
Zack Fair on Remnant

An ignorant guy dies by accident, as he wasn't supposed the one to die by Truck-kun but the random teenager should've been the one. Now the wrong soul got reincarnated in a world were Grimms, bandits, and bad-ass women that kick ass and take names are roaming freely. _______________________________________________________ This is my first ever fan-fic, if you don't like it, don't read it :D I may update once a week/3 days I do not own RWBY nor this cover picture, so peace. I also don't own any characters that I might mention from any known series

NoirZero11 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Night Sky

After Ozpin got cleaned up and Zack's group was finally picked up, they all headed back to Beacon but during the ride, Yang, Blake, and Pyrrha were scary focus on Glynda but Glynda just smirked at them challengingly while she sat beside Zack who was beside with Ruby, who excitedly retelling what Zack did to everyone.

Glynda didn't know why but she didn't like these three girls and judging by their stares at herself, the feeling was mutual.

Nothing happened during their short flight even with the slightly tense air inside.


"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xialong, the four of you retrieved the white knight pieces, from this forward you will be together as team RWBY, led by Ruby Rose" Ozpin stated as a shocked Ruby and Weiss couldn't believe it. Yang and Blake just forcibly smiled at their team.

They stepped down the stage as the others went up as well but Yang and Blake immediately glared at the red-head as they crossed paths.

"And finally, Zack Fair, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren, the four of you retrieved the white rook pieces, from this forward you will be known as team ZPNR(Zephyr) led by Zack Fair," Ozpin said as he dismissed everyone except for team ZPNR.

One might be wondering when did Zack, Pyrrha, Ruby, and Weiss got their relics. They didn't but Yang and Nora did, when they were there waiting for everyone, the two girls took two out of curiosity. When Pyrrha heard of this, she instantly appeared in Nora's face and took one while smiling sweetly in Yang and Blake's direction. Needless to say, they both cursed their slow reflex.

After a while, team ZPNR is in the headmaster's office as Ozpin explains Zack's current duties.

"You're saying that our fearless leader could have gone solo all on his own but he chose to train us, his teammates, to join him in various emergency missions, did I get that right?!" Nora asked doubtfully at Ozpin.

"Yes, that is correct, Mr.Fair's skill set goes beyond the student level and he's well above most huntsmans, we gave him the decision but he chose to get his own team to train so they can keep up with him," Ozpin answered her to clear all their doubts.

"But sir, if Zack is basically already a huntsman, why didn't he just apply on the tests and officially become one?" Ren asked.

"We already did and he aced them all, unofficially Mr.Fair is already a licensed huntsman, he took it while he was here," Ozpin admitted to them.

"T-then why?" Pyrrha asked as she looked at her partner 'I-is it because of me!? He thought that we would meet again and wanted us to be together!!! Then he'll propo-'

Before Pyrrha's imagination could run even wilder, Zack's voice broke her out of it.

"Oh, that, you see, back when I won against Pyrrha, my old Pops and I had a deal, I could freely roam Remnant for a while and in exchange, I have to attend Beacon the same time as Yang" Zack answered calmly.


"We understand but why make Zack a student like us?" Ren asked again.

"We tried making him an assistant teacher but at the first sight of paperwork, he… fled and abandoned the teacher he was assisting, we tried it with every faculty but the only one he didn't run from was with Ms.Goodwitch," Ozpin stated as he looked at Zack who was slightly smiling at Glynda's direction as she looked anywhere but him while her ears were turning slightly red.

This got Pyrrha's attention and she didn't like it.

"He is currently Ms.Goodwitch's assistant in all years but he still wanted his own team so we compromised that he will still be a student/assistant teacher in paper and he will train you three while sometimes going on emergency missions, with or without you three but preferably with," Ozpin stated.

"But as I said, this is your choice, you can still be students while a huntsman in your age trains you all and you may accompany him during missions or you could just become normal students and normally graduate after four years,"

"Keep in mind that if you chose the former, you can have a few perks and by the time you graduate here, you three will be veteran huntsman and huntresses but your lives will be at risks"


"I'll do it" Pyrrha immediately answered with resolve in the face.

"Hmmm the first one is more fun, and with our fearless leader, we can do anything!" Nora exclaimed as she too agreed.

*sigh* "… Alright, I can't let Nora out of my sight anyway" Ren smiled a little to Nora as she gave him a peace sign.

"Hehe, thanks, guys! I promise I'll train you all and in no time you can take out a Grand Alpha all on your own" Zack happily commented to them.

"Well looks like you just got your team, Zack, thank you all, you are dismissed," Ozpin stated as he sipped his heaven in a mug.

"Wait, sir! One more question! Do we still have to do homeworks?" Nora suddenly asked as they were all about to exit the office.

"Hmm, no, no you don't but you still have to have to get their attendance when you don't have any mission" Ozpin answered while sipping his coffee.

