
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 52: Base Attack

"Wait, don't you want to attack the casino ring? We are planning to attack it tonight." The woman yelled out.

"Maybe in another day." Xiaoyun replied.

As Xiaoyun walked to the roof exit, he realized Yezi stood there.

"Yezi?" Xiaoyun looked confused at him not moving.

"I want to join their attack." Yezi replied as he turned around and walked toward the other group.

"For fuck sake... You two, go call the rest of the soldier downstairs to come here." Xiaoyun signaled the two to go down.

"Fine, I'm willing to work with you to attack that casino ring." Xiaoyun walked over to the woman.

"Thank you for changing your mind." The woman thanks Xiaoyun.

"Before we can continue further, what your plan?" Xiaoyun asked.

"We going through the main entrance and go up the stairs. With these rifles we can easily overwhelm them." The woman started explaining her plan.


"This sound like a suicide plan... they have guns of their own." Xiaoyun realized what the group were doing.

"We know, but we are not afraid to die for it." The crowd yelled out.

"Fine, but do any of you even know how to use a gun?" Xiaoyun questioned them.

"Um... no?" The woman looked back to the crowd.

"How about this, you guys give us the gun back, and we will go in ourselves. You will only need to assist us." Xiaoyun suggested.

"But how can we trust you?" The woman asked again.

The rest of the soldiers alongside Yunyun finally arrived to the roof.

"With these." All six of the soldier with rifle raised their gun.

"W-wait what are you doing?" The woman looked confused, but her groups also raised their rifle at Xiaoyun.

"Your guys don't even know you have to turn off the safety, if I wanted to kill you all. I would of done it right now." Xiaoyun pointed at her men holding the rifles.

The men's face looked embarrassed as soon as Xiaoyun mentioned it.

"So you sure you want to hold onto those rifles? It take a long time to train someone how to use a gun." Xiaoyun advised.

The woman hesitated for a second, but finally folded.

"Fine, you guys can have your gun back." The woman signaled her group to give the gun back.

"B-but Miss Li you sure?" The men hesitated.

"He's right, we can't even use these. Just give it back." Miss Li stated again.

The men finally folded and gave the guns back to the soldier and Yezi.

"We don't have to attack through the main entrance, I know a back entrance to the hotel." Yezi suddenly chimed in.

"Really? Where is it?" Miss Li asked.

"Its at the dark alley way few streets from here." Yezi pointed.

"Sure, let do that instead. At least it isn't the suicidal main entrance. Yezi lead the way."


After everyone got on the bus and Yezi directed Renqin to the dark alleyway, the group got out of the bus.

'Renqin, if there is a zombie hordes coming here, you can just drive away okay?" Xiaoyun suggested.

"Of course I'm doing that."

The group finally arrived at the gate, some of them noticed the dead bodies on the floors.

Yezi puts in the key and opened the door.

It was another dark long tunnel.

"Its going to take a while to get there." Yezi walks forward as everyone followed behind him.

"Yezi how do you know this place?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"Just an old friend's place."

After walking for ten minute, they finally arrived at an ladder going up.

"Here it is, up there is the storage room at the main lobby. I'll go up first." Yezi got up the ladder and started climbing.

After twenty minutes of taking turn climbing, the entire group was finally up here.

The storage room was empty with no one in it, or any item for that matter.

"Miss Li, can I ask how many people do you have?" Xiaoyun asked.

"You don't have to call me Miss Li. My name is Lili. We have thirty-four people here." Lili replied.

"Lili... why do I feel like I heard this name before. Anyway everyone please get ready. We about to go inside the main lobby." Xiaoyun warned.

Xiaoyun turned the door open, only to see the main lobby completely empty.

"Hm... this is unexpected." The group walked out of the storage room to the main lobby.

The main lobby's main entrance with furniture was completely blocked off as Yezi expected.

The stairway was completely blocked as well.

"Shit, we need to take the elevator. How about we go up first?" Xiaoyun suggested.

"Sure. We will go up next." Lili agreed.

"The highest we can go is tenth floor. We will have to check the stairway up. The casino operation is above tenth floor" Yezi told Lili before pressing tenth floor.

Xiaoyun and Yezi along with three soldier went in the elevator.

As the five arrived at tenth floor, there were blood stain all over the floor but with no bodies. Almost as if they threw all the bodies through the windows.

