

GodOFGames12 · History
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38 Chs


''Hmm~ This one is pretty nice too, eh?''


''Being a god doesn't sound so bad, hm? After all, you're able to eat whatever you want like this''


''Answer. Where is your manner?''

''W-Why are you here...'' Eva timidly said, looking at the man before her nervously.

''What? I can't visit you?''

''N-No, I didn't say that, just... Curious.''

''I'm bored. So I want to do a trivia.'' The man said. ''But doing it alone is boring, so here I am.''

''Why didn't you choose someone else...?''

''Any complain?''

''N-No! I'm honored.''

''I'm glad.'' The man grins.

Earlier, Eva was watching another horribly bad entertaining reality TV show, when suddenly a man appeared in her gazebo.

Instantly, the man complained about how bright her place was, and then he simply changed her pure white space into a star-filled night sky, with a single flick, no less.

She knows this man. Although he looks quite normal, he is actually the 'Highest One' in this universe. No one is able to go against him. But fortunately, he is not a malicious entity, he does no harm to the universe, not yet, at least.

Still, the mere presence of him is enough for Eva, a novice deity, to shiver in fear.

''Alright then.'' The man said, putting down his spoon. ''Today, we will be doing a trivia on our character names. Their origin, my thoughts, things like that.'' 

''To start with, let's talk about our main character, Sylvia.''

''As you might remember, I created this story on a whim, so I didn't actually plan her after reincarnation name. And, I am bad at naming.''

''So, I decided to borrow the name of a character in a game that I'm currently still playing. Now, I am very much a fan of a game franchise called 'Brown Dust', which consists of two games in total: BD1 and BD2, though BD1 has been renamed as 'Brave Nine'.''

''I stopped playing BD1 a while ago, but I'm still active on BD2. 'Sylvia' Is a 5-star character in BD2 that I really love, so I decided to borrow her name. Here is her from BD2.''

''...Where?'' Eva asked.

''You won't be able to see it, but the people I'm talking to will.'' The man replied. ''Right, your turn next.''

''Eh?! Ah, um... How about Emilia?''

''Right, the name 'Emilia' is just a name that sounded nice to me, nothing special. But, her family name, I did take inspiration from a certain character of a web novel.''

''His name is Dowd Campbell, the main character of 'Fated to Be Loved by Villains'. I love him as a character, he's my favorite male protagonist, so I did this kind of as a tribute to him.''

''Next, I'll talk about Christina and Anastasia all at once.''

''The reason being, both of those names were taken from BD as well. Here you can see Christina from BD1.

And Anastasia from both BD1 and BD2.''

''...It's weird seeing you talking to them like that, you know?''

''Focus on doing your job. And don't talk like you're not weird.''

''Wha- You're interrupt-


''I'm sorry, it was nothing.'' Eva does a 90 degrees bow.

''Your turn next.''

''...There's only Raeliana left, no?''

''Right, Raeliana, I'm sure some of you have noticed already, but her name comes from an Otome Isekai that I read: 'Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion'.''

''Although the subgenre is filled with garbage, there's still some decent ones. This manhwa is one of my earliest exposure to OI, and in my opinion, one of the best one out there as well. It even got an anime adaptation.''

''The name 'Raeliana' got stuck in my mind since I finished reading it two years ago, so here it is.''

''And I think that's pretty much it. Outside of the main cast, I kinda just randomly named everyone.''

''W-What about me?! Am I not in the main cast??''

''Ah wait, you are. I forgot.''

''Then! How did my name come about?''

''I thought about a woman's name for three seconds, and 'Eva' popped up first.''

'''' ... ''''

''Be honored, your name was the second one I thought of right after Hanako.''

'''' ... ''''

''...Right, how was your day?''

''...I'm doing fine...'' She pouts like a daughter getting scolded by her dad. ''Rather, how are you doing?''

''Me? I recently have a lot of vitamin B and C.''

''...And what do B and C stand for...?''

''Broke. And Capitalism.'' The man said calmly. ''So, I decided to make a Patreon. Would you take the honor?''

The man gives a card to Eva, who reluctantly takes it.

''...Do I really need to read this?''



''Do you want a 30 days internet ban?''

''I'll read it!'' Eva shouts. ''If you like 'Local Elf' so far, you can support the author on his Patreon, the link is 'patreon.com/Kalliel73'. You can access to 10 advanced chapters on there! Any and all support will be much appreciated! Thank you very much!''

*clap* *clap* *clap*

''Good, good, thank you.'' The man smiles contently.


''So, I think that's all for today. I hope you have a nice time, Eva, as well as my beautiful readers.'' The man said, standing up.

''I'll see you guys around soon, El Psy Kongroo.'' 

He vanished into nothingness.

Left behind, Eva gazes into the night sky, before letting out a sigh.

''...Finally he's gone... Wait?! My place?? Why didn't he turn it back!''






