

GodOFGames12 · History
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38 Chs


So the three of us is currently following Lady Vivian and Christina, where is she going, actually?

Hmm, the estate itself looks pretty nice, oh, there's the portrait of the Saint. Decently handsome face with blonde hair and blue eyes, definitely matching the Vivians today, I guess.


''Hmm? What's wrong?''

''What did you look like when you were in your previous world?'' Anastasia asked, also looking at the portrait.

''...I think I looked pretty normal. I was around the same height as now, with black eyes and hair, my chest though, was definitely not this big.''

''...You said that you asked the goddess for 'enhancement' on your chest, right?''

''Yes, that's the neat part about being a Saint, you get to modify some of your physical features.''

''Tch, that's cheating.'' Liana injected.

''So you'd rather not fondling my big breasts?''

''I didn't say that. Your breasts are still mine. But I'm pissed, so prepare to have them violated tonight.''

By all means, please.

''W-Why would you say that here...'' The cat girl anxiously looks around.

...Well, I lied about the hair part though. I didn't have any hair, that's why I'm growing my hair this long, it's new to me. Doing chemotherapy doesn't really allow you to grow your hair.

But if I say that here, Anastasia will get depressed again, I don't want to see that. And, it will ruin the mood, which is not very ideal, we're going to watch a K-drama here, we need popcorns, not tears.


After following them for a while, we arrived at a totally-not-Lady-Vivian's-room.

I saw they went inside the room, and the blonde locked the door, I think.

But hey, no problem, I can just use telekinesis to pick the lock, lol. Better set a sound barrier first.


After picking the lock, I open the door very slightly so that we could peek inside.

Let's see, what do we have here.

''Your Highness...'' The blonde said, her eyes looking at Christina dripping with honey. ''I've always wanted to invite you here... Into my bedroom like this...''

She then grabs Christina's hand with both of her palms, stroking the back of my lover's hand lustfully. I see, you motherfucker, you're trying to be so shameless, huh.

''You do realize that I came here only because of Sylvia's request, right?'' Christina replied, yanking her hand out of the blonde's grasp, her face stone cold.

''Y-Your Highness, ever since I met you two years ago, I've always, always admired you. From your gentle demeanor, to your confident attitude, to your cool image when fighting...'' She tried to hold Christina's hand again, but my lover didn't let that happen, taking her hand back completely.

''Yes, and I do remember that I've rejected you every single time on your advances. Why are you this stubborn?''

''Your Highness! Please tell me, what am I lacking? My family background is good, my strength is also adequate, and I'm even the descendant of a Saint! Tell me, what am I lacking compare to that whore?!''

Well, I think you're lacking a lot of vitamin B, my lady. Vitamin Breasts. And also, Christina knows that I am a Saint, so that one brag about your Saint bloodline is kinda pointless, really. Unlucky.

''Your personality. I just can't feel anything special beyond friendship towards you.'' Christina said, frowning. ''And, you've just insulted my girlfriend, I won't forget this grudge.''

''...No way...Girlfriend...?'' The blonde muttered, her face could only be described as 'despair'.

''Let me correct you.'' Christina said. ''Sylvia, come here.'' She turns to me behind the door.

Alright then.

Leaving behind Liana and Anastasia, I casually open the door and enter the room.

''You- Why are you here?!''

''I can't let my girlfriend follow you alone, can I?'' I shrugged, coming closer to Christina, I wonder what she would do.

Christina pulls me towards herself, hugging me from behind. She then sensually wraps one of her hands around my waist, the other one groping my chest nice and firmly, circling her index finger around my nipple.

''Sylvia is not just any whore, she's my whore.'' She declared.

Well said, that's my possessive, yandere princess.

''My, what a statement.'' I commented, turning my head to look at her face.

Christina smiles for a moment, before overlapping her lips onto mine, even going as far as pushing her tongue inside my mouth. Of course, I accepted.



''Nhah...*slurp*... Mhmm...''


We pulled away after around half a minute, a nice string of saliva connecting out tongue formed in the air.

''Y-You...! No, no, nonono- This can't be right, what did you do to Her Highness?!'' She said, pointing at me in disbelief.

'''' ... ''''

''Ah, I know, I always knew, yes, you... you hypnotized her with your body! How dare you! How DARE you steal Her Highness away from me, a descendant of a Saint!'' She holds her head with both of her hands.

Yeah no, she's not yours, she's mine, I think this girl might be delusional, and I have a feeling she's not alright, mentally.

''Please, Your Highness, I could do whatever that whore can, I can offer you better bed service than that bitch can!'' She pleaded.

''I don't know about that, girl. Why don't you ask her manly member down here?'' I said, caressing Christina's penis under her skirt. ''Tina enjoyed my body very much, you know?''