Yezi walked up to the stairway entrance, and it was finally not blocked from the inside.

"Let's wait for them to get up first." The six of them waited.

After several turns taking the elevator, all of them finally got up.

"When we get up there, open fire on anyone with a weapon." Xiaoyun warned the soldiers as they walked up the stairs.

After walking to eleventh floor, the soldier turned the door open only to see it all dark inside as the curtain covered the windows with no one in it.

"All clear sir! No sigh of life here." One of the soldier replied.

"Let go up to the next floor." The soldier closed the door and continued up.

"Next one is going to have people in it." Yezi warned.

"Okay, everyone get ready." All the soldier ready their rifles as they continue walking up.

"Yunyun, you stay with Lili okay? You don't have a rifle." Yunyun nodded and stay back.

After reaching the entrance to the twelve floor, as soon as one of the soldier opened the door, all ten of them rushed in.

"What the hel——" Before they could pick up their weapon, the soldier immediately opened fire. killing most of the henchmen.

The soldier rushed for cover as five of the henchmen was able to get behind a pillars and started firing back.

"Everyone surrender now or all of you will be killed! We are the military sent in to only catch the boss!" As both side fall into a stalemate, Xiaoyun decided to bluff to see if they will fold.

"Bullshit! When did the military got issued American M16?" One of them yelled back across the other side.

"Why die for a boss that doesn't even care about your life? You guys only have pistols! Just surrender and we will allow you to live! Or we are going to start throwing grenades." Xiaoyun yelled back while avoiding the question.

After few minute of stalemate, the five henchmen finally stepped out with both their hand up in the air.

The soldiers rushed up and tied them with ropes that Xiaoyun handed out.

"You better keep your promise." One of the henchmen yelled.

"You lucky that you surrender." Xiaoyun replied back.

The rest of the group finally entered the floor.

"So many bodies..." The group looked shocked at all the henchmen dead.

"Ten of you guys look over these five, we are going to the next floor. They probably heard us now." Lili left behind ten people and continued following Xiaoyun and Yezi with rest of the soldier up the stairs.

"Yezi do you know what in the next floor?" Xiaoyun asked.

"If I remember correctly, this one has a lot less people. I assume its higher ups like management of some sort." Yezi replied.

"Okay, let get ready. Make sure everything is loaded."After getting a nod from all the soldier, Xiaoyun opened the door.

The ten soldier rushed in, only to see no one in here except few women laying on the floor naked.

"Shit, they ran up the stairs. They must of heard the gunshot." Xiaoyun realized what happened.

The group didn't hear any gunshot so they walked up as well.

Several of the men from the group ran to the women laying on the floor screaming their names.

"Um... sorry about that. T-they used to be their wife before getting kidnapped here." Lili apologized for her group.

"Its okay, we understand" Xiaoyun thought back to the people he first saved who looked exactly the same.

"They might need a lot of time to heal from the trauma." Yunyun thought back as well.

"Anyway lets continue, the next floor is the boss room." Yezi walked forward.

"Y-you guys can stay here. We can handle the rest." Xiaoyun suggested as they walked up the stairs.

"Okay, we will wait here." Lili's group stopped.

"After the boss room, what upstairs?" Xiaoyun asked.

"Their prison, then... oh shit I completely forgot. They have a explosive room filled with TNT." Yezi suddenly realized it.

"You kidding me? Why didn't you say that earlier? if they blow it up as last resort this whole building is gone." Xiaoyun stopped.

"I-I just remember, a-and I'm not even sure if those crates are actually full or just empty." Yezi replied back.

"Whatever, lets clear the building first. Guess we can't push them over the edge then." Xiaoyun tried to open the door but it was locked from the inside.

"Shit this one has a lock." Xiaoyun realized its a metal door with no way to open it.

"Wait I know how to pick lock." One of the person stepped out in Lili's group.

"Can you open this?" Lili pointed at the door.

"Let me try." The person pulled out an lock pick set and started picking.

After a few click, the door was unlocked.

Element of suprise! The most effective technique to stop anyone from shooting back in time. What will the boss do now? What will happen next?

Will this be the end of the mission? Just this easily? Barely any resistance?

1 bonus chapter down, 16 more to go. Removed the collection part for bonus chapter as it just kept increasing massively every single day now. I just can't keep up the pace.

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