

GodOFGames12 · History
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38 Chs


*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*

''It feels so good...! Sylvia!'' Christina said while moaning.

''Right? My pussy is rated ten out of ten by both Emy and Liana, you know.'' I said, smiling broadly.

Right now, I'm riding on Christina's cock, I think it's called a 'cowgirl' position or something.

Regardless, because Christina has no experience, she moves quite awkwardly, similar to how Emy and Liana moved when we first had sex. So as a senior, and as her now lover, I am trying my best to please her, as well as myself.

*flap* *flap* *flap*


Truth to be told, I am very eager to try out all sort of things with this penis, mainly due to its shape. So far, this one also gets a 10, long enough to mess up my insides, large enough to stretch open my pussy wide. And because its shaft is slightly curvy pointing upward, it's much easier to ride this one in the cowgirl position than the other two.

*flap* *flap* *flap*


For those two, I would need to basically squat my way through if I want to impale myself on them, and that's very exhausting.

...Now that I think about it, can't I just use telekinesis...? I guess being horny does reduce your sanity.

''Ah~! Sylvia! I'm cumming again!'' Christina moaned.

''Shoot it all in!'' I said, bowing down to kiss her on the lips, putting both of my hands on her big breasts, my hip does a powerful slam downward, triggering her ejaculation.



This is it, the twitching and throbbing from the cock inside me, and the hot liquid shooting against my womb's wall, I live for these feelings, or rather, cum for these feelings...

''Hah... Huh...''


Both Christina and I breathe audibly, her cock still inside my pussy. I've been creampied for quite a lot of times by all three of them for a while, and I was ramming my hip on Christina just now, so naturally I'm pretty exhausted.

''...Hey, stop playing with my nipples already.'' I said to Emy and Liana, who's been experimenting on how to play with my nipples from earlier, when I started to ride on Christina.

They tried rubbing them with their toes, slapping them with their cocks, twisting, flicking, pulling, doing a French kiss with them in the middle, all sort of things.

''Why?'' Liana asked innocently.

''They're a bit numb now, and almost bleeding already, I think.'' They really did bite them a lot, huh, I like it, but my future children might not.

''Hmm...'' Liana grimaces. ''...Wouldn't it be hot if you get piercings on your nipples? Like, some of those big ring piercings.''

''Eh?'' Both Christina and I exclaimed at the same time.

''Oooh, that's good.'' Emy eyes rarely open widely, apparently she agrees with Liana's idea.

''...Fine, if that's what you guys want.'' I'm not really opposing it, I could take them out and heal anytime anyway, and it sounds interesting enough.

''Yes~! Just imagining pulling your tits using rings nearly made me cum already!'' Liana said excitedly, her cock does indeed twitch and throb a bit.

''Um! Um!'' Emilia meanwhile is busy nodding.

''Ah, but only pierce one of them, we need something to suck, too.''

''Yes, yes, my tits are all yours.''

''Well then, let Christina rest a bit, you guys still haven't ejaculated enough, right?'' I said, slowly rising up, the cock inside my pussy sliding out, resting on its owner's belly.

''Take a break, Christina. I'll let you use my pussy however you like later.'' I said, planting a light kiss on her.

''So, deepthroat? Titfuck? Or would you like to do a mating press? Or, the cock-sleeve style that Liana did earlier?'' I turn to Emy and Liana.

''I would like another womb blowjob, please.'' Liana raises her hand like a customer ordering her food. ''Your womb has been leveling up recently, you know?''

''Eh? What are you talking about?''

''I noticed that your sack is much more grippy inside now, and the entrance is easier to push through than before.''

''That's... Because you guys loosened it so much, no?''

''I guess that's true, but it feels good regardless, let me use it, please.''

''Right, right, I'll make sure to give your cock a nice grip.'' I said resignedly. ''And how about you, Emy?''

''I also want that.'' She said.

''You go first then.'' Liana shrugged.



*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*

While getting pounded by Emilia from behind in a doggy style, I hatched a new idea.

Crawling towards the resting Christina, I gesture Liana to follow me.

''What?'' Liana asked.

''Mhm~...Let's try out- Ah!... her breasts.'' I replied, stumbling my words due to the cock sliding inside me.

''Eh!?'' Christina exclaimed.

''Hoh~ I'm in.'' The flattest one present grins.

''Mhmm... Fine, if that's what you want, Sylvia.''

