

GodOFGames12 · History
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Needless to say, after I told my girlfriends that I gave Christina a kiss, they severely 'punished' me that night. I got creampied so hard I swear I could have gotten pregnant 20 times over with that amount of semen.

Regardless, the following days were relatively peaceful. Christina and Emy kept on dueling, because they both wanted an equal opponent to train. Though Emy still won the majority of the matches.

So roughly two more weeks have passed.

My portal magic has progressed pretty decently, I'd say. Around 20 Linked portals can be summoned simultaneously, though the distances between me and the portals, and the portals to each other did not increase by much.

The size of them though, did change dramatically, back then, the length of each portal was like, half the length of Emy's cock. But now it has doubled, so roughly around 30cm in diameter, I'd say.

For illusion magic, I am now able to change pretty much all of my figure at the same time, which is very convenient. And also, the projection duration has increased to a few minutes, enabling me to show my girlfriends some short clips or animations.

They especially loved cartoons, like 'Tom & Jerry', or 'Oggy and the cockroaches'.

And today, it is August 8th, my 18th birthday. From the early morning, I got a lot of happy birthdays from both the servants and the S.D squad members as well. Even Stephen gave me a free dessert ticket for a month, limited to the restaurants inside the academy, of course.

I also received a huge box shipped to me from our homeland, it's my parents. In the one of the letters attached to the box, dad said that he didn't really know what to send, so he just threw in a ton of bullets, diamond and lapis tips, gunpowder and so on.

Which is exactly what I need right now: A restock, I'm kinda low on gun supplies right now. And I didn't expect some kind of special gift either, each elf will have like, hundreds, if not thousands of birthday over the course of their life, so finding a special thing for each birthday is a hassle.

Mom, on the other hand though, she sent me three full package of condoms and a bunch of skincare products, with a message to 'not go overboard'. I'm sorry mom, I didn't use a single condom since the beginning, hell, I didn't even touch the package that you gave me before coming here.

Anyway, Emy and Liana said that we should do a small party, with Christina and Anastasia as well. But they also told me that I should stay inside the house and leave the preparations to them.

So here I am, practicing illusion magic and watching anime at the same time. They said that the party is going to be in the evening, and now it's almost 6 P.M already. I wonder when they will arrive.



Oh, here they are.

''Welcome back.''

''We're ready.'' Liana said, walking towards the round table that I'm sitting at, holding several bags in her hand.

''Pardon the intrusion~'' Anastasia is walking behind Liana.

''Hi, Sylvia.'' Followed by Christina, carrying a big box.

''Well, sit down first, I think Emy is almost done.'' I said.

After they have settled down on the chairs, Liana started to take all kinds of food out of the bags and place them on the table. Shortly after, Emy came out of the kitchen with a big cake on her hands.

''That looks good~'' I commented.

The cake is half chocolate, half vanilla, she said, with my face and name drawn on the top layer of frosting. And of course, 18 candles, for 18 years have passed since my birth.

Emy places the cake in the middle of the table and sits on my right, Liana is on my left right now. Emy then uses fire magic to light all the candles up.

''We're all good?'' Liana asked, to which we nod in agreement. ''Alright then, three, two, one...''

'''' Happy Birthday!! '''' 

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

''Thanks.'' I said, smiling.

''Now, blow the candles, Sylvie.'' Liana pats me on the back.


I blow out all the candles, then close my eyes to make a wish. Now then, what should I wish for this year... Mhmm... I've already wished all the things I ever wanted before, so let's just wish for everyone's health.

Opening my eyes, I could see Christina and Anastasia looking at me from the other side. 

''Happy birthday, Sylvia!'' Anastasia said cheerfully.

''Happy birthday, my love.'' Christina said, cupping her chin.

''Thanks... Let's get to eating, then, I'm starving already.'' I smile awkwardly.

''Let me cut the cake.'' Emy proposed.


''Right, I've bought present.'' Anastasia said, pulling out a small box from her pocket after shallowing a piece of the cake. ''Open it.''

Inside the box is a beautifully crafted golden bracelet, this energy... Is it divine magic?

As if she has noticed my thought, Anastasia started to explain. ''This is the prototype healing bracelet that I made, it's not quite to the level of the ones made by the church professionally, but it should still provide pretty decent healing.''

''Isn't this... very rare?'' I asked.

''Well, yes, it took me quite a while to make this. But... I think we're good friends, so it's worth the effort. Come to me every now and then, and I'll recharge it for you.''

This... Is actually insanely precious, it's very hard to enchant healing magic, so there's only around a hundred of this being made every year. Most of them can't even get to the market. And to think she put that much effort into it...

This girl is so sweet!


''...Thanks! Anastasia, I love you!'' I smile at her.

''N-No problem...'' She blushes lightly, then turns her head away.

Seeing this, Christina lets out a chuckle. ''Right, I have a present for you too.''

She opens the big box that she bought in earlier, and puts the present on the table before me. 

''You said before that you like stargazing, so I bought you a telescope. I specifically ordered this one from our craftsmen, I hope you like it.''

''Woah~ It looks so cool!'' I exclaimed. ''I've always wanted telescope, but never really got the chance to own one. I love it!''

''I'm glad.'' Christina smiles brilliantly, then she turns to my girlfriends, as if expecting them to go next.

''Ah, we'll give our presents later, for now, let's play some games?'' Liana said, grinning mischievously.


What, what is that look?


So now we're playing the Ousama game1, Christina prepared the chopsticks for this one.

