
Zombie Overlord: Descendants

The Rubix Cube had made a lot of enemies for decades, one of them comes back for revenge. Despite their best efforts their children and grandchildren get caught in the cross fire.

Basil_Chaway · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Lilac was sitting on her throne daydreaming about how her life was about to change. A girl kept waving at her from behind her veil but she was too deep in her daydream to notice.


She heard in her head and looked around and noticed the girl pointing at her wrist.

She raised her hand.

"The avower needs to speak to her father."

An older lady said and she excused herself.

"What have I told you about praying to me?"

Lilac said to the girl as she took off her veil hat.

"I tried getting your attention in other ways."

The girl said as she collected the veil hat.

"Nevermind, I'm late"

Lilac said as she gave her her ceremonial clothes. The girl went back and took her place. She looked in that direction and saw a bright light seconds before it disappeared.

Lilac appeared in a meadow, at a distance she saw a boy sitting on a picnic blanket. She walked towards him and he did the same when he noticed her.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"You are good, I just got here."

He helped her take a sit on the blanket and sat by her. He picked up a picnic basket and started to take out its items one at a time.

"Grey, this is too much."

"You deserve this and more, you have been working nonstop. You may not be mining but even collecting gemstones can be tiring."

He poured her a drink and handed it to her.

"We will be able to spend more time together when the bill passes."

"School, you want to be an adventurer?"

"Well, no but I will do anything to escape my cell. Besides, I heard there are some courses strictly for negotiation. I thought every boy wants to be an adventurer, it is the ninth-nine per cent of what boys pray for."

"How do you know what people pray about?"

"Well…urm…like with statistics, you know."

"I don't think, we need to go to to school to be adventurers. The definition is in the name, school is the last place to find adventure. I know that for a fact, school is boring."

"Wait, you attend school?"

"Yes, Rubix High. I heard amazing things about the founders but it is nothing like I imagined "

"You.. you attend, Rubix High?"

In Yooyi, a group of firemen enter a burning building. Around their waist were life safety ropes that connected a team of two. Two teams got out each one carrying a survivor on their shoulder.

"I think some are trapped on the other side of the build, but there is no way we could get to them."

One of the firemen said coughing.

Moments later another firefighter came out running. He took off his gas mask and fell to his knees unclasping his jacket.

"Boy, where is your tail?"

A man asked as the man panted. He picked up his safety rope and saw it was cut.

"You left a man behind?"

The man grabbed him by a shirt he wore inside his uniform. Other firemen ran to stop the confrontation before it got worse.

"Captain, calm down."

They said as they held him back.

The captain took a gas mask and strapped it on with a cylinder. He was about to enter the building when a firefighter came running out. In his arms was a man who had third-degree burns. He handed him to medic and they started to heal him there and then.

He took off his mask and helmet and walked past the captain.

"Shoto, how did this happen?"

Shoto turned, and then took off his jacket. The fire had burnt a hole in his jacket. He was in full scales and they were really dark, his red scales looked black.

"This should be impossible, no fire should be able to burn this jacket."

"There may be some chemicals in the building, the water is not even putting out the fire."

"Chemicals or no chemicals, it shouldn't burn a hole in your jacket. Eternity assured me of it."

"Switch to canons."

The captain yelled and the fighter shut off the holes. They picked up something that looked like a M79 grenade launcher. They broke it and inserted a can into it, closed it and fired it into the building. The cans in the building then burst open extinguishing fires around it.

"I can't believe we are finally using the canons."

One firefighter said eagerly as he fired the canons. The smoke turned white and the captain called it a day.

"Our job is done, arson may know why this happened. Until then, it is business as usual."

The captain said as they were leaving. One of the firefights stared into the partially burnt building.

"Knight, come on."

"I thought I saw someone."

He got in the truck and they drove off.