
Review Detail of WhiteChaosLethal in Rise of The Undead Legion

Review detail


I read till chapter 292! Do you like a good story with lucky MC and some cool action? A nice romance? A system? Rewards and interesting background story? Then here it is! The VR and gameing is really good in this one! But there are some BAD (-) things too... A little spoilers ahead- BUT THEY ARE NECESSARY! I like harem, so when MC saves a girl IRL from certain death with his life on the line and got "unjustly f***ed" by her fathers subordinates and she doesn't even want to meet face to face with her savior (she needed to be more proactive there!)... that is a big NO NO for me. BUT because of that I wouldn't drop the story! So when the misunderstandig got resolved I was happy! That girl even started to hang out with MC and his first love interest. BUT THEN, when you think that all is good and nice author drops 'NTR' bomb in your face. And let me tell you that hurt not only my face but my heart too... His love interest wakes up in another room in bed with his best friend and MC woke up in another room with 2 other girls in his bed.... They can't remember anything that happened last night just that they had too much to drink. And MC is like- 'Ah, ok! I believe nothing bad happened, right?' Stupid, right? Why? WHY? Ok, author mentions a little that no one had s*x but only some touches (his best friend's hand on his girls ass). What author thought at that time I dont know? Did he thought that its funny? Let me tell you... IT IS NOT FUNNY! It only gave others the really disgusting netorare/netorase feeling. I am not some creep that enjoys NTR (only when MC is doing the netori ofc). And that girl that he saved IRL falls for his friend... I am not against other characters having relationships in a story, but when you have made a heroine have a story, connection and development with MC and write how HOT and sexy she is + her character that is hard outside and sweet insede AND YOU THROW HER THO THAT FRIEND OF HIS! That made ME SO MAD! SO MAD! TFK? COMON BRO! Just find some random chick and make them fall in love, not use one of story heroines for that... you made a bunch of your readers have bad aftertaste after that stunt! So I dropped this story even if I really, REALLY liked the gaming and undead legion and everything about gameplay, even the stupid lucky situations. BUT the netorase punch in the face and sexy assasin girl falling for his friend whose life he saved even if she ruined his life (latter apologized), I DIDN'T LIKE THAT! Author could have done things a little (really just a little) diferently and this would be one of my favorite stories, but now every time I see this novel in my library I just feel uncomfortable and can't make myself read it any further. Its like Author put a spoonful of naphta in a barrel full of honey... in other words he ruined all of the barrel with the honey inside of it. I read novels not to get netorase or bad netori vibes form it and to read about character development that makes me uncomfortable. If author wanted to get MC's friend a girlfriend then there was a bunch of other ways to do it and make it even enjoyable for everyone. But no... he didn't do that... I really dont know why author did that and am even a little sad about how he made me feel uncomfortable with his story... But there are a bunch of other exelent novels that can heal my heart and are interesting. I have only few hours a day to do something I enjoy, and I dont want to spend it reading a story that messed up everything for me and turtoure myself like that... I dont want to read about his friends relationships progress with one of girls that were supposed to be one of the heroines... (he latter writes how that sexy assasin rich girl becomes like a girl in love even with her bad personality and how they went on dates and met her father and other things... if some of other readers are into that, then I am happy for them... but that doesnt make me happy and doeasnt make me feel like continuing the story) I know that I am only one small insignificant reader (just one of the numbers for the author of this story) and he can be like: 'I dont care what the one who wrote this thinks about my story, he can't do anything about it and can't make others hate it more'- and that is true! I just felt like writing this review and telling some of other readers how i felt... That is all there is to it! PS. And sorry about any grammar mistakes- English is not my first language (more like a 3rd one)

Rise of The Undead Legion


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I did enjoy those two stories, they were fun. I still don't think it's ntr thought that the female most readers thought would be female lead wasn't nor do I think it really ruins the story in anyway for me, but I can understand you finding it dissapointings she wasn't. Guess for me when I read this story about an undead legion, I wasn't really thinking about the romance so I was not bothered by authors choice.

