
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 53: The Boss (R-18)

When Xiaoyun pushed the door open, it was another room with no one in it.

The room only office desk and a chair.

"This mouse chase is getting real annoying." Xiaoyun commented.

"Let go up to the next floor." Yezi walked up first.

The group finally got to the fifteenth floor. The door was already opened.

Yezi took a peek around the corner only to see bunch of empty crates and no one in it.

"Of course they are empty. They were just bluffing." Yezi walked inside as the group followed him.

"Maybe they just put it somewhere else. Let not get ahead of ourselves." Xiaoyun walked first this time.

As Xiaoyun walked up the stairs, the door was already opened.

Just as Xiaoyun was about to peek around the door to see what inside, Xiaoyun immediately duck back down.

A bullet was just shot where Xiaoyun's head was.

"Shit, we can't get in there without getting shot at." Xiaoyun commented.

"There's no other way in." Yunyun looked around only to find nothing.

Xiaoyun closed the door a little more, only leaving a small gap.

"Surrender and we will let you all go! We are here just for the boss." Xiaoyun yelled inside.

"Don't believe him, he will kill all of us. Do you think what we had done is forgivable?" An voice from the inside yelled out.

"How about you step in here? We won't shoot you." The voice inside suggested.

"Why should I do that?" Xiaoyun yelled back.

"If you don't come in, we are going to shoot all the hostages here and blow up the entire building."

Xiaoyun took a quick glace inside only to see five men standing there with the hostages all tied up and an box full of what it appeared to be explosive next to them.

"When I say open sesame, you guys rush in okay?" Xiaoyun gave the hint to the soldiers.

"This is an order Yunyun, stay here." Xiaoyun sees Yunyun tried to walking up.

"Okay I'm coming in. Don't blow up the building please. I'm sure we can talk about this." Xiaoyun opened the door with both his hand up.

"Who the hell are you? Where is that Lili whore?" One of the men yelled out.

"I got no clue who you are talking about. I'm here because of your guys sent people to attack my town. Don't you guys have a guy with an RV?" Xiaoyun replied back and walked forward with both hand still in the air.

"Oh you aren't with that woman... It doesn't matter. You kill all our men. You are going to pay for this." Another man walked up to Xiaoyun.

Suddenly Xiaoyun lunges toward the man in the middle as an gun appeared in his hand.

"Drop your gun. Or I'm going to kill the him." Xiaoyun pointed the pistol at the man who he assumed to be boss.

Seeing the men hesitated for a moment, the boss realized what they were thinking about.

"Drop your damn gun. Do you want me to die?" The boss yelled.

The men still refuse to drop their gun despite him telling them to drop it.

"Open sesame!" Xiaoyun suddenly yelled out.

The door immediately got pushed open as all the soldiers barge in.

Before the men had time to react, several gunshot was fired.

All of them dropped dead, except the boss and Xiaoyun in the middle.

"I-I lost..." The boss drops to the floor in complete shock.

"Go to hell." Yezi stabbed the boss in the heart before Xiaoyun can stop him.

"You... never mind." Just as Xiaoyun want to asked him why, he realized this boss was the person who caused Yezi's old friend to die.

"Banli!" Lili ran to one of the hostages as the rest of the group ran to untie the rest of the hostages.

"Huh... Banli and Lili. Why does it sound so familiar?" Xiaoyun mumbled.

"Wait isn't that mom's friend?" Yunyun suddenly remember back when they visited her at ten year old.

"Oh right, they are hers two best friend." Xiaoyun facepalm himself.

"You okay Banli? They didn't hurt you?" Lili asked as she untied her and remove her mouth cover.

"They just left us here for two days, they didn't do anything with us yet but I heard they were planning to sell us yesterday." Banli replied.

"Don't worry we are safe now." Lili embraces Banli in her shoulder.


After everyone calmed down, and the soldiers check the last two floor that just turned out to be empty, the two groups packed everything including the explosive back up and walked toward the bus.

"Thank you so much for today. We can never repay you back for what you had done for us." Lili thanks Xiaoyun's group as they got on the bus.

"No problem... do you want to move in to the town with us? We can definitely fit you all." Xiaoyun offered her to join.

"You sure? We have around fifty people in total." Lili didn't disagree with the offer.

"We can definitely fit that much people, albeit it going to take two separate bus trip." Xiaoyun replied.