By the way, shout out to 'Alex Smith' on Patreon, if you're reading this, you're incredible. You became my patron even before I finished this trivia and announced it here.

''Hey, Anna.'' I tap the sleeping beauty.


''...Ngh?'' Her eyebrows twitch a bit.

''Wake up.''

''...Mghmm~ Nyaa~'' She stretches her arms out. ''Sylvia? Good mor-

''AH?!'' She screamed. ''What happened to you?!'' She hurriedly grabs my shoulders, scanning my body worriedly.

Yep, this reaction is totally reasonable. After all, I am totally naked right now. But that's not even the surprising part.

As I am standing right now, she should be able to see cum continuously leaking out of my lower lips, accompanied by bite marks and hickeys all over my body. But even that's just the normal stuff.

Most alarmingly, should be the bright red spank marks on my breasts, as well as on my butt. Ah, the faint choke marks on my neck as well. Yep, we went kinda hard yesterday, that was a whole two hour session of full-fledged BDSM. And I enjoyed every second of it.

This is the first time that Anna has seen me in this state, so obviously she's going to be surprised. But I want to get her familiar with this first, if she really does want to be my girlfriend, she'll have to see this regularly.


''Did you sleep well?'' I asked after kissing her forehead lightly.

''Ah? I-I was only able to sleep after three hours... Wait! Tell me about these first!'' She said, pointing to my neck.

''Well, what do you think happened?'' I asked playfully, guiding her hands up to my neck, wrapping her fingers around.

''!!'' She widen her eyes, finally realizing what had happened.

'''' ... ''''

''...Is your... lovemaking always this intense...?''

''Yes, what do you think?'' I said, smiling warmly.

''U-Um... I don't know what to say...''

''That's alright.'' I said, holding both of her hands that are wrapping around my neck. ''Do you want to do these stuff?''

''Eh?... I, I don't know.'' She said, bowing her head. ''I can't hurt my Saint...''

''But what if I'm enjoying it?''

''...Even so, I don't think I want to hurt you.'' She said, pulling her hands back.

Mhmm, so she prefer vanilla stuff, I see. I am totally fine with that, too, people have their own preferences, Liana prefers BDSM, Emy just wants to breed and can go along with anything, Tina seems to enjoy netori stuff, and now we finally have a normal one.

Me? I could go with anything, except gore or disgusting stuff. I could cum continuously while getting beaten and pounded at the same time, but I could also feel good, in a different way, when merging with my lovers slowly and gently, cuddling and sticking bodies, that kind of sweet sex.

The point is, I can and will comply with whatever fetish my lovers might have, and Anna, my prospect lover, is not an exception.

''I see, that's fine, too.'' I said, grabbing her hands once again. ''Remember, Anna, I can go whichever way you prefer, I just need you to be honest with me.''

''Of course, assuming that you won't reject me for being such a whore, though.'' I let out a chuckle.

''O-Oh! No, no... How could I say that...'' She clasps my hand back.

''I'm sorry, your Saint is such a lustful bitch.''

''No!'' She screamed. ''You are a wonderful person, Sylvia! Not only do I respect your dedication towards your sacred mission, but I also love that you took such good care of us as well!''

''You always try to encourage us, support us, both physically and mentally, and, being around you is always fun.''

''You always think of something to entertain us, getting everyone closer to each other, I've never had a dull day with you before!''

''You boast such charms that can move a whole country, from your gentle demeanor to your bright personality, to your voluptuous figure, to your gorgeous little face, to your adorable, droopy ears...''

...I... Am stunned. I didn't think that she would say this much about me...

As I thought... This emotion that is swirling uncontrollably inside my chest...

Before I could say anything, Anna has already pulled me into a hug, she hugs me tightly, leaving almost no space between us, her face buried in my nape. 

Shakily, I started to wrap my arms around her waist as well.

Soon after, I could feel her lips part right above my sensitive skin.

''Even if you are just a bitch, a whore, or a slut, whatever. I would still love to have a sweet girlfriend like you.'' She declared.

...I thought I was on the attacking side, but this... Is just too much.

''...So, can I take it that you want to date me with the intention of marriage?''

''Yes! I would love to!'' She pulls her head back, looking at me straight in the eyes, our noses almost touching.

''...Thank you for accepting me, my sweet Anna.'' I said merrily.


Still with our bodies sticking together, we plunge into a deep kiss, her tender lips overlapping mine.

We stayed in that same position for a while, enjoying the sensation of two bodies connecting with each other.


Finally breaking out of the kiss, I could see Anna's face flushed red, but, her eyes are slightly curving upward, and the corners of her lips couldn't go higher anymore.

''I love you, Anna.''

''Me too, Sylvia.''


We both started to laugh at the same time.

''Phew~'' I sighed, maybe this was more nerve-wracking than I thought.

But... It's not enough yet.