Mhmm, I'm not the king this time. Unlucky.

''Yay~ I'm the king.'' Anastasia said excitedly. ''Then... Number three and four, please hug each other!''

'''' Ugh. '''' Christina and Emy frown at the same time.

Reluctantly, they both stand up and hug each other. 

*clap* *clap* *clap*

''Good, good.'' Anastasia said.

Now onto the second round. ...Yes! I'm the king.

''Oh, I'm the king.'' I said. ''Hmm, number one and three, kiss each other on the cheek.''

Time for some hot kissing scenes. Let's see... Ah, it's Liana and Emy, I mean, I've not seen them kissing a whole lot, so this is a good opportunity.

They both stand up, and then started to kiss each other on the lips casually, exchanging saliva for a few seconds before coming back to their seats again, all the while I was admiring the picture of two gorgeous girls kissing.


But it seems like the other two are not very used to this, Anastasia's face is beet red, her hands covering both of her eyes, but I can clearly see her peeking through the gaps between her fingers, so that's not a very effective cover. Even Christina seems taken aback.

''Well then, let us continue-


In the end, it was not until 11 P.M that the party ended, Christina and Anastasia said goodbye to us and left.

It was a lot of fun, though, we tried a ton of games together. Besides normal karaoke games, we tried all kinds of card games as well, then we moved onto board games, I did a bit of singing too, good time.

''By the way, what did you guys prepared?'' I asked, sitting in the bathtub together with my girlfriends.

Both Liana and Emy grin at the same time.

''That will soon be revealed on our bed, my princess.'' Liana said.



Recently, Sylvia has noticed something regarding her two girlfriends. They always seem to be restraining themselves when having sex with her. Even though the 'restrained' two are not gentle by any means.

Normally she wouldn't have the mind capacity to really notice this, because handling two massive cocks at the same time does not leave a whole lot of braincells for her.

The main reason why she noticed this, is because of the 'compensation' sex that she did with them the day before the date with Christina. They asked her if they could do her 'rougher', to which she agreed. And that night, she felt like they came faster and more seed were pumped into her belly more than normal.

Sylvia herself also enjoyed it more than usual. So from that night, she would occasionally do a 'rough' night with them. Occasionally, because doing it 'rough' too often would actually damage some parts of her body.

And coincidentally, they decided to do it 'rough' today, right on her 18th birthday.

Walking to the bed naked with her two girlfriends after the bath, Sylvia's heart is beating unnaturally fast. Partly, because she is anticipating what she would soon be subjected to, and another part, is the 'surprise' that her girlfriends had promised before.

She climbs onto of the bed, looking at her two girlfriends standing right before her, their thick cocks, even though still flaccid, stand out the most.

''Um... Do I just leave it to you guys, like usual?'' Sylvia nervously asked.

''Yes, leave it all to us, you just need to enjoy.'' Raeliana affirmed, while Emilia gives a light nod.

''Then... Please- Ah!''

Emilia interrupted the sentence, she pushed Sylvia down, pinning both of her delicate wrists onto the bed. Then she immediately proceeded to overlap her lips onto Sylvia's, pushing her tongue inside, to which the other party readily accepted.

Their tongues are now intertwining in familiar motions, clinging desperately to one another, all the while with sticky, gluey saliva mixing inside their mouths.

Meanwhile, Raeliana is kneeling down on the bed, spreading Sylvia's legs with her arms. She gently kisses the exquisite feet before her eyes, then, slowly and thoroughly licks her way down to the thighs.

Raeliana loves anything soft and squishy, and her girlfriend's thick thighs can only be described as perfect, alongside with her breasts, of course. She buries her face into Sylvia's left thigh, after enjoying the sensation for a moment, she bites the tender piece of meat gently, causing Sylvia to flinch a little bit.

After a while of sucking and biting, she finally gets down to the main course. Raeliana spreads open the defenseless pussy in front of her face, then dives straight into licking it. Her tongue circling around the entrance of vagina for a bit before thrusting in, while her right hand is being used to pinch the clit, occasionally twisting it around.

''Mhmp~'' Sylvia lets out a muffled moan due to the pleasure.

Emilia's hands that held down Sylvia's wrists now have traveled down to the two enormous mountains below. While still kissing Sylvia passionately, she grabs both of the protruding nipples, twisting them rather forcefully.


Sylvia's back arches due to the sudden attack, her eyes widen. To not lose the momentum, Raeliana pulls her head away, instead, she shoves three of her fingers inside the vagina, her movements are rough and powerful, moving up and down the slippery hole freely. The slurping sound of flesh colliding with flesh is rapidly filling the room, arousing the trio even more.

Emilia parts her lips with Sylvia to leave her some room to breathe.


Sylvia unfortunately has no chance to catch her breath, because Raeliana started to ramp up her fingering speed, bringing Sylvia closer to her climax. To add to this, Emilia is using her left hand to twist Sylvia's left nipple even more, while the right nipple is being bitten down mercilessly by her mouth.

''A-Ah! I'm cumming-

The pussy juice shoots out violently, like a broken dam, drenching Raeliana's hand entirely.

Bringing the wet hand to her face, Raeliana licks the liquid on her hand. ''That's good enough for the foreplay... Now, onto the main event. Sylvie, are you ready?''

''Hah...Hah...Hah...'' Sylvia breathes heavily. ''Please...Give it to me...'' She said, covering her eyes with the back of her right hand.