Removing her upper garments with telekinesis, I marvel myself at the pair of beautiful tits in front of me. Although these tits are smaller than mine by around 1 or 2 cups, they're still massive, the shape is also a bit different from mine.

''Hm, hm...'' Liana seems pretty serious.

*flap* *flap* *flap* 

Ah, focusing while getting pounded is pretty hard...

''Ah!'' Christina moaned, because Liana is grabbing her right breasts with both of her hands, kneading and squeezing it thoroughly. ''Oh~'' She exclaimed.

Curious, I follow suit.


Ohhh, this is pretty nice. Touching other people's breasts feels entirely different. These are exquisite as well, it's like burying your hands into jelly, or pudding, super soft.

*flap* *flap*

Let's try out the nipple, then.


Liana and I suck the nipples lightly at the same time, I pull and push the whole breast with my entire head, feeling the squishiness of it.

...I see why Emy and Liana are obsessed with sucking my nipples now, feels very nice on the tongue. Now, because my breasts are so big, I could suck my own nipples, in fact, I've done that before, but it just doesn't feel right.

And, if I try to suck Liana's, she will get really mad and slap my breasts a lot, so I didn't really have the chance. Emy's felt kinda wrong, too, mainly because it didn't excite her much, killing the thrill by quite a lot.

''Ah!... Mhmm...'' Christina covers her mouth with the back of her hand, her eyes closed, eyebrows furrowing lightly.

''Cumming.'' Emy behind me said.


''Nn~!'' I came with her as well.

''Phew~ Your turn.'' Emy said to Liana, who's been tasting Christina's nipple like a candy. Fortunately she didn't bite, I don't know if Christina likes that or not.

''Puh- Huh~, about average, I guess.'' Releasing the nipple, now soaked in her saliva, Liana briskly crawls her way to behind me.

She didn't like it very much? Hmm... I guess I can have them all for myself now, unless Emy also wants to try it.

''Let me try too.'' She said.

Alright then.

''Sylvie.'' Liana suddenly called.

''Puh- Huh? What's wrong?''

''Can you clean some of the semen? It's literally filling your entire pussy now.''

''Eh? Ah, alright. Wait for a second.'' 

My bad, my bad, I forgot we have a new dick today, so I thought I didn't need to clean my pussy yet. Sorry for the sloppy service~

Using telekinesis, I slowly draw out all the semen still inside my hole, including the loads inside the womb. Jeez, the pitiful sack of mine is inflated like a balloon now.

Hovering the staggering amount of the thick grayish liquid composed of three different types of semen, I started to gulp them down.

*gulp* *gulp* *gulp*

After swallowing three whole mouthful of cum, I rinse my teeth and gums roughly using water magic.

This is like, a whole water cup of cum already, these gals are monsters.

''Thanks~'' Liana said cheerfully, teasing her cock against the entrance of my pussy.

''No problem, my love.'' I smile softly at her, then turning back to Christina's tits. ''Ah.''

Christina is hard again.

Well, it's only 11:30 P.M, I guess we still have some more time.


''...-ke up.''

''Wake up, Sylvia.''


Opening my eyes, I could see something orange in my blurry vision... Anastasia?

''Mhmm...Good morning, Anastasia.''

''Yes, good 'morning', it's 10 A.M already, princess.''


''Seriously... What's wrong with you guys today? Why did all of you sleep for so long?''


We did it all the way until 1 A.M earlier, I guess I was a bit excited when Christina joined in. Fortunately, I didn't forget to throw on my clothes and clean the bedsheet. Sorry Christina, you bed was basically drenched with all kinds of juice, must be awkward to sleep on that.

''It's been a long time since I've slept in, you know?'' I whipped out a random excuse.

''Right, and all four of you got the same excuse.'' Anastasia crosses her arms.

Shit, did all the rough sex merged our brains or something?

''Ahaha...'' I smile awkwardly. ''Let's go to the table first, you had breakfast?''

''I had, the other three are waiting for you at the table.''

''Ah, alright.''

Wait, shit, I forgot my underwear. Fuck, there's still cum inside me as well...

''Ah, let me go to the bathroom first.''


Getting out of the bathroom, I walk over to the square table at the middle of the cabin.

All three of my lovers have already settled down, Liana is reading newspaper, Emy beside her is sipping her coffee, looking at the moving scenery outside the window, and on the opposite side of them, Christina is meditating, controlling the mana from her gems.

