
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 51: Survivors

The next day, just as Yezi and Jixi woke up for breakfast, suddenly one of the soldier on watch duty yelled that there's something coming out of the hotel's garage.

Yezi immediately rush to the telescope and sees a black sedan driving away.

Unfortunately the window were all tinted, so Yezi couldn't see whats inside.

"Should we go follow them?" Jixi asked.

"Not yet, it probably just a normal car driving outside. Han Bang, take the telescope and check if any of the victims on the have been moved from the sixteen floor yet."

"Yes sir." Han Bang left with the telescope.

"Now we wait... maybe we can use this to find other settlement that are buying people."

Suddenly the someone knocked on the door.

"Wait its not Han Bang. It only has been five minute. He wouldn't knock on the door." Yezi stopped Jixi from opening the door.

All of the soldier lifted their rifle up as Yezi carefully opened the door.

It was an entire group of people standing, armed with several melee tools.

"Are you guys from the military to rescue us?" One of the woman stepped up and asked as they noticed what six of them are wearing.

"Um... we are not from the military. We are just civilian that had formed it's own militia." Yezi responded.

"Oh... But can you help us get out of the here? We had ran out of food for several days now." The woman begged.

"Shit... look like we are having a change of plan. Here's some food for you guys right now. Jixi go call Xiaoyun." Yezi directed Jixi as he carried the boxes of cans that they had.


Meanwhile Xiaoyun was laying on the sofa inside the office, completely tired as if he haven't sleep at all last night.

"Ugh I'm so tired." Xiaoyun complained.

"Why are you so tired? Didn't you not sleep last night?" Yanyan curiously asked.

"Looking at him, probably suffering from withdraw." Xiaoqi answered it for him.

"Yes please! Let me just do it once. I can't relief it myself. I tried but it doesn't work." Xiaoyun pleaded.

"Come on, we are in the office. There's people outside working right now. Get a hold of yourself." Yanyan pointed at the people outside the room that they just hired as accountant and resource management.

Suddenly Xiaoyun's phone ranged.

Xiaoyun took it out only to see Jixi calling him.

"Hello? Jixi what your issue?"

"Boss, we might need a bus to come here and pick us up."

"What? A bus? Why do we need that?" Xiaoyun asked.

"The hotel we are staying have over thirty people here. Yezi thought since Mrs.Xiaoqi always talk about not having enough people, he promised that we going to bring them to town."

"Okay, can you tell me the exact location?"

"Um the hotel is across from the casino that we are spying, and we can see Songjia company from here. It's the second tallest hotel next to the tallest one in the outskirt. Oh shit what the hell are they doing." Suddenly some rumbling sound and phone drop could be heard through the phone.

"Hello? Is Jixi there?" The phone was hung up by Jixi's side.

"I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back in the afternoon don't you guys worry okay?" Xiaoyun ran out of the room before they could respond.

"I really hope they aren't in trouble..." Yanyan face looked worried.

"Maybe I should have stopped him... whatever." Xiaoqi went back to work.

As Xiaoyun running on the street, Yunyun was on duty patrolling the town.

"Hey where you going?" Yunyun stopped Xiaoyun.

"Going to drive a bus right now." Xiaoyun moved Yunyun's hand away and kept running.

"W-wait you don't even know how to drive a bus." Yunyun ran behind Xiaoyun.

Just as the two kept running, the bus was right in front of Xiaoyun dropping people off to work.

"Wait wait." Xiaoyun ran in front of the bus to stop it.

The bus driver saw Xiaoyun and stopped.

"Hello Xiaoyun, long time no see. You taking the bus?"

Renqin, the previous group leader was driving the bus.

"Everyone please get out of the bus. You guys can go to Xiaoqi for compensation. The bus is temporary under requisition."

After everyone got off the bus, Renqin stood up and was about to leave as well.

"Wait Renqin, I need you to drive the bus." Xiaoyun drag Renqin back to the bus seat.

"What is the problem? Can you just tell me? Just kicking all my customer like this." Renqin started to get fed up.

"I need you to drive to the outskirt to um... the second tallest hotel in the outskirt." Xiaoyun explained.

"Hell no, that's too dangerous. I ain't going back to the outside world. That place is a hellscape." Renqin refuses

As Xiaoyun tried to convince Renqin, Yunyun finally catches up and walked inside the bus.