"Hm... sure then, you can come to same hotel place tomorrow then. We will be waiting. Bye!" Lili's group walked into an alleyway and disappeared.

"Well look like we are finally going home now." Yunyun sat down in the bus seat.

Renqin starts the bus and drove back home as the sun started to set soon.

Fortunately no major incident on the way back beside several cars drove by and the explosive bumming each other inside the bus which made everyone extremely paranoid.

"Where do we put all these when we get back?" Yezi pointed at the explosive.

"Maybe we should just throw it away... we don't have a safe place to store it." Yunyun suggested.

"I don't think so, maybe these will come in handy one day. Lets ask Yiming where to put it." Xiaoyun decided.


When everything was put away and Xiaoyun with Yezi and Yunyun was walking back home, it was already almost six o'clock.

"Yezi, you are bringing your wife out of our house. No more overnight missions do you understand?

Yiyi was so upset when you left without saying a word." Xiaoyun warned.

"Yeah yeah, I fucked up. I will apologize to her." Yezi looked extremely tired.

Xiaoyun opened the door only to be greeted by Yanyan.

"You two are finally back home! Oh hello Yezi. Come on in."

The four walked inside the house as Yiyi rushed to Yezi.

"I'm sorr——" before Yezi can apologize Yiyi interrupted him.

"Its okay, no need to say sorry. As long as you got home safely it all good." Yiyi held Yezi tighter.

"Um sorry to interrupt you two but can I go inside the house?" Xiaoyun being stuck behind the two decided to chime in.

"Oh sorry, Yezi lets go home now. Thank you Xiaoyun and Yunyun." The two held hand and left the house.

"I'm so hungry." Xiaoyun and Yunyun both complained as they haven't ate anything since breakfast.

"Don't worry I already cooked dinner, Qiqi and Mimi is already eating." Yanyan held the two to the kitchen.


After dinner and taking a shower, Xiaoyun was completely exhausted and just went back to bed to sleep.

However, while in light sleep he could feel the bed getting hotter as if he is being surrounded by something.

Still, it was getting colder months so Xiaoyun didn't mind it.

However sudden when both of his armed got surrounded as well as his legs being wrapped around by two other pair of legs. Xiaoyun finally woke up.

"Hm? When did you two got on the bed?" Xiaoyun could see Yanyan and Xiaoqi sleeping next to him.

"We just both miss you... that's all." Xiaoqi and Yanyan both responded.

"Whatever, I'm going back to sleep." Xiaoyun falls back to the sleep and fell into deep sleep as he just too tired to even lift a finger.

The two didn't disrupt him and eventually fell asleep as well.

However, just few hour later, Xiaoyun woke up again as he could barely breathe. The two somehow unconsciously sandwich Xiaoyun as the two both turned toward Xiaoyun.

What worse is both of them were completely naked.

Xiaoyun could feel Yanyan's soft pairs behind his head as his face is completely covered by Xiaoqi's pairs.

Unable to breathe, Xiaoyun moved up a little. Now his neck was surrounded by both of the pairs.

Xiaoyun suddenly realized all his cloth was taken off at some point during his sleep by them.

"Yanyan? Qiqi?" Xiaoyun whispered trying to wake the two up but to no avail.

Sudden Yanyan wrapped her legs around both of Xiaoyun's leg, simulating Xiaoyun's rod as their legs rub against each other.

Xiaoqi moved forward a little, allowing the fully erected rod to rub her entrances.

"Hm." Xiaoqi was moaning a little and kept rubbing her entrance on the rod as she moved unconsciously.

Yanyan moved forward a little, grinding her entrance with Xiaoyun's hand. Xiaoyun could feel the lips getting a little wet already.

Xiaoqi moved even closer as well, allowing the rod to be between her thighs and the entrance.

"How are they still asleep..." Xiaoyun felt almost as if the two is tempting him.

This isn't the end of arc in few chapter. He's going to another adventure! You think this is the end of it?

Anyway, I got the option for premium now! But before that I want to catch up all the way with the bonus chapter first. One bonus chapter down, but the powerstone pushed it back to 16. I think I can get to finish the bonus chapter in time if I keep at this pace.

A lot of new readers and supporter. I just want to thank you all! A little reward at the end and in the next chapter.

Note: Fuck my eyes. A small pimple on the corner of the eyelid or something so my eyes feel uncomfortable as hell. Hope tomorrow will be better. A lot more spread out upload today.

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