''Hey guys.'' I greeted.


''Hi, Sylvia.''


I sit beside Christina, while Anastasia gets the chair on another empty side of the table.

''Thanks for waiting, let's eat right away.'' I said, using fire magic to heat up the plates.


After we finished our meal, we decided to relax together. Normally we train quite hard, so this trip we're quite literally treating it as a vacation.

''Right, now that Sylvia is awake, I think we can continue our investigation.'' Anastasia said, sipping her orange juice.

''Hm? Investigation?'' What investigation?

''This morning when I woke up, I smelled a strange odor.'' She explained. ''It was a very fishy smell, and there's some very sweet and delicious bit mixed in it too.''

Well fuck, apparently she noticed the smell of their cum, and of my juice as well. And she likes the smell of my cum juice?

Anyway, I think we need to defuse this situation together. Let's-



'''' ... ''''

'''' ... ''''

For a while, only the occasional sipping sound from Emy and the rustling sound from Liana turning the pages can be heard inside the cabin.

Excuse me, what the hell? Why are you guys acting so nonchalantly? Hey! Don't turn away?!

''What do you think, Sylvia?'' Anastasia turns to me, seemingly has given up on the other three.

''I mean, the smell is gone and nothing happened, so we can just ignore it?'' I said.

''Hmm... My intuition is telling me that there's something to this...''

Turn that 'intuition' thing off please, it's cheating.

''...Why do I feel like, it's related to you guys...?'' She narrows her eyes, glancing all four of us in turn.

I don't know man, it might be related to us, but I'm not sure.

''Cmon, Anastasia, I really don't think that anything suspicious happened, we're still fine, no?''

''Mghmmm... But it's getting on my nerves... I want to know what was going on.'' Anastasia sits there, hands holding her head, frowning, her tail waving annoyedly from side to side.

Eh... Are we really doing this?

''Hey, I know it's you guys already. Just tell me what happened.''

''Like Sylvia said, I don't think there was something wrong.'' Christina shrugged.

'''' ... ''''

''Am I... Not trustworthy enough...?''

Shit, she's about to cry, emergency call!! US embassy! Elon Musk! Where are you guys?! There's a cat girl crying here!

''Ahh, don't be like that.'' Liana hurriedly said, putting down her newspaper. ''I could tell you, but it won't be pleasant.''

''Don't worry! I won't be shaken easily!''

''We had sex yesterday.''


''All four of us, together.''


''The smell you noticed was the smell of our cum mixed with the smell of Sylvie's ejaculation juice.''


...Welp, curiosity killed the cat.

So now we're sitting in silence, leaving the poor orang- maybe red cat now, gasping and hissing on her seat, occasionally sneaks a glance at us, but most of the time keeping her head down.

''...I'm sorry, Anastasia.'' I said, tapping her shoulder.

Anastasia shudders upon receiving my touch, staring at me with her big, alluring azure eyes.

''N-No problem. You guys are lovers... So it's only normal to do that...'' She started to talk. ''But... Did Christina officially join, too?''

''Yes!'' I proclaimed proudly.

Turning to Christina, she and I immediately come closer to each other and kiss passionately for a few seconds.

''Ah, okay... Good for you, I guess.'' Anastasia said resignedly.


After that, we just kinda chilled the whole afternoon. The expected time of arrival is next morning, so we still have to sleep on the train tonight.

Sitting on my bed, listening to music, I'm thinking about food. The food on this train is not bad by normal standard, but vastly inferior to what I used to eat normally. I hope the Marquis's territory has good food.

Suddenly, I could feel someone sitting beside me.

''Hey, Sylvia.'' Anastasia whispered into my ears.

''Hm? What's wrong?'' I replied.

''...How does it feel?'' She asked. ''I mean... Doing it...'' She trailed off.

...Well, isn't this a naughty little cat. Might as well corrupt her whole, if she's asking for it.

I close our distance, hugging Anastasia from the side of her body, my breasts pressing against her shoulder. 

Anastasia shudders, but I just proceed to ignore it completely and whisper really close into her cat ears:

''It feels ab-so-lu-te-ly amazing.'' I said, guiding her hand down to touch my lower abdomen, where my womb is. ''My entire body was melting away in pleasure during the act, since, I was dealing with three whole penises, you know?''


Anastasia swallows dry saliva, her irises jumping around in chaos, her whole body is shaking, actually. Well, I think this is enough for now.