*chu* *chu* *chu*

I started to plant a lot of kisses on her lips, my arms now hooked around her neck.

Although her face suggests that she is still a bit embarrassed, her tail is very honest, it's standing straight, looming over her shoulder right now.

''My love.'' I called out. ''We can do this all day, but we still have somewhere to go today, isn't it?''

Snapping out of her trance, Anna transforms back to her normal shy state in an instant.

''Ah! Um, okay... Let me go to the bathroom first...''

''Sure, I've been holding you off for too long.'' I said, releasing her from the hug.

''Phew~'' She sighed, but her face looks undoubtedly brighter than usual.

Mhmm, I want to be a little playful here, I think.

Grabbing her right hand, I guide it towards my bare crotch, letting her palm covers my whole nether region.


I then push one of her fingers inside my cave, letting the cum soak it, follow that, I bring her hand towards my face.

''Remember my promise, you can make me do anything you want, Anna.'' I said, licking the sticky liquid of her finger slowly and thoroughly.

*slurp* *slurp*

''Mn...'' She let out a small moan.

''Done.'' I said, releasing her hand. ''Now go, my love.''

''A-Alright! Thank you a lot!''

For what...?

Watching Anna clumsily walks to the bathroom, I let out a sigh.


...Finally, I got her to be my girlfriend. It's much earlier than expected, but I'm not complaining.

Yesterday, I did ask my lovers if I could make Anna my girlfriend as well. Surprisingly, all of them agreed almost instantly.

For Emy and Liana, they said that as long as the person in concern is a good person, and as long as I love her and she loves me, they would gladly welcome her.

In Tina's case, they were reluctant to let her in simply because it was too sudden, but we've all known Anna for a while already, so they have no problem with her.

Tina was in favor as well, quote: ''I like her quite a bit, unlike this sassy cutting board over here.''. Actually, right after Tina said that, she and Liana nearly fought each other on the bed, but somehow I managed to stop them, by getting myself spit roasted between them, of course.

Either way, now we need to eat breakfast and get prepared first.

Wait... I forgot to ask Anna for a heal. That was my initial goal coming here, dammit.


Well, let's wait for her, I suppose.



I let out a sigh after wiping my face with the towel.


Tracing my lips with my left hand, I remember the kisses that I did with Sylvia earlier.

''...Mgnnn... So embarrassing... But it felt so good...''

W-Why the hell did I said all of that so confidently...

B-But, I couldn't let her be so depressed like that... I love Sylvia when she's smiling the most.

I mean, sure, she is kind of a slut, she's normally very lewd all the time, she also likes to have rough sex... But that's... that's just hot.

I don't understand, normally I should hate people like that, but when it comes to her...

Arghhh, I blame her unreal face, I blame her big chest, I blame her perfectly thick thighs, I blame her needlessly delicious juice...

Ghmmmm, she was naked earlier, too... Just thinking about that made me feel horny already...



I know that they're treating me like some innocent village girl, but... I am much more perverted that whatever they could imagine. I just chose to hide it, it's embarrassing...

Ever since I've known Sylvia and her girlfriends, I've always been curious about how they would do it together. And the night when I stole the panties... I got to witness just how incredibly sexy it was.

Sylvia, my crush, was getting pinned down, mercilessly bred by that fat penis, and sometimes she rides on it as well, I still can't forget that vulgar appearance of the usually gentle Sylvia...

I ended up fingering myself that night. And when I got to taste her wet panties, it was easily one of the most delicious thing I've ever tasted, it was like drinking peach nectar.

And her body felt immorally good to touch as well... So soft...

But... Should I have felt some jealousy towards her lovers...?

I read in books that people would be angry or sad if people they love sleep with a third person, but even now, all I can think of when I saw her that night, and even earlier... is that she was incredibly beautiful, maybe even a bit more than normal...

Especially when she was licking the liquid off my finger deliciously...


I don't know! All I know is that I am her lover now, and that's all that matter.

I can legally touch her and kiss her however I like now, even Sylvia herself told me to do whatever I want.

...But I'm scared to speak out my inner thoughts...

Nonono, I can't be like this forever! I need to change to match my lover!

I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I have a girlfriend now, and she's even a Saint, this is definitely beyond my wish. Thank you, mother goddess!

Alright! Let's officially introduce myself again to my new family!


Walking to the table where everyone is sitting at, I could see-


W-Why is Sylvia still naked?!!

''Oh, you're here.'' Sylvia turns to me. ''Come sit, I'm sure you're starving already.''

''Wh-Why are you still naked?!''

''Hmm?'' Sylvia raise an eyebrow. ''Ah, I mean, I forgot to ask you to heal me, and when I came here, these perverts said that I should stay naked, just for their entertainment.'' She said mockingly, eyeing the other three.

''Why not? If you stay like this, we could access to your body whenever we want, no?'' Raeliana injected, on her face is the usual smug.

