
Zone Meli Corine Leslie

A poor girl called Candy striving to have the best grades ever in her education so as to uplift her family from poverty. she then meets Daniel, a rich billionaire at a very young age who disguises as a transfer student in the same school as Candy to find true love. Will he find his true love? Will Candy be able to persevere right up to the end? Life has a lot of obstacles in store for them. Read with me till then let's find out together.

pjtcoco · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 8: Daniel’s house

Candy stayed in the study for about four hours before finally coming out. She was so immersed in her work she didn't realize it was raining. She was already set to go but the rain wouldn't let her. Daniel: "it's raining you can't go now. Let's go have dinner while we wait for the rain to subside". Candy: "what's the time?" Daniel: "4pm" Candy hesitated for a moment before finally accepting. They both walked to the dining table and sat down. Candy: "how come I didn't notice when you were cooking?" Daniel chuckled: "you were so immersed in your work. How would you notice?" Candy in awe: "you really cooked these?" Daniel laughed heartily and said: "though I can cook I didn't cook these. I'm a student like you. I was also focused on my assignments though I finished an hour earlier than you" Candy: "so who cooked?" Daniel: "a paid maid". Candy: "oh". There was rice/ripe plantains, stew and chicken on the table with juice, water an fruits. They ate while discussing and got to know each other more. After the meal, Candy was exhausted and the rain showed no signs of stopping. Daniel asked her to go to any room upstairs and sleep for a while. She refused saying she wasn't tired. So they went and sat down in the living room. Not up to thirty minutes later, she fell asleep. Daniel gently carried her to a room upstairs.

Three hours later, she woke up from sleep and rushed downstairs while panicking. Candy on seeing Daniel: "what's the time?" Daniel: "you finally woke up. It's few minutes past eight" Candy said while panicking: "can you please go see me off? Have you by any chance seen my phone? My mom should have called me a thousand times" Daniel: "woah woah woah calm down. Let's go. You'll just have to explain to her what happened when you get back. The only mistake you made was not informing her where you were before falling asleep. By the way I still haven't gotten your phone number. Don't you think it's unfair?" Candy: "I'm here worrying about my mom and you are here talking about contact. Besides not like you've asked me before. Why didn't you take it from our class whatsapp group? Not like you won't be able to recognize me." Daniel: "yeah true but I prefer you giving it to me that way you could also get mine and save." Candy: "ok give me your phone let me save the contact since you're driving." After saving the number, Candy handed over his phone. He took the phone and dialed the number and said to her: "you could save the number as 'Boyfriend' besides it's just a matter of time". The ride was awkwardly silent. Fifteen minutes later they arrived at Candy's house. Candy said good night to Daniel and entered the house. Candy's mom, Juan was anxiously waiting for her in the living room. On seeing her daughter, she bombarded her with questions: "where are you coming from at this time of the day? Why didn't you inform me you'll be coming back at this time? When did you start coming back home at this time of the day? Who just dropped you? What has come over you?" Candy suddenly stopped her mom: "Mom let me explain. I went to school to study but there was no electricity in school and you know the condition of my laptop. Luckily I made an appointment with my classmate to study today with the guy who brought me home the other day. After realizing there was no electricity in school, he opted we go study at his house. Having no other choice I accepted. After studying, I realized it was raining heavily so I had to stay there and wait for the rain to subside. That's why I'm coming home at this time. I'm sorry I forgot to let you know. The reason I didn't answer your call is because I silenced my phone and didn't noticed when it rang." Mom: "So you followed a boy to his house. What if he had ill intentions towards you? Is he your boyfriend? What did you guys do? Were you alone?" candy: "mom no he's not my boyfriend. I didn't think of all these at that time I just wanted to study and finish my assignments. We were alone but nothing happened mom. We just studied and we weren't together the whole time. Mom calm down. Here I am standing in front of you unharmed" Mom: "you got me worried you know. Its fine, go take your bath and come eat" Candy: "sorry mom. I already ate I'll go straight to bed after having my bath." Mom: "good night then. I'll like to thank that your friend for helping you. Try inviting I'm over to the house." Candy while yawning: "ok mom I'll try to invite him." Candy went and washed herself on entering the room she noticed Jenny sitting on her bed. Jenny: "sis is he really not your boyfriend? He looks rich you know and he's probably interested in you. You said you guys stayed in his house alone and did nothing? Mom might believe that but I don't. Come and tell me what happened. I promise not to tell anyone." Candy: "if you don't go to your bed believe me you'll sleep outside today. Instead of you to focus on your education you are focusing on stuffs that have nothing to do with you. I'll talk to you after seeing your grades." Jenny immediately rushed to her bed and pretended to be asleep. Candy quickly changed into her pajamas and lay on her bed. Just when she was about to retire for the night, her phone made a 'ding' sound indicating there was a new message. She took a look and noticed it's a message from Daniel: "hey girlfriend. How are you? Hope you aren't dead. Goodnight." Candy: "I'm fine. Why shouldn't I? And I'm not your girlfriend. If I actually tell people about this side of you they'll definitely not believe me. Goodnight. See you tomorrow" Daniel: "you will soon be. Why are you telling me goodnight? Are you avoiding me?" "You said good night first." said Candy. Daniel: "that's because I thought you were asleep". Candy: "oh ok. It's late though. Before I forget my mom said I should invite you over to my house" Daniel: "wow its already time for me to meet my in-laws. Are we to discuss your bride price? Am I to come with my parents?" candy was shocked at all the nonsense he was spouting. Candy: "stop dreaming she just wants to thank you." Daniel: "oh just that. I guess I was overthinking again." Candy: "what were you overthinking?" Daniel: "ohh nothing never mind." Candy: "text me when you are free. Goodnight." Daniel: "ok I will. Goodnight."

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