*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*

Sylvia is now laying on her back, her legs spread wide open, her pussy is getting violently railed by Raeliana's cock. The cock rams into her cervix with every thrust, causing her body to tremble constantly. 

Meanwhile, Emilia is pistoning her cock through the gap between Sylvia's breasts, and because her cock is so long, the tip is making it into Sylvia's mouth as well. She grabs Sylvia's breasts firmly, mashing the two together, wrapping the softness around her cock, deforming the once perfectly-shaped mountains.

Raeliana decided that it's not enough yet, she grabs both of Sylvia's legs and pushes them forwards, enabling her to thrust her cock even deeper into the pussy.

''I'm going in.'' She declared.


Raeliana thrusts exceptionally strong this time, instantly penetrating the entrance of Sylvia womb. The tightness inside the womb simulates her cock, the sloppy sack is sucking the glan of her penis in, almost as though she is being given a blowjob while still inside a pussy.


Sylvia arches her back again, tides coming out, shooting against the cock. On her bulging belly, Raeliana can clearly see the outline of the thing inside Sylvia's pussy, moving up and down rapidly.

Unable to endure the hot, tight feeling wrapping around her cock, Raeliana reaches her climax. She unhesitatingly pumps her load inside, directly shooting it against the walls of Sylvia's womb.


''Hah~'' Liana leaves out a sigh of pleasure.

Sylvia's body trembles from the shot, but she still dutifully uses her tongue to lick Emilia's glan. But then, Emilia pulls out her cock and releases her grip, red marks from Emilia's nails started to appear on Sylvia's once fair and relatively spotless breasts. 

''My turn.'' She said.

So they switched positions.

Emilia lifts both of Sylvia's legs up and spread them apart, pointing the pussy straight upwards.

''You really do like that position, don't you?'' Raeliana commented while getting her cock cleaned by Sylvia.

*slurp* *slurp*

Raeliana is now sitting on the left side of Sylvia's body, one hand stroking her head, one hand playing wantonly with the breasts down below, her cock hovering right above Sylvia's face.

Sylvia, meanwhile, is licking the cock that just messed up her insides, she does it slowly and thoroughly, occasionally planting a kiss on the shaft or the balls. Her tongue seems almost too small for this giant cock, making the scene looks like a cat is doing it instead of an elf.

Down below, Emilia silently rises up, aiming her cock down towards Sylvia's pussy, getting into the mating press position. She then abruptly pressed down-

''Ah~!'' Sylvia moaned.

The cock slammed right through her already loosened cervix, this time even managed to touch the walls of the womb. Unable to resist the surge building up inside her body, Emilia reaches her climax for the first time today, pumping her load inside the sack.


''Ah... You're breaking my womb...'' Sylvia said weakly, wombs aren't meant to be penetrated like a cock-sleeve like this, she thought.

''But do you hate it?'' Raeliana asked playfully.

''...No.'' Sylvia said, silently going back to sucking Raeliana's cock.

Emilia, seemingly unsatisfied, continues to move her cock up and down despite just cumming shortly before, and because her tip is still being sucked by Sylvia's womb, she ended up pulling the sack with her for every thrust.

*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*

After a while of pistoning, Emilia is coming closer to her second climax, while Raeliana has gone from simply getting her cock sucked to now deepthroating Sylvia completely, she is very much enjoying the sight of her cock's outline moving outside of Sylvia's throat, both of her hands grabbing Sylvia's delicate neck.

''I'm cumming.'' Emilia said, immediately starts to piston even faster, until eventually-


The third load of the day has been pumped into Sylvia's womb, the incredible amount of semen for only three shots is already enough to fill half of the sack.

Pulling her cock out temporarily, Emilia could see her and Raeliana's cum dripping out of the hole, so she decided to respond by grabbing Sylvia's legs and fixes them in place, so that the entrance could keep pointing upwards, and thus no cum would escape.

Shortly after, Raeliana is reaching her limit as well. ''I'm cumming too...!''


Sylvia is thinking while the cock is pumping semen down her belly, she has been cumming non-stop today, from simply having her womb penetrated, or getting semen pumped into her. If this is what two cocks could do to her, then... What would happen if she has three?

''Sylvie.'' Raeliana said, pulling out her cock.

''...Phew~ what's wrong?'' Sylvia said, gulping down the semen left in her mouth.

Raeliana pulls out two boxes from below the pillows, then she gives one of them to Emilia. 

Emilia, who reluctantly lets Sylvia's legs fall down, takes the box. As she has expected, cum started to flow out of Sylvia's pussy.

But regardless, that's not important for now.

''We've been preparing these for a while. Sylvie, these are your birthday presents.'' 

Both of them open their boxes at the same time-

Inside each box are two different rings. 

Raeliana's box has a simple, smooth ring made from Lapis Lazuli, with golden outline, and a ring of the same design but made from Emerald.

Likewise, Emilia's box has the same Lapis Lazuli ring, but the other one is made from Obsidian.

Sylvia widens her eyes in shock, her heart overflowing with joy.

Emilia grabs Sylvia's right hand, while Raeliana takes her left one. Both of them take out their rings and put them on her two ring fingers.

Spreading her hands out, Sylvia could see an Emerald ring on her left hand, and an Obsidian ring on her right. Looking over to her two lovers, they have already put on their rings, proudly showing off the two Lapis Lazuli rings on their hands.

''...Thanks, guys.'' Sylvia said, little drops of tears running down her face.

She then leans forwards and kisses both of them alternatively on the lips. Then she bows down and kisses their cocks as well, just to be a little playful.

