
Zack Fair on Remnant

An ignorant guy dies by accident, as he wasn't supposed the one to die by Truck-kun but the random teenager should've been the one. Now the wrong soul got reincarnated in a world were Grimms, bandits, and bad-ass women that kick ass and take names are roaming freely. _______________________________________________________ This is my first ever fan-fic, if you don't like it, don't read it :D I may update once a week/3 days I do not own RWBY nor this cover picture, so peace. I also don't own any characters that I might mention from any known series

NoirZero11 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Lets Get Ready to Rumble!!

"Alright, you guys know the plan, as soon we land, we're gonna attract its attention so we won't have any breathing room" Zack reminded all of them.

They all nodded, even though most of them are nervous because of the fact that a single attack of that thing can knock out or worse. But they didn't want to sit on the sidelines and just watch Zack beat that thing all on his own, they wanted to become Huntsman and Huntresses to do something when something like this happens.

"Alright let's do this!" Zack yelled at them as they all stood up then jumped off Bubba.

As they were all free-falling they could see the giant Deathstalker looking at them, some gulped at this but they strengthened their resolve.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

They all did superhero landing.

They stood up then approached the Grimm with Zack leading them at the front.

"Come out everyone," Zack said as he continued walking.

Zack's shadow expanded behind him then emerged from it were numerous greenish-blue Grimms, there was even some alpha but he didn't summon Fang or any of the Grand Alpha that he has. Zack wanted them to gain something from this, his group as well his alphas.

Everyone walking behind him was still shocked by this number as all of the summoned Grimms were following them to battle, but they focused their attention on the giant Grimm.

"Beowolves and its Alphas, go with Ren, Ruby, and Pyrrha," Zack said but he still didn't take his eyes off the Deathstalker.

They all nodded as the Beowolves separated from the rest and followed the three students.

"Ursas, go with Yang and Weiss, Manticores with Nora take the sky, and Sabyrs with Blake, for fast pace distractions" Zack continued.

All they nodded as they got ready, Nora jumped on one of the Manticores as she took out her Magnhild in gun-form.

They stopped at 50 meters away as they all stared in silence.

The giant Grimm was looking at them in contempt.


Everyone, whose first encounter with Grand Alpha, was shocked as they heard Grimms can talk.

The greenish-blue Grimms didn't say anything and just looked at it with hostility. This got the attention of it as it was shocking, these should follow the Grand Alpha, but they were following humans and this made it more pissed.


Everyone flinched at the volume of the scream of this Grimm except for Zack as he already got experience at this.

"Everyone! No matter what happens! Just focus on the plan!" Zack hollered as he knows what will happen next.

"!!" This got their attention as they suddenly heard, thousands of footsteps coming their way.

*thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud*

*Rooaaaaarrr!* *Rooaaaaarrr!* *Rooaaaaarrr!* *Rooaaaaarrr!*

Thousands of Grimms suddenly broke through and came at the call of the Grand Alpha.

/TRAITORS… OF… OUR… KIND… DIE… WITH… HUMANS!!.../ The giant yelled out loud.

Everyone suddenly got cold feet as they never felt this many Grimms in one place but before they could dwell on it, Zack got their attention as he stepped out and talked back at the giant.

"Hmph! Fang, Ted, Take care of these pests!" Zack yelled as his shadow again expanded again but this time a greenish-blue giant Beowolf and an Ursa emerged from it.

/AT… ONCE… MY… LIEGE!!.../ The giant greenish-blue Grimms said while they kneeled in front of Zack then stood on its hind legs as it looked over the lesser Grimms that the Deathstalker called out.


This broke everyone from looking at Zack as they wondered if he had any more giants with him but they didn't want to dwell on that for now as Zack started to walk forward again but this time he didn't stop.

"Then WHAT ARE WAITING FOR!! LET'S DO THIS YOU BIG-ASS SCORPION!!" Zack yelled out as he started to run forward.

At that, the battle finally started as everyone from Beacon was watching it. Even though most of these aspiring huntsmen and huntresses were nervous just watching the entire thing, they all can't help but get their blood boiling at this sight especially the one leading them, he stood fearlessly in front of the giant Deathstalker as he was first to charge in.

Nora shot first at the Deathstalker's eyes while riding on a Manticore.

The Deathstalker just used one of its giant pincers to block it effortlessly but what it didn't expect for Zack to instantly appear in front of its face as his sword was glowing greenish-blue and he swung it at point-blank.

*Booom!* *thud*

Zack was able to make the giant Grimm off the ground and fall on its back.

Yang and Weiss immediately came as Weiss used her Glyphs to conjure ice at the downed Grimm and Yang used the two Ursas' upper strength to propel herself in the air and dived bombed towards its exposed underside with her two Gauntlets at the ready.

The Deathstalker felt like there was coming from above as it easily broke through the ice and flipped instantly then moved away before Yang could connect.


"Damnit!" Yang yelled in frustration.

The Deathstalker immediately went for Yang but three Sabyrs suddenly attacked it on its eyes in great succession. Blake was riding one as she immediately went for Yang and picked her up as they retreated.

