
Zack Fair on Remnant

An ignorant guy dies by accident, as he wasn't supposed the one to die by Truck-kun but the random teenager should've been the one. Now the wrong soul got reincarnated in a world were Grimms, bandits, and bad-ass women that kick ass and take names are roaming freely. _______________________________________________________ This is my first ever fan-fic, if you don't like it, don't read it :D I may update once a week/3 days I do not own RWBY nor this cover picture, so peace. I also don't own any characters that I might mention from any known series

NoirZero11 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Saved by the Bell or did it

At that remark, the girl's red hair covered her green eyes as she started to approach Zack while taking out her spear, Miló.

"Huh, Pyrrha, are you alright? Why are you taking out your spear?" Zack said to her as he noticed she is acting really strange right now and somewhere in his subconscious, someone is telling him to run but he took it as just being a lack of chocolates, so he ignored that feeling.

*fufufufufu* "Of course I'm alright, why wouldn't I be," Pyrrha said with a sweetly innocent smile, it would've worked if not that her eyes were scarily focused on Zack right now.



Zack was about to reply and approach Pyrrha but they suddenly got interrupted by a scream of a girl then followed by a Nevermore, a big one at that.

This broke out Pyrrha from her psychotic episode and she looked at Zack then they both nodded at each other and went to that scream. They didn't need to go any further as suddenly a Nevermore flew above them and it's back feathers were Weiss and Ruby, hanging for dear life.

Both of them ran after them until they came across an open field with some kinds of ruins with numerous one meter erected stones and top of them are gold and black chess pieces. They also noticed Yang, Blake, Nora, and Ren were staring at them but they focused on the two girls that were hanging at a Nevermore.

"Hey guys, I guess we are all partnered huh but anyway before that, any of you have a gun powerful enough to distract that thing?" Zack asked as they approached everyone.

"Umm, I have my Magnhild, a hammer that can transform into a grenade launcher, will that do?" Nora curiously asked back.

"Yeah, that's perfect, c'mon Nora we have to save a few damsels in distress, alright everyone, we'll be back," Zack said as he motioned for Nora to come over to him as they distanced from the others.

"Hey, are you sure Zack, don't you need our help in this one?" Pyrrha and Yang asked at the same time.

"Yes, I agree with them, we should do this together and how are you even going to reach them from here?" Blake said as she readied her Gambol Shroud to shoot that thing.

"I know Nora's Magnhild, and I know for sure it doesn't have the range to get that thing," Ren also commented.

"Heh, don't worry guys, we got this! Ready to show them your mighty Magnhild!?" Zack smiled at them then looked back at Nora as they are far enough for them.

"Yeah!! Even though I don't get it! My Magnhild is ready!" Nora excitedly exclaimed as she readied her weapon in gun mode.

"Well, alright then, hang tight for a minute!" Zack suddenly took Nora's arm and called out.

"Let's fly Bubba!" Zack exclaimed as Zack's shadow expanded and then they were both suddenly enveloped with darkness for a moment then they flew out on the back a giant greenish-blue Nevermore twice the size of their target.

This shocked everyone as they have never seen such a giant Nevermore before as well as it's color and it looked like it came from Zack's shadow. Yang and Ruby know that this was Zack's semblance but they never would have thought he had a giant in his minions.

"W-what is that!?" Blake, Weiss, Ren, and every faculty watching were asked at the same time.

"Whhoaa!! This is so awesome!! I knew you could ride on Grimms!!" Nora enthusiastically said she looked over the forest as they are flying.

"Heh, I know right, this guy right here is one my minions Bubba but anyway, Nora, when we get to their range, fire on that thing face alright!" Zack said as he explained the plan.

"Alright, but won't they drop if we suddenly attacked it!" Nora asked as they were getting nearer.

"That's the plan! Don't worry I got this! Remember, attack at its face!!" Zack reminded Nora.

"Aye aye captain!!" Nora said while saluting.

As they got closer, Zack yelled for Nora "Now! Shoot!"

Nora instantly aimed and fired a few rounds towards its face.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*


The Nevermore cried out as Ruby and Weiss fell but they were instantly caught by Bubba.

"Good job Nora! But we're not done yet! Can you go Hammer time!" Zack praised Nora but he suddenly asked with a smirk on his face as he stood up and took out his hollow sword and combined it with his core blade.

"Oh! I know you're thinking! Alright, let's do it!" Nora said while she transformed her grenade launcher to a hammer and wined back her arms as she took a batting stance.

"H-hey, guys, what are you both thinking right now!?" Ruby and Weiss asked as the two just looked at each other then grinned excitedly.

"Now Nora!" Zack suddenly said as he jumped, flipped over once in the air, and was about to land on Nora's Hammer.