''Ah.'' She exclaimed, seeing the cocks resurrected in an instant.

This will be a long night.


The morning after my birthday, I woke up feeling... Great, actually.

Sure, there are scratches added to the usual hickeys and bite marks on my body, and my abdomen feels kinda numb, but I don't mind, I asked for it after all.

And, I got two whole rings from my lovers! That's a double win right there.

...Actually, my breasts look like a mess right now, is this alright? I don't feel too much pain, but the bright red scratches seem pretty alarming. Eh, whatever, I'll just use the healing bracelet later, I guess. Thanks Anastasia, you're a savior.

This time around, Emy is already up, it seems. I could smell the sweet aroma coming out of the kitchen, I guess she's making desserts again. She's been really into baking recently, I noticed. It's good that she has more hobbies now, I was pretty worried because she seemed uninterested in almost everything.

And then there's this one... Liana... How is she still sleeping with her head completely buried in my boobs like that? And, on an unrelated note, it's pretty trippy sometimes to see Liana with her hair down, actually.

Without her signature twintails and her cheeky attitude, I could only see her as an oversized loli with an extremely delicate and pretty face, and she probably has a gentle personality, too. 

Except, this one is not gentle at all.

Regardless, I think I will procrastinate a bit more today. I raise my arms to hug Liana's head ever deeper into my chest, the morning sunrays pouring onto us.

Ah~ This is joy. Just having someone to cuddle to sleep feels insanely good.


When I was about to fall asleep again with Liana as a hug pillow, I could hear Emy's footsteps coming closer.

Looking over to the sound's direction, Emy, with only a piece of apron on her body, is walking towards us with a tray on her right hand, the Lapis Lazuli ring's blue color deeply contrasts the fair skin of her fingers, highlighting the very existence of the ring.

This... This is the legendary naked apron! I need to learn from this, because the Emy I see right now is the literal epidemy of sex-appeal. Look at those long legs and full thighs, my cock is hard already, though I don't have one. Wait, what's the hard thing between my thighs then? Ah, morning wood from Liana, nevermind.

''You're up.'' Emy said, standing before the bed.

''Um, but Liana is still sleeping.'' I replied.

''Let her sleep more, it's still early.'' Emy puts the tray onto the nightstand. Then she takes out one of the puff creams and hold it before my mouth. ''Say ah~''

''Ah~'' I bite half of the puff cream off.

₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎

This is legit good, all hail the Sweetmaster Emy~

Emy then casually tosses the remaining half into her mouth. Noticing the bit of cream stuck on her finger, she smears them onto my one of my bare nipples, then leans over and sucks it like a baby.


After licking all the cream out, she finishes it with a flick to my already battered nipple.


Emy gives me a gentle kiss on the lips following that, then takes out another puff cream... This little game is going to last a while, I think.



Liana delivers a round kick towards Emy, tearing the air apart. Emy ducks below, then does a wide sweep with her left leg, to which Liana responds with a simple jump.

Today is another peaceful day at the academy, except Christina seemed pretty jealous about our rings, but regardless, we were just doing our things, minding our business. Then of course, someone has to ruin it.

I've been noticing those followers of Christina that we met the other day started to appear before us more and more frequently over the last few weeks. And they always bring trouble, to me, their 'rival', of course.

Usually Christina would just shut them off and kick them out of our space, but recently they've been very aggressive. Sometimes they would just ignore Christina's words and come up straight to me.

And I normally don't really care about them very much. You know, it's like fighting with toddlers, you don't want to waste your time trying to deal with them carefully, but you also don't want to dropkick them in the face and get a first-degree murder charge afterward or something. The point is, it's bothersome either way, and I'm too lazy to think of a solution in the middle. Until now, that is.

All I did while Liana and Emy were having a mock battle was feeding Christina her lunch, because she asked for it. It's very wholesome, even the cat priest smiled and sometimes joined in too, so there should be no problem with it.

But now they're making a huge deal out of it.

''I'm telling you, you can't do such inappropriate acts with Her Highness like that!'' The blonde girl said pretty loudly.

''That's right!''

''Know your place!''

Ah~ it's starting to get really annoying.

''Hey girls, would you stop-

''You wouldn't understand, Your Highness! This vixen is blatantly seducing you with her obscene body, she's trying to deceive you and take advantage of you!'' The blonde girl cut Christina off.

But hey, you're not wrong, I AM seducing her with my slutty body, so what? Get bigger breasts, loser.

Regardless though, I think I need to deal with this now. She's being way too extreme with her actions, not only did she interrupt Christina talking, but she'd also interrupted our lunch, it's only going to escalate after this. Christina seems pretty mad already, though, even the usually amicable Anastasia is frowning right now.

Well, let's use my number one tactic, then. When dealing with these typical third-rate villains, we first need to provoke them as much as possible, making them less rational and prone to spit out unfavorable lines for themselves. We then need to absolutely destroy them with our strongest weapons, leaving no escape route.

So, in this case, the most effective role for provoking should be... A green tea bitch. Let's go.

''Aw~ So scary. Christina, they're saying that I'm deceiving you, can you believe it?~'' I said, wrapping my chest around Christina's arm. Yes, wrapping, my breasts are that large, okay?

''E-Eh?! Ah, um, no. You're not deceiving me, I'm sure of that.'' Christina panicked for a second, but then she recovered easily.

''See~ I'm not taking advantage of our beautiful princess at all. Rather than that, I think we can forget about our bad blood and become good friends, what do you think?''