WhiteChaosLethal:Don't think that is the whole truth, because two of my most favorite novels are Lord of Mysteries and Reverend Insanity (And I am not the only one). It's just that the author of RoTUL didn't deliver what he promised or hinted to us by his writing and after that, he did a lot of bad, weird and illogical things in his book. Some things he should have thought through better and some he should not have done at all in the first place. Even now I think that the story is good and I liked it a lot, but if we delete all the relationships and let an author who has skills and is smart in this area write a monogamous girl-boy relationship development thought all the novel, then I think that that book would have been much better. (But not as great as The Lord of Mysteries tho😜)

Your comment just made completely drop this book. Since he is supposed to be the futre Undead King he shouldnt even be in a relationship. I wanted him to be the MC of Solo Leveling. I swear i thought this book was gonna be unique but nah. This book is just a ordinary chinese novel with the same plot as other chinese game element game. Only with some difference. The difference is that he is a undead. That the only difference. No other difference.


Its not so easy to think of something that is unique and diferent from chinese novels, cause they write what the majority of readers want to read (like junk food- tasty, fast and in large quantities). And I myself am a picky reader cause I dont have a lot of time to spend reading a day, but I must say that I enjoyed the game elements UNTIL author started to play machmaking and insert unneeded drama IRL. That killed a lot of fun for me... + everything I wrote in my previous comment. But if one can ignore IRL events that happen and some chapters with dialogues between party members and- unneeded drama again- and THE almighty and Omniscient peanut gallery that is funny if used in moderation (but author uses them a little*1000 times too much...) ---- then you might enjoy this novel if VR gaming+insane luck is your thing. I am writing this because I want to give some credit and respect to the author (even if I couldnt finish this novel because of some of mistakes he did there and left me with a uncomfortable feeling in my chest every time I see the cover of this novel- and that is a first for me -> from that you can see how much I liked the novel and how much it disappointed me too)... afterall its not easy to write +500 chapters and plan a bunch of missions and stories for VR game setting that are not complete trash... PS. Give a like to the review ok? :D

PathOfGod:Your comment just made completely drop this book. Since he is supposed to be the futre Undead King he shouldnt even be in a relationship. I wanted him to be the MC of Solo Leveling. I swear i thought this book was gonna be unique but nah. This book is just a ordinary chinese novel with the same plot as other chinese game element game. Only with some difference. The difference is that he is a undead. That the only difference. No other difference.



OK, so I think one of us (or both of us XD) really need to reread some passages. Since you admit that English isn't your first language, I assume that you might have misunderstood something. And that misunderstanding seems to go a long way. So first of all, let me first clarify for you that there are 2 female characters which you seem to have mixed up. There is Caitlin Giovanni aka Mercy. She is the girl who had been in the car which had the accident. Her dad's goons were the ones who have shortchanged the MC, yet neither she nor her dad knew about it, until Dave accused them of that, when he refused to meet with them. She IS NOT THE LOVE INTEREST OF THE MC!!! (Sry but this really needs to be stressed) And at no point in time should you have gotten the feeling that she might have been. Then there is Zoe Silvana aka Lone Arrow. She is the streamer girl, the first one who Dave helped as Mr. Skeletal. She is the Love Interest, which was pretty much a given going by the good old formula of 1st girl = main girl / only girl (in non-harem) Now that this is established, what happened was that during the, I think it was a reunion party for Zoe or some sort of party at least, Dave (MC), Ralph (best friend) Zoe (MC love interest), Caitlin (Ralph love interest) and Vanessa (interested in MC) ALL got shit drunk and wake up in hotel rooms. The whole scene was meant as a slap stick situation, with the main joke being that Ralph woke Zoe up, by hitting her on her bum, because he drunkenly mistook her for Dave. It was just supposed to be some drunk humor. Caitlin even told Vanessa that she was naked, not because she had snu-snu'd Dave, but because she liked to sleep in the nude. At no point in time was it ever intended that Ralph and Zoe had anything going. Ralph has been established as a true friend of the MC, who would never gun for his girl, (not to mention he was/is interested in Caitlin) So if you suspect any NTR between the two of them, then sorry but that one is on you. Anyway, this whole rant was basically me telling you, that you sir, seem to have misunderstood something, and if you liked the novel so far, you should probably continue reading it, especially now that it has concluded :)