"Alright! Up you go!!" Nora exclaimed as she timed as Zack was about to touch her hammer and swung while activating her hammer.

*Boom*!! *Swoooosh*

"Oh Yeah!!" Nora and Zack yelled out as he flew like a rocket towards the distracted Grimm.

The Nevermore saw Zack as he was getting closer to it, but it didn't give up just yet and used it's feather attacks to shoot Zack in the air.

At that, everyone grew nervous about him as he was going straight for the barrages of feathers coming towards him. But Zack grinned even more as he rotated his body to go through every feather by a just hair length gap from each one close to him as he continued his ascend towards the Nevermore.

Everyone even the Nevermore widened its eyes while they were all shocked as they felt like they'd just seen another impossible thing and it came from Zack again.

Zack reached the Nevermore, he stabbed it by its neck, as he ran with his sword still embedded in its body until he reached its tail and jumped off of it.

The Nevermore started to fall down towards an isolated cave-like entrance.


Zack started his free-fall as he enjoyed the wind but it got interrupted by Nora's shout and Bubba's arrival.

"HEY CAPTAIN!! NEED A RIDE!!?" Nora exclaimed as she waved her hands with Ruby and Weiss doing the same thing.

"Heh, I'LL TAKE YOU ON YOUR OFFER!!" Zack yelled back as he laughed while Ruby and Weiss caught him.

"Alright, now let-" Zack was interrupted again but this time a different sound.



The cave entrance that the Nevermore crashed into produced a loud screech, one that all on Beacon could hear. This got the faculties' attention as this was no ordinary screech of an alpha Grimm, it was larger than any of them heard before.

Nora, Ruby, and Weiss widened their eyes at the giant Grimm that was disguised as the small mountain.

Zack and Ozpin immediately narrowed their eyes as they looked at the Giant scorpion/Deathstalker walked out the rumbles. A normal Alpha Deathstalker would go up to 7-8 meters in height and 11-12 in length but this exceeds that by a large amount. This giant Grimm's body was all encased with its bone-like shells, its size easily doubles a regular alpha size Grimm.

At that moment, Zack and Ozpin knew they were dealing with Grand Alpha.

Zack made Bubba land near to the group as he explained about this Grim to everyone.

"Wait, you're saying that is a Grand Alpha, I thought that was just a myth," Weiss said as she still couldn't believe such a monster could be at that size.

"Oh, don't worry about it, I've already dealt with different Grand Alphas before and I made a specific weapon for these things, even if it's not in its complete form," Zack said as he took out his serrated blades on his back and fused it with the sword in his hand.

"Alright, I'll be right back guys," Zack said as he got on top of Bubba and got readied to take off but everyone else followed him on Bubba's back as they all stared at him with resolve.

Zack, seeing them looking at him like that, knew that they won't back down from this so he chuckled and said to them.

"Heh, buckle up everyone! We are going kick some giant's ass!!" Zack yelled as he motioned Bubba to take flight.

"YEAHHH!!" Everyone raised their voices as they braced themselves.

Glynda quickly decided to cancel the initiation immediately but Ozpin stopped her.

"Sir, what are you doing!? we need to do evac on those kids immediately!" Glynda asked Ozpin for an explanation as they watched as Zack's group took flight towards the rampaging Grand Alpha.

"All are expected to serve humanity... and never succumb to the darkness. Their time has come, will they overcome it and become the future Huntsmen and Huntresses or would they let it devour them," Ozpin replied to her.

"All of the faculty members including us are too far away from them and even if we try to evacuate them, we won't reach them before the Grand Alpha does," Ozpin explained his reasons as he looked over them.

"T-then, what can we do?" Glynda asked impatiently.

"Hope, hope is the only thing stronger than fear and I believe in them," Ozpin answered while never taking his eyes off Zack's group.

*Sigh* "Alright, but I'll still call for back-up" Glynda relented on it.

"Thank you, Glynda," Ozpin said.

"They better come back or else" 'my dinner' Glynda said but she continued the rest on her head as she doesn't want Ozpin to know or anyone else for that matter but that moron just told everyone else's, 'I'll get him for this! So please, come back alive'

"I wonder though, where would Zack take you out tonight?" Ozpin said out loud with a straight-face.

Glynda's right eye was twitching right now as she felt like hitting Ozpin's head over a rock to erase that memory.

"Hmm, I might as well give him a few of my recommendations then," Ozpin said with a clear joy in his tone.


"Hmm, Glynda, why do have that rock levitating towards me?" Ozpin asked curiously.

*Swoosh* *Booom*

What sup gentlemen,

I wrote this while listening to Code Geass theme so more on a battle side,

Hmmm, I think it needs more bad-assery


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