''You- Veins started to appear on the blonde's forehead, I mean, all of their forehead, really.

"Mhmm~ Why are you guys so mad? Let's calm down and have a nice talk, shall we?'' I said with an innocent tone, still clinging onto Christina.

''This bitch- One of them mumbled.

''Ah! Do you guys want some melons? It's very refreshing and delicious, you know~'' I lean my head onto Christina's shoulder.

''...Do it one more time and I'll crush you.'' The blonde looks at me with bloodshot eyes, her tightened fists shaking.

''Eh~ How scary, can you protect me, my dear Tina?~''

The blonde snaps.


The hand travels through the air at an incredible speed, flying towards my cheek. But before the palm could reach its destination, it was caught by two other hands.

''What in the fuck are you trying to do?'' Anastasia asked the girl in a chilling tone, her signature smile nowhere to be seen.

''...I'm mad.'' Christina said quietly, her face darkens in real time, her eyes burning like a volcano.

''A-Ah, no, I didn't mean to...'' The blonde tries to stumble back, but the two refuse to release her wrist.

Needless to say, she's pretty much screwed. I think I saw her once in that party a month ago, so she should have known that I was a high elf, at least. But does she actually know though? I mean, she didn't realize our identities back during our first meeting in the academy somehow. What's going on here?

''Good job.'' Liana said, tapping Christina and Anastasia's shoulder, it seems like they have finished their duel.

Now all five of us are staring these girls down, and they do seem pretty intimidated. Now to finish them off.

''Ah~ What a waste, I thought I could have made more friends... Now I need to kill all of you.''

''U-Uh?! K-K-Kill??''

''What, what are you talking about?''

''Don't you dare touch me...''

I walk towards the blonde, approaching her left ear, then I started to talk while looking straight at the girls behind:

''You lot have just attempted to assault a royal family member. This grudge, our elves will never forget. Until all of your houses are burned down and all of your bloodlines are extinguished, we will hunt you all.'' I said to them slowly and methodically, coupled with a creepy smile and intense pressure from activating my mana, perfect.

In an instant, dots inside their mind seem to be connected, many of the faces are turning blue in horror.

''But you see, I am very merciful, if you guys promise to not interrupt our time at all anymore... Then maybe I'll let you live?''


''P-Please forgive me!''


Well, as expected, most of them are freaking out, except for the blonde girl, who seems to have fainted.

''Well, get this one out, and never appear before us again.'' I said firmly, tossing the blonde to the group. And after that, they scrambled away.

Well, that's done.

''Your acting is really impressive, you know?'' Anastasia said, looking at the girls who's getting farther and farther away.

I mean, thanks for the compliment, I guess.

"Rather than that, I could somewhat understand why the other girls didn't recognize us, but I distinctively remember seeing the blonde girl at the ball back then. Why did she seem to not know us at all?'' I asked.

So the blonde is definitely their leader, and then the rest I assume are all daughters of low nobles, that explains why they weren't at the party.

''Now that I think about it...'' Christina ponders. ''I think I also saw the daughter of Marquis Vivian at the ball, too, and I'm pretty sure she did see you guys back then, especially with that kind of entrance that you made.''

''Heh~ how did they enter?'' Anastasia asked curiously.

''Imagine these three wearing the best dresses with makeups.'' Christina said, turning to all three of us elves.

''Ah, I think I can see now. That's reasonable.'' The cat girl nods, her cat ears twitching a little bit.

''That's right.'' Liana's face changes to smug. ''But by 'Lady Vivian', you mean the blonde earlier?''

''Yes, learn to remember names, please.'' Christina said with a sigh.

Welp, I didn't remember it either, but I'm sure she won't scold me even if I said that, heh.

''So, are you guys saying that there's something wrong about that woman earlier?'' Anastasia asked.

''Yeah, I think.'' I said, everyone seems to agree as well.

''Hmm...? I don't feel anything special about her though.''

Maybe if you let me pet those ears, you could feel something.

(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)< p>

''Wait, aren't we going to Marquis Vivian's territory for our school trip this time?'' Christina said, snapping her finger.

Eh~ Are we going to get bothered there too? I kinda want to stay home and fuck all day long now.


After that day, the girls did not come to bother us again, which was very nice. My days went by quite peacefully, waking up, going to school, occasionally hanging out with Christina and Anastasia, training magic, restocking ammos, getting railed all night. You get the point.

Just like that, a week has passed, and tomorrow is the day we're going on the school trip.

The purpose? It will be a good experience for the students, they say. I don't believe it. Nope.

Seeing just how they teach students here, I wouldn't expect this to be a nice and calm vacation or anything. Pretty sure it will be more training.

You know, I was seriously considering staying at home getting my body fucked silly rather than going to this trip, because we're clearly not suitable for their curriculum as of now.

But then, Stephen said that there's a landmark called 'Saint's tomb' inside the territory of Marquis Vivian. Props to the Marquis's marketing team, they had successfully sold me on that one. 

Tch, it better be interesting, I don't want to let my sex time be sacrificed in vain. When I asked Stephen, he said that the content inside the tome should be kept to oneself, otherwise, they would get a very distasteful punishment or something.

Anyway, the trip would last for two weeks, we're going with out senpais, aka Fourth year students this time. In the announcement, they said that First and Third year students would go at a later time.

And fortunately we're not crawling our way there or anything, we have trains, powered by magic, of course.

The only thing that I'm worrying about is the libidos of my lovers, and maybe Christina's as well, mainly because we will be sitting on the train for almost two days. 

