

2020-08-14 JoinedGlobal

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  • Daoist5DsIvu

    Respect for national boundaries is a must

    "Remember," Edgar called after him in a chillingly calm voice, "Failure is not an option. I'm up to here with other nation's governments up my ass because of Homelander who can't seem to follow the simple agreement that Vaught's heroes are not allowed on other countries' soil and air space."
    The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!
    Anime & Comics · Writing_Shirou
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Lektival

    And stupid too

    Ch 2 Old Family & New
    Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Daenerys_Targarye


    Jace nods "It's for the best, though you assume I'd only be satisfied with one wife"
    Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Daoist5DsIvu

    Too bad alicent aint here to slap some sense into him like last time

    Vermax calmed at Jace's words as he put his arm on his neck, "Maghagon zirȳla hen, (Bring him out)" Jace said with a broad smile on his face, at his words, the dragon roared a mighty roar which shook a few lose rocks from where they were perched. Silenced reigned after the dragon's roar however that was until the earth seemed to tremble inside a cave just beneath them a roar seems to shake the very earth that they stood upon. Jace felt his heart pumping as the adrenaline flowed through his veins. And that's when he saw him in all his glory, with scales as black as coal and green eyes that seemed to glow, this was the dragon Jace had started bothering for the past year, one of the Wild dragons of Dragonstone, Cannibal.
    Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Mrdelightfil

    Too much of anything is never good

    His Grandsire the king looked just as unimpressed as the Queen, for years he had dealt with his habit of wandering around and getting into trouble but he had gone too far this time. He would be sent off to foster with his Grandfather Coryls Velaryon in the hopes it would teach him some discipline, Rhaenyra begged and pleaded with the King to not do such a thing with even his Uncle believing it to be too harsh a punishment, but it all fell on deaf ears, a man had been killed by a dragon in Kings Landing, and while it may have been deserved the people won't feel safe anymore if they see the culprit flying above the city.
    Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Lollipop_gun11

    She’s the queen though and he put her daughter’s life in danger

    Needless to say, the boy was in trouble when they arrived back at the keep, a dragon swooping down and setting someone alight isn't something that can be easily hidden, when they arrived back at the Red Keep it was to a Queen who was hysterical, for hours search parties had been looking for the two and while Rhaenyra was worried for her son she knew he had Vermax and what better guard is there than a dragon. However, the Queen didn't see things this way and slapped the boy across the face dragging the young princess out of his arms and cursing him the whole time.
    Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Daoist5DsIvu

    I don’t know why, but everyone here thinks it’s wrong to react the way she did. It’s perfectly normal

    Needless to say, the boy was in trouble when they arrived back at the keep, a dragon swooping down and setting someone alight isn't something that can be easily hidden, when they arrived back at the Red Keep it was to a Queen who was hysterical, for hours search parties had been looking for the two and while Rhaenyra was worried for her son she knew he had Vermax and what better guard is there than a dragon. However, the Queen didn't see things this way and slapped the boy across the face dragging the young princess out of his arms and cursing him the whole time.
    Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic
    TV · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Daoist5DsIvu

    Would have been such a wonderful story but for the love of- The complete and utter feminization of the story is just... ugh! And then the demonization of male characters or reduction to side characters is just disgusting

    Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)
    Book&Literature · athass_prkr
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Alastor_The_SCP

    Yes now have a great day- oh wait, you can’t. You’re dead.

    Even Onoki, who had read only the mission file , could guess the consequences of failing to complete the mission, while these two idiots were planning to destroy the world.
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Alastor_The_SCP

    Nothing. the end. It was nice knowing you NPC

    Even Onoki, who had read only the mission file , could guess the consequences of failing to complete the mission, while these two idiots were planning to destroy the world.
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Alastor_The_SCP

    And you’ll die knowing that you’re most foolish person in existence and the person that you destroyed the world to save would know that its your fault and die hating you.

    Even Onoki, who had read only the mission file , could guess the consequences of failing to complete the mission, while these two idiots were planning to destroy the world.
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Alastor_The_SCP

    So your actions will be in vain

    Even Onoki, who had read only the mission file , could guess the consequences of failing to complete the mission, while these two idiots were planning to destroy the world.
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to HiyoriSimp

    Hey, blame the game not the player...

    "Woh, what was that? And who are you? I know that you are trying to help but using your quirk here is still against the Law," the Hero said even though he knew that he needed the help there. 
    MHA : Hero Time
    Anime & Comics · kamidemond
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Vedora_Tempest


    Yuta just did what the older man said and waited until he completed what he was doing. Thankfully won't tickle girls half of his age, otherwise, Yuta didn't know how to react. 
    MHA : Hero Time
    Anime & Comics · kamidemond
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Alastor_The_SCP

    You realize that if the world gets destroyed, you'll both die too.

    Even Onoki, who had read only the mission file , could guess the consequences of failing to complete the mission, while these two idiots were planning to destroy the world.
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring
  • Daoist5DsIvu

    He is stupid

    Onoki exploded in anger and shouted at Gojo as if he were lecturing a stupid kid .
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to Chaosscythe

    Toji wasn't just born with it, he also had to work for it as well. Like Maki, he also lost his twin and was forced to awaken

    In an instant, Onoki's respect for Toji rose several levels.
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring
  • Daoist5DsIvu

    Fusion. For the good of jujutsu

    1- Do you want Amanai Riko to die or not?
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring
  • Daoist5DsIvu
    Replied to CoffeeLover_13

    Bro's just been chilling the whole time. The author's been protecting the cast from bro

    Away from the battlefield in the forest, in the middle of the city, as I waited for Gojo and Geeto to arrive, with riko and Koroi on my shoulders, I repeated a name.
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring
  • Daoist5DsIvu

    Huh, lucky kid

    Normally, I would have killed him quickly, but because of Yoshinobu Sensei's orders, I didn't. In the Naruto world, I was ten years old when I took a life for the first time.
    Jujutsu kaisen : Dust release
    Anime & Comics · New_ring