
Zombie Overlord: Descendants

The Rubix Cube had made a lot of enemies for decades, one of them comes back for revenge. Despite their best efforts their children and grandchildren get caught in the cross fire.

Basil_Chaway · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


"It's getting late I have to go."

Lilac said then got up.

"Wait, there is going to be a house party, Mclouise Manor. Come with me."

"It is late my grandma will be looking for me, maybe another time."

"Not today, tomorrow at eight, you want to attend school right? There will be a lot of students there, you might learn how it is"

Lilac nodded and walked away, when she was out of sight she teleported back home. When she got to her room, her ceremonial dress was on her bed.


She heard and ran downstairs when she got there a woman was conversing with her grandmother.

"Come, this is Yor she is going to act as you."

"Granma Ase, why is she going to act like me."

"You haven't had any new worshippers in a long time. Today when someone new showed up, I asked her what she wanted and she said she wanted to see you. I think people seeing you will increase your worshippers."

"What about the other million or so people who think I am a fake, a fraud and a blasphemy? They send death threats every day, she acting like I will get her killed."

"It's nice, but don't worry about me. I am an adventurer, I can take care of myself."

"There are all these social media platforms we can use to spread your father's word. You can reply to their messages on the platforms."

"One question, can I go to school if she is me?"

"Yes, that's the other reason, I hear the bill is going to pass."

Lilac smiled then turned and shook Yor's hand.

"Congratulations on becoming the Avower."

She said and walked away.


Lilac said immediately she opened her door.

"I heard, does that mean I work for her now?"

Page inquired sitting on the bed, Lilac sat by here.

"Of course not, you are not an actor. Leave the acting to the actors, if she wants an attendant she should find her own. We should be getting ready for our party."


"Yes, he invited me to a house party and you are coming with me."

Lilac helped Page up and opened her wardrobe, she grabbed everything and dropped it on the bed.

"I seriously don't see anything here for this occasion."

"What about this?"

Page picked up a violet dress from the pile.

"Everything here is a priestess dress, I need something short and tight. Something that will show my figure. How much of my offering is left?"

"Two thousand, seven hundred and sixty-two reds. Why do you ask?"

"Go get it, we are going shopping."

Lilac said but Page looked at her with shock.

"I am serious, go get it."

Lilac pushed Page out of the door.

Meanwhile, in the heart of Yooyi, Shoto goes back to the burnt building. Earlier that day the arson investigator told him the fire was set on purpose and it claimed two lives.

He looked around and then went to see where the bodies were found. He heard his phone ring, and he took it out of his pocket and answered it.

After he hung up, he kicked around some debris then he saw it. There was a sigil. He kicked around more stuff to make the sigil more visible. He then took a picture of it and sent it to someone. He got a reply say.

"That is a mutated sigil, it is a combination of revealing soul and fire sigil. It is an advanced spell, I think it is to raise flaming souls of the dead."

Shoot replied with a 'thank you'.

"Impossible, I killed him over a decade. Might be a copycat but a decade later."

Shoot got out of there as quickly as possible.

Sixty years ago during the burn, many people were caught in the fire. Among them was a family of four, a mother, a father and their two children. The father carried the girl and the boy who was much older, was being dragged around by his mother.

They were running to the left when a dragon flew over them, raining something on them. It riddled hole people in them killing them on impact. Others had minor injuries, the boy picked up a seed from the ground.

His mother then dragged him to the right, a dragon flew over freezing everything on their right. He looked to see his father frozen on one side. He let his sister down.

"Go, don't worry about me, it will melt and I'll be right behind you."

They saw a dragon flying directly over them and they ran back to the left. Trees grew from the bodies ripping them apart. This happens inches away from the mother. Just when she thought she was safe the seed in the boy's hand grew into a tree impaling her.

Somehow the boy was safe, he let go of his sister and started to climb the tree.


"Take care of your sister"

She said to him coughing blood. The dragon they saw earlier flew by torching everything in its path, including his sister. He jumped down from the tree, he shuttered the ground when he fell. His sister was burning but she was still upright, he grabbed her hand and they walked through the newly created forest of impaled people.

Decades later he became a sitter, an adventurer who stayed with children while their parents went to work. He was only fifteen and he did this to earn money to take care of himself. One day on the job he found a necromancy book about contacting the dead. After studying the book for a week he decided to try a spell. After using different animals for the spell, he went upstairs and a sigil around a bed.

He later put the child he was sitting to sleep in. He then chanted the incantation in the book but nothing happened. After adding a fire sigil he recited the incantation again.

This time it worked, the sigil caught on fire then so did the bed and soon the child. The child's soul left her body and got down from the bed. The child didn't realize she was dead. She picked up her favourite toy which melted in her hand. She cried throwing a tantrum and setting ablaze everything she touched.

The boy started coughing and then paced out after some time. He woke up in the hospital. The story he was told when he woke up was, that the child was playing with fire and burnt the house. He went along with it and continued to cast that spell in the future.