''What am I? A walking cock-sleeve?'' Sylvia replied playfully.

''You want to be one? I can make that happen.'' Raeliana confidently said, groping Sylvia's bare chest.

''...I'll consider it.'' Sylvia said quietly, diverting her eyes to the side.

That... Is hot.

''Either way, sit down, Anna.'' She turns to me again.

''A-Ah, alright.'' I said, sitting down on the seat beside her.

''I've talked with these three.'' She began. ''And fortunately, they said that they have no problem with you join in, so, please take care of me, my dear girlfriend.'' 


Sylvia then goes on to kiss me on the lips briefly before pulling away again.

Looking around the table, I could see that everyone has a relaxed attitude.

Finally...! I'm officially in now!

''Please take care of me, fellow girlfriends!'' I said cheerfully.


''No problem.''

''No need to be respectful like that, we're family now.''

Seeing this, both Sylvia and I smile warmly. 

''So.'' Sylvia continues. ''To welcome Anna as our new family member, I think we should grant her a wish, what do you guys think?''

''What? You didn't do that for me?'' Raeliana objected.

''I let you tied me down on the couch as a cumdump that one time, remember? Be satisfied with that.''


What?! A c-cumdump?? They did that...? 

Oh no, I'm getting excited again...

''Me too...'' Emilia also objected.

''You took my virginity, so consider that a gift.''

''Mu~'' Her cheeks inflated.

''...Don't be mad, I'll hear you out later.''

''Actually, me too...'' This time Christina raises her hand.

''You want more one-on-one sessions, right? I'll do one with you later.''

''Yes!'' Christina exclaimed cheerfully, drawing a glare from Raeliana.

''Now then, Anna.'' Sylvia turns to me. ''You can ask me or these three whatever you want. Remember, this one is different from the previous wish from me, alright?''

So I can ask anything...

I-I kinda want to see Sylvia as a cumdump...

Wait, no! What am I thinking about!


''Take your time.'' Sylvia smiles warmly, caressing my cheek. 

Alright! Let's say I want her alone for a day or something, that should be good enough.

''I want to see you as a cumdump.''

'''' ... ''''

!*$&!($&_@*#_!@(#!)@(*$!!! MY MOUTH BETRAYED ME!!!

This is just like the court case yesterday!! Why do I always spit it all out...

Everyone widen their eyes, except for Emy, who has this ['o'] face.

Ahhhhhh I could literally feel my my skin burning right now... Someone save me... Mother goddess...

''I... See.'' Sylvia muttered. ''I understand. But, do you want to use me as well? Or just watch me?'' She tilts her head cutely, the faint handprints alongside her dark choker on her neck are making it very lewd though...

But...Having sex with an used Sylvia... That is so hot...!

''Um... I want to u-use you too...'' 

''But you don't have a penis, right?'' She asked. ''Or do you not need one?''

Mhmmm, I want one too... I heard that cumming with a penis feels extremely good...

''I want one.'' I give her a nod.

''Alright then. Though I think it would take quite a while, we can find Anna a penis later. Is that alright?'' She turns to everyone.



''That's alright.''

''Good.'' Sylvia nods contently. ''Then, after Anna got her penis, I will act as a cumdump for... say... half a day, does that sound good?''

'''' Um. ''''

''Mhmm, good. Now, let's eat, we have to go to the colosseum later.'' Sylvia said, pouring herself a glass of water and putting a few ice cubes in.

I've noticed that Sylvia seems to like cold drinks a lot, and when she gulps down those drinks, like now, her long ears will twitch in excitement, which makes her seems very cute.

Actually, she's naked right now, so her chest does bounce a bit as well...

Nonono, let's focus on eating first. I need to hurry up and find a penis, so that I can use a Saint cumdump...

''Ah.'' I muttered.

'''' Hm? ''''

''I'll heal you, Sylvia.''

''Ah, right. I forgot again.''

''Here we go.'' I said, casting a healing spell on her.

Actually, how did she even get this tattered... I kinda want to see that...

Ah, and when they're done with their lovemaking, I could join in too...! 

Ghmnmm... At this point, I won't deny it anymore.

From yesterday, all I wanted to see was Sylvia having sex with those three, and then I would have a desire to touch her after that... I want to have sex with Sylvia after she had sex with somebody else...


This is too twisted!

But I can't help it! I'm a pervert...

Fortunately for me, Sylvia said that she would go along with whatever I say... And! I still got that wish from her too...!

I'm excited. I want to have sex with her...!

''By the way, what are we doing in the colosseum?'' Christina asked.

''Hm? Just some monster fighting, I heard. They said that students need practical experience in fighting monsters.'' Sylvia replied.

''Maybe that old geezer arranged this.'' Raeliana commented.

''That's true, he knows that we need to hurry up after all.'' Sylvia shrugged. ''By the way, how's it going with your second brother, Tina?''