Now, they do allow us to choose our roommates inside the train, and each cabin could hold 5 people, so it's perfect for us. But then my lovers won't be able to have sex with me, not before those two. I'm not trying to cuck Christina nor I'm trying to corrupt the holy cat.

Do I have to invent a new distraction tactic or something? Actually, how would a futa like my lovers or Christina take care of their insane libidos on a long trip like this?

''How do you usually take care of your sex drive on a long trip like this one?'' I asked my lovers, who's been clinging to me on the bed after we had sex tonight.

''Sneak out and masturbate.'' Emy said precisely, then going back to sucking my left nipple, why does she look like a baby...

''Phimilar two Fwemiwia.''1 Liana also replied while still burying her face in my right thigh.

Hmm, so they just need some time alone, I guess. Maybe I could sneak out with them and use illusion magic to deceive people on the train...? But then how do we catch up though, is the question.

Eh, I can't think of anything, at least I should be able to cook something up if I could see the cabin's layout, but I don't have that information.

Let's do a temporary fix for now.

''Hey, round two?'' I asked.

I need to milk them as much as possible.



Sitting on my bed inside the moving train, I let out a yawn. 

Mhmm, maybe having sex till 3 A.M wasn't the best idea. It's probably necessary though.

Either way, the cabin is pretty decent for a train, each one of us got a bed, but we still have to sleep together in the same space, so no sex, as I had expected.

''Did you not get much sleep?'' Anastasia asked me worriedly.

''Ah, um, kind of.'' I replied.

''Hmm~'' Christina let out a meaningful hum, narrowing her eyes.

I think we got caught, chief. 

...I mean, I can't leave Christina like this forever, I think I do want to be intimate with her, so I will probably need to do a naked dogeza to beg my lovers to allow me to be more intimate with Christina later.

But I also feel like it's too soon for me and Christina to have full-fledged sex, I might be a slut, but not that one ultimate slut who would do it with anyone anytime. I think we still need to get to know each other some more.

So then, are milder stuff like handjobs or blowjobs allowed? I have to ask them later.

Wait, let's say I have to take care of both my lovers and Christina at the same time in this trip, and while I'm getting railed, Christina is only allowed to get a handjob or a blowjob, then isn't that just a cuckplay...?

What the hell am I thinking, I'm getting too horny these days, I should focus on my trip first.

I am still curios about how Christina would take care of her stick, though. Let's go ask her while my lovers are asleep.

Flying towards Christina's bed on top of Anastasia, I flop down besides her.

''Hey, Christina.'' I leaned in and whispered into her left ear.

''What?'' She whispered back.

''How do you take care of your 'thing' on a long trip like this?''

''!!'' Christina seems startled for a moment. ''I've never been to a trip like this before, but... maybe you can take care of it for me?'' She said, hugging my waist and burying her head on my neck area.

''...Um... If I can get permission, I could let you use my hands, or... My mouth.'' I said weakly, fearing that my lovers would wake up and 'punish' me.

''Your mouth?'' Christina rises her head to look at my face, her eyes sparkling.

''Y-Yeah, can you be satisfied with that though...?''

''I welcome all progress. Someday I will make sure you bear my children, don't worry.'' She said, kissing me on the lips.

She then pushes her tongue inside my mouth, and I let her do that.

We've kissed quite a few times after that date, and my lovers didn't seem to mind it very much, but this bold girl, Anastasia is right below us, you know? It would have been very awkward if I didn't set a sound barrier around us.

Our tongues intertwined for quite a while before Christina finally got satisfied and parted her lips. Our saliva forming a string between our mouths.

''...I'll try to persuade them.'' I said.

...It seems like I've fucked myself over.

Now that I really think about it, I'm trying to get permission from my lovers to go suck another dick, which doesn't sound good in any context whatsoever.

And how do I even ask to begin with...? Do I really need to do a naked dogeza?

Ei, whatever, I'll just ask them. Worst case scenario, Christina would need to be satisfied with a telekinesis handjob or something, and that would technically be considered cheating, but I think my lovers won't have a problem with that, considering they allowed mouth kissing.

But first, I need to wait until Anastasia is in her sleep, only then will we be able to do it.

Sitting on my bed, I spread out the newspaper for today. Over the past month, the second prince's faction has grown a lot, all thanks to the bullet I gave Duke Forbes that day. Nobles have realized that without the Forbes family, the current crown prince would be brought down soon enough.

Worse for him, the second prince's side has full support from the public now, nobody really likes slavery after all.

And about the 'Duke Forbes' title, because the Duke is already a goner, and his son died due to mysterious circumstances, the emperor has decided to pass the title onto a blood relative later in the year, fair enough, I guess.

I feel like it's almost time for a new crown prince already, and according to normal progression, the current crown prince would try to do something stupid at the last moment. 

...Nah, that can't be true, he's not that desperate.... I think.

Oh, lunch is here already.

Mhmm, it's not very good...



''I'm going to sleep first.'' Anastasia let out a yawn and said. ''Good night~''

''Sure, good night.'' I replied.

After waiting for a few minutes and checking her breathing to make sure that she's sleeping, I fly onto Liana's bed.

Closing the curtain, I lay down facing her, then wrap my arms around her torso, giving her a big warm hug.

''What's wrong?'' She asked normally, noticing the sound barrier that I just set up.