''Mhmm, you shouldn't be concerned about it that much. You'll know everything you need when the time comes.'' I pull away.

''U-Um, thank you...''

The very unstable cat girl stands up and walks away, her slender legs wobbling.


It's night time now, and we decided to sleep early today.

Anastasia was blushing the whole time after the conversation earlier, often couldn't look at us the in eyes, I suspect this would last for a while.

But either way, it's time for sleep. I'm excited about the 'Saint's tomb'.

''Erm...'' Anastasia spoke to all of us, who's preparing to sleep. ''Do I need to move to somewhere else...? For you guys to do the t-thing...''

''No, we won't be doing anything today, so don't worry.'' I affirmed her, besides, we actually need to sleep properly, and worst case, if there's some horny gals I need to take care of, I could use a sound barrier anyway.

''Ah, alright.'' Anastasia let out a sigh.

So we said good night to each other, and went into our bed.

I lay down, closing my eyes, trying to get into the dreamland.


Mhm? Who opened my curtain? 

In the total darkness, a female figure climbs into my bed. What, is this Anastasia? Does she want 'real' experience in sex now?

''Sylvia.'' The figure called out softly, sitting on my thighs, putting a hand on my lower belly.

Oh, wait, this voice.

''Christina?'' I said, putting on a sound barrier.

''You said that I could use it however I want, right?'' She said, caressing the area close to my nether region, then she closes our distance, two pair of big breasts squishing against each other.

''My, aren't you energetic.'' I put my arms around her neck. ''All yours, darling.''

''Not all mine, technically.'' She chuckled.


''Well, I am yours entirely for now, even Emy and Liana didn't have many chances to completely have me for themselves, you know?'' I said after giving her a peck on the cheek.

''I'm honored, my princess. To be able to monopolize you this early...''

''Mhmm, they would be very jealous if I do tell them about what we're going to do tonight... And I'm sure they will 'chastise' me later, screwing my whole body over...'' I then pull Christina down.


I kiss her on the lips gently. ''But I don't mind that either, so let's have fun tonight?''

Just like that, we started making out in the middle of the night. It seems like I might have to take a nap or two tomorrow.

I had a little 'cheating' incident yesterday with Christina. It felt very immoral, and exciting at the same time. We had sex a few times, and then went to the bath together, sneakily, of course. 

But then we got horny again and did it two more times in the bath. Fortunately, when we went back, no one noticed us. I think.

Regardless, we're currently in the territory of the Marquis already, just need to arrive at the designated train stop.

Looking at Christina on the opposite of the table, she seems very happy and energetic, there's a bit of that smugness on her face as well, especially when she is glancing at Emy or Liana. I guess she's loving the feeling of stealing me from them, huh.

Anyway, I took a look at the pamphlet they gave us earlier. They advertised about the territory's entertainment facilities a lot, so I think it's pretty clear that this territory is relying on tourists to make profits, which is fair enough.

The pamphlet also said that this land was once belonged to a Saint, and the current Marquis family members are the descendants of that Saint.

And apparently, this one single Saint really loved video games, so he decided to modify his whole territory into a game-themed mess of a city, which, to be honest, I respect it.

People here call it 'Saint's culture', but I say that's BS, just call it 'game'.

But then, how are we going to train here if it's all games? Is this really a vacation? 

Nah, I don't believe this school. But we'll have to see.


As the moving scenery outside gradually slows down and the noise coming from the train's magic engine fades away, we start to pack our things and prepare to go outside. I'm holding most of the luggage though.

Finally coming outside after two days, we simultaneously take a deep breath to refresh our minds. The smell of cum is good, but this normal fresh air is fantastic as well. I know, I'm addicted to cum and sex now, leave me alone.

Walking beside me along the many students, Christina suddenly starts to caress my belly while smiling foolishly. What is she doing?

So I make a confused face, raising an eyebrow at her, Emy on my other side is also doing the same, just, much less expressively.

''Hmm~ We should go buy a lot of fruits and vegetables later, and what else...'' She closes her eyes, thinking.

(○´ ― `)ゞ

What's wrong with her today...? The netori play she did with me yesterday was so good it broke her?

''Ah, you shouldn't eat cheese or smoked meat, alright?'' She suddenly opens her eyes.

But why...? I love cheese and meat...

''It's bad for our child, please bear with it, my princess.'' She said with a serious but still soft face.