''Ah, he's still pressing the crown prince and the emperor at the moment-



''What's wrong, Liana?''

That fucking face... I swear she just invented a new degenerate play again. I will have her try drawing later, she might be talented in creating hentai.

''You could use illusion magic on your entire body now, right?''

Yeah I could.

''Mhmm. So?''

''So you can go outside naked then. Just put an illusion on your body, pretend that you're wearing clothes.''

''Oh.'' Tina exclaimed.

'''' ... ''''

Fucking hell, this girl needs to be a hentai artist. And don't give her thumbs ups, you two perverts.

''...No. Not yet. My illusion magic is not strong enough yet, some people can still see through it.''

''Alright then, I'm looking forward to the day you go out naked.'' Liana let out a chuckle.

Cmon, don't you see the poor cat blushing here? My little baby, you're getting corrupted...

Actually, I'm starting to question her innocence here, she just requested me to become a cumdump...

Admittedly, being tied to the couch and used as a sex toy that whole day felt really good, even with Liana alone. Now imagine four cocks... Wait no, I can't wet the chair here.

But anyway, she might not be as pure as I'd expected her to be, but it's fine. I love her regardless. As long as she doesn't make me sell my body to random strangers or something, then I'll go along with her.

''Well, let's get prepared, we need to be there in 30 minutes.'' I said. ''Anybody knows the way to the colosseum?''

'''' ... ''''

Fuck me.


Fortunately, the colosseum was very noticeable, so after wandering in the air for about 15 minutes, we arrived at the location.

This one looks just like the Rome colosseum, I don't think that's a coincidence, but there's still a difference. This one is way bigger than the one on Earth, and the center part is a flat platform instead of whatever the original is now.

Either way, the professors in charge told us that we don't need to participate in because we're too strong already. Which is fair enough, I could easily beat a normal dragon now, I don't think letting me in would be balance in terms of power scaling.

So, we're now in a private observing room higher up, discussing stuff.

Tina wanted to learn how to shoot, so I lent her my Glock 18 and a bunch of plastic rounds to practice on, of course, with a target and a silencer as well. I don't want to maintain a sound barrier here for so long.

Emy offered to help her, they've bonded a bit after numerous duels they did, it seems. Which is very nice, I want them to get along.

Now, the question is, what else do we do in here.

I'm currently sitting on a couch with Liana and Anna, looking at the arena below. The other two are shooting at the back.

''By the way, how long do you think it would take till you reach Master, Liana?'' I asked.

''Hmm? I think a few more months should be enough.'' She replied.

''As expected of high elves... You guys are so strong.'' Anna commented.


''You're plenty strong too, Anna.'' I said after giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

Anna blushes, then nuzzles her head into the side of my breasts.

This is so fucking cute...

''Can I touch your cat ears?''

''Oh, let me in too.''

''Eh? Ah, alright.''

So I let her lay down on my lap, and then we both started to stroke her ears. 


''Does this feel good?'' I said, stroking her head at the same time.

''Mhmm.'' She nods slightly, closing her eyes.

''This feels pretty nice.'' Liana commented.

I know, right?

''Hey.'' Anna suddenly called out. ''Can I touch your ears too? Both of you.''

''Hmm? Sure.'' I said.

''No problem.''

So she gets up and stands in front of us. We readily bring our faces forward for Anna, and because we're pretty close, my left ear is actually bruising against Liana's right ear right now. It's kinda ticklish.

Anna's eyes is brimming with curiosity, she grabs our ears with her little hands, then she gently caresses the outer part of our ears, tracing their shapes, before slowly moving to the more tender parts in the center.


I've come to love my long ears since becoming a member of this world, they're aesthetically pleasing on my eyes personally, and I have a lot of room for earrings as well. Though I'm only wearing a single pair so far.

Maybe in the future when I can draw out more mana, I could increase the number of earrings.

Then, I could feel Anna's thumbs started to linger around our ear canals, she then curiously inserts them inside-


Causing both of us to flinch at the same time.

''Ah?! I'm sorry, are you alright?''

''I'm fine.'' Liana said, letting out small sigh.

''Me too.''

It looks like Tina and Emy got alerted though. So I wave at them a bit, then give a thumbs up, and now they're back to shooting.

''...Anna.'' I called out.


''Do you want to try a tongue kiss?''

''Eh?!... S-Sure.''

This instantly puts a smile on my face.

''I'll watch over.'' Liana injected. ''I took her first tongue kiss after all.''

Stop smugging like that.

''Come here.'' I called out softly, opening my arms so that Anna can hug me.

My cat girl shyly comes over, putting one of her knees in the empty space between my thighs, and then hug me around the armpits. I then close my arms as well.

''This is better.'' I said, using telekinesis to lift her up, and let her straddling on me.

'''' ... ''''

She looks at me nervously with her big, round eyes, the temperature surrounding me is rapidly increasing, most likely due to the warm wave of heat generating from this cat before me.

