero_writer
  • Tensa
    Replied to Riassuba

    Again I have to disagree. He was basically a normal human. Going in with others means splitting the loot and he would get almost nothing. So he did the one that garunteed he would get a few shadow cores. It took the original Evan two years to save up for a shadow core doing your method. So he tried something else. Again he isn’ perfect as he isn’t meant to be. But you are being far too judgmental on this case for someone in a tough situation.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Necromancer Of The Shadows
    Fantasy · Zero_writer
  • Tensa
    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint
    Fantasy · kyci
  • Tensa
    Replied to Riassuba

    I disagree with you on this. He used a lot of money for a rare core to power up then spent two years training and working for a chance to increase his power with the physique. It is incredibly hard to work with such a limiting strength with no support from anyone. While the shadow physique seems very good it’s also very limiting without the right resources.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Necromancer Of The Shadows
    Fantasy · Zero_writer
  • Tensa
    Replied to Briar_moss

    Baba Yaga had told her that her destiny was there or something to that affect. Then she met Leon again.

    "That smells nice." Elena chirped from her seat beside Leon. She had finished fawning over her new skills and abilities, and had finally calmed down, much to the appreciation of the C rank woman that she had asked for help.
    The Black Necromancer
    Fantasy · Nilo_A
  • Tensa
    Replied to Storyteller_0

    So when he first got the millipedes he used them to store weapons he picked up since he doesn’t have a storage space if his own. He summoned a millipede and it literally spat a spear into the orc.

    Leon pulled out his spear from the corpse of the spider queen, letting her slightly burned body drop down to the ground below. His gaze followed her body as she dropped down to the battleground below, buried immediately in the mass of moving bodies.
    The Black Necromancer
    Fantasy · Nilo_A
  • Tensa
    Replied to MuffinB
    The Black Necromancer
    Fantasy · Nilo_A
  • Tensa
    Replied to Veritas_

    I have red hair... and it looked more of a vibrant orange in sunlight when I was little. Plus hair dye. Also in another world who is to say that red or even purple hair isn’t more common than brown or black?

    Inside one of the many university dorm rooms, a red-haired student was sitting at his desk playing one of his favourite types of games, a zombie-survival game. He was a true Gamer in and out, and almost every moment he could spare, he would be playing one game or the other.
    Level up Zombie
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Tensa
    Replied to Thesilverderp

    That’s fair and something I hadn’t considered. Apologies.

    'Interesting. An Oriental is participating in this match,' one of the contestants thought. 'Still, he looks like a spoiled brat. I wonder if his family secretly brought in some people to help him pass the qualifiers.'
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasy · Elyon