

2020-09-22 JoinedGlobal

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  • Needmorecoffee

    See this! I just gifted the story: Magic castle

    Ch 87 87 You are my everything (AVOT)
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee
    Replied to Ahamefula_Promise

    Maybe. I personally like the idea of adoption and for the characters in romance to not all have the same kind of happy ending with marriage and children. Like I said, it is a reality for many and would be nice to see it in a story as well. I don't think it would make their end any less of a happy ending. We shall see but from jasmine's own comment, it seems she is heading that direction 🤷‍♀️

    Ch 65 65 Just a little push (AVOT)
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    See this! I just gifted the story: Massage chair

    Ch 65 65 Just a little push (AVOT)
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    Also she slapped his hand away 🤣🤣!!! These two...How long will he keep her frustrated and what will she do?

    Ch 65 65 Just a little push (AVOT)
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    Having children is wonderful, fulfilling but not everyone can. That is a reality. Adoption sounds good, especially given Rhains own history. Imagine if he got a second chance while was still a boy. Parents who protected him from all that struggle. They will be wonderful parents to their adopted child. A chosen family all around. I smiled at Daisy thinking of Rhain as a father. I loved the image she painted too 😍❤️. They compliment each other so well

    Ch 65 65 Just a little push (AVOT)
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee
    Replied to JasmineJosef

    Take your time, Jazzy. Better a good ending than a rushed one. I personally want to read the best you got and I will wait for it. Thank you for all the wonderful stories. Currently loving your other two books 😍

    Ch 329 A dream come true
    Touch of Flame
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    Great chapter! Loved Rhain's confession. He no longer wants to be a certain version of what people want him to be, the perfect son, brother or heir, or even the perfect husband. He is tired of these expectations that he has to live up to and mold himself into those roles. He wants to be seen and accepted without having to play a certain specific role and by just being himself with all versions of himself. So he is telling Daisy he is not just the caring husband. He is more than that, so he can't give her the answer she is looking for where he is just one thing or the other. He is complicated and multifaceted, and the truth is not singular in his case.

    Ch 61 61 This or That (AVOT)
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    This explains his reaction to when Helena touched him

    When Rhain was turned into a vampire, Renata reentered his life, determined to pursue him. She had always spoken of his potential as a vampire lover, and now that he was one, she sought him out. But Rhain had vowed to never allow himself to be exploited again, and he made it clear to those around him. He would not let anyone close unless he wanted them there. No one could touch him unless he initiated it, and he detested anyone who took the liberty to lay a hand on him, especially since many wanted to. It made him recoil inside. 
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    In Rhain's case being the complicated person/being he is, both things can be true. He does care but what he is trying to say is, he is still the person who relishes her fear. Both coexist as twisted as it may sound. In his case that is his truth

    Rhain's voice softened, the calmness now tinged with a melancholy she hadn't detected before. "I've referred to you as my wife, far more than I've referred to you as prey. Yet, in your eyes, it must be one or the other. I've never declared you solely my prey or renounced you as my wife. But you pine for a clear delineation, asking the same questions, yearning for a singular answer."
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    He doesn't want to be liked/loved because he fits a role bestowed upon him or because he lives up to certain expectations.

    He was tired of it. The constant molding of himself into the protective brother, the dutiful son, the perfect heir. Now he wanted to be Rhain, unburdened by guilt, no longer suppressing who he was. If he yearned to move forward, he had to do so as a whole person, not just a collection of roles. 
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    Reacting to the rumors would also in a way indicate that there is truth to it.

    "Indeed. Why don't you let me decide what examples I want to set? I would assume the Blackthornes don't get their hands dirty, nor are they offended by simple rumors. That would mean we actually paid attention to them and cared."
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    This alone says it all, what Daisy means to him and how he feels about her.

    Vampires were not only more resistant to physical pain, but to emotional ones as well, or they wouldn't remain sane staying alive for so long. It also made them appear cold, and cruel to humans because very few things truly affected them emotionally. For a Vampire to cry, they must be deeply wounded, and the fact that the stoic Rhain was having tears spoke of his pain. By choosing Daisy, he had, in a way, killed his brother. The brother for whom he had endured so much torture and humiliation for. No wonder it hurt. 
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    Interesting. Rhain's heart doesn't beat, except on rare occasions, and as the years pass, he feels himself becoming less human and more m'nster. It's how he perceives himself, a selfish m' nster. Despite caring, he believes Daisy wouldn't understand his kind of caring because it doesn't erase what he is. Daisy struggled with this, so he isn't entirely wrong. She finds it difficult to reconcile how he can both scare someone and still care for them.I suspect his self-perception is partly influenced by his brother. He thinks that his caring for Daisy also stems from a selfish place. He is often cold and detached which makes him able to actually stop himself from delving into the past and painful memories. That alone says a lot.

    Ch 55 55 Of Pride & Prey (AVOT)
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee
    Replied to Marianne33

    For once I am actually not sure who will play the game better 🤭. They are both sooo good!!!

    Ch 55 55 Of Pride & Prey (AVOT)
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee
    Replied to Sacoguns

    I believe it is a way to remain proper and keep decorum while still making the gesture. Maybe out of respect since she is now wed.

    "So I have heard," Lysander replied, his voice a haunting melody that sent a ripple of goosebumps across her skin. He extended a gloved hand, and she laid hers in his. He raised it gently, pressing a soft kiss to his own thumb. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Daisy."
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    This rarely happens. I haven't felt this strong about a couple since Skender and Roxana but I have a very strong feeling about these two. There is just something about their dynamic. I absolutely love it 🤌

    Ch 53 53 The Vessel (AVOT)
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee


    "By heavens!" He chuckled. "You really don't stop, do you? Have some wine." He grabbed the jar and poured wine into two goblets, handing one to her before sipping from his own.
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee
    Replied to K_Deck

    I suppose Lysander is not one of the few. It seems Rhain doesn't want him to know about Daisy

    "Can they discern who the Vessel is?" Rhain was aware that, among their kind, only a few possessed the ability to detect the essence and true nature of others simply by touching them. It was one of the reasons he didn't like to touch unless he had to. 
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    He has been through some tough things to resign himself to being a vampire

    "Perhaps," Rhain retorted. "But it is better than starving and freezing to death, I assure you. Or dying slowly of some disease."
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef
  • Needmorecoffee

    Daisy brings that unpredictable challenge in his life

    Lysander let out a soft chuckle. "Ah, Rhain. That's precisely why I chose you. You've always despised not having control over your life. You've yearned to pave your own path and to possess the strength and power to do so." He paused, his head tilting to the side in a thoughtful gesture. "But therein lies the dilemma. When one wields such power, life seems... too predictable, devoid of the spontaneity, of adventure, and of the challenges that life usually throws at you." His gaze settled on the empty chair Daisy had occupied moments ago.
    Midnight Surrender
    Fantasy · JasmineJosef