I forgot to tell her that I couldn't get pregnant for now. And this silly girl, your semen just went in yesterday, even if there were eggs for you to fertilize in the first place, eating cheese or meat the day after won't kill our baby.

Christina then pulls my waist towards herself, into a side hug, letting my head leaning on her shoulder a bit.

''I'm so glad that your first child is mine. With how much we did yesterday, I'm sure you're pregnant now.'' She said.

Mhmm, so she thinks that because I didn't clean up the semen inside me yesterday like I did after the foursome, this 'child' would be hers, I see. And you're rubbing it directly at my other two lovers, you know? Why did I even bother to be stealthy...

Emy, together with Liana and Anastasia, who's walking ahead of us by a bit, all turn their gazes towards me and Christina. While Anastasia is just blinking repeatedly with a blank face, the other two seem to have something to say.

''Guilty.'' Emy declared.

''I see... You were doing it yesterday, huh...'' Liana's eyes turn cold, her signature sadistic smile emerges. ''Be prepared, Sylvie, we're doing it rough today.''

Shit, why you got me excited again.

''!!'' Hearing that declaration, Anastasia turns beet red like usual.


''As much as I want this to go on a little more...'' I said after a chuckle. ''Christina, I can't get pregnant yet.'' I turn to the 'father' of my nonexistent child.


I know, surprise, right?

''The circumstances I will explain later. Actually, let us go to our room first, then I'll explain.''



After we registered ourselves at the counter of the hotel that Stephen prepared exclusively for us, we got the key to our room.

The academy got us a pretty good room, I'd say, although I think it's because we got two princesses and two daughters of high nobles here.

This is almost like, a whole floor already, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a balcony, a mini gym, and they have five beds separated by actual walls as well, so I think we still can do it here, I guess.

Now, we initially ordered this room for all of us to hang out with each other, but now that Anastasia knew what we're going to do here, it's becoming real awkward.

''Um... I can use another room?'' The cat girl said.

''No need, there's walls between beds already.'' Liana said frankly.

''So you really admitted that you're going to do it here...''

''Yes.'' Liana said proudly.

Coming closer to Anastasia, I pat her shoulder again, triggering another shudder from her. ''I'm really sorry, my dear. I'll make sure there's no sound or anything for you.''

''U-Um, thanks... I guess.''

''But enough of that, can you explain why you couldn't get pregnant?'' Christina said worryingly.

''Yes, yes, let's sit first.'' I replied.

''Um... Do I need to hear this?''

Yes you do, little cat.


''Now then.'' I said, turning my face from relax to serious.

Emy and Liana already knew everything, so they seem more interested in the reactions of these two than the actual conversation.

''The reason why I can't get pregnant... Is because I don't have my eggs with me.''


Confusing, I know.

''Wha- How?! How did that even happened?'' Christina asked frantically, putting her hands on my shoulders. ''Are you really alright? Did I push you too much?''

( ゜ρ゜)

Anastasia meanwhile is just confused.

''Thanks Christina, but I'm totally fine.'' I said. 

''Phew~'' I let out a sigh. ''I'm sure you have somewhat realized. But, we was the ones fighting with you guys back in the battle at Duke Forbes's mansion.''


''...As expected.'' Anastasia muttered.

''I... See. But, what does that have to do with your eggs...?'' Christina tilts her head.

''Let me explain from the start.''

''The reason why we were attacking the nobles, is because they had our people as their slaves. In fact, that's why we are here in the first place.'' Three of us elves frown at the same time.

''But that's not the only objective we have here, we also want to end this current war between humans.''

''The war...?'' Christina grimaces.

''Yes. We do not have much time until the demon king resurrects himself again, we cannot afford to waste time doing meaningless wars like this.''

''Additionally, as the previous Saint pointed out, the movements of the demons this time is highly suspicious.''

''Wait wait, what do you mean the previous Saint, you're talking about Saint Lucas, right??'' Anastasia said, leaning forward.

''It's the headmaster, Stephen. He's retired now, though.''

''!!'' The cat girl's eyes shine brightly. ''To think that I was that close to a Saint...''

''Anyway, by disposing off Duke Forbes, we should be able to push the second prince, who's known for his peaceful approach, onto the throne, and thus achieving our objective of stopping the war. If that doesn't work out, I will have to use radical methods.''