It was pissed when it saw they were retreating. It was intending to catch them but it suddenly felt out of balance as one of its legs was wounded. This got its attention and searched for the one who did it but it felt it again, this time on its other side. The Deathstalker noticing this moved forward in any direction instantly.

This got Ruby, Ren, Pyrrha's attention as the speed it used was not proportioned to its size.

Ren was with Pyrrha while using their semblances, Ren's using his Tranquility semblance to make them invincible to the Grimm's eyes and Pyrrha using her polarity to help Ruby with her scythe. So far they wounded two of its legs but it is still fast enough.

The Deathstalker was finally able to see them but it got interrupted again by Nora's shooting in the sky, It grew pissed as it dug its pincers in the ground and flung a few earth and rocks towards her.

Nora and the manticores were surprised by that as it was going to hit them.

"NOOORRAA!!" Ren called out as he suddenly lost his calm.

But it was negated as a huge greenish-blue blade beam met it in the sky.


The Deathstalker widened its eyes and looked toward Zack but it was again blindsided again as a Glyph appeared underneath of it and ice emerged again from it. It was going to break it off again but Yang and Nora fired at the same time in its eyes.



The Deathstalker began to trash around everywhere as even though it could still see, getting blasted in its eyes was not without pain. It was now furious as it opened and closed its pincers menacingly as it looked at Yang's position.

*thud* *thud* *THUD*

It suddenly appeared by Yang as everyone was shocked at the speed it displayed.

"YAAANNNGGG!!" Ruby couldn't help to call out as she watched as the stinger of it was going towards her.

Yang widened her eyes as she suddenly saw her life flashed through in her head and one thought came through as she called out to him.


Before the Deathstalker could strike it, the tail it used suddenly got bisected to two, and in front of Yang, Zack instantly appeared with his back facing her.

Everyone was shocked at his speed but before anyone could dwell on it, Zack took a stance with his sword parallel, Inside Stance, then he disappeared and embedded his sword at the Grimms remaining eyes. He immediately retreated with his sword as he carried Yang away in haste.


/I… CAN'T… SEE!!!... I… CAN'T… SEE!!!.../

Zack carried Yang to Ruby's group then faced the wildly thrashing Grimm.


Zack suddenly whistled and a manticore landed beside him.

"Everyone! SPREAD OUT!, ATTACK IT WITH LONG-RANGE, CONFUSE IT AT ALL SIDES!" Zack hollered at them as they all nodded with him.

By this time, Fang and Ted are already half finished with all of the lesser Grimm that was encircling them earlier.

"C'mon, bud, let's fly" Zack hopped on the manticore and took off the sky in increasing higher altitudes.

"Heh, who knew a simple initiation could turn out as this" Zack chuckled to himself as they flew higher and higher.

"I think this is enough, they're getting tired, well I guess it's time to finish this then," Zack mused to himself as the manticore reached its highest peak.

"Oh well, at least I got a dinner date with Glynda later," Zack thought out loud as he jumped off and dived headfirst towards the ground.


Zack's speed is getting faster and faster due to gravity and his body's form.

"Hmm, this sight is pretty cool now that I see it again, I might as well take her here tonight, who knows, maybe I could get to first base," Zack said cheerfully as he finally saw everyone still fighting and Grimm still thrashing.

Zack then spins his sword several times until it glowing greenish-blue color but this time it was a much darker shade as he took his sword parallel to his side.

Zack suddenly accelerated and from everyone's eyes, Zack became like a meteor. He descended at the Grimm at an incredible speed at which everyone just looked on towards him.

"Heh, I may have only seen this from Cloud's Dissidia but let's try anyway!!" Zack grinned as he was only ten meters away from the Grimm when he suddenly thrust his sword forward then yelled out.

"BRAVER!!" Zack shouted as he hit it dead center in its body but then as his sword rebounded due to the force, he flipped once with his sword winding up then gave a powerful downward slash.


A large dust cloud enveloped Zack and the Grimm but after a moment, it started to thin out but nobody moved and looked over.

Everybody held on their breaths as finally, they could see Zack sitting on the Grimm's dead body at his side was his sword that was still embedded at the Grimm.

"Yo! Guys! Y'all alright?!" Zack hollered at them.


The group stilled for a moment then all of them were crying happily as they ran at him, Nora and Blake, as they were still on a manticore and sabyrs, were the first to come to him and tackled him to the ground. Next was Ruby then everyone joined in as they all piled up on Zack.

At Ozpin and Glynda.

"Heh, I knew they could do it," Ozpin said as he nodded.

"I guess, I'm just happy they could get out of this alive" Glynda agreed with her boss.

"Let's go, Glynda, it's time to pick them up," Ozpin said as he turned and headed towards the Bullhead, the aerial vehicle in Remnant.


"But before that, I should clean my face first, right Glynda," Ozpin said as his face and head have several bruises right now.

"I don't know what are you talking about sir, the rocks that came to you were just forces of nature," Glynda said with a straight face as she touched her glasses then proceeded to leave Ozpin behind.


Phew, finished it!

Stay cool gentlemen!!

Anyway did you know

some turtles breathe out of their butts

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