
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chen Xiaoyun, an orphan from Guangzhou, China, meets a girl who looks remarkably like him. Before they can learn more about her, a deadly virus unleashes a global virus outbreak with creatures straight out of video games and movies. "Why is there a zombie apocalypse just as I find my family? And why can I suddenly create things from thin air?" Will Xiaoyun survive the chaos with the new people he meets along the way? Will he use his newfound abilities to bring peace to a devastated world? Or perhaps he will just take another nap in the bed like a lazy pig—— "Shut up. How am I supposed to do anything when you keep throwing women at me?" ____________ Author's note: The main character grows as the story develops. Although he's very naive from the beginning, he matures a lot as the story progresses. There is no NTR, and Yuri is limited to the enjoyment of the main characters. Some of the love interests are related to the main character. Edited as of 7/1/24: One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also counted towards bonus chapters. Discord server if you want to talk or have questions: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · Fantasy
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367 Chs

Chapter 50: The First Stop

"Yezi you sure we are driving the right way?" Jixi asked as the car drove toward an dark alley.

"Trust me, I know the in and out of the city outskirt. We are just taking a safer route." Yezi replied back.

After almost thirty minute later, Yezi finally stopped the car.

"We are here." Yezi stepped out of the car.

"I thought we are just in a scouting mission." One of the soldier spoke up.

"Yeah it still is scouting mission, we aren't going inside the casino." Yezi replied back.

"Isn't this a little too quiet? No zombies on the street on our entire way through." Another soldier asked.

"Maybe they all left to the rural side or inside the city." Yezi walked inside the hotel at the end of the dark alleyway.

"Isn't this just hotel?" Jixi suddenly asked.

"Yeah it is just a hotel. But do you think they would have a casino in plain sight? Just for everyone to see?"

"Okay maybe I didn't think of that." Jixi realized what Yezi meant.

"Everyone be quiet." After Yezi said it, everyone fell into silent.

As the six of them walked through the main entrance to the stairway entrance, Yezi stopped.

"What's wrong?" Jixi quietly asked.

"The door is blocked from the inside, they probably stacked furniture behind it to block it." Yezi replied back.

"We need to find another way in... let check the elevator." Yezi walked all the way to the elevator and pressed it.

It somehow still had power as it light up.

"Oh right I should remind you guys, don't use guns here. It will attract way too much attention. Use the bat on your back." The five of them switched their rifle to the bat.

After few second, the elevator opened.

The six of them entered the elevator as Yezi pressed garage floor.

As the elevator moved down, the five of them behind Yezi started to get a little nervous.

Finally the elevator opened, as several zombies standing outside in the distance.

"Only use gun as last resort." Yezi gave another warning as he stepped out with an bat.

After making quick work of the zombies, Yezi walked all the way to parking booth.

Yezi started searching the booth until he found a remote.

As soon as he pressed the remote, the wall on the side opened.

"If I remember correctly, this is the emergency escape to the casino." Yezi explained.

"How do you know all this?" Jixi started to get curious.

"Their original boss of the casino used to be my partner... but we went separate way after I wanted to quit to arm smuggling, so he started this casino business to make a living. Enough question." After Yezi responded, it felt back into silence.

As the six walked inside the dark tunnel, it was completely pitch black until Yezi took out his phone as flashlight.

Several bodies were on the floor, stabbed in the neck.

"The hell happened here..." One of the soldier commented.

"They probably died from the infighting with the current boss and old boss." Yezi replied.

After walking for five minute, they finally reach the end of the tunnel. However it was another metal gate door, with a body right in front of it.

"I-I am sorry old friend... I will get revenge for you." Yezi walked up to the body and closes its eyes.

"He's the boss?" Jixi asked.

"Yes... Let me find the keys for this door." Yezi searched the bosses bodies and found a key.

"Wait, the room after this is the casino?" Jixi stopped Yezi from putting in the key.

"Yes it is." Yezi tries to put it in again only for Jixi to grab the key away from him.

"This is a scouting mission, not a attack mission." Jixi reminded Yezi.

"You guys can turn back, I'm going in no matter what. Give me the key." Yezi lifted his rifle at Jixi.

"Yezi? Why do you want to go inside so badly? I know you want revenge for your friend but we can plan this. Lets all go back and surveillance on the surrounding area first before going in." Jixi refused to hand over the key.

"Give. Me. The. Key." Yezi puts his finger on the trigger.

"What do you think Xiaoyun would say about this?" Jixi threaten Yezi.

"It doesn't matter, quit stalling." Yezi give his final warning.

"Fine, but I hope you realized that if you die here, Yiyi is going to kill herself if she heard about your death." Jixi hands the key over to Yezi as he give his final regard.

Yezi hesitated for a moment as he put in the key, and took it back out.

"You are right... I need to be responsible for her. Let go back." Yezi finally calmed down and came back to his senses.


The six of them got back to the car and drove out of the alleyway.

"Where are we going now?" Jixi asked.

"Scouting mission as you said earlier. We going to scout the main entrance of the casino." Yezi stilled sounded a little grumpy from earlier.

After driving for three minute, an entire horde of zombies were right around the corner as they turned the car.

"Holy shit." Yezi immediately U turned and drove in random direction.

The horde started chasing after Yezi as they could feel the ground tumbling a little.

"Fuck, there's the zombies that you guys are talking about." Yezi started to speed up the car.

"Thank god the road is all empty." One of the soldier commented.

"Yeah..." Jixi seem to have some flashback.

After driving around the block for twenty minute, they finally lost the zombies behind them.

