
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 54: Rewards (R-18)

Xiaoyun can't hold it any longer as both of them moaned right into his ear, and finally decided to thrust forward.

Xiaoqi was finally awake as Xiaoyun went inside of her.

"Hm? Babe, what are you doing?" Xiaoqi was still half asleep as she struggle to open her eye.

"You kept teasing me and I haven't done it for almost two day now." Xiaoyun whispered to her ear.

Xiaoqi was fully awake as her face blushes from realizing she was rubbing against him. Just like in the dream she was just having earlier.

"W-wait mom's still asleep. W-we can't d-do this." Xiaoqi covered her mouth as she started to moan louder.

"It's fine, we have done it together so many time now. Why are you suddenly so shy?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

" I-it's was mom's d-day t-today but s-she shared you with m-me." Xiaoqi kept stuttered as she tries to hold it in.

Xiaoyun slowed down a little to let Xiaoqi speak clearly.

"Yesterday was suppose to be Yunyun's day, but Yiyi was here. Then when we invited her today, she was too tired from your trip."

"I-I feel like I am betraying their trust... Sorry, but I can't do this." Xiaoqi stopped Xiaoyun and tried to pull it out.

Suddenly Xiaoyun was pushed upward from behind, causing the rod went further inside instead.

Turns out Yanyan was awake when Xiaoqi was still half awake.

"Qiqi, you are so thoughtful, but you should enjoy yourself instead of thinking all that. I don't mind it at all." Yanyan smiled as she patted Xiaoqi's head.

"I am sure Yunyun wouldn't be mind it either... we are a family after all." Yanyan held the two closer together as she mumbled the last part.

"R-really m-mom?" Xiaoqi face finally changed, but its hard to tell if it is either from Xiaoyun suddenly moving faster or from Yanyan's words.

"Yes really." Yanyan sighed.

"If it wasn't for this dummy over here, my daughter wouldn't need to have a lover that split his affection instead of giving all to you." Yanyan knocked on Xiaoyun's head.

"Hey! Don't say like I'm all bad. I-I try my best to make it up okay?" Xiaoyun's voice get quieter and quieter as he have nothing to argue back with.

"Yeah yeah, whatever that means. Honey, stop being so rough with our daughter. I know she like it rough, but she's pregnant okay?" Yanyan warned Xiaoyun as she pinched his ear.

"Okay okay, I won't." Xiaoyun immediately slowed down and became more gentle.

Despite going slower and much more gentle, Xiaoqi can feel Xiaoyun's rod getting bigger after Yanyan mentioned her as Xiaoyun's daughter.

"Dad, can you go a little faster?" Xiaoqi decided to tease Xiaoyun a little.

Xiaoyun started moving faster just like Xiaoqi asked for.

"Qiqi you..." Yanyan looked shocked from what Xiaoqi just said.

"M-mom, come on, w-we both know how to get him all e-excited for this." Xiaoqi faced smirked as if she wanted to try something.

"Fine... always the role playing *sigh*." Yanyan got up from the bed and moved to Xiaoqi's side of the bed.

Xiaoqi turns around to let Xiaoyun keep moving from the behind as she now faces Yanyan.

"M-mom I'm sorry I-I cheating w-with your h-husband."

"You filthy whore, how dare you steal my husband." Yanyan slapped Xiaoqi in the face.

Xiaoyun could feel Xiaoqi getting tighter inside, as if she almost reaching climax just from Yanyan slapping her.

"Look at your face, how can I give birth to such a lewd daughter who get off from their mother slapping their face." Yanyan lets go of the tips

"Honey, I think she deserve a bigger punishment." Yanyan moves forward to sandwich Xiaoqi between Xiaoyun and herself.

"Babe, what do you think a fitting punishment would be?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Hm, how about forcing her to climax three time in a row? That should teach her a lesson." Yanyan replied.

"I-I am s-sorry m-mom I-I coming!" Before Xiaoqi could finish, she finally reaches climax.

"Now two more." As Yanyan demanded, Xiaoyun started moving again.

"S-sorry m-mom, p-please l-let me catch a b-break. I-I still v-very sensitive." Xiaoqi started moaning again.

"Too bad, honey must teach a lesson to our lewd daughter or else she's going to be a whore begging for men to go inside her." Yanyan added fuel to the fire.

Xiaoyun could feel Xiaoqi tense up already and soon reached climax again.

"One more, and our daughter wouldn't ever dare to steal someone's husband again right?"

"Y-yes m-mom, I-I will n-never steal d-dad from m-mom a-again." Xiaoqi couldn't think straight anymore as she just came two time in a row.