What did I misunderstand? (plus I am not so bad at english as you make me sound in your comment- I am just lazy to write everything with 100% correct grammar- reading and understanding is easy as breathing for me- so dont try to emphasize in the wrong way what I mentioned about english) I was reading normaly and mentioned what i didnt like in what author did there. The things that I read couldnt have been an illusion- and I just disliked authors way of making stupid drama and how he dumped one of girls to his friend (why make something desirable and then just throw it away?) I dont think I am the one who misunderstands something here.

Devils_Advocate:OK, so I think one of us (or both of us XD) really need to reread some passages. Since you admit that English isn't your first language, I assume that you might have misunderstood something. And that misunderstanding seems to go a long way. So first of all, let me first clarify for you that there are 2 female characters which you seem to have mixed up. There is Caitlin Giovanni aka Mercy. She is the girl who had been in the car which had the accident. Her dad's goons were the ones who have shortchanged the MC, yet neither she nor her dad knew about it, until Dave accused them of that, when he refused to meet with them. She IS NOT THE LOVE INTEREST OF THE MC!!! (Sry but this really needs to be stressed) And at no point in time should you have gotten the feeling that she might have been. Then there is Zoe Silvana aka Lone Arrow. She is the streamer girl, the first one who Dave helped as Mr. Skeletal. She is the Love Interest, which was pretty much a given going by the good old formula of 1st girl = main girl / only girl (in non-harem) Now that this is established, what happened was that during the, I think it was a reunion party for Zoe or some sort of party at least, Dave (MC), Ralph (best friend) Zoe (MC love interest), Caitlin (Ralph love interest) and Vanessa (interested in MC) ALL got shit drunk and wake up in hotel rooms. The whole scene was meant as a slap stick situation, with the main joke being that Ralph woke Zoe up, by hitting her on her bum, because he drunkenly mistook her for Dave. It was just supposed to be some drunk humor. Caitlin even told Vanessa that she was naked, not because she had snu-snu'd Dave, but because she liked to sleep in the nude. At no point in time was it ever intended that Ralph and Zoe had anything going. Ralph has been established as a true friend of the MC, who would never gun for his girl, (not to mention he was/is interested in Caitlin) So if you suspect any NTR between the two of them, then sorry but that one is on you. Anyway, this whole rant was basically me telling you, that you sir, seem to have misunderstood something, and if you liked the novel so far, you should probably continue reading it, especially now that it has concluded :)

I did not mean to belittle your english as your review and your reply show you to be quite literate. As to your question, the misunderstanding, at least from my point of view, is you deciding that Mercy at any point in time was ever supposed to be a love interest. From my POV she was pretty much an instrument to get the story going, (this novel's version of Truck-san XD), but then she got her own role. During their first meeting, in the game, it was pretty clear that Dave didn't want to have anything to do with her, although as you pointed out that was mostly due to the initial misunderstanding. Still, at the point they actually meet IRL, it's painfully obvious that Dave is head over heels into Zoe. Ralph even tells as much to Vanessa when the two of them talk. It's great for you that like Harems (personally I find that in most cases they are handled horrendoulsy), but what made you think that this was a Harem story? There is no such tag indicating that and given Dave's past it wouldn't really fit his character. Another misunderstanding is the already mentioned sleeping in hotel rooms. Caitlin was the only one to actually be nude. Heck the chapter itself even called it "but it had to be a slapstick comedy of misunderstandings that only happened in 80s sitcoms and stupid romantic-comedy movies."