''...Much like Lucas, it is my absolute duty as well, to try and protect peaceful races and punish demons, so I need to be forceful sometimes to achieve those goals.''

''W-W-Wait...! Don't tell me...'' Anastasia covers her mouth with both of her hands, her round eyes wide open.

''Allow me to introduce myself again.'' I straighten myself up.

''I am Sylvia Everwood - the Crown Princess of the Everwood kingdom, the 24th Saint of [Aria], and the champion of goddess Eva.''


The overly excited cat girl jumps across the table, flying like a rocket towards me. She then lands head first into my chest, wrapping her arms around my body while sitting on my lap, and then just snuggles her way between my breasts.

''My, no need to be so excited.'' I said, hugging her waist in with one arm and petting her head with another. ''Calm down.''


She raises her head to look at me face-to-face, her chin resting on my cleavage. ''Is this a dream?! Is the Saint really my friend??'' Stars emerge in her irises, swirling around in a beautiful motion.

''I am indeed a Saint, Anastasia.'' I replied, enjoying the smooth and fluffy feeling of her cat ears.

''MHMMM~'' She groaned, burying her head into my chest again.

''...I didn't expect my girlfriend to be a Saint...'' Christina muttered with a blank face.

''What? You don't like the thought of bedding a Saint?'' I teased her.

''No, no, of course not, I love it even more.'' She said, waving her hands. ''I'm just surprised.''

''I'm just kidding.'' I said with a smile. ''So, as a Saint, I have a world to save later, that's why I don't really want to have children yet.''

''I... See. But then, how did your eggs disappear? Can you restore them back?''

''I asked the goddess to keep them for me.'' I said. ''Eventually, when I want to have children in the future, she will hand them back to me.''

''She can do that?! How does that even work?''

Hearing what Christina said, the cat pulls out her head and looks at Christina.

''Of course she can!! Mother goddess is absolute! She could easily stir fry hundreds of thousands of dragon egg at the same, let alone keeping a few little baby elf eggs!'' She said with a sulky pout, then dives into my breasts again.

Hey!! Don't insult my eggs?! Those are my future children, you know?

''Hey, hey, don't say that again. We need them for our cute children later.'' Liana injected.

''Hm, hm.'' Emy nods.

''...Well. I understand now.'' Christina said with a sigh. ''Thank you for trusting us.''

I smile back at them.

...Actually, I've been wanting to tell them a while ago on my birthday, but... I just forgot. Yep, I got distracted while playing with them back then, and I got brutally mated that night too, so it just didn't pop up inside my mind for a while. And when it did pop up, there was no good opportunity either.

Talking about being mated on my birthday, I should find someone to make another pair of ring for me and Christina too. The question here is, which hand do I put it on...?

Eh, let's leave that for her to decide.

''But, Sylvia, what is your Saint power? Is it the magic that shoots blue rays we saw that day?'' Christina asked, Anastasia is also looking at me curiously.

''Ah, I don't have special magic or mana buff or anything.'' I replied. ''Instead, I can make lots of different things. The 'rays' you're talking about are just what a weapon of mine shoots.''

''That's insane! Your power belongs to the production side, yet you're still an Archmage...!'' She exclaimed. ''Now I know that my girlfriend is really, really amazing.''

''Yes, your girlfriend is amazing, and my girlfriends are amazing, too.'' I said, triggering warm smiles coming from all three of them.

''Sylvia, Sylvia.'' Anastasia called, looking at me with her round, sparking eyes. ''Can I see your weapon? I want to see a Saint's weapon.''

''Sure thing, little cat.'' I said, stroking her hair.

''This is not the one I used back then, but it's still one of my trusty weapons.'' I said, pulling out the Desert Eagle from my space bag. ''It's a gun.''

I hand the D.E to Anastasia, who instantly takes it, and then proceed to examine the gun meticulously, like a child with her brand new toy. This silly cat still doesn't realize that she's been sitting on my lap for a long while now. But whatever, I like it. Denying a cat sitting on your lap is a crime.

''Gun? You mean, like those muskets that our army is using?'' Christina asked.

''Well, essentially yes, it shoots out projectiles, but this one is way more advanced than those.'' I replied. ''There's guns back in our world as well, and we've passed the era of those pathetic muskets a long time ago.''

''Let me demonstrate for you.'' I said, taking back the D.E and pulling out several normal bullets, and a magazine.

Hmm, what would be a good target... Let's just make a metal target or something.

