

2017-06-19 JoinedAustralia

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  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to SugmaMaleGamer

    Fair enough 😄 🤣

    Kai's grin widened as he focused his cursed energy on a more concentrated and potent attack. With a swift hand gesture, he unleashed a devastating technique known as "Cleave." The air crackled with dark energy as a series of razor-sharp blades materialized around Kai, swirling and pulsating with a malevolent aura.
    Marvel: I am Sukuna
    Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to SugmaMaleGamer

    It is sort of explained in the ch5 Kill point. Not why cleave is different than what it is in canon but that it's harder to control, uses more energy, and requires a deeper understanding of the technique than dismantle. Also, that dismantle is more for objects, whereas cleave is better for people. To be fair, I didn't remember that of the top of my head, and again, it doesn't explain why it's different. My best guess is the author didn't know or forgot how it worked initially, and because they said AU decided it doesn't need to be changed. Like again, from my understanding, in canon, they are all just different aspects of the same technique, but in this fic, they are treated as different techniques. Sometimes, when the author lists it as AU, you just have to roll with the logic the novel has presented and call it out when it doesn't flow with its own logic. But it is fair enough if you don't think the author has explained the change enough. Or the fact the MC who is supposed to be a fan of the work didn't question the system why this has been changed from JJK.

    Kai's grin widened as he focused his cursed energy on a more concentrated and potent attack. With a swift hand gesture, he unleashed a devastating technique known as "Cleave." The air crackled with dark energy as a series of razor-sharp blades materialized around Kai, swirling and pulsating with a malevolent aura.
    Marvel: I am Sukuna
    Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to Cameron_Henderson_0639

    Look at this many people telling me I'm wrong. I'm starting to believe it. I'm going to have to watch the movies again. But in the last spider-multiversere movie, it's mentioned that Ned has magical potential or something along those lines. Now, it could mean he has a greater potential than most others, and that's all it meant. Or could it mean the magic potential is a need quality to operate magic. Now, I was pretty sure the second option was true for the MCU, but honestly, I can't remember, now that I'm trying to recall a scene where that happens. But that is true for this fanfic, which is an AU anyway.

    "We sense no magical potential within you," one of them explained.
    Marvel: I am Sukuna
    Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to SugmaMaleGamer

    It is explained. It's just not consistent with the source material. The hand sign and naming of the techniques essentially function the same as explaining the techniques in JJK. I'm pretty sure in JJK cleave, dismantle, and the fire are all a part of the Shrine, whereas here I'm pretty sure they are being treated as like entities.

    Kai's grin widened as he focused his cursed energy on a more concentrated and potent attack. With a swift hand gesture, he unleashed a devastating technique known as "Cleave." The air crackled with dark energy as a series of razor-sharp blades materialized around Kai, swirling and pulsating with a malevolent aura.
    Marvel: I am Sukuna
    Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to LT_Ryuu_X

    I know that's the case in the comics, but I don't think it's the case in the movie verse, I'm pretty sure this is addressed in the last Spiderman movie. But I haven't seen that in a while and I could be misrembering. It could just be a unique AU change made for the fanfic.

    Ch 1 1. Where it all began
    Marvel: I am Sukuna
    Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to tido_racks

    In the MCU, it's a thing. It was mentioned with Ned having magical potential in the last Spiderman movie.

    "We sense no magical potential within you," one of them explained.
    Marvel: I am Sukuna
    Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    I think having magic potential is a thing in the MCU, so it could be that the MC doesn't have any.