WhiteChaosLethal:What did I misunderstand? (plus I am not so bad at english as you make me sound in your comment- I am just lazy to write everything with 100% correct grammar- reading and understanding is easy as breathing for me- so dont try to emphasize in the wrong way what I mentioned about english) I was reading normaly and mentioned what i didnt like in what author did there. The things that I read couldnt have been an illusion- and I just disliked authors way of making stupid drama and how he dumped one of girls to his friend (why make something desirable and then just throw it away?) I dont think I am the one who misunderstands something here.

Wait... wait wait! You don't like mc getting ntr but you can tolerate it if the mc ntr someone instead? Furthermore, how could that be considered ntr if they are not even officially together yet? I never understand how people like you(who enjoy harem) think. Thanks god this is not a harem story. I will instantly drop it otherwise.


welp that saved my day... wanted to start reading a complete original webnovel but if there is this netorase vibe then m out of it.... even as a joke it is bad for my heart, m the one who only enjoys Netori after all~ ALL HAIL NETORI LOVERS!


that's simple... I mean most of the people think of themselves as mc before reading a novel.... By assuming themselves as mc I mean they would just think what would they do if they were in the same situation as mc. this explains why people enjoy NTRI. I mean I would enjoy cucking other people after all lolololololol. Sadly I ain't kiba 🥺 and secondly, just imagine your love interest/crush, who also interacts with you in a way you know she loves you, just woke up with some other guy that too with your best friend... would you really be like 'oh yeah that's fine, i think nothing happened between them'? no way! even if mc doesn't show on his face he should still be depressed! welp i am just free enough to rant and bored enough to read any other novel so here I am replying 🤣🤣🤣

Rithy:Wait... wait wait! You don't like mc getting ntr but you can tolerate it if the mc ntr someone instead? Furthermore, how could that be considered ntr if they are not even officially together yet? I never understand how people like you(who enjoy harem) think. Thanks god this is not a harem story. I will instantly drop it otherwise.

Hypocrisy at its lowest. I dropped this novel around chapter 50, so I will not claim to know what really happened in the novel. But here's my guess anyway. Either you were projecting that mc have romantic feeling toward that girl or he's rational enough to know that she had no obligation to reserve her body only just for him because they were not together. And from the look of it, I think MC was not interested, which render your hypothetical example invalid.


100% agree about the ntr garbage. Completely unnecessary and ruined the novel. Given the personalities of those 2, it seems pretty likely that something happened between them. You don't just wake up in the same bed after being blackout drunk and assume nothing happened...The more the romance stuff comes up, the more disgusted I am with the novel. I'm honestly pretty sad about that since it was a good novel if you could just remove those parts. And as time goes on, I keep questioning why Zoe would even be interested in him romantically.


BRUH WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? first of i read 500 ch of this and there was NO ntr... if your talking about the drunk scene they DID NOT do any thing mercy wasn't mc love interest EVER and about his best friend well... he mistook his friends lover with hes friend because he was drunk, they accidently went to wrong rooms and accidently slaped her but because he does that with his homie THATS ALL. BECAUSE OF YOU many readers dropped this and we missed a chance to recruit new members of THE LEGION you're a HERETIC!!!


M8 u do relise that in solo leveling mc has a girlfriend and they have a kid right?

PathOfGod:Your comment just made completely drop this book. Since he is supposed to be the futre Undead King he shouldnt even be in a relationship. I wanted him to be the MC of Solo Leveling. I swear i thought this book was gonna be unique but nah. This book is just a ordinary chinese novel with the same plot as other chinese game element game. Only with some difference. The difference is that he is a undead. That the only difference. No other difference.

Were those half-ntr things (that left a bad aftertaste) a significant and important part of the story? No, they were not- but they spoiled all of the story for me... it was impossible to continue and not think of what happened... (da^^mn my good memory and imagination😂) And I think I saved some of the readers- because time is precious.