She blinks a few times awkwardly, then slowly approaches my face even closer.


We both press our lips together.

''Right, now just insert your tongue in, this slut can take care of the rest.''

Anna flinches, but she does just that, inserting her tongue inside my mouth.

I then carefully use my own tongue to circle hers, sometime press them against each other. Anna's tongue is anxiously wincing, but she does not retreat it back, instead, I can tell she's trying her best to reciprocate.

So cute.

''Ngha... *slurp*...Nn... *slurp*...''

Gradually, she started to get the hang of it, and now we're both trying to intertwine our tongues together as much as possible, stirring our sticky saliva. Until-



...This naughty cat, already sucking on my tongue, huh.

''Hoh~ You have talent, Anna.'' Liana commented on the side.

Not wanting to lose, I push my head forward, overlapping our lips again. I started to utilize all of my kissing experience, attacking her tongue relentlessly. Eventually, after a while of battling-


''Hah...Hah... *gulp*... Ah...''


Look at that flushed face, you're still an amateur, cat girl.

I then reposition my hands to behind her head, pulling her in for a hug, her face rightfully buried in my neck. I could feel her heavy breathing on my skin, actually, she's even kissing my neck right now. Fast learner, huh.

''Good job.'' I whispered into her cat ear this time.

She flinches, but remain still on my body.

This is great. I love being pinned down, but having someone I can pin down also feels good-


I immediately reacted, putting on a sound barrier around all of us. 

Jesus Christ, what the hell are they doing here.

''What's happening?!'' Tina ran back to us together with Emy, still holding her pistol, looking out the window.

''Probably a dragon.'' Liana said nonchalantly.

''Dragon?!'' Anna jolts up, staring wide-eyed at Liana.

Shit, Anna's clan got attacked by dragons, maybe this is traumatic for her.

''They are probably using an illusion, though. I doubt there would be a dragon here.'' I commented, stroking Anna's head to calm her down.

''Ah... I see.'' She let out a sigh. ''But practicing with dragons... Are they serious?''

So we all gaze outside to the arena, where, a blue dragon is slowly descending from high above, on the ground are around 100 students standing in formations surrounding the dragon, some holding their shields, some holding their weapons, and some preparing their spells.

A large-scale battle against a boss, huh. This is just like a raid in an MMO or something.

''Sit down first, I think we finally have something interesting to watch.''

I see why they sent students here now, that one dragon is quite big, there's no arena in the vicinity of the academy that could hold a battle of this scale.

But, a blue dragon, huh. My dad has only ever shown me red and yellow ones, stating that he had never encountered anything else other than those.

So blue likely means it's a frost dragon, or water dragon, I'm not too sure. The color of its scale is somewhere between ocean blue and light blue, making it quite hard to predict its exact element.

''How did they even summoned that one?'' Tina asked.

''Probably by combining illusion magic.'' I replied. ''Most of the professors probably joined in on this.''

Needless to say, summoning a whole dragon is very hard. Unlike my dad's dragon, which he just whipped out in just a minute, this dragon here probably required 10 to 15 professors to simulate.

Although my dad sucks at explaining stuff, he is incredibly strong. People call him the best mage in the world currently, and I can personally attest that.

''Hah, just a petty dragon, I could solo that one.'' Liana smugly declared.

Yeah, Liana probably could. But she's getting way too smug recently, do I need to rub my breasts in her face again? But then her ego would get damaged, and I will probably be bullied for the following week, so let's not do that.

I can't win against her in bed either. That's just not possible. I've surrendered to her cock a long time ago.

''Anna.'' Emy suddenly called.

''Hm?'' She replied, still sitting on my laps. It appears that she likes position.

''What kind of dragons did you meet?''

''Ah... The red ones.''


''Eh? T-Thanks...?''

That was cute.


There we go, they finally started.

The blue dragon immediately breathes out a huge gush of icy cold air, rendering a third of the students shiver from the low temperature, half of them frozen in place due to their low defenses.

Although the students did stack a lot of barriers together, a dragon's breath is not something that brats at high Intermediate or low Advance could handle.

''NOW!!'' A shout could be heard from the arena.

A girl cladded in light black armor is leading a team of students, plunging towards the dragon's head. That one... I think it was the daughter of Duke... Camila?

Either way, she's the strongest one among the students so far, only makes sense if she's the leader, I suppose.

Around 10 or 15 students jump up and started to attack the dragon's head. Unfortunately, they all either missed the eyes, or missed the head entirely, I guess they're not familiar with calculating distances?

''Skill issue.'' I muttered.

Except, the girl in black did land a hit on its left eye, she stabbed it with both of her daggers, then swiftly pulled them out and retreated.


The dragon wails in pain, it swings its enormous head around, creating strong winds slapping against all the students around the area, knocking them back and unfortunately hitting the tankers at the front.

Well, now they just need to launch their spells...