Using telekinesis, I load three bullets into the magazine, and then insert it into the gun. 


The two part slide of the D.E closes with a clack, I then use Earth magic to make a metal pillar of sort, standing in a distance.

Holding the pistol with one of my hand, I then turn the safety lever around, and we're ready to shoot. Oh wait, let's do a sound barrier around the gun, I don't want everyone, including myself, to have their eardrums pierced or anything.




Three bullets hit the rectangular pillar precisely in the middle, eating away a sizeable amount of metal, a decently deep hole with coal-black marks surrounding it formed.

''...What incredible power..! And it can shoot consecutively as well...'' Christina marveled, while Anastasia has already went to take a closer look at the target.

''These are just normal bullets.'' I said, picking up the casings using telekinesis. ''The ones with the blue trails are specifically made for armor piecing.''

''And they can even go through the barrier of a Swordmaster...''

''Can I ask some more questions?!'' The cat girl excitedly runs back to me.

''Well, I can tell you guys more. Ask away.''



The questioning section lasted for about an hour. They were righteously curious about Earth, as well as the goddess, and me.

When they asked how did I die, I told them the story, and the result were Anastasia weeping while hugging me, and Christina's face turned extremely sad.

''I won't ever let you die, Hanako.'' She said, then gave me a kiss on the lips.

Needless to say, I was very happy. We even forgot our surroundings for a while and almost made out, but it turned alright.

Anyway, back to the present.

''So, I want to ask you guys a favor.'' I said. ''Could the two of you help me defeat the demon king and save this world?''

'''' Of course! '''' Both of them answer instantly.

''I've always wanted to go, *sniff* on an adventure with a Saint before, this *sniff* would literally be a dream come true!'' Anastasia added, her cat ears and tail swaying uncontrollably.

''I can't let my future wife go to the battlefield alone, can I?'' Christina said confidently.

''Great! Now our little party has five members.'' I smile, and then hand Anastasia a handkerchief.

''Sorry for interrupting, but the welcome party is starting soon, we need to hurry.'' Liana said, she's still smiling though. I guess she likes the fact that we have more members now.

''Alright then, should we fly there?'' I said. ''Or we could just find a professor or some students to guide us.''

''I like flying.'' Christina replied.

No one seems to be objecting. Alright.

''So, anyone knows the way to the Marquis's estate?''

'''' ... ''''

Well shit, should I make GPS on this planet, too?

True to the fashion of a noble, Marquis Vivian decided to throw a party at his estate, to, well, welcome the students into his territory. Which is fair enough, you get fame, I get food, fair trade. But, if his food is garbage, then I'll have to leave a one star review or something.

Because we were dilly-dallying earlier, we kinda got left behind. It's probably my fault too, I asked Stephen to not have anybody accompanying us on this trip, so we had no one to remind us about the time.

Regardless, I thought that it would be fast enough if we fly there, but here's the problem. We got lost.

Yep, no one in our group knew the location of the estate.

''Hah~'' I sighed. ''We need to ask for directions. You guys can stay here, I'll go down.''

After reassuring them that my telekinesis will not go off and they will not be dropped from the height of 200m, I casually descended into the city, landing in a dark alleyway, where I could see some rough looking fellas sitting on wooden boxes.

''And then, that bitch begged me to release her, but-

Hm? Why are there thugs in the middle of the city? 

Minus one point for poor security management, Marquis Vivian, I'll include this blunder into the review later.

''Hey there, wanna have some fun?'' I said out loud, gathering all the attention.

''Oh~ What is this, where did this whore looking one come from?'' 

''Look at those tits...! Are those even real??''

''Hey girl, come with us obediently, we won't hurt you.''

Yeah no, fuck off.


I use telekinesis to kick them in their crotches real hard, making sure that they won't be able to ejaculate ever again.

'''' !@&$*)&$!*$*&! '''' 

They started to speak gibberish, clenching their precious members, some of them even dropped onto the ground.

Alright then. Directions.

Walking out of the alleyway, I then grab a random bakery shop owner and started to ask for directions.

''The Marquis's estate?'' She said. ''Go that direction for around 10 minutes, you'll definitely see it.''

''Thanks, aunty.''

''No problem, girlie. Do you have business with the Marquis?''

''Nah, I'm just there to attend a party.''

''Hoh~ Looking at your figure and face, I'm sure you'll catch all of the men attending that party in an instant.''

