
Yuu: Reaper (Completed)

One second Otosaka Yuu is hunting down ability users and the next he is inside an unknown world with millions of heroes. With people known as All Might, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist who run around the planet. Yuu's job has become way harder Or has it, With the league of Villains opposing those heroes there will inevitably be those in the middle, and Yuu is one of them. How will he get home? Will he fight Midoriya? Will he fight Bakugo? -------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Rook38 Link to Original Story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16732311?view_full_work=true Don't write petty reviews that I stole this fanfic since I clearly credited them. ----------------------------------------------------------

Nakahara · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Final Confrontation

When the purple light left his eyes, Yuu looked around, he barely had the chance to swivel his head when someone grabbed his face. He knew this touch, it was the same on that night that had made it impossible to steal abilities.

How dare she!

A snarl escaped the Reaper's throat, and a telekinetic wave followed. Knocking the crowd around him to the floor.

He took a step forward but a chain wrapped itself around his legs and torso, which caused him to fall to the floor. He thrashed around and the chains tightened, the ginger-haired girl made sure she kept a hand on him. He wouldn't be able to use his abilities thanks to her. He growled as laughter filled the room, he even heard someone slow clapping.

"Reaper," The man laughed, "I expected more from you!"

Yuu could see a pair of fancy business shoes in his vision, the man leaned down. His smug smile was all Yuu needed to see, he knew who this was. He tried to move but the chains wouldn't give for some reason.

"Thanks to the combination of Nora's ability to cancel and one of our esteemed friend's ability to control chains, you aren't able to activate a single ability!" Jason began to laugh.

The man's laughter was torture, Yuu would have done anything to get out of this.

"You have been a pain in my side for far too long." The teen drawled, "So before I kill you, I want to take my stress out."

The raven pulled a blade out of the cane that he always had, and stabbed Yuu's leg, a blood curtailing scream echoed through the chamber.

"SHUT UP!" Jason screamed at the teen. He kicked the Reaper's jaw, silencing him in less than an instant.

Jason was about to turn around when something caught his eye, the necklace around the Reaper's neck. He took the index cards and ripped it away from their owner, "Finish him."

Yuu's eyes began to glow with a chilling blue hue and the room began to shake. How dare he take that! He doesn't have a right! He needs to let it go! He needs to pay!

The chains around the teen went limp when a falling rock crushed the abilities user. The redhead had to stop using her quirk on Yuu, it was either that or die from a falling rock.

"JASON!" Yuu screamed at the fleeing teen. He tried to possess the raven but failed. It seemed as if the redhead's ability was still affecting him. He couldn't use loot, but he knew there was a time limit, he remembered the night where he fought against Jason on the roof. He needed to last for two minutes.

He looked around his gaze displaying pure anger. The scores of people around him, survivors of Yuu's collapse, all prepared their abilities. They would be lucky to last five minutes, he would be sure of that!

"Ready for a rematch!" A familiar voice asked.

Yuu turned his gaze and found Brian, an overconfident smile on his face.

"You made a mistake, Blondie." Yuu snarled.

"How so?" The teen's hands became claws, the large group around the two also prepared their abilities.

"You gave me an area to cut loose," Yuu smirked, "You'll be lucky to last five minutes!"

A massive shockwave threw the ability holders all around the room and off their feet, only a few managed to stay upright.

Brian growled and lunged at Yuu, he swiped at the Reaper's face and barely missed.

The one-eyed Reaper glared at the blonde and held out a hand, shooting an explosive fireball toward him.

The fireball exploded in front of the blonde, thanks to a shield he had copied. However, before Brian could charge Yuu he was thrown up to the roof by Yuu's telekinesis.

As the blonde fell to the floor, unconscious Yuu turned around and glared at the other ability users. Then he felt it. The cloudiness in his head, the fuzzy feeling was gone.

He could fight now.

A smirk washed over his face.

And those who stood against him went white with fear. They knew this was the face of the One-Eyed Reaper, and he was having fun.

They had no chance.

"Don't just gape at him!" Someone yelled, "ATTACK!"

Like a wave, they descended on Yuu. Lasers, water, lightning, tentacles, bullet's, and anything that could be imagined was thrown at the Reaper.

Yuu's eye began to glow as he threw everything he had into a shield. The weight of the attack was immense on Yuu, his head felt like it was going to explode. He could feel the veins popping out of his head as he tried to put as much energy into the shield as possible.

As the attacks started to dwindle, the Reaper glanced over his shoulder just in time to dodge a powerful laser bolt.

The Reaper rolled off his shoulder and landed in the typical 'Superhero' pose when he locked eyes with the teen.

Yuu knew he was seeing from the teen's eyes, in less than five seconds he downed more than thirty people.

When Yuu returned to his body he found another person to loot.

With a combination of origami-like animals and sheer determination, Yuu took down a few people before returning to his body once more.

The coordination of the Shadow Collective collapsed immediately. Facing attacks from both the Reaper himself and those who they called friends were enough to shatter the morale of them and their cohorts.

For the next ten minutes, Yuu slowly chipped away at them in the same cycle. He would attack and possess someone's body, return to his own and defend for a little bit and loot again. Rinse and repeat for ten minutes.

None of them stood a chance against the One-Eyed Reaper. They cried out for mercy, ran away, and screamed as he looted their abilities and left them powerless and unconscious.

By the end of the ten minutes, Yuu stood surrounded by bloodied and beaten teens. When he looked around, gasping for breath and worn out from the fighting he saw only four remaining people.

One was Brian, the one he was fighting from earlier. He had a large cut on his forehead and many scratches from the fighting, from the looks of things he still wanted to fight.

The other was ginger, Nora. Just seeing her made his blood boil. She had somehow managed to stay relatively unharmed.

Next was someone he recognized from the rooftop battle, the black girl with the pixie cut. If he remembered right she could control plants.

The final person was yet another individual from the rooftop. He was the one covered in bandages, Yuu didn't know enough about him to get a gauge on his ability.

It didn't matter anyway.

"I'll say this once," Yuu began, "If you let me use loot, I'll make sure you get out of this battle unharmed."

He meant it, he would personally teleport everyone out of this chamber and out to the surface. Of course, they would be arrested but it was better than being unconscious and restrained in a dark ruined chamber.

None of them responded, they all just glared at him with barely concealed hatred in their eyes. Yuu watched as they glanced at one another, silently.

He sighed when the one in bandages charged at him, obviously they weren't going to handle things rationally. As he prepared an ability he glanced to his right and growled in irritation.

The girl, Nora, was running toward him. She was going to stop his ability again, not if he had anything to say about it!

The bandaged kid launched one of his wrappings toward Yuu, who let it grab his arm. He then activated a super strength ability to spin the kid around and into Nora, both were sent back into a wall.

"REAPER!" Brian yelled out in anger.

"I gave you a choice," Yuu growled at the blonde, "Now deal with the consequences!"

The teen lunged at him and immediately fell to the floor simultaneously with the One-Eyed