
Yuu: Reaper (Completed)

One second Otosaka Yuu is hunting down ability users and the next he is inside an unknown world with millions of heroes. With people known as All Might, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist who run around the planet. Yuu's job has become way harder Or has it, With the league of Villains opposing those heroes there will inevitably be those in the middle, and Yuu is one of them. How will he get home? Will he fight Midoriya? Will he fight Bakugo? -------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Rook38 Link to Original Story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16732311?view_full_work=true Don't write petty reviews that I stole this fanfic since I clearly credited them. ----------------------------------------------------------

Nakahara · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Ready, Set, Go!

It had taken a week before the heroes were recalled to the Nighteye agency, they had found the hideout! So early that morning half-awake heroes found themselves back in the same room they had been in earlier waiting for an explanation as to where the stronghold was located.

Yuu yawned and rubbed his eye before he crossed his arms. He leaned against the wall behind him and closed his eye in an attempt to ignore the many conversations. It was too early for them!

"Reaper-san!" A familiar voice greeted.

The teen opened his eyes and let loose a small smile at the sight of the students, "Good morning, Midoryia-san."

"Do you know why we were gathered this early?" Kirishima asked, "Is it close?"

"Just watch," Yuu answered as Nighteye made his way to the front.

"Eri is located in the Yakuza stronghold." The pro hero announced.

"Huh?! The Eri girl is in their stronghold?" Rock Lock repeated with anger in his voice.

The stronghold Nighteye was talking about was the residence of the head of the Hassaikai, Yuu had learned that information while watching Nighteye and Bubblegirl continue the investigation.

As this information was shared with the group by one of the pro heroes Rock Lock frowned, "So our investigations were for nothing?"

"No," Nighteye began, "We were able to get new information, as well."

"How are you able to confirm this?" Fatgum leaned forward, a questioning tint in his eyes.

Yuu couldn't hold back the cringe that took over his features when the pro hero, who had never so much as shown a smile, pulled out a magic girl doll box. The name was written in large, bubbly, rainbow letters. "Gung-Ho! Glitter Squad 10!"

Yuu's cringe managed to settle down slightly as the pro hero explained why he had the doll. He wondered what he looked like to the cashier, probably a creep.

Managing to acquire the location, it was thanks to centipeder and Bubblegirl, they had a warrant and proof that the villains would be there.

Yuu's gaze moved to Izuku and Mirio, who were celebrating the news. His face soon had a smile, he would make Jason pay for throwing him here and he would make sure the girl was safe.

Everyone who didn't have their hero outfits on yet left the room to put them on, Yuu glanced down at his jacket and frowned. He needed to get a new jacket the next chance he had.

Maybe he'd look when he had the chance, for now, it was time to head to the police station.

As the heroes made their way out the teens formed a group near the back, the relief that Izuku, Mirio, and Yuu were feeling was immense.

"This is turning out to be much more complicated than I thought." Tsuyu said.

"I know," Uraraka sighed, "I hope that things turn out okay, that girl… she doesn't deserve any of this."

"She doesn't." Yuu agreed, "We'll make sure he is put in his place."

The rest of the walk was relatively short and silent. Everyone was consumed in their thoughts, thoughts about Overhaul, thoughts about Eri, thoughts about the battle.

When they finally arrived at the police station they were met by men in riot gear and the commissioner.

The commissioner informed his men what they were up against, how they were to work with the heroes, and how they had the information that they did. Finally, he turned his attention to the heroes and asked for them to assist in any needed arrests. From there they made their way to the stronghold, it was time to start the operation.



"Heroes are gathering together and police are mobilizing, it looks like the heroes have gotten wind of your operation, Overhaul." Jason smiled at the mob boss, "The One-Eyed Reaper will be with them."

"I'll leave him to you." The mobster moved his gaze to the raven, "Eri's value is too much to risk."

The raven crossed his arms, "You said that you'd help take him out, for a man who prides himself on his word you have failed to keep a promise."

Overhaul stood up and made to make his way out, just before leaving he turned his head and glared at the raven, "Talk to me once you have killed him."

With that Jason was left alone. The teen frowned and pulled out his phone, "Yes, get them ready, I want to let them know the game plan, things are going to get loud soon."

The teen made his way through the maze of tunnels and passageways and found his way to a massive chamber, filled with what must've been one hundred people.

All of the ability holders.

He smiled at the group in front of him. All of them had gathered for a chance to defeat the One-Eyed Reaper once and for all. With the combination of Tamaki recruiting members and word of this chance spreading to local groups, the Shadow Collective now had a chance to end things here and now.

"I copied all the abilities you wanted me to." Brian said as he walked up to the raven, "How much longer until the battle starts?"

"I give it half an hour," Jason responded, his gaze wandered around the chamber, "Where's Tamaki?"

"He is back home." Connie answered, "He doesn't have an ability anymore, so he'd only get in the way."

The raven frowned, "That makes sense."

"So, what's the game plan, boss?" Nora asked, walking up to the rest of the group.

The raven smiled, "Brian, create a platform, it's time we brief our soldiers!"


Yuu watched as the heroes and police readied themselves, they would begin soon. They now found themselves in front of the stronghold, the final preparations were underway.

"Once they've read the warrant, charge in!" Yuu head someone inform them.

Before they could even open their mouth to begin reading the warrant, the door was slammed down by a massive man.

Police were thrown into the air, Deku and Eraser Head used their abilities to save them.

Before the Reaper knew it the large villain threw another punch toward the group but was blocked by a dragon. Based on the clothes he would guess it was Ryukyu, "Ryukyu Agency will take care of him! The rest of you go now, while you have the chance!"

Now with the way open, Yuu turned his gaze towards the building's courtyard and narrowed his eye. Within a moment he used one of his many abilities and identified three people from his world.

As the heroes advanced, the three lost their abilities thanks to the One-Eyed Reaper.

Within moments a small brawl between police, minor heroes, and Yakuza began. The Nighteye Agency led the charge into the house.

"Use the shortest route!" Fatgum screamed above the chaos.

They raced through the halls of the empty house to a flower pot. Nighteye removed it and put in a secret code, which opened a secret door.

Three men pushed their way through and lunged toward the hero, but were thrown back down the staircase by a combination of Centipeder restraining one, Bubble girl arresting another, and Yuu sending the third back down with a telekinetic wave.

The group continued down the stairs without Centipeder and Bubblegirl.

When they reached the bottom, Yuu snarled, "JASON!"

The teen was leaning back against a stone wall blocking the way, his eyes narrowed at the Reaper, "I'm sorry heroes, I need to barrow him."

Before anyone could blink, the two had vanished with a purple light.

Vote with power stones.

Nakaharacreators' thoughts