''I don't care about them. I have girlfriends already.''

''My, my, I know, I know. Doing it with a futanari feels way better than with normal men. And what? Girlfriends? You're incredible, to be able to handle multiple ones.''

''Better put my body to the best use. But anyway, I have to go now, could you wrap for me ten egg tarts?''

One for Anastasia, one for Christina, one for Liana, two for me, and five for Emy. Seems about right.

''Right up.''

''Ah, also, I just beat a bunch of thugs back in that alley over there, they tried to assault me. Could you call guards to arrest them later? If there's any bounty money, you can keep it.''

''You beat them?!... But... I'm afraid they can't be caught just like that, girlie. They have some connections with the guards.''

Great, now we have corruption as well. Minus 90% of the points on the review later. Hmm, maybe I could try to find out more about this later. I'm not a justice hero or anything, but this Marquis dude is on the crown prince's side, I should care about him.

Maybe I could even use this opportunity to deal some more damage to his faction.

''Mhmm, alright then, be careful aunty, I'm going.'' I said, taking the bag of egg tart.


Flying up above, I gradually close my distance with my party members. Hm? What are they discussing so intensely?

''I'm telling you, doing her from behind is the best. You can grab those juicy ass cheeks however you want.'' Liana said with her arms crossed.

''No, no, doing it while pinning her down is the way to go. It's a crime to not give love to her beautiful chest and kiss her tender lips. '' Christina refuted.

''Huh?? I have fucked her way more times than you have, so just take the advice and be quiet.''

''That doesn't make what you said true. What do you think, Emilia?''

''Mating press.'' Emy said nonchalantly, her face unchanging despite the extremely embarrassing thing that just came out of her mouth.

...What the fuck is going on here.

''...Hey Anastasia, want some egg tarts?'' I tap the trembling and blushing girl's shoulder. She's been cooping here silently for a while, poor girl.

With the usual shudder, she turns to me. ''Ah, alright, thank you.'' She takes one.

''Me tooo~'' Emy moves closer to me using her limited telekinesis power. 

She then kisses me on the lips for a few seconds and takes one as well.

So the three of us munched down the tarts for a while, watching Christina and Liana arguing about what position is the best.

Hmm... I personally like the one where Liana held me by the kneepits though.



Finally landing at the front gate of the estate after Christina and Liana failed to reach an agreement earlier, I let out a sigh.

But, there's only two guards here, no students. Are we too late? Or too early?

''Hi.'' Christina greeted one of the guards.

''Ah, Your Highness, you're finally here.'' He hurriedly said, bowing his head. ''Please go inside immediately, our lady has been waiting for you for a long time.''

''Hm? She is?''

''Yes, yes, she has been preparing for this very meticulously, just to welcome you to our territory.''

''...Fine. Let us go.'' She said, turning back to us.


Walking inside the party hall, I could see the students already eating and talking to each other, so we did come late after all. 

But something always remain unchanged, our entrance caused everyone to look at us. Not only did we enter late, but there's also the fact that all of us happened to be cute girls as well.

Regardless, there's a lot of students who don't care about anything and just eat, they're just like me for real. Ahh, there's some dudes going around flirting with girls as well, classic.

And then... Oh.

There's the blonde, or, Lady Vivian, sitting on one of the chairs near the end of the hall. Now, I'm not an expert on human psychology or anything, but I think she's mad.

She's wearing a really pretty dress, makeup feels natural as well. But she's frowning, and seemingly sulking by a lot, so there's no one around her at the moment, probably to not annoy her and get into trouble.

The girl sees us, then briskly stands up and walks towards Christina in a very fast pace.

''Please come with me.'' She said, grabbing Christina's wrist.

Christina just stands still, though.

''Go with her.'' I said, then give her a wink. Don't make a scene here, I feel like we're doing catfight again soon, so at least do it somewhere else.

Christina nods lightly and started to follow the girl, who seems even more mad after seeing Christina listened to my words.

''Well, I think I'll follow her for now.'' I said. ''Agent Emy, can I ask you to scout this area for good desserts?''

''Roger.'' Emy salutes, immediately going off to the desserts stands.

''What will you two do?'' I turn to Liana and Anastasia.

''I'll follow you, staying here will only get me annoyed.'' Liana replied, glaring at some of the flirty dudes in the distance.

''Me too, I'm curious.'' Anastasia said honestly.

Okay then, time for some real life K-drama.