''Hm? What the hell are they doing? Shoot its mouth!''

No, really, its mouth is wide open right now, I could probably end it with a single spell, granted, an Archmage level spell, but still.

''They're panicking.'' Tina commented.

''WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! SHOOT!!'' The girl in black shouted.

The mages finally stop dazing, they shoot a bunch of spells at the dragon's mouth. Most of them are designed to deal concentrated damages, I'd say. So they do know what spells are good to use, but they just lacks actual experience and got frozen.

The spells worked quite well, upon eating myriads of attacks, the dragon rightfully gets even angrier than before. It sweeps the whole arena with it's tail and claw, sending students, even the frozen ones earlier, flying outside of the arena, some even landed on the spectator seats.

Man, this seems dangerous, are they sure the students won't die from this?

Regardless, the remaining students are preparing the next attack already, I think they might make it go berserk soon. Probably a good point to cancel the illusion by then.

Normally in real life, you would get a dragon to its berserk state, then get the fuck out and wait until it runs out of stamina. That's how people hunted dragons, no idiot is going to confront a berserk dragon directly.

''It's about to end.'' I said.

The girl in black earlier is now rushing in again, swiftly stabs the dragon's remaining eye, then, much like a shadow, disappears into thin air.


Yup, it went berserk. It was a decent fight, at least they won't panic when encountering a dragon next time.


...Hm? Why is it not disappearing? Hey! They're really going to die at this rate?!

Hurriedly, I put Anna aside and stand up, pulling out the Hecate II from my space bag together with a few super AP bullets.

Using telekinesis, I swiftly insert the bullets into the magazine, then the magazine into the gun.


After a quick bolting, I decided to shoot it while standing, there's no good angle to lay down here.

Clenching my whole body with thick mana coat to ensure my accuracy, I aim straight at the dragon's head.

By this point, the dragon is already releasing all kinds of magic everywhere. The students are rightfully trying their best to defend against the barrage of magic, I could see through the scope numerous round mana shields popping up around the arena.

In the distance, some panicking staff members are running around, trying to rescue unconscious students.


Steadying my breath, I pull the trigger decisively.


The bullet left the barrel with an incredible speed, cleanly punched a sizeable hole through the side of the lizard's head, leaving it suspended in the air for a moment.

The concussion coming out at the end of the barrel is just as big as I remember. Even now, I could feel the nearby carpet's fluffy wool brushing against my feet, and the curtains still fluttering in the corner of my vision.


My carefulness kicks in again, I bolt the gun once more, sending the empty casing of a .50 cal bullet out of the gun, simultaneously pushing a new round into the barrel.


Another bullet pierced through the dragon's head cleanly, but this time instead of just suspending its movement like before, it knocked its head over to the side, and that was enough for its ginormous body to tip, falling down with a strong thud audible from even here.


Throwing back the Hecate II into the case, I let out a sigh.

'''' ... ''''

''Good job.'' Liana said, sitting down again, it seems like she was about to jump out earlier.

''Mhmm.'' Emy as well.


My little cat girl whined, jumping towards me, then buries her face between my breasts.

''You were so cool!!'' She said.


Head patting time, ah, let's put the Hecate back first.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

''...Incredible. I didn't think that it was this strong.'' Tina commented, looking a bit dazed.

''It can even pierce that man's armor, some petty lizard's skin can't ever stop it.'' I proclaimed proudly, stroking Anna's head. ''Well, there's that. But I think we need to get the details of this.''

''I agree. Let's go find someone outside.''

Hopefully everyone's alright.

Let's think about it for a second.

The illusion dragon went berserk. That means that the professors somehow lost control over the whole magic ritual, or, they purposefully kept it going just to kill all the students.

Now, the latter doesn't make much sense, if they wanted to kill the students, they could have just summoned a berserk dragon from the beginning. And to begin with, they didn't even need to summon any dragon, the professors are strong enough beat all the students here, except us, anyway.

So, the only possibility left, is that the magic got hijacked at some point, leading to the dragon not disappearing when it went berserk, hell, its corpse is still in the arena, the magic is still running.

Either way, we need to get hold of the situation first.

Flying out from the window of the observation room, we landed on the arena, where everyone is currently panicking, staff member frantically running around carrying injured students.

The whole arena almost got obliterated, actually, those spells from the dragon were nasty.

''I'll go help them!'' Anna said, running off to the distance.

''You guys go help too, I'll find more information.'' I said to the remaining three.

''No need to ask.''

''Of course.''


Now, let's find the leader girl first, she might know something.


After flying for a while, I found my target at a corner of the arena, I could see the girl in black earlier sitting against the wall, together with... My classmates?

Most of them are injured in some way or another, currently being treated by a few supporters. Let's approach them first.

''You guys alright?'' I said, drawing their attention.

''You...'' The girl muttered.