Instead of answering her, I close our distance and kiss her on the lips. But it appears to be a not so good decision, because Liana immediately pushes back, her tongue dominantly breaks through into my mouth, stirring whatever is inside it together with my tongue.

''Ahn...*slurp*...Wai- Mhm! *slurp* *slurp*...''

So we kept going for a good three minutes, I tried to stop her, but she just held my head fixed in place with one of her hand, the other one already shoved inside my skirt, playing with my lower lips.

''Hah...Hah... Why you...'' I said, panting.

''What? Didn't you want this?'' She snorted, shoving three fingers inside my soaked pussy.

''Hyah! Wait, wait, I lost, I lost! Please let me go first!''

''What is it?'' Liana said, bringing her hand wet with my juice up, licking it slowly and thoroughly, like a cat cleaning its fur.

''U-Um, you see... Christina-

I didn't have the chance to finish, because she tore down my entire skirt in an instant, and thrusted her already erected cock inside my pussy, going all the way till it slammed against my cervix.

''Argh! Eh?''

When did she even flop her cock out??

''Christina what?'' She said coldly, one of her hands gripping my butt firmly, almost too firm, even.

''Er, I mean, sh-she's also a futa like you guys...''


''Doesn't she need... Um... Sexual relief too?''

''And you're thinking about using your whore hole to please her? In front of our face?''

''N-No! I don't-



''Yes, you do, you fucking slut.'' Her rod forcefully pierced through my cervix accompanied by a dull colliding sound, returning the cock to where it usually is at night.

''J-Just a blowjob...?'' I asked weakly, gasping for air.



*flap* *flap* *flap*

''Ah~!... Nhn~...''



''I love you.'' She said, kissing me deeply on the lips, her cock throbbing, filling my womb with her semen.



We stayed still for a while, our lips connected, our reproduce organs also connected.

Breaking out of the kiss, Liana grins mischievously. ''I have a nice idea.''


Not waiting for my response, she pulls out her cock and picks me up in a princess carry, then swiftly jumps over to Christina's bed.

Needless to say, Christina, who was meditating on the bed, is dumbfounded when she suddenly sees Liana with her cock out and me with my skirt gone, semen gushing out of my pussy.

Liana then lays me down on the bed. ''Do a sound barrier, I'll call Emilia.'' She disappears.


''...What?'' Christina blurted out.

''Eh?'' I'm confused too, didn't I just get fucked for having thoughts about cheating?

''Um, Christina-

I turned around and was about to clarify the situation to her, but in my eyes, I could see her cock already towering, slipping out of the skirt, her eyes glued onto my semen-soaked pussy.


I silently crawl my way to her cock, rubbing my cheek against the girthy shaft.

''!!'' Christina widen her eyes.

This size... Is about the same size as those two, but, it's slightly curving...

 As with every single one of my blowjobs, I hold the cock carefully with my two hands, similar to how I would hold a precious gift. And then-


Kiss the glan deeply once.

''Sylvia... Ah...'' Christina seems pretty shaken, her cheeks flushed red, her irises jumping around.


I carefully sweep my tongue across the cock's entire length, occasionally sucking on the balls. My one palm sitting on the tip of the cock, rubbing, while my other hand is playing around her labia, circling and kneading the soft mouth.

''Ah~!... This... I-I'm cumming!'' 

As soon as I can feel her cock throbbing, I open my mouth wide reflexively, letting the semen splashed onto my whole face, around 50% of it went inside my mouth, I think.



Swallowing the cum load after a bit of chewing, I open my mouth again to show that there's nothing left, like usually what I would do.

''Oh, already going at it?'' Liana suddenly appears outside the bed together with my other lover.

''I've heard the story.'' Emilia declared.

''Ah! T-This...'' I stumbled, remembering that there's semen smeared all over my face right now.

What the hell do I do now?! What if they get mad?? Awawawawaw-

''Don't worry, keep sucking it.'' Liana said mockingly. ''Emilia.''


Emilia climbs up onto the bed behind me, then whips out her already erected cock, sandwiching it between my butt cheeks. Meanwhile, Liana also settled herself besides me, then swiftly cutting down all my remaining clothes with her hand coated in mana as well.


She then grabs one of my hanging breasts, flicking my nipple against the tip of her standing cock a bit, before abruptly twisting that nipple 720 degrees over.

''AH~!'' I moaned, tides coming out of my pussy, probably spraying onto Emy's thighs.

''What's wrong? Suck it again.'' She said, still holding my twisted nipple in place, her other hand grabs my head and turning it to the curvy cock in front of me.

Christina seems to be even more dumbfounded, but her honest cock is already hard again.

Feeling the pain and pleasure from my nipple, and the hands kneading my butt cheeks, I lower my head to kiss Christina's cock again, signaling another blowjob.

''Good, go.'' Liana said to Emilia behind me.

Immediately, I had a rock hard cock slammed inside my raw pussy.


I just came again...

''I said, suck it.'' Liana frowns, pushing my mouth into swallowing half of Christina's cock.

Holding the giant cock inside my throat, I'm using my tongue to move around inside my mouth, giving the pleasure to Christina.

*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*

Still with Emy grinding my womb down mercilessly, Liana releases the pinch on my nipple, then-


Giving my breast a good slap, before grabbing it again, biting my battered nipple repeatedly, effectively chewing on it.

''Uguh!...'' I almost bitten down Christina's cock because of that.

Christina looks at the scene in complete shock, apparently she didn't consider that our sex would be this hardcore. She's still enjoying this very much, at least.