"Wait Xiaoyun, you didn't tell me you wanted to go outside." Yunyun finally realized where Xiaoyun is trying to go.

"It's urgent okay? Yezi is in trouble. Please Renqin. Just once okay?" Xiaoyun pleaded.

"Fine fine, I will drive there. I think I know where you are talking about." Renqin finally folds and starts the bus.

"Wait we can't just drive there. Let me call Yiming." Yunyun pulled out her phone.

"Mr.Yiming, can you hear me?"

"Yes, Yunyun what do you need?"

"Can you call the rest of the soldier to get to the front gate? It's an emergency."

"Okay, I will do that right now."

Renqin started back up the bus again and drove toward the entrance.

Ten minutes later, the soldiers finally arrived at the gates.

"Get on the bus." Xiaoyun explained the mission to the soldier as the bus drove toward the outskirt.


After taking several wrong turns and with a miracle, it avoided the zombies horde and arrived at the hotel. However it was the wrong one.

Renqin drove to right in front of the casino one. Leading Renqin to drive another loop to finally get to the right one.

Xiaoyun pulled out his phone and called.

"Jixi you there?"

"This Mr.Xiaoyun?" A unfamiliar woman voice replied.

"Yes, you are?"

"If you want your friend to be safe, come up by yourself without any weapon. We can see you." The voice replied back.

Xiaoyun hesitated for a second, but answered back.

"Fine, just don't hurt them, I will go there myself."

Xiaoyun hung up the phone.

"You can't go there yourself."

Yunyun blocked the exit to stop Xiaoyun get off the bus.

"I promised Yiyi that Yezi is coming back home. This is a order, stay back." Xiaoyun moved Yunyun to the side and left.

"I-I..." Yunyun sat down in defeat.

Xiaoyun walked into the hotel lobby and called again.

"Which floor are you on?"

"The roof."

Xiaoyun hung up again and walked toward the stairway to the roof.

When Xiaoyun opened the roof door, he could see an whole crowd of people standing there. Some armed with swords, some armed with axes or bats.

Some are even armed with rifles from Yezi and the soldier. With all six of them being tied up on the floor.

"What do you want?" Xiaoyun asked.

A woman walked up from the crowd.

"We heard you wanted to attack the hotel next door?" The woman asked.

"Yes, Last week we killed several of their henchmen that came to threaten our town. We also rescued several people that was kidnapped by them in a RV. So we are planning to attack them." Xiaoyun explained.

"I don't trust you... how can you prove that you save those people?" The woman demanded proof.

"Let me make a phone call right now." Xiaoyun dialed Xiaoqi.

"Hey Xiaoqi, can you get the record on the people we saved from the RV? Yeah can you get them to your office and answer this phone? Oh one of them work in the office right now? That perfect."

"Here, talk to her yourself." Xiaoyun walked over and handed her the phone.

"Qi Ai, is it really you? Oh my god, I though I will never see you again! Are you okay? Hm, okay. Yeah. Oh no. Okay okay, I will return it back." The women handed the phone back to Xiaoyun.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding. We have several people that got kidnapped by them. We just needed to be extra cautious." The woman signaled her crew to untied Yezi and the soldier.

"I should of never fallen for a innocent looking woman, I failed y——" Yezi seem to be disappointed with himself, alongside with Jixi and the four soldier as they walked to Xiaoyun's side.

"Its okay, everybody makes mistake, don't be so harsh on yourself." Xiaoyun interrupted Yezi and patted him on the back.

"Well, unfortunately we can't return these rifles back to you." The woman added.

"Its all good. All I care about is they getting back home alive. Come on, lets go home." Xiaoyun turned around and walked toward the exit.

Well the gift system is here! Idk how this thing work. But here, every gift is another added chapter. (I gonna finish it in time... probably.)

Anyway we broke 200 collection! Well now we back to 17 bonus chapter. You know as long as it doesn't get over 20, its not thatttt badddd.

Also I am making every chapter be 1.5k word rather than 2.0k word. The 500 words are often really hard to squeeze in. It just better for me to make a new chapter that can transition better. (Totally not inflation)(Come on guys get on with time)(Shrinkflation is real)(Let be real I'm uploading like 6k a day)(my eyes is tearing up staring at a screen all day)

Tomorrow is my sister's birthday! So tomorrow would only have two upload roughly.

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