
An Unknown’s Curious Adventure

Walking through a grove of trees. They are large with beautiful green leaves. A doe to the left. Brown fur with a white tipped tail. Constantly looking around or ears twitching. It jumps at unfamiliar sounds. It runs when a twig is snapped. Seems you have stepped on one while approaching. It's small just big enough to make an audible snap. Continue walking through the grove. You aren't sure where you are, what you are here for you, or who you are. You keep walking. There is a small creek. The water is clear and you can see minnows. You drink a bit and decide to walk up stream. After some time you find a cave. The stream seems to come from the large opening. The mouth is maybe ten foot by ten foot? You are unsure. You choose to enter and look around. There are stalagmites and stalactites as well as the creek carving its way through. The sound of water is louder. Maybe a larger source of water running nearby? You search for it. You eventually find a larger open area. Looks like a lake maybe? Perhaps not. It's a decent size body of water. There seems to be a soft glow here. Observing the walls you see fungi. They appear to be luminescent? Interesting. You choose to sleep here between two stalagmites. You were more exhausted then you thought. You wake sometime later and leave the cave. It's clear the sun is rising. Still a bit hard to see but it's getting brighter over time. You choose to follow the creek the other way. As the day progresses animals are seen. A bird. Beautiful colors. Wonder what species? Unknown. A salamander by the creek. Yellow and black spots. Small. Cute. The occasional fox or deer. You keep walking eventually coming to a river the creek runs to. It's maybe thirty foot across? Seems deep. Best not to cross. You choose to walk downstream this time. Eventually the grove is gone. It's grassland and hills now. Flowers. Pretty ones. Various colors. An amazing view when exiting the grove. Oh? A small village? You think that's what it's called. You are unsure. You walk to it curious. There are people. How nice. They give you frightened looks. Why? You do not know. You try to ask. The person screams. You are more confused. Pain. You look down. Something is stuck in your leg. A pitchfork. There is an odd substance coming from it. It's black. The same texture as blood except it's black. You try to run. It's hard. Your lungs burn. Your thigh burns more. You make it back to the grove. You don't stop. You hear them. Must run. You find the creek. There is a cave. Hide in the cave. You follow the creek once more. You eventually make it. It hurts. The bleeding won't stop. You lean against a stalagmite. Your visions dims. It's dark. There is nothing anymore. That night the town celebrates running of a demon who just wanted to know what he was.

So this is just a bit of a test to see how I do. I may start writing but I’m unsure about it. Please leave feed back and opinion’s.

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