''That's right. I enjoyed being inside her very much. It's the best. I have no intention of doing anything with you, so give up.'' Christina added while still groping my breasts wantonly.

''Then at least try my p-

''I refuse. I don't like the thought of doing it with you. At all.''

''Ah.'' She girl collapsed down on her knees and started to cry.

*sobs* *sobs*

Leaving Christina's arms, I come closer to the girl, then tap her on the shoulder.

''Sorry girl, but she's mine. You'd better give up, you're very cute, so I'm sure you can find somebody else that suits you.''

''...*sniff*... Shut up! Get those hateful breasts away from me!''


Ouch! Why you slapped my breasts?!

''Mhmm, this one can't be saved.'' I said, standing up again. I think we need to leave her alone here, not that we could do anything else anyway.

''Are you alright, Sylvia?'' Christina uses her hands to massage the spot that has just been hit on my breasts.


She then kisses the spot with her mouth, conveniently giving it a good suck at the same time.

...Isn't this just her being horny and finding excuses to grope me? Well, whatever.

''It's fine. Liana did much worse to my breasts anyway.'' I replied.

''Huh...? Who *sniff* is this 'Liana'? Are you... Cheating??'' The girl looks at me with astonishment on her face.

''Liana is my other girlfriend. Who said that I only have one girlfriend?''

'''' ... ''''

'''' ... ''''

''...Eh?!'' The girl's window finally restarted. ''You- Ah... What is-


'''' ... ''''

Shit, she fainted.

...Well, I do feel bad for her, actually. She basically just got her crush NTR'ed by me, and then found out that her crush is only a member of my harem. Tragic.

But she's also very delusional and stubborn beyond comfort, so I guess I don't really care all that much now, it's not my problem that she did not catch Christina's attention.

''Let's go. I'm starving.'' I said, putting the fainted one on her bed and turning around to the door.

''Sure. Ah, Sylvia.''


''Could you call me by my nickname earlier from now on?''


''Yes! I want you to call me by my nickname.'' 

Tina then goes to hold my hand. How lewd.

I let out a chuckle. ''Sure thing, Tina.''


''Did you guys enjoy the drama?'' I said to the two people standing near the door outside in the hallway.

''I did. I hate that annoying and persistent type the most.'' Liana said with a frown.

''Ah, you did have one like that following you back in our country, right?'' I asked while the four of us are walking together.

''Yes, at that time I had already fell in love with you, and I did tell her that, but she was still adamant, and I hate her so much.''

''It's kinda rare for you to say that you're in love with me, actually.''

''It's the truth, and you already knew it, so why bother?''

''Fufu, you're right.'' I said, then turn to Anastasia. ''Did you enjoy watching it, Anastasia?''

''Mhmm... I did. It's ironic how she bragged about being a Saint's descendant, when you're a Saint yourself standing before her.'' She then lets out a small laugh.

''I'm glad.'' I smile. ''And also, I feel like I should call you by a nickname now, is that alright?''

''Ah, sure. My name is pretty bothersome to say all the time, so a nickname would do just fine.''

Hmm, the most obvious one should be...

''...Anna? Is Anna good?''

''Um, that's good.'' She agreed right away.

''I'll also call you that, then.'' Liana injected

''Me too.'' Christina added.

''You're all welcome, I'll tell Emilia later, too.''

Good, good. We're getting along.


''What's wrong? Liana.''

''Isn't it odd?''

''What is?''

''The fact that that woman earlier didn't approach Christina back in the ball a month ago.'' Liana said, raising an eyebrow. ''If she's that smitten with this redhead, then she would have flew straight at her that time.''

''That's... True, actually. She openly fought with me today, despite knowing full well that I'm a princess. There's no way she would have stayed still that day.''

''I've been thinking about that, too.'' Tina said. ''But Anna said that she didn't feel anything wrong about her, so I just glossed over it.''

''Eh?! My intuition is not perfect, you know?'' Anna said, waving her hands. ''It's true that I can't feel anything wrong with that woman, but... Actually, I could smell something odd about this place from earlier.''

''Hm? Tell us more about it.''

''Mghmm... It's hard to describe, but there's this sinister feeling, how do I say this... 'fake'? Feeling I could feel somewhere inside this estate.'' Anna replied, frowning, her tail and ears twitching.

Well shit, the genre changed from K-drama to horror real quick.

''Well, let's save that for later, we need to regroup with Emilia first, I bet she's surrounded by men, and women trying to woo her now.''

''Ahh~ That's possible.''



Opening the door to the party hall, I could immediately spot the familiar white head standing in the distance. 

Partly, because she's very tall, taller than a lot of men, even. And, there's nobody around her at the moment, except for a blonde man. He has cleared out that whole area, actually. I guess that guy is a high noble?