"Good good, let me reward our honest daughter then." Yanyan went under the blanket.

Xiaoqi suddenly could feel someone licking her the tips of her entrance down below, forcing her instantly climax again.

This time Xiaoyun couldn't hold it anymore and releases it all inside of her as he gave it one final push.

Yanyan could see Xiaoqi's belly getting bigger and bigger as Xiaoyun haven't done it for two days now.

Finally what felt like a century for Xiaoqi, Xiaoyun finally pulled out.

Yanyan immediately put the rod inside her mouth to clean it thoroughly to avoid making the bed all dirty.

"Our daughter did well today, didn't she?" Yanyan asked Xiaoyun.

"Yeah... you too." Xiaoyun moved behind Yanyan as he replied back.

"Oh my..." Yanyan purposely added as much word to tease Xiaoyun.

"You say our daughter is all lewd, yet all I see is her inheriting your lewdness." Xiaoyun shoves it all inside without warning.

"I-I am so sorry h-husband, please p-punish me f-for giving b-birth to a l-lewd d-daughter." Yanyan started moving with Xiaoyun.

Xiaoyun pushes Yanyan on top of Xiaoqi as the two pairs squeezing against each other.

"Doesn't our daughter want revenge on your mother for playing around with you?" Xiaoyun teased Xiaoqi.

Xiaoqi moved closer and started suckling as if she was still a baby.

"I-I am s-so sorry f-for p-playing a-around, I-I coming!" Yanyan's body started twitching as she reaches climax.

Xiaoyun didn't give her a break as he simply kept moving.

"I-I sorry for c-calling our d-daughter a w-whore." Yanyan looked sincere.

"Does daughter accept mom's apology?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I-I accept mom's apology as long as s-she agree to sharing dad's rod as well." Xiaoqi blushes as she replied back.

"You heard her honey, what do you think?"

"I-I a-accept, p-please l-let me c-catch a b-break." Xiaoyun could feel Yanyan getting tighter inside as Yanyan started tensing up again.

Xiaoyun pulled out and shoved it right into Xiaoqi without warning.

"Hm!" Xiaoqi moaned out again as her body is still extremely sensitive.

Just as Yanyan thought Xiaoyun is done with her, Xiaoyun pulled out of Xiaoqi and shoved inside of her again.

"M-mom are w-we both d-dad's p-personal w-whore?" Xiaoqi weakly asked as she barely can talk.

"I-I g-guess w-we a-are." Yanyan couldn't hold it anymore and climaxed again.

Xiaoyun couldn't help but to go even faster between the two.

Xiaoqi soon reached climax again alongside Yanyan, as both of their pairs kept rubbing against each other every time Xiaoyun goes inside one of them.

To make it even, Xiaoyun decided to focus on Yanyan and unload all of it inside of Yanyan as she climaxed once more.


After doing it few more times, the two was completely exhausted. Xiaoyun felt bad so he stopped.

The bed at the end got all dirty despite their best attempt to avoid it, the two were too exhausted to care.

Xiaoyun cuddled the two on each side as they laid on bed naked with the blanket over them.

"How was the trip outside today?" Yanyan curiously asked as Xiaoqi asked the same thing as well.

"Well, you wouldn't believe what I had done today. Its like straight out of an action movie..." Xiaoyun started explaining the trip.

"Wait, you said Lili and Banli's name?" Yanyan suddenly asked.

"Yep, remember the two that saw us on the wedding night... But I'm not sure what they looked like now. Anyway they are coming over tomorrow." Xiaoyun replied.

"They are coming over? I love the two aunties so much when I was a kid! They always bring so much candy when they come over every year!" Xiaoqi excitingly replied.

"But I thought they moved to the capital after Xiaoyun was in second grade... that doesn't make sense." Yanyan looked confused.

"Well it will be all cleared when they come here tomorrow. Anyway lets go to sleep now. Goodnight." Xiaoyun yawned as he closes the light.

"Goodnight!" The two kisses him on the cheek and went to sleep.

Heyyyyy! Just a reward chapter. Ikr finally bonk scenes. I swear they are becoming too rare!!! *Angry reader voices* *We want to see lewd, not plot!* Ok ok, my bad my bad.

Anyway my eye is a lot better now. At least it doesn't hurt looking at a screen anymore. Holy almost 50 collection overnight? Thanks god I cancelled bonus chapter for collection. But like bruh where did all the power stone come from.

Wanna do a bet? I bet I can finish all the bonus chapter before next month. You guys ain't beating me. I think... (Sarcasm)(joking)(You tell me a single review is pretty much ten powerstone for bonus chapter?)(Who set up this system? Oh its me)

Bonus chapter count: 17

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