


I exist, that is all.

2017-12-21 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • Drakul
    Replied to 125678901234567909

    they are in New York, so apartments.

    He could hear the people in the room above them arguing while the people in the room in front of them were currently attempting to create a child.
    Young Justice: Ghost
    Anime & Comics · Arokey
  • Drakul
    Replied to BabaYagga

    Ain't she just so gosh darn cute?

    The boy himself hadn't been planning on joining but his fellow Martian was insistent on his presence. In his opinion, she was cute in a younger sister kind of way.
    Young Justice: Ghost
    Anime & Comics · Arokey
  • Drakul

    I don't do review, but seeing as this is plagiarism of age of men by cloud9stories, I think the 1 star is warranted.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Drakul
    Replied to Demonun

    Ain't this just The Age of Men by cloud9stories from fanfiction.net?

    This book has been deleted.
  • Drakul
    Replied to PLAINWATER

    Yeah I watched that, truely makes you wonder what kinda stuff the "hot" people of society can get away with doing.

    "But he also brought on this era of excessive heroics. An era where obsessive narcissists like Endeavor and battle maniacs like Mirko can become heroes. People who are not heroic, but power hungry. More interested in money and fame than doing what's right!" I frowned and gripped the mic harder.
    Reborn In MHA With PSI
    Anime & Comics · GoldFinger
  • Drakul
    Replied to WalterHeisenberg

    Oh wait you were impersonating a rude person, my apologies, my brain is fried.

    Because I had no identity, in the beginning, I left behind calling cards that allowed the populace to know what I preferred to be called by. The calling card was pretty straightforward. With every scene I would arrive on, I would superheat the pavement with my feet leaving behind my name, Omen.
    DC: God of Momentum
    Anime & Comics · GarbageBooks
  • Drakul
    Replied to

    Well I wouldn't be on the internet if I was a hobo living under a rock now would i mate?

    Because I had no identity, in the beginning, I left behind calling cards that allowed the populace to know what I preferred to be called by. The calling card was pretty straightforward. With every scene I would arrive on, I would superheat the pavement with my feet leaving behind my name, Omen.
    DC: God of Momentum
    Anime & Comics · GarbageBooks
  • Drakul
    Replied to

    you really don't even gitta know about building your character. The game is just learning from your mistake and boss timing not a hard game but most games don't make you do that now a days so it's considered hard.

    It was like playing a game on easy mode, after playing Dark Soul for hours.
    Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
  • Drakul
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    Yeah, but most people just call dark brown eyes black. He's probably just going with that.

    I stared into the mirror, and an unfamiliar face stared back. Short, messy black hair, black eyes, and an average face that only those familiar it with would remember.
    The Average DC Experience (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Drakul
    Replied to Slammeron01

    What is that from?

    Because I had no identity, in the beginning, I left behind calling cards that allowed the populace to know what I preferred to be called by. The calling card was pretty straightforward. With every scene I would arrive on, I would superheat the pavement with my feet leaving behind my name, Omen.
    DC: God of Momentum
    Anime & Comics · GarbageBooks
  • Drakul
    Replied to ssyffix

    i like it so far and also love overlord.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Drakul
    Replied to WhiteChaosLethal

    I did enjoy those two stories, they were fun. I still don't think it's ntr thought that the female most readers thought would be female lead wasn't nor do I think it really ruins the story in anyway for me, but I can understand you finding it dissapointings she wasn't. Guess for me when I read this story about an undead legion, I wasn't really thinking about the romance so I was not bothered by authors choice.

    Rise of The Undead Legion
    Games · Biako
  • Drakul
    Replied to Prognastat

    That's cause Tite Kubo really like fashion.

    He sighed again, there wasn't much he could do about it now. He looked down a bit and he seemed to be much taller than he remembered. Closer to 10 feet tall it seemed. Also when he looked at his arms his forearms looked like a cross between a sword and stag beetle's pincers. Also he had 4 legs now.
    Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system
    Anime & Comics · Prognastat
  • Drakul
    Replied to WhiteChaosLethal

    I suppose one dimensional characters that exist only for the mc is rather relaxing, you get to turn off your brain and not use any critical thinking skills while reading. I personally like developed characters, makes me care about them and the choice they make. It's weird how fiction is becoming a puppet word for the mc(readers) to become god and bang every girl that moves.

    Rise of The Undead Legion
    Games · Biako
  • Drakul
    Replied to AlphonseDarkshield

    She even smaller in the manga mate.

    What's more, there should be no one of such level in the Kido or secret forces aside from captain Soi Fon or her vice-captain Marechiyo Omaeda. 
    GOJO: A Sorcerer in the Soul Society
    Anime & Comics · HIKARU_GENJI
  • Drakul
    Replied to Wicked132

    I actually like the way you are fixing this mistake. pretty creative I'll give you that.

    [Cyber wares updated: from now on, nicotine and alcohol will not affect the user.]
    One Piece: The legend of Johnny Silverhand (dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Drakul
    Replied to ObamaUchiha

    Movie version sucked, it only did the whole taskmaster thing like once in the whole movie, lost his personality too, and for diversity got gender swap.

    What I'm kinda happy about is my 'entertainment' file. I don't know how my quirk made this possible, I was able to remember entire movies and series, anime and mangas. I have full versions of them, and I can enjoy them anytime I want. I will settle the 'how' someday, but now back to studying, I really want Taskmaster ability: 'Photographic Reflexes' and to do that I need to mess with my nervous system which I won't do lightly. Study, form a hypothesis, do a simulation and repeat until I get it right.
    MHA: Code
    Anime & Comics · Alcoholic_Panda
  • Drakul
    Replied to C0DA

    ayo get my consent man, not cool not cool at all.

    "My final wish is to be an earth bender."
    Avatar : How to become a Badass
    Anime & Comics · RokyesLt
  • Drakul
    Replied to EclipseKnight

    He could also go small and subtle,use certain sound frequencies to disrupt enemies, knock them out etc.

    Sound wasn't showcased too much from what I remember in the books, but lightning definitely was. However I think my higher understanding of sound waves and the like from my modern education will help me come up with some fun attacks.
    My New Life in TBATE
    Anime & Comics · SocioPhobia
  • Drakul
    Replied to Happy_AltRight

    That would be cool, sing all your enemies to death!

    Sound wasn't showcased too much from what I remember in the books, but lightning definitely was. However I think my higher understanding of sound waves and the like from my modern education will help me come up with some fun attacks.
    My New Life in TBATE
    Anime & Comics · SocioPhobia