"Shit, did I just drove inside the city?" Yezi looked around only to see skyscraper surrounding him.

"Any of you know how to drive back?" Yezi asked.

"I know, I live in the city for several years now. If you take a right turn and keep driving forward for few minute, then take another left turn we will be back to the city outskirt."

'Okay tell me when I need to turn." Yezi started backup the car.

After driving for three hour avoiding all the different hordes that kept chasing behind them, they were finally back in the city outskirt.

"Holy shit I'm never going in the city again. What was that fucking zombie? it just shot some green thing at the car? And that giant zombies throwing rock at us." Yezi yelled out.

"Um... sir the car back window is melted." One of the soldier sitting in the back reported.

"Fuck." Yezi checked the rear mirror and realized it was indeed melted.

"So that how our helicopter got shot down..." Jixi realized what happened back then.

"Anyway lets go back to our mission." Yezi started driving toward the main casino again.

After five minute, they finally near an massive hotel next to three shop as the captive described it.

Yezi drove around it and stopped at another hotel on the opposite side of the road.

"Why are we stopping here?" Jixi asked.

"What the hell do you even learn in the military. We are 'scouting' so obviously we can't let them notice us."

"The casino is the roof to all ten floors below it. Normal customer can only go up to the tenth floor which the only middle of the hotel."

"So are we going in this hotel building to see what up in the other hotel building?" One of the soldier spoke up.

"Bingo! Look like we have some smart fella here. What your name?" Yezi asked.

"My name is Han Bang." The soldier replied.

"Good job Han Bang." Yezi patted him on the back and walked inside the hotel.

After clearing the lobby with their bats, the group moved up to the highest floor of this building after clearing the stairways leading up to it.

There was only one room at the fourteenth floor, it was an presidential suite.

"Well we going to stay here for a week. You guys go down again to get the food and equipment up here." Yezi signaled the four soldier to go down.

Yezi took out his binocular and looked over to the hotel to the other side.

Many of the balcony held SOS signs, probably when the outbreak had just happened and the hope of rescue still existed.

Yezi looked up more to the twelve floor only to see curtains blocking everything. But the light inside tells that they have power and people are living there.

"Jixi write this down, the enemy are in twelve floor, they have light, power, and several shatter window."

"Okay wrote it down. Anything else?"

"Not yet. We will have to wait until they send people outside..." Yezi put down the binocular.

"What if they don't send anyone out?" Jixi asked.

"They will... they already don't have enough food. Or else they wouldn't be trading people for food."

The four soldier was backed with the boxes of food and a telescope.

"Now we got professional equipment. Let go to the roof." Yezi carries the telescope up to the roof.

Although the roof door was locked, a simple kick by Jixi opened it real easily.

"Okay, let see what they have." Yezi set up the telescope and looked inside.

Yezi moved up to the thirteenth floor, it finally had no curtain like eleventh or twelfth floor.

There was several people inside playing cards, each one of them having a pistol or knife next to them.

After seeing nothing interesting, Yezi moved up to the fourteenth floor.

Several women were being surrounding by a bunch of men.

"I'm going to need eye bleach after this." Yezi moved onto the fifteenth floor.

This floor only had one person in it, sitting on an office chair as if he is thinking about something.

Yezi moved onto the next floor, only to see several crates of some unknown chemical, all in a different language.

"Anyone chemist or graduated college?" Yezi asked.

"I graduated college." Han Bang raised his hand.

"Perfect. You tell me what are those chemical for?" Yezi pointed for Han Bang to look in the telescope.

"Um... those are to make TNT." Han Bang replied back.

"How the hell did they get that in there..." Yezi face was in complete shock

"I don't know... perhaps they had some connection." Jixi replied back.

"Okay let me continue checking." Yezi moved to the sixteenth floor, only to see almost twenty people tied up and three people standing there as guards.

Yezi moved up to the last two floor only to be covered in curtain, and unable to see the roof.

"Write it down, they have hostages at the sixteenth floor. They only have pistols and knifes, and TNT." Jixi nodded as he finished writing.

"Okay we are done here. Time to go back down." Yezi and the six walked back down to the presidential suite as the moon was now starting to get up.

"Now we just need to scout them from here. We need to note when they are driving out from the garage over there. You guys are going to take turn checking it okay?" Yezi pointed it with his finger.

"Yes sir!" The four soldier started making their schedule.


Meanwhile at the town, Xiaoyun was facing trouble again.

It wasn't anything bad, rather it was just a minor issue.

Due to Yezi being outside, Yiyi was too scared to sleep in the big house by herself. So Yiyi had moved to sleep with Yanyan.

Xiaoyun was back to sleeping alone in his room as Yunyun and Xiaoqi was too embarrassed to go to Xiaoyun's room while Yiyi was here.

"Darling please open the door, I can't live without you." Xiaoyun knocked on Xiaoqi's door.

"Not happening. Go away." Xiaoqi refused to open the door.

Xiaoyun walked to Yunyun room.

"Yunyun, I know you are so kind, you would open your room right?" Xiaoyun pleaded as he knocked on the door.

"I-I can't... just hold it for a week until Yezi come back." Yunyun didn't bulge at all.

Xiaoyun walked back to his room in defeat.

"Fuck, why did I let Yezi go... I can't deal with this withdraw." Xiaoyun can't fall asleep on the bed at all as he still all pent up under the blanket.

The first part of the Yezi's adventure! As well as the start of torture for Xiaoyun. Will he be able to survive this. Perhaps he will find alternative way to get around it?

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