Based on what I could see, the man is trying to say something very earnestly to Emy, while Emy herself is just silently eating a pudding, not a change in expression detected on her face. Classic.

''It's quieter than I thought.'' Liana commented.

''That's true. They can't approach her because of that man, a Vivian, I remember.'' Christina replied.

''She looks alright, but I bet she's annoyed now, let's go rescue her.'' I said.


-So, I was nominated as the best hunter that year. Unfortunately, I didn't get the title, but I think I have a pretty good shot this year. When that time comes, could I ask you to accompany me, my pretty lady?'' The man said, bowing his head lightly and extending his right hand.

''No.'' Emy replied, taking another bite of the pudding.

''That's unfortunate. Ah, how about the Founding festival a few months from now? I would love to look around the capital with such a wonderful lady like yourself.'' He awkwardly takes back his hand.

''No.'' Emy takes another bite.

''H-Hm. Ah, that's right, my little sister will host a tea party in a few days, would you be interested in it?''

''No, that woman is my girlfriend's enemy.''

''...You really are adamant about this, my lady.'' The man's eyebrows twitch a little bit.

''Well said, Emy.'' I injected between the two. 

''Sylvia.'' Emy said, immediately goes behind me and hugs me tightly.


The man widen his eyes instantly after seeing me.

'''' ... ''''

''Gentleman, I will be frank here, you are bothering my girlfriend right now. How about we keep some distance?'' I said.

''Ah!'' The man finally breaks out of his trance. ''That, that was rude of me. I am Leo Vivian, the heir of house Vivian. May I know your names, fair ladies?''

''Sylvia Everwood, crown princess of the Everwood kingdom. We are all taken already, so don't bother us anymore.'' I said, then give a wink to Anna.

''Ah...'' The man exclaimed dejectedly. ''But-

Why are all of these guys so persistent??

''My, my. It looks like we're really fortunate today.'' A middle-aged man with the same features as the guy suddenly appears. 'To be able to host such precious guests...''


''Please forgive my son. He's still immature, he does not know where to stop when it comes to pursuing ladies.'' He said, forcing the guy's head down, together with his own head. ''Leo, you already have a fiancé, stop bothering people.'' He said sternly.

''Ghrm...'' He grumbled.

What, he has a fiancé already? And he still has the gall to flirt with Emy? Can I do a nut kick real quick?

Needless to say, all of us frown at that information at the same time.

''Ah, Your Highness.'' The Marquis turns to Tina. ''May I ask, how is your relationship with my daughter going right now? She was very excited to have you here.''

''You should should re-educate her about relationships, Marquis.'' Christina said firmly. ''Not only did she still bother me despite being rejected multiple times, she also insulted my girlfriend.''

The Marquis grimaces for a second.

''...I understand. Please forgive us.'' He said, bowing his head once again. ''We've been nothing but a shame to you. We will not bother you anymore, please enjoy the party.'' He then retreats with his son.

Well, at least that guy knows his stuff. But it's also unsettling somehow, why is he so different from his children?

''...It's that man.''

''Hm? What do you mean, Anna?''

Turning to Anna, I could see her glaring at the back of the Marquis, her tail waving around annoyedly.

''He's the one I was talking about.'' She said. ''He feels odd. Out of place. Fake.''

Hearing that, Emy rightfully tilts her head.

''Let's go over all of it while eating. No point standing still like this.''


After picking all of our food and finding a quiet table to sit, we are now going over all of the things that happened so far.

''Mhmm.'' Emy grumbled. ''I couldn't focus on the desserts because of him.''

''It's alright, Emy.'' I consoled her.

''Rather than that.'' Liana injected. ''We probably should find a way to undermine the Marquis somehow, seeing that there's something fishy about him. It will be helpful for us.''

''That's true.'' Tina commented.

''Ah, talking about that.'' I said. ''When I went down to ask for directions earlier, I met a few thugs.''

''Eh? Did they do anything to you?'' Anna asked worriedly.

''Of course not, they only tried.'' I replied. ''But, the people there said that the thugs have some connections with the city guards, which is a clear sign of corruption. Assuming that we could trust them in the first place.''

''Hmm, we could use that.'' Tina said.

''We don't have enough information though.'' Anna commented.

''I think we might have a solution for that.'' I said.

I then proceed to scan the entire party hall, looking for a few specific people. After a while, I finally notice a group of four students standing in the corner, looking around intently.

I signal them with my hand to come over.

''Who are those people?'' Tina asked.

''Our allies.'' I simply said.

Of course there would be some of our people infiltrating the academy, no way they would let two high nobles and their only princess alone without any escort. For camouflage purposes, they all look like humans now, being elves would be pretty eye-catching after all.

One of them is Justia, our beloved bodyguard. The other three people are specialists, capable of quick escape and illusion magic.

