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2018-06-24 JoinedPoland



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  • NonReal

    I don't know. Novel had some broad generalizations but also skill levels with gu worms. Like refinement master, flying master, strength grandmaster and so on. Things that he cannot get without sufficient experience. I wouldn't discount hands on experience of an old grizzled man.

    Chen Wei shows an excited face, but inside he has no excitement since with his knowledge from the novel, he has more theoretical knowledge about cultivation than his grandfather can give him.
    Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension
    Book&Literature · CreedFollower
  • NonReal

    At least he won't have to kill his whole clan and bathe in their blood.

    Although he didn't show it, Chen Wei was very excited since he had prepared himself for low talent, so having an A-grade was like a blessing.
    Reverend Insanity-Blood Venerable Ascension
    Book&Literature · CreedFollower
  • NonReal
    Replied to leavesfalling

    Fang is a pretty common surname. Like Lee or Smith.

    Fang Yu's military assignment had been settled and Fang Zhao was back, so Second Uncle couldn't stop smiling. This gave Fang Qi, who'd almost flunked his exams, some breathing room. But what Second Uncle and family felt awkward about was the fact they were still guarded in front of Fang Zhao. It wasn't entirely due to the favor Fang Zhao had extended, although that was part of it. Second Uncle couldn't quite explain himself. He just followed his gut feeling.
    Superstars of Tomorrow
    Sci-fi · Lazy Cliché
  • NonReal
    Replied to Vitamorte

    They probably would have wanted to, however the local industry is stopping it. It was explained earlier that copyrights were established to protect local companies.

    There were many jealous fans in Leizhou. Copyrighted music in Leizhou was usually made-to-order and appeared only in ads and videos. They were not available for download. If you wanted to listen to a copyrighted song, you had to watch the ad or the original video—unless the record label released a single.
    Superstars of Tomorrow
    Sci-fi · Lazy Cliché
  • NonReal

    I thought he's familiar with the anime, and he has a enhanced memory, so why all those exagerated reactions, when he should already be prepared for all of this.

    Shishio glanced at the katana of this waitress and he didn't expect that this pretty girl would also be included in the target. His reward was also amazing, but the katana on her waist made him hesitate to start a conversation.
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • NonReal

    It's the first reward he received I actually like.

    <Congratulations, you have received "Patting Mastery">
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • NonReal

    How low is your opinion of our species?

    Shishio also understood that the exam that he had done previously was somewhat inhumane since that exam wasn't something that could be answered by a human.
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • NonReal
    Replied to Lazy_Blackberry

    He meant about his own, non system-enhanced ability. Though in reality there's a huge gap between good food and the stuff "top chefs" can make.

    In truth, Shishio was able to cook food, and even if it couldn't be compared to the top-class chef, it was still quite good. However, he received a reward from the quest and wondered how good the food that he cooked would become.
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • NonReal
    Replied to KuramaUchiha

    Depends on the family, but it's not weird at the very least.

    Inside his bedroom, Shishio didn't think too much after his naked body was seen by his aunt since he knew that the previous Shishio Oga and his aunt should have taken a bath together in the past.
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • NonReal

    And that helps with his exams how exactly? Is he gonna buy the results?

    Looking at the list of rewards, Shishio directly accepted the rewards that added directly to his assets from Wagnaria chain restaurant, Royal Okura Hotel, and a holding investment company with 20 billion yen of assets.
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • NonReal

    Depending on the setting you're already halfway there.

    Strangely enough, Shishio didn't have a nightmare last night, or rather he had a good dream. He pressed his temple and wondered why he was dreaming that he was living a harem life and he also became the most powerful man on earth.
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • NonReal

    That's not how it works.

    The second one was that this girl might lead him somewhere, then asked a group of people to beat him up, however, with his physical ability being doubled, he didn't need to worry about that.
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • NonReal

    I've never liked this aspect of those stories. This instant gain of knowledge, physique or experience. It robs the protagonist of the sense of the accomplishment one gets from long time effort (which is a wonderful thing), and eliminates growth part of the story. If you want to dig even deeper and take it semi seriously then it reduces his long term potential by conditioning him to take the easy, and discouraging him from experimenting.

    Shishio accepted the reward without hesitation and he could feel that his body became stronger. He felt that his body was full of energy and at the same time, his body had become slightly buffed and taller. He touched his stomach and could feel the eight packs which surprised him. He wanted to check it, but he knew that it wasn't the time.
    I Refuse to Become Scumbag in Tokyo
    Anime & Comics · akikan40
  • NonReal
    Replied to Grammarly

    What are you talking about? He never did anything like that. He saved her from bullies. Though her bodyguard was almost immediately on the scene so the changes would not be so great whether you skip that scene or not. Hinata was kidnapped once, but Naruto had nothing to do with it.

    "I-I-I was too weak. S-s-so I was kicked out of the Hyuga clan. A-a-a-and…"
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • NonReal

    Isn't he the Demon King? Would any of those qualities really be a surprise?

    Ch 80 Screw That Guy!
    MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer
    Games · ClasslessAscension
  • NonReal
    Replied to Eins_Mensch

    I know what this abbreviation means, but I was wondering how exactly would that look. For me just saying sci-fi or futuristic is incredibly lazy.

    Li Cheng had already laid down on his bed and put on his gaming equipment—a sci-fi style gaming helmet!
    Tribe: I Become Invincible With My 10,000x Bonus From The Start
    Fantasy · Strange Human
  • NonReal
    Replied to ClasslessAscension

    I meant about heaTpats. Is that 't' a typo, or is that some new pun I'm not familiar with.

    Headpats are OP!
    MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer
    Games · ClasslessAscension
  • NonReal

    "Heatpats" is that a typo, or a pun I just don't understand?

    Headpats are OP!
    MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer
    Games · ClasslessAscension
  • NonReal

    "Even Yu Chen"? He has a pretty high opinion of himself if he uses himself as a benchmark for everyone else.

    Although mutated beasts did not have any level of cultivation, their terrifying attack power and defensive power was something that even Ye Chen would not be able to withstand.
    Desolate Era: Hatching a Phoenix at the Beginning
    Fantasy · Canopy
  • NonReal

    Somehow I take it literally.

    [Skill: None]
    Desolate Era: Hatching a Phoenix at the Beginning
    Fantasy · Canopy