"Yes!! Now let's go team ZPNR!!" Nora exclaimed as she jumped for joy then ran out of there with her team following her.

Even though they already went out of the office, Ozpin and Glynda still could hear them running and yelling with each other.

"NORA!! THAT ISN'T THE WAY TO THE DORMS!" Zack's voice rang out.

"LEADER!! WHERE'S THE CAFETERIA!!" Nora's voice asked back.



*Sigh* "Even with the heavy stuff they just heard, there's still like that" Glynda wistfully said as she prepares her paperwork for tomorrow.

"We can only hope that they never change," Ozpin commented.

"Alright, it's already late, I'll be going now sir," Glynda said as she approached the exit but before she could, she heard from her boss some words that she thought he forgot due to blunt trauma to the head earlier.

"Oh, and good luck on your date with Zack tonight," Ozpin stated as he already stood up and faced his back towards her to discreetly hide his teasing smile.

Glynda suddenly blushed then walked out quickly.

'Haaah, I can finally have something on Glynda, Thank you Zack for giving me these teasing material I needed whenever she piles up my paperwork. My coffee time will surely extend with this,' Ozpin thought of in his head only as if Glynda ever heard of this, she will surely be back with a vengeance.

Later that night.

Zack called Glynda over towards the cliff they were in as in his hands were a picnic basket. He slipped out of the room when he saw that Pyrrha was asleep.

Zack summoned B7 to take his place on his bed, as he noticed that when Pyrrha was still awake, she would constantly look in his direction like she was guarding him.

He doesn't know why, but he got this feeling, he shouldn't be alone with Pyrrha in a room, good thing he still has Nora and Ren though. He thought of the possibility of Yang and Blake with the addition of Pyrrha in his team, he still didn't know why but he shivered like he will definitely lose something important.

"Zack?" A voice suddenly broke him out of his musings.

"Glynda good-evening, glad you could come," Zack said as he honestly smiled at her direction.

"H-hmph! I was just passing by so is this where we'll eat?" Glynda asked curiously.

"Nope," Zack said as he moved his finger right and left at her.

"Then where?" Glynda asked again.

"Heh, in order to get there you have to trust me," Zack said mysteriously as he brought out his right hand for her to hold while still smiling at her.

"..." Glynda looked at his hand then at his greenish-blue eyes looking at her, she smiled, and nodded at him then took hold of his outstretched hand.

They walked forward hand in hand toward the edge of the cliff.

Glynda still curiously looked at him but she didn't doubt him.

"You ready?" Zack asked one final time.

"Mmm" Glynda nodded at him.

"Then, Bubba, take us up bud," Zack suddenly said as his shadow expanded and enveloped them.

Glynda closed her eyes for a moment because of that but she still felt her hand was still holding on to him and she felt the wind hitting her face gently.

She opened her eyes slowly but what greeted her was a sight like a beautiful picture of the night with the broken moon looking down at them. She was awestruck as she finally knew that they were in the air in the back of his Nevermore named Bubba.

She slowly got her shy nature, from before, dissipating as she took this picturesque view. Zack's voice brought her out of it.

"Hehehe, sorry I couldn't book in a restaurant early today, they all told me they were booked so I that's when I thought of this," Zack apologized while scratching the back of his head.

"No, you shouldn't apologize for that," Glynda said as she shook her head at him while smiling at him.

"Instead, I think this is better in any restaurant any day, so thank you, Zack," Glynda cheerfully said while still holding his hand.

"Hehehe, you heard that Bubba, she just said you're great!" Zack said while yelling out to his minion who seemed happy about that while flying slowly and gently at night.

Zack separated their hands as he suddenly sat down while he patted the spot next to him to urge her to take her seat too. She gladly obliged as she took her seat.

"Fufufu, yes your great Bubba" Glynda said with a chuckle while agreeing with Zack.

"Hey, you hungry?" Zack suddenly asked.

"Mmm, starving," Glynda answered back.

"Good thing I have these then!" Zack smiled and brought out the picnic basket he has in his hand.

"Let's dig in shall we, my lady" Zack said as he opened it in front of her.

"Fufufu, Yes, yes we may," Glynda chuckled as she went along with him.

At that, they ate while sometimes wiping each other's mouths, much to their embarrassment but since they were alone, they didn't get that embarrassed and continued eating. After they finished eating, they stayed seated as they talked about random stuff with each other.

At some point, both of their hands reached each other but they never tried separating it as they enjoyed each other's company. Glynda unknowingly placed her head on his shoulder while they were chatting away with anything they could think of.

Their night continued without any disturbance as they flew in the night sky.

I wrote this while listening to Aerith's theme,

that last part wrote itself when I listened to this...

Pheww... this was harder than making up fight scenes.

(o.o) ԅ(´ ε `ԅ)

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