    Ch 1 1. Where it all began
    Marvel: I am Sukuna
    Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    I just finished reading the unlocked chapters (till chap 41). Overall, I think this is a good novel, and I like the author, but I'm not sure if this story is for me. The tone is a bit weird, and the author mentioned this in another comment saying that they were originally going more for a comedy route, and now it's becoming more serious. The story is similar to other novels like it, but I think it handles information about the novel (where the story is based) better than most. Most authors I feel try to hint at stuff that happens in the Novel World way too early and essentially use this as dangling carrot, to readers being like, look how cool this potential mysterious thing is, but I feel that comes across very annoying. Or they do the opposite and give too much information away at the start and write themselves in a corner because they didn't plan that far ahead. This novel I feel lands in the goldilocks zone. Yes, some things aren't explained in detail, left for later, but enough information is given that the reader never really feels like they are missing pieces of the novel. It's really well done because I think I have dropped around 40-50 works because of this issue in particular, and I think the author should be proud of themselves. The issue I have with the novel, and this probably somewhat stems from the tone issue the author mentioned, is that it feels some decisions were solely due to the 'coolness' factor. This isn't necessarily bad if given enough forethought in explaining characters' actions, but that hasn't been the case. Spoilers I think the 4 most prominent examples of this are the ending fight with the assassin, the killing of Osborne heir, and the virtual battle royal and the MC's general attitude. I do acknowledge that some of these are needed to move the plot forward and aren't actually bad decisions in themselves, but the explanation I felt behind these actions were lacking. We are told the MC was a high schooler who was bullied and had no friends. This almost always led to some initial social anxiety and also likely social ineptitude. This can be overcome by many people by interacting and building up confidence over time. The MC by day 2 or 3 is basically over this besides being somewhat quiet. It might not be the intention of the author, but that is how it reads. I think either changing the MC background a little bit or extending how long this takes would make the how to MC acts feel more realistic. The assassination situation and the MC claiming to be the big boss of underworld ring is one of the only times I felt this novel left the goldilocks zone I described before. Like what possessed the MC to take such a big risk to impersonate the top level of an underworld association, when we know he was a regular high schooler 2 days ago. I do think this can be possibly explained, but it hasn't. So the MC, at least to me at that moment, looked unhinged. The reasoning behind killing the Osborne dude felt kind of out of place. The MC doesn't have memories of the previous host inhabiting his body. This clarified more than once. Why is it such a big thing that Osborne was going to target his sister, who he as pretty much at the point amount of interaction with as Amy. This feels disingenuous because he shouldn't have any extra feelings in this regard at this point, seeing as I think it may have been a week or less in the world at this point. Having the MC take issue with Osborne is completely fine and justifiable, but the escalation of the MC thinking that this guy is a pos to I need to kill this guy immediately isn't really justified. Again, I feel that if there were some deeper explanations or more interaction had happened with the sister, it would have been fine, but that's not the case. Lastly, the fight in the virtual exam felt a bit forced, with from the jump everyone teaming up against the MC and co, but honestly, that's whatever, and it was somewhat explained. What I took issue with was a specific moment where the dude lights himself on fire to get the MC. It felt very unrealistic seeing as the consequences were explained multiple times, that 1 a dude would give up on his exam for maybe a couple of his friends and a few randos. 2 would be willing to endure that, as we are informed that virtual reality gives the same amount of pain that happens in real life. My guy literally cooked himself alive for not even his test, but so that his friends could possibly score higher. A true ride or die, and even if you don't want him too he'll choose dying. Besides that last point, I think with just a little bit more explanation would have made these completely fine and justifiable actions. But again, at the moment, it just feels like they are added for the 'cool' factor. I did enjoy the story so far overall, but because of what I said, I'm not sure if it's for me. I'll probably check back in when I'm willing to spend some money to keep on reading. Best of luck to you, author. I think I'd like to read more of your work in the future.

    Extra's Descent
    Fantasy · athex
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    Magic isn't a weakness. Kryptonians are just as affected as everyone else is. It only looks like a 'weakness' because everything else is so boosted. They just have baseline resistance.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    I like this novel, but it feels like there is a gap in logic at times. I understand the character was a waste, but it doesn't really make sense for a bunch of apprentices to be so cynical. Maybe because it's not really described what he did, he just stated that he was a disgrace, there's a disconnect. In reality, yes, noble families had infighting, but a lot of the time, there was familiar affection, or at least plotting how to use family members in the future, not just outright hate between everyone and wanting to kill each other. And for the MC's negative reputation, it feels very inflated for no reason. Noble families would hide information that portrays them badly. It wouldn't be a thing that everyone in the estate knows. Also, internal factions aren't that common in noble families, especially if the family in question is essentially one main line. If there are different branches in a clan situation, maybe. But that's more so the royal/imperial family, and that's due to outside forces trying to influence the crown. I think it was said they were a count, which would generally mean that while not at the bottom they are on the outside of the highest echelon of power in a country, which makes factions even less likely. Also with the MC's reputation should have gotten a significant boost with his situation, not just barely anything. He was seen as a waste, but that was mainly from his martial ineptitude. This is due to all the children having unpleasant attitudes. Winning especially against someone with mana as someone without was stated as pretty much thought to be impossible. The MC doing that, especially in a martial family, would have, at the very least, some people looking for him themselves. And if he was such a deplorable waste that it still wasn't a factor, he would have mostly made enemies throughout the estate including the apprentices and they wouldn't join him no matter what because they would have individual problems with Ethan. Also, the MC father seems competent it doesn't make sense for all 3 sons to be raised so badly. I know this was brought up in the novel by the MC, but it still doesn't explain why that happened. Anyway, this was just my thoughts on what seems to me to be a disconnect in the reading. Even though this was long, I am overall still enjoying the novel quite a lot. Keep up the good work.

