
Zombie Overlord: Descendants

The Rubix Cube had made a lot of enemies for decades, one of them comes back for revenge. Despite their best efforts their children and grandchildren get caught in the cross fire.

Basil_Chaway · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Lilac and Page got to the party, it was at a mansion. As they walked to the front door a car honked at them.

Lilac and Page watched as the car passed by them. They walked for about thirty minutes before getting to the front door. Page was about to knock when someone opened the door.

A group of girls walked out laughing. Page and Lilac passed by them and entered the house.

"I wanted to surprise him but I don't think I can be able to find him in this mess."

Lilac said screaming into Page's ears. Lilac stepped back out and the moment the door closed the noise drowned.

She took out her phone from her purse and a girl snatched it. She noticed it was one of the girls she passed by earlier.

"What the hell is this, Scarlett look at this."

The girl said and passed the phone to another girl. The moment Scarlett took the phone she tossed it as if it burnt.


The other girls then tossed it to one another shouting 'Ew' until the phone hit the ground. Lilac stood there stunned, she picked up her phone but the screen was broken.

"They are sorry, you can use mine."

Scarlett said and handed Lilac her phone.

She took it and dialled Grey's number, it was already saved as Grey with an A and a heart beside it.

"Hello…" she waited for a while but after a while, she said, "This is Lilac, I'm here."

She handed Scarlett back her phone but she wouldn't take it.

"It's okay, you can keep it."

"Oh no, thank you."

When she saw Lilac wasn't letting up he looked at one of her lassies.

"Aile, take it."

She took it but when she handed it to Sarlett she shook her head. Aile dropped it into a bin and wiped her hands. They stood there in awkward silence until Grey arrived.

"You look beautiful."

Grey said and hugged her.

"Grey, I didn't know you came."

She spread out her arms and Grey hugged her and she kissed him on his cheek.

"I guess she is who I have to thank for changing you. He was obsessed with me."

Scarlett said and Grey chuckled. They stood there waiting for Scarlett to leave.

"Are you not going to introduce us?"

Scarlett said.

"Scarlett, you have to see this."

Aile said and showed her something on her phone.

"Who is that and why am I the last to know? Magge, get me a new phone, I can't be out of the loop."

Scarlett said and walked back into the house.

"I didn't think you were going to make it. Let me show you around."

Meanwhile, Page was too drunk to stand upright without staggering, she had been partying hard and was now kissing a random guy. All of a sudden someone yanked her by her hair.

"Hey, what's your problem?"

She asked.

"That's my boyfriend bitch"

Scarlett said and slapped Page, making her fall through a glass table.

"Girl fight!"

Someone screamed and others joined in chanting.

"What's going on?"

Lilac asked as she walked in that direction but she was stopped.

"It is a fight, it happens at least once at every party."

He kissed her but she stopped him.

"I just have to ask, what's with you and red?"

"Red,..oh Scarlett nothing, we are like frenemies. She attends my rival school, Eternal High her mother owns the school."

"Eternal, it sounds familiar."

"It should, they make phones and status glass, and they also fund the police and fire service."

"They practically own everything, you don't want to get on her bad side."

"Who are you looking for?"

"I came here with a friend I was hoping to introduce you."

Lilac took Grey's phone and called Page but there was no answer. She followed the sound of her ringtone to a couch. Lilac picked it up and forced her way through the crowd.

Page was getting up from the floor and Scarlett was about to hit her. Lilac stopped her by catching her hand.

"I think that's enough."

She said and helped Page up. Scarlett looked at the crowd and saw people mumbling. She tried kicking Lilac but she caught her leg and threw it in the opposite direction. This sent Scarlett stumbling backwards.

Gnashing scales covered her whole body in an instant. Immediately the crowd went silent except for a "wow" that died down. Lilac put out her hand and sent Scarlett flying into the island in the kitchen. Knocking down everyone in her path on the way there.

Grey on the other hand kept smiling, he went over to Scarlett to help her up. She quickly went outside but they were gone.

Shoto on the other hand had been chasing fires, looking for the arsonist who the media was calling Flambé. He finally found a building with a sigil on the floor. This time the fire killed everyone in the building. He helped the investors by sharing details of the previous arson case he solved.

Yor had started taking videos and pictures of herself as the Avower and posted them on social media. It had not started to make traction but she kept on pointing. Going live in Lilac's temple.

Lilac treated Page's wounds and put her to bed. On the other hand, Lilac sending Scarlett flying was all over social media. She was in her room when she heard a knock on the door.

"Bulling people with your powers, you may not be responsible for the Avower's image but at least keep a low profile."

Grandma Ase said after she opened the door. She waited awhile for a response from Lilac but got nothing, then she nodded and closed the door.

"You are going to school tomorrow."

Ase said from behind the door.

Scarlett was in her room when her door opened. She quickly got up from her bed.


Samantha looked at her at her and held her chin. She looked for bruises on her face and checked the rest of her body. After finding nothing she slapped her.

"A party, did you think I would not find out or you just didn't care? The damages are coming out from your allowance."

She walked out leaving the door open.

"I'm going to kill that girl."

Scarlett said and flipped her bed over.