They're all here for the sole purpose of rescuing us in case of trouble. I'm pretty sure there's a separate escort team following us to this territory as well, just, they're not in this very space.

The four seemingly normal students approach us. I then set up a sound barrier around us, just to be sure.

''May I ask, what do you need from us, Your Highness?'' A man said.

''I've noticed that the Marquis here has some suspicious movements. There's sign of corruption in this territory as well. I think we could use this against the crown prince. Can I ask you guys to investigate them?''


''Your Highness...!'' Justtia exclaimed, looking at Tina and Anna intently.

''Don't worry, I trust them.''

''...Understood. Please leave it to us.''

''How long would it take?''

''Three days, Your Highness. Please enjoy your time here while waiting.''

''I'll make sure to. Thank you for your work.''

''We're honored, Your Highness. Then, please excuse us.'' And then they left.

Yup, why would we have to investigate ourselves? That would just be dumb and inefficient.

''Wow... I've never thought that there would be people following us...''

''You don't have secret bodyguards?''

''Yeah... No one really cares about a princess without political background, after all...'' Tina said dejectedly.

''Don't worry! You have me, and if you marry me, you'll have plenty of people that will care about you as well.'' I hold her hand.

Tina lets out a chuckle. ''That's true. I am very excited to meet my new family.''

I'm sure my parents would love a gentle daughter-in-law like her. She's not very gentle in bed, though. I've noticed that she's very possessive towards me, and likes to monopolize me all for herself.

...Maybe I should spend a day alone with each of my girlfriends soon.

Well, after that, we didn't have anything in particular to do, so we decided to look around the city first. Our stay here will last for about a week, and the school decided that the first day, which is today, is going to be a free rest day for everyone. The reason being that there's quite a number of students having mana train sickness every year, so this would be the time for them to get proper sleep and such.

We fortunately didn't have that. Not counting Anna, we even had the energy to do a gangbang that one night, so now we have no problem going outside.

Anyway, on the way to the party here earlier, I saw a bunch of familiar video game references in a theme park or sort, so I'd definitely want to check those out.

Stepping out of the estate, I turn back to my party.

''Alright! Since this city has a lot of what you guys call 'Saint's culture', I, as a Saint myself, will act as a guide for you.''

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

Yes, yes, clap more.

''Based on this map that I just got, there's four different parks in four directions of the city. Which one do you guys want to go first?''





'''' ... ''''

...Well, rock-paper-scissor it is, then.


In the end, Emy won, and we headed to the East one first. The tickets here are fairly expensive, but we're rich, so no problem. A lot of people are here, too. I could even see some of our students loitering around excitedly.

''First things first, let's go to that one over there.'' I point to a house with a Pac-Man logo on it.

''What is this one?'' 

''This is a game where you need to go around a maze-like map, eating points while evading four ghosts chasing you.'' I said. ''Now, I'm not too sure how will they modify it here, so we'll just have to try.''

So we walked into the house, where we could immediately see that there's a bunch of arcade-like machines lining in rows. They really did made this similar to the original, huh.

''Hey there.'' I called out to an attendant.

''...Yes, dear customers, would you like to try Pac-Man?''

''Yes, how do I start?''

Do we need coins or anything like that?

''Ah, you just need to sit in front of the machine and play it.''

''Understood.'' I said. ''Let's go.''

After I gave them some basic instructions on how to use the arcade machines, we all started the game at the same time.

Ah~ this is nostalgic, I used to play this one when I was a child.

''This one is pretty easy, huh.'' Tina said.

''Mhmm.'' So did Emy.

''Argh! Why are these ghost thingies move so retardedly!''

''Eh!? Wait, I didn't touch them! Why did I die?!''

Because you tried to cheese the ghost at the corner, little cat.



After 30 grueling minutes of us coaching Liana and Anna on how to play the game properly, they did finally win each once. Liana paid too much attention to the ghosts all the time that she just forgot her own character, while Anna kept trying to do reckless and dangerous maneuvers.

But they did win, so that's good.

''Next one, let's try that one over there. I think that's Mario Kart.''

''I see some vehicles over there, is it a racing game?'' Anna asked.

Hm? That one is not a video game? They actually decided to make this one a real life racing game, huh.

''Yes, you'll be racing against other players, but there will be power-ups and such, so it's quite fun.''

I don't know how they would recreate all the items and special powers though, probably tweaked it a little bit already. Either way, I feel pretty confident about this, I've never controlled a vehicle before, but I have played Mario Kart a lot, so.

Ooh~ So you can't use magic, hm, hm, the power-ups are milder than in the actual game as well, makes sense. The safety measures are quite good as well. Let's go.



What the fuck.

They really had no mercy on me, huh? How the hell are they so good at this... Ah, fuck, all the sudden turns and high speed racing earlier are giving me headache now.