    Ch 16 [16]
    The Extra Villain in the Novel
    Anime & Comics · mew_96
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to blankbrokencanvas

    If it's near Hogwarts' term start, then it's near September, which means he was more than likely dead already

    "Master Black. My name is Ironclaw, I am the account manager for the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. It is an honour to meet you, and a relief to know that the House of Black has once again been revived with your discovery." he spoke with respect to me.
    HP: In The Magical World As An Extra
    Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to AmSincere

    Good luck with your assignments. I love the story, but you need to look after yourself first.

    Ch 55 Infinity Records
    Convict to King
    Movies · AmSincere
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    The story is well written, but the actual plot is not good. Writing this after halfway through ch11. First off, the MC's name is not good, Carnival really or Val Karni just terrible. Idk where the MC is supposed to be from, and maybe karni is a normal name there, but this would be a lot better with a name that fits the setting or one that fits the language this is posted in. The troupes used and reveals have not been good. First mysterious voice during reincarnation that doesn't explain anything. Then probably one of my most hated things to see, 'the character didn't know this, but this decision will affect the future'. I don't care if the outcome is good or bad for the MC it's just a terrible writing troupe to hamfist that information that doesn't need it. I think it's one of the worst ways possible to convey information to the reader. A second reincarnator is something I don't actually mind depending on how it's implemented. This is one of the worst ways. Willing to give information to the MC, but the MC is restricted from hearing is so annoying that it's ridiculous. I literally couldn't finish the chapter after that. This is more minor because it is explained that the MC is being affected by the body of a 6-year-old. But he could have easily kept on walking away from what he believed at the time was another 6-year-old. This is a man in his early 20's even with the effect of being in a child's body, it doesn't really excuse even when not wanting to, still complying with a child's peer pressure. Look, the writing itself is quite good, and that is why I decided to keep reading this story for a little bit, but I really dislike the plot at this point. I might try and read again later and change my mind, but it's not for me right now. I do think the writer is good and has potential, and I'm going to check if they have any other work that I might like better.

    Douluo Dalu: 1st Cycle: Dancing Panda
    Anime & Comics · AzKoPo
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to wakkaran

    According to the wiki, that was only true in the comics, not the actual book or the show.

    "But all this doesn't matter. The changes in some forces won't have a significant impact on the continent's landscape. When the time comes, no matter which force aims to unify the continent, it will be beneficial for me."
    Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different
    Anime & Comics · Un1que
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    That's not what graduation rate is. Like, I know it's supposed to be bad logic from the novel Rio read, but that's still so dumb. By this logic, every school has 100% graduation rate because if you didn't graduate, it doesn't count towards that rate.

    This is also the reason why the graduation rate of this academy reaches a hundred percent because only talented students are left till the time of graduation exams come.
    Reborn as an Extra
    Fantasy · Calm_Mountains
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to evil_lord

    OK, my bad, but there are definitely versions of him that are omega level. And tbh most of the fanfics I've seen will put him at omega level, so if the story is not based on the comics or movies but on the fandom instead, then it makes sense why he is omega level.

    Class 4 mutants would include Magneto and Professor X.
    Starting as a Class Five Mutant
    Anime & Comics · Zaelum
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to Anime_Admirer

    I think it depends on which version you're talking about. But I'm pretty sure in 616, he is omega level.

    Class 4 mutants would include Magneto and Professor X.
    Starting as a Class Five Mutant
    Anime & Comics · Zaelum
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    Hi Author, thanks for the chapter, I just joined the discord, so this comment is for that. 2 things I wanted to say was it's kind of hard to find the current discord link, I had to go to your profile on patreon to find it. I think you should add an auxiliary chapter with the current discord link because while I just started reading this last week, I've been trying to find that link for literally the 100 chapters and I only got it when I went off this app. The second thing I was wondering is, does Parseltongue work on dragons in this fic? I know a lot of fanfiction has that, but I wasn't sure how you would have it because that's not how it works in canon.

    Ch 104 Enemy's Identity
    Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower
    Book&Literature · droopyauthor
  • Lazren_Inkheart

    Hope you get better

    Ch 8 x
    True Hegemony
    Anime & Comics · outsidr
  • Lazren_Inkheart
    Replied to MidWinterSnow

    That's fair point, and tbh the longer this fic becomes, the less valid my criticism is. Like at the moment, that part of the story accounts for half of what's available, but if you get to chapter 80 or something, it's not really an issue. But I can only review what's currently available. I also just wanted to say that in case it didn't come through before, I think you're doing a really good job. This is currently one of my favourite stories on the app, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the story.

    [DXDxJJK] - The Father of Devils
    Anime & Comics · MidWinterSnow