Leon_Osseus:BRUH WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? first of i read 500 ch of this and there was NO ntr... if your talking about the drunk scene they DID NOT do any thing mercy wasn't mc love interest EVER and about his best friend well... he mistook his friends lover with hes friend because he was drunk, they accidently went to wrong rooms and accidently slaped her but because he does that with his homie THATS ALL. BECAUSE OF YOU many readers dropped this and we missed a chance to recruit new members of THE LEGION you're a HERETIC!!!

the legion is disgusted at you fleshlings and your feeble bodies that can't stand the test of time, u can take your precious time and shove it we're not doing anything significant whith it and frankly these novels are just timewasters that we consume to satisfy ourselfs........also

WhiteChaosLethal:Were those half-ntr things (that left a bad aftertaste) a significant and important part of the story? No, they were not- but they spoiled all of the story for me... it was impossible to continue and not think of what happened... (da^^mn my good memory and imagination😂) And I think I saved some of the readers- because time is precious.

Haha- nice...

Leon_Osseus: the legion is disgusted at you fleshlings and your feeble bodies that can't stand the test of time, u can take your precious time and shove it we're not doing anything significant whith it and frankly these novels are just timewasters that we consume to satisfy ourselfs........also

This just screams insescurity and its kind of a weird review. A love interest is someone who loves the MC and the MC loves them back. From what I'm reading he wasn't even in a love relationship with either of them... So how is it NTR? Like female characters that interact with the MC can't fall in love with other characters instead of the MC? It's just kind of a weird take man idk...


Yeah idk thats always been weird to me. People who ignore Men Cheating and get so offended by women cheating. Both NTR and Reverse NTR are pretty sad things, since its both being unfaithful. People who don't see that are hypocritical to the max.

Rithy:Wait... wait wait! You don't like mc getting ntr but you can tolerate it if the mc ntr someone instead? Furthermore, how could that be considered ntr if they are not even officially together yet? I never understand how people like you(who enjoy harem) think. Thanks god this is not a harem story. I will instantly drop it otherwise.

Yeah, ofc it's weird if it happened in real life. The deal is- this is a novel and if the novel is all about fighting and the only romance is monogamous, then I expect every important side character to be male or ugly or "ok" female. But when the author introduces in length with important background story a super-sexy female, then my male lizard brain already wanted her in the harem- but then author just dumps her to the best friend guy and describes even further how cute she is on dates with the male that is not MC... If I want to read something realistic then there is a bunch of biography and other things. On this site I want to relax and feel good- cause RL is hard sometimes and I have only few (if I am lucky) hours free in a day to read something relaxing... and this went from exiting to "my stomach hurts" experience... Others might like it like I liked it 200 chapters, but now...

Silent_But_Dudley:This just screams insescurity and its kind of a weird review. A love interest is someone who loves the MC and the MC loves them back. From what I'm reading he wasn't even in a love relationship with either of them... So how is it NTR? Like female characters that interact with the MC can't fall in love with other characters instead of the MC? It's just kind of a weird take man idk...

I suppose one dimensional characters that exist only for the mc is rather relaxing, you get to turn off your brain and not use any critical thinking skills while reading. I personally like developed characters, makes me care about them and the choice they make. It's weird how fiction is becoming a puppet word for the mc(readers) to become god and bang every girl that moves.

WhiteChaosLethal:Yeah, ofc it's weird if it happened in real life. The deal is- this is a novel and if the novel is all about fighting and the only romance is monogamous, then I expect every important side character to be male or ugly or "ok" female. But when the author introduces in length with important background story a super-sexy female, then my male lizard brain already wanted her in the harem- but then author just dumps her to the best friend guy and describes even further how cute she is on dates with the male that is not MC... If I want to read something realistic then there is a bunch of biography and other things. On this site I want to relax and feel good- cause RL is hard sometimes and I have only few (if I am lucky) hours free in a day to read something relaxing... and this went from exiting to "my stomach hurts" experience... Others might like it like I liked it 200 chapters, but now...