I finished last. My dignity is gone. If I had knew this beforehand, I would definitely have bribed my lovers to have me finish first, or at least not last. I would gladly spread my legs for this. That's what we usually do anyway.

Urghh... Anna is still smugging over there, how is she so good??

''Are you alright? Sylvia.'' Tina said, moving over to pat my back.

''Don't overdo it.'' Liana is also doing the same.

''Take a break.'' Even Emy too...

You guys...

''I'm fin-

'''' ... ''''

...Stop using this opportunity to grope me, will you?


*bang* *bang* *bang*

It's pretty neat here, actually. They have Duck Hunt as well.

Currently, only Anna and Tina are playing, we the elves tried a bit, but our aim was just too good, so it became kinda boring, to be honest.

Either way, they have prop guns for you to hold with your actual hands, so it is a good exercise do to, because I will definitely make them some guns later.

''Here, put the stock properly on your shoulder like this, align the target with your iron sight...''


I am now guiding Tina from behind. Because I'm basically a dwarf compare to them, it's pretty challenging. Tina's height is around the same as Liana's, which is still very tall compared to a short stack like me. Fortunately, I have an ally now, Anna is only a few centimeters taller than me, not counting her cat ears, dammit.


Hm? Why did she tremble just now?

Ah... I see.

''... Fufu, you like this?'' I said, pressing my whole chest against her back. 

''I do, my love.'' She replied. ''But it's very distracting, could you to do this for me in bed tonight instead?''

''Sure thing.'' I said, releasing my breasts from her back. ''I'll go to Anna, then.''


Coming closer to the totally concentrated Anna, I suddenly feel a bit playful.

So I proceed to give her a surprise hug from behind.


''Concentrate.'' I whispered into her human ear, mainly because I'm not tall enough to reach her cat ears. ''Hold the gun properly with both of your hands... Like this.'' I support both of her arms with my hands.

''Alright, take a really deep breath...''

''Suuu~ Phew~''

''Very good... Now, shoot.''


''My, you totally missed it.'' I said softly, my mouth still close to her ear.

''I-It's because of you...''

''Hm? What did I do again?''

''Y-Your chest... It's distracting...''

''Oh my, I'm sorry. I didn't consider that.'' I fake a surprise face. ''I won't let my breasts touch you ever again, then.''

''Ah! No...''


''You don't need to... Mhmm? Wait, stop teasing me!''

''Puh- Hahahahah, your reaction is just too cute. Sorry.''


Shit, she's mad.


Well, after that, we played for quite a while, there's a lot of different video games in this park, all of them were popular around the 2000s, I think.



''This door seems familiar...''

...Wait, is this the courtroom in 'Ace Attorney'?!

I immediately catch a nearby attendant.

''Hey, can we use this room?''

''Ah, yes, it's a popular role-playing game here, may I explain to you how the game works?''

''No need, I already knew.''

Talk about timing.

This morning, when I woke up, I found out that one of my panties was gone. I searched everywhere in the cabin, but I couldn't found it.

Now, it cannot be Christina, because she and I were having an affair the yesterday night.

That means, it's either one of the three remaining: Liana, Emy, or Anna. Ironically, the one I'm most suspecting right now is Anna. Because I think Liana or Emy would just straight up asked for it, they wouldn't have resorted to stealing like this.

I decided to gloss over it, but if they have presented such a good opportunity like this... 

Ace Attorney.

A visual novel game where you'll be acting as a lawyer defending people accused of various crimes.

Normally, that would sound and be pretty boring, who would want to play a game about laws?

But, the game itself is silly, in a very good way, of course. You do not just defending your clients, but you also solve mysteries as well, which is always exciting.

In addition, the situations and the court cases are all very outrageous and stupid in a comical fashion. That's why you can get a lot of fun out of playing the game.

The point is, it's a classic, especially in Japan. To see this court room recreated in real life is simply amazing.

''So, what do we do in here?'' Liana asked.



After explaining roughly how the game works, I got to decide the roles. Now, everyone was eager to be the defending lawyer, which is fair enough, that's the spot where Phoenix, the main character usually stands.

But this time, I properly bribed all of my lovers, and then turned it into a majority vote to decide roles, so Anna couldn't do anything. Too easy.

I am pretty sure that Anna is the one who stole my panties somehow already, so I voted her to be the defendant who got accused of theft. Then I decided to make Emy the judge, which really fits her, I'd say.

For the defending lawyer, I decided that it would be Liana, and of course, she would be defending Anna, the number one suspect here. For the witness, Tina. And finally for the prosecutor, me. 

''So now we just need to make up a case, right?'' Liana asked. ''What would it be, a murder? Theft?''

''No need to make up anything.'' I said. ''This morning, I woke up finding one of my panties missing.''