Because just a little bit after that, both of the cocks inside my body started to twitch at the same time, one shooting the gooey white liquid down my throat, another one shooting it inside my sloppy sack.


''Puh- Hah~... Nn!''

Pulling my mouth out, I started to lick the tip of Christina's cock again, just to clean up any semen left, all the while with Liana still chewing on my nipple like a candy.

When I had just licked off the final drop of semen on the cock, my head abruptly turned again due to Liana's hand, this time, I'm staring at her cock.

Immediately knowing what I have to do, I plant a kiss on her cock as well.

''No, not that.'' Liana said.

''...Eh?'' I said confusingly, my voice a little bit hoarse.

Liana then stands up, moving over to behind me. Emy has already pulled out her cock at this point, settling down on Liana's previous spot.

Christina and I look at her actions strangely, then Liana lifts me up and sits me on her laps, her cock resting in the place between my butt cheeks.

''Look at this closely.'' She said, looking straight at Christina's eyes.

She then lifts my entire body up by circling her arms around my waist and kneepits, not a single part of my body is touching the bed, and my pussy spreads open naturally due to this unconventional position.

To add insult to injury, Emy comes over and uses both of her hand to pull apart my vagina even more, thick, gooey streams pouring down the onto bedsheet.

Christina's cock stands up again, she tries to move over to me, reaching out her hand, but before she could do that-


Liana drops me.

My pussy ate Liana's entire cock, down to the very base, my womb clinging, sucking her cock, not wanting to let go. I could even see a bump on my stomach, and I came just by her penetrating my womb...

''Mhmp!'' I tried to moan, but was blocked by Emy's kiss.

*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*

Emy finished our kiss after a few dozen seconds, she's now, very much like Liana, chewing on my nipple, all the while I was being dragged up and down, the motion similar to how you would use a cock-sleeve.

I'm just using telekinesis to forcefully shut my mouth off at this point, I don't think the sound barrier is stable right now.

Then, I could see Emy gestures Christina to come closer to me, pointing to my unoccupied, bouncing breast. Christina shakily comes over, grabbing my bouncing bit with both of her hands, and sucks on the tattered nipple desperately.

''Mhmm, cumming~''


The cock inside me spurted out, inflating my womb, making the bump on my stomach even bigger.

Hearing that sound, the other two stopped chewing my nipples, seemingly waiting for what's next.

Liana pulls out her cock, her own semen dripping onto her shaft from my hole.

''You see.'' She started to talk.'' This hole is the absolute best. It's warm, tight, slippery, soft, there's even a pathetic sack of meat at the end sucking your dick in as well.''

W-What the fuck was that pussy review?! How did you even reach that conclusion after fucking me?! Oh, wait, she was fucking me, alright, fair enough. And why do I feel excited after hearing that...


''Do you have what it takes to be able to use this wonderful hole? How far would you go for it?''

Hey!! Why did you word that sentence so wrong?! Couldn't you just normally ask how far would she go for me?? Why did it sound like you were auctioning a masturbation device...

''... I would do anything.'' Christina said coolly, the hard cock below ruined it though.

''Really?'' Liana asked doubtfully.

''Yes, I would do anything for her, I could even betray my country for her.'' Her eyes unwavering.

''...I will test your determination again afterward. But for now, you get to enjoy this pussy.'' She said with a sigh. ''Agree? My slut?''

''Y-Yes.'' I said weakly, to be honest, her determined face earlier sold me.

''Here we go.'' Liana puts me down on the bed and goes to sit besides Emy.

Christina immediately goes over and pushes my down, her cock resting on my navel area.

''Sylvia.'' She whispered. ''I love you.''

''...Me too!''

The cock slowly enters my sloppy pussy, because it has been sprayed with so many semen, the rod is sliding in very smoothly.


This sensation... This cock is way different from Emy's and Liana's, but still pleasurable regardless...

''Christina.'' I called out softly. ''I love getting my pussy railed. Preferably a little forceful. So, please use my secondhand pussy as you like.'' I whispered the last part into her ears. I don't even know why I said that, what's wrong with me today...?

Instantly, I could feel the cock inside me getting even bigger, Christina is looking down at me, her eyes practically have hearts in them. She then leans down and kisses me on the lips. I reciprocate, hugging her neck, locking my legs behind her as well.

*flap* *flap* *flap* *flap* *flap*

While exchanging saliva, her hip is still moving very passionately, not losing to even Emy or Liana, the slightly curvy cock bringing new sensations to my 'worn out' pussy.

But this monster cock has the same length as those two's, so she's not going all in yet.

''Harder, Christina.'' I said between moans after the kiss. ''Pierce my womb, I'll give you the best feeling there is.''

Christina stopped for a second, then she does as I said, slamming her cock as hard as possible. My cervix, which has already been loosen by Emy and Liana earlier, readily opened to welcome a brand new cock.

As I feel the now familiar sensation of my sack being violated, Christina's body trembles, her eyes widen. It looks like my womb was pretty good, because-


She came right after, as I also came for the nth time today.

''Thank you for using my sloppy pussy, Christina.'' I said to her with the warmest smile possible.



''Not enough yet.'' This time she declared firmly.

''If so, please use it again, whenever you want!'' An unknown excitement filled my mind.

''Don't forget us so fast, Sylvie.'' Liana complained jokingly.

''Un.'' Emy seems to have agreed as well.

''Of course not, all three of you can use it whenever you want!'' I said after planting a kiss on Christina's lips.

It was at this point, when I discover that I was just a whore.