'''' Sylvia! '''' 

Oh, hey Nick, mister protagonist, and the two mage girls as well.

''Did they tell you to battle the dragon even when it went berserk?'' I asked them.


''I didn't hear anything about this either.''

''Me too.''

Well, I need to find the professors now, I guess.

''You.'' The girl called me. ''Did you finish the dragon?''

''Hm? I did.''

''Thanks.'' She does a 90 degree bows.

''No problem, I just did what I should.''

''What are you going to do now?''

''I'll find the professors.''

''Let me go with you.''

''Sure, if you can move.'' She's got quite a lot of wounds though, but I feel like I can't stop her here.

''Me too!'' Nick injected.

This guy as well, fine. Not hurt to have more helpers.

''Alright then, good luck to all of you, you guys look dead, jeez.'' I turn to my classmates before lifting my new teammates into the air.


''Whoa~'' Nick exclaimed, his eyes sparkling.

Apparently this guy has never flown in his life. Good for him, I guess.

''Do you know where the ritual site is?'' I asked the girl.

''That way. On the left side.''

Figured, I can feel a bunch of mana gathered there.

Let's cast some preemptive spells first, there might be an ambush.

Hmm, maybe around 25 metal spikes, should be enough. I could try my newly acquired portal magic here, too.

So we landed outside a pretty big room, judging from the size of this door, at least.

''Let's take a peek first.'' I said. ''But still, ready your weapons.''

Casting a sound barrier around the door, I cautiously push it inside, leaving just a tiny crack to look in.

The scene inside the room is somewhat unexpected. All of the professor lying unconscious on the ground, with purple chains wrapping around their bodies. Looking at the flow of magic, the chains are probably sucking mana from them to fuel the illusion magic in the middle of the room.

No other figure is seen anywhere. Well, they probably ran off already, no sane culprit would want to linger here anyway.

''No one's here. Let's release the professors first.'' I said. pushing the door wide open.

I said that, but the only one here capable of breaking these chains is probably me.

''What are these...'' Nick muttered.

''...Dark magic.'' The girl said, her face has a rare frown on it.

Yep, I thought so, these match perfectly with the descriptions about dark magic I heard from dad.

When encountered, one should feel a sinister, uncomfortable feeling inside their head, one should also see the signature dark colored mana from it, and consider the fact that draining magic is only available to demons, this is 100% confirmed.

''!!'' Nick widen his eyes. ''Are you saying that demons did this?!''

''Yes, I've encountered them before. This feeling, it's undoubtedly dark magic.''

''Either way, help me gather the chains in one place first, I'll break them all at once. Don't touch them directly, just to be sure.''

I don't want to touch these with telekinesis either.

''Ah, right.''

So I started to combine all 25 spikes together, creating a huge spear in the air. 

Aiming at the numerous chains on the ground that they've just put together using their weapons, I thrust my spear down with maximum power, adding in my telekinesis to boost as well.


The spear jammed deep into the concrete ground, severing all the chains, thus stopping the illusion magic.


...Wait, the students I could understand, but why is there no staff member here? They should have went here first, no...?


''You guys stay here to guard them, I'll go out.''

''Wait, wha-


Flying out of the room, I quickly gathered all my party members spreading across the arena with my telekinesis.

''What's wrong?!'' Tina exclaimed.

''I'll be brief. The professors got attacked by demons. The illusion magic got hijacked. And, there might be something suspicious about the staff here.''

''Understood, find and capture all the staff members first?'' Liana asked. 

''Yes, just in case, go in pairs. Liana and Emy, Tina and Anna, I'll go alone.''

''It's dangerous!'' Anna said worriedly.

''Anna's right.'' Emy added.

''...Fine. I'll join Tina's team then.''

Fuck it, no time to argue.

''Ah, you two.'' I called my fellow elves. ''Look for Justia and her companions first, they're nearby.'' 

Almost forgot about them.


Shit, where did all the staff go?! We've been flying around the vicinity for a while already...

''Do you guys remember which direction they went??'' 

''Sorry, I don't.''

''I didn't pay attention...''

They got us good this time, huh. I'll remember this, whichever motherfucker it is.


That's the staff uniform!

''There's one over there!'' I point at a man carrying an unconscious student just outside the colosseum, increasing our speed as I spoke.

''He probably got left behind! Look, he's limping!'' Anna shouted.

Landing right before the man, I instantly use telekinesis to lock him in place.

''Huh?! What is this??'' The man exclaimed.

''Where are you going?!''

''Eh?! I'm going to the clinic, of course..?''

''Why didn't any of you went to check on the professors?! They got attacked by demons!''

''What?! This wasn't an accident?! The leader said that it was the professors messing up the ritual...''

Shit, so they most likely got deceived by the demons in disguise, huh. Explains why Anna didn't feel anything odd about these guys.

''Guide me to the clinic, fast.'' I said, picking up the guy with telekinesis, and fly into the sky again.