Yep, while my lovers only reacted lightly to that, Anna is literally trembling right now, look at those tender legs tensing up.

''We could just use that.'' I declared, turning around to walk to my position.

''B-But...'' Anna hurriedly grabs my hand.


''That, that would be too trivial of a case, isn't it...?''

''What, it's a princess's underwear, you know?'' I refuted. ''Do you guys think this is trivial?'' I turn to my lovers.


''Of course not, it's what you wears, so it must be precious.''

''Aside from the fact that it's full of your pussy scent, you doesn't buy a whole lot of new clothes often, so that one might be one of the panties I used to masturbate with when we weren't lovers yet.''


'''' ... ''''

''...Whatever, chop chop. Get into position.'' I said, diverting the topic.


*clack* *clack*

''Court is now in session.'' Emy declared, sitting on the judge's seat. ''Please begin, Miss Sylvia.''

''Now then.'' I said, pulling out a random piece of paper and smack it a few times. ''This morning, when I woke up, my vanilla-colored striped panties that I left on my bed was gone.''

''I searched around the cabin, but I found nothing. Thus, it could only be a case of theft.''


''Assuming that it was a case of theft, as you have said, on what basis do you accuse the defendant Anastasia of the crime?


''Tut, tut, tut. Let me finish my speech first, Miss Raeliana.''

''As you have already know, I had an affair with Miss Christina the previous night in the bathroom, and when she and I came back, the previously there panties was gone, so it couldn't have been her.''

''Additionally, you, Miss Raeliana, and Miss Emilia, are my lovers. Thus I see no reason for you two to steal my panties.''

''That means, the only one left, is Miss Anastasia, the defendant!'' I point at the pitiful cat girl, who's trembling and twitching all over the place.

''Hoh~ That makes a lot of sense.'' The judge commented.


''But you have no concrete evidence! How can you be so sure that it was her?''

''Hmm, Miss Raeliana is right, too. How do you answer this, Miss Sylvia?''


''Well, well, why don't we hear what our witness, Miss Christina has to say first?'' I point to Tina, who's already in her position.

''Hi everyone, my name is Christina.'' She started. ''The night when the theft happened, I was unable to contain my sexual desire, so I went to the victim's bed to make love with her.''

''During the process, I took of her panties, which is the very same one that is missing today, off, and threw it to the side of her bed.''


''How could you do that without inviting us?!''

*clack* *clack*

''Miss Raeliana, that question is not related to the case.'' The judge rightfully said.

'''' ... ''''

''...Miss Christina, have you noticed anything strange about the panties at that time?'' I calmly resume the testimony.

''Aside from the fact that it was drenched with my girlfriend's love water from me fingering her, there was no special feature.'' Tina proclaimed proudly.

''...Thank you, Miss Christina. You can finish your testimony now.''

''Yes. After we had sex for a while, we decided to go to the bathroom to do a quick cleanup, but we ended up having sex two more times, taking quite a while inside the bathroom.''


''I know, I know, I get very aroused when looking at her naked body in the shower, too.'' Liana crosses her arms.

*clack* *clack*

''Miss Raeliana, for the second time, please refrain from saying comments unrelated to the case.''

'''' ... ''''

''...When I came back with the victim, I could see that the panties was gone, but I didn't think much about it, until now.''

''Hmm, so the theft happened during the shower, is what you're saying?''

''Yes, Miss Raeliana.''

''Yes, and at that time, you and Miss Emilia were clearly sleeping. Or, do any of you two want to admit that you stole my panties?'' I added.

''Of course not, I can get the real thing anytime, so why bother with the panties.'' The defending lawyer said, her face unhinged.

''Me neither.'' The judge shakes her head.


''So, based on what you two said, combined with Miss Christina's testimony, it is very clear that Miss Anastasia stole my panties!''

'''' ... ''''

'''' ... ''''

''Miss Anastasia.'' I called out. ''Do you have anything else to say before you get arrested?''

The cat girl turns to me, her face red like a tomato, her delicate eyelids blinking repeatedly.

''U-Um... I-I didn't mean it...''

''Please elaborate.''

''Y-Yesterday, I couldn't fall asleep, because... I-I was too nervous thinking that you guys might be doing it...''


''I-I ended up watching the two of you m-made love to each other...''

Shit. Now that I think about it, we forgot to close the curtain.

''...And then?''

''W-When you two went to the bathroom... I-I couldn't resist the s-sweet scent coming from your panties...''

''I... Ended up placing it in my m-mouth and t-tasted it...''

''But, but, it was so sweet and tasty!'' 

'''' ... ''''

''... And where is my panties now, if I may ask?''

''Ah! I-I didn't have the time to hide it when you two came back... So I'm... Wearing it now...'' She trailed off.

'''' ... ''''

Walking closer to the cat, I silently hug her, caressing her head. Poor sweet girl.

'''' ... ''''

After a few silent moments, Anna reciprocates, so now we're hugging each other tightly.

Moving closer to her right ear, I started to whisper in a very sensual voice:

''That panties, I will give it to you, as a present.''

The girl shudders, I could feel her body heating up.

''And... If you really want to taste it, come directly to me, I'll give you the real thing.''

As soon as she heard me said that, her body started twitching, so I gently pat her back a few times to calm her down. Only after a minute or so, does she return to her normal blushing state.

'''' ... ''''

Finally, the girl nods weakly after a long time has passed.

...I think I just made a new girlfriend.


We met her quite a while ago at the academy.

She's a beast-kin, a cat-kin, in particular. She has both human and cat ears, and a nice long tail. Her fur is bright orange, always smooth and silky, really nice to touch.

Her eyes are probably the most notable features, though. Her irises are normally ocean blue, which is much more lighter than my deep blue ones. Just by looking at those, you would have the feeling of gazing afar into the vast ocean, with waves colliding with each other, creating a beautiful pattern to admire at.

Coincidentally, her gemstone is Sapphire, matching perfectly with the color of her eyes. She also likes to wear a number of gold anklets, which she said that it is a tradition of her clan.

Normally, Anna is a bright and sweet girl, she's not very out-going, but can converse just fine if you get to know her. However, she can be really scary if you annoy her, she will dish out numerous insults at you, just like your mom used to do.

But she also has an innocence side to her. When she comes to contact with anything romance-related, and I mean the explicit stuff, Anna will definitely blush and get embarrassed like a middle school girl, despite the fact that her real age is 20.

All of those combined have created a beautifully sweet girl, adorable, just like your favorite childhood friend in a normal rom-com. If you can ignore the fact that she's crazy about religion.

I have to admit though, throughout my interactions with her, I've come to adore her a lot, despite me having two, and now three lovers already. True to the nature of a slut, I suppose.

Regardless, the kind of love I have for her is a bit different. When it comes to my current lovers, they're very dominant, they make me want to depend on them, and let them take care of everything.

Anna, on the other hand, there's this feeling inside me that makes me want to cuddle with her all the time, listen to her requests, however ridiculous they are, and shower her with my love.

Is this how motherly instinct works?

Anyway, I was hoping that I would gradually get closer to her bit by bit overtime during my stay at the academy, and then somehow seduce her into being my girlfriend, but this is really unexpected.

Although I do tease her quite often, and I did flash my tits in front of several times, I didn't expect her to be this curious, going as far as to put my soaked panties into her mouth. I of course welcome this, though.

Earlier, I was worried that it could just have been your normal teenage hormones messing up her brain, that she was just genuinely curious about sex, but seeing that she did accept my invitation, I think I might have a chance...?

Regardless though, I think I might need to approach her carefully here, unlike the crude and violent elf duo and the possessive princess, Anna is very gentle and fragile.

''Don't worry, you don't need to rush.'' I said softly while still hugging her. ''Take your time, and sort out your feelings first.''

''...Um.'' She replied.

''And forgive me for this little prank, I didn't mean to embarrass you. For compensation, you can make me do whatever you want, as long as it's something I can do.'' I said while patting her back.

''Hey, show her some love too.'' I then turn to my lovers.

So they immediately come over, and we all started to cuddle the poor cat.


When the court case ended earlier, it was near 5 P.M already, so we decided to go back to our hotel.

During the trip back, Anna was quiet, very quiet. She seemed to be deep in her thoughts, her face slightly rosier than usual. I'm glad that she was considering my offer, well, confession, seriously.

All that left to do, is to try and seduce her even more, so that I would have a better chance at it. I don't think the fact that I already have three girlfriends would help much, though.

Either way, I need to talk to my girlfriends as well. Maybe tonight, when we finished our sex session. With how much Liana promised to screw my body up though, I'm not sure if I would have enough energy by then.

''Here we go~'' I said, putting the newly baked pizza on the table.

''Oh~ This smells really good.''

''A Saint's cooking...''

(╯✧ ∇ ✧)╯

When I told them that Pizza equals Good, our two new members got pretty excited about this, and requested me to make them one.

So here I am, having pizza for dinner again. I really hope this doesn't make me fat, although I've never really been fat before. I was basically a stick in my past life, and in this life, I didn't got fat no matter how bad my diet was, I wonder why.

Pouring out 5 cups of coke using telekinesis, I then throw some ice into the cups, and push it towards everyone. Following that, I cut the pizza into 6 pieces like usual, and carefully wrap a layer of cloth around the edges as well, just so nobody get their fingers burned.

''Now then, dig in everyone.''


''Mhmm, this texture, I could see why people get addicted to this.'' Tina commented.

''Right? Especially when you can change the toppings as well.'' Liana said after swallowing a bite.

''Hyah!'' Anna suddenly screamed. ''So hot...'' 

The poor cat girl has her tongue out, I could clearly see a red spot on her small, cherry tongue. Her eyes have a layer of moisture coated on them, making her seems very pitiful. 

Ahh, are cat tongues sensitive to heat?

I immediately stand up and come closer to her, then I pat her on the back gently.

''Are you alright? Use divine magic to heal it.''

''Ah, um.'' She said, bringing her hands towards her tongue, then cast a simple heal to erase the burn mark.

Meanwhile, I grab a glass of coke and hold it in front of her.

''U-Um... Thank you.'' She said, sipping the glass, then lets out a sigh.

I then pick up her slice of pizza, then blow on it a few times, before putting it in front of her mouth.

''Say 'Ah~'.''

''Eh?! Ah, um... Ah~''


''Good, let me feed you the remaining. Eat slowly, and enjoy the pizza.'' I said, rubbing her head gently.

''Mhgmn...'' She gives me a small nod while chewing the food, I could see her face heating up a little bit.

This is going pretty good, and she's so cute, dammit.


''Good for our baby cat.'' Liana commented, looking very smugly.

''Indeed.'' Tina shrugged.


'''' Hah~ '''

We simultaneously exhaled at the same time.

Turns out, this hotel even has a hot spring, this is so nice~

Now, because we're basically VVIPs here, they've prepared for us a private room, which is just about right.

Fortunately for them, they won't have to clean a bunch of cum here, because there's Anna together with us. We're not so shameless as to make out in front of her.

So let's just use this time to relax, maybe watch some youtube things after a long time. Oh, now that we're all on the same page regarding the Saint stuff, let's watch films together after some times in the future, nice idea.


Turning around, I could see Anna glancing at me, or not, at my breasts. Very discreetly, of course.

But who am I? I've been peeped at a million times already, how could I not realize her gaze.

I scan around the pool, giving my lovers a few winks, to which they just shrug back at me. I guess it's alright, they should know roughly what I want now.

Moving towards Anna slowly and naturally, I could see her instantly reacts, turning away completely.

Grabbing one of her hands, I whisper into her left ear:

''You've been looking at my chest, right?''

''H-Huh! No, no, you're wrong... How could I do that to you...'' She hurriedly denies it.

''It's fine, Anna.'' I replied. ''Do you want to feel them?''

''Eh?! Ah, n...''

'''' ... ''''


''Good kitty.'' I said, guiding both of her hands to touch my bare breasts, her palms sink into the two peaks. ''Feel them however you like, it's you favorite Saint's breasts.''

The cute cat reluctantly squeezes her hands a few times, trying to avoid making it too lewd, all the while avoiding eye contact with me.

But after feeling them for some seconds, she immediately gets mesmerized by my breasts, turning back to stare intently at my chest area while kneading the two mountains, she then squishes them together, pulls them apart, then sinks one of her fingers each really deep into my breasts, as if trying to test how far they can go.

Not stopping at that, she also curiously pinches my nipples lightly, then circles her index fingers around the areolas.

''Nn~'' I moaned lightly.

''Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!'' She hurriedly retreats her hands.

''No, keep going.'' I said, grabbing her wrists mid-air.


''...Let's do it like this, then.'' I declared, pulling her body towards me, burying her head in my breasts. Her blushing face looking from my view is only visible from the nose up, the rest are somewhere below. I could even feel her lips on my breasts, actually.


''Do you like this?''

''...Mm.'' She weakly nods.

''I'm glad, let's keep it like this until we're done here.''


After getting out of the hot spring, I saw that Anna was still flustered, but she also had a small smile on her face, maybe she really liked that.

Regardless, we have to assemble at the colosseum tomorrow, so now it's time to sleep. Well, not really yet, for me at least.


''Have a good sleep, Anna.'' I said, planting a kiss on her forehead.

''...Um, you too.'' She replied, flashing a light smile.

Suddenly, a hand from behind grabs my left breast violently, pulling it upward, another hand already thrusted inside my panties, playing around the area freely.


''Alright, it's time for you to pay the debt. I'll make sure to mess your pussy up real good.'' Liana with her sadistic smile appeared.

''A-Ah, then, I'll see you later, Anna.'' I said, waving, trying to make my expression as normal as possible.

''... Ah?! Y-Yeah, alright...'' She replied.

''No dilly-dallying, get ready for a gangbang.'' Liana injected, pulling me to her bed. ''Good night, Anna.''

''U-Um... You too...''

The cat girl looks at us intently, her tiny mouth opened slightly, her breathing is harsh, and her eyes, strangely enough, shining brighter than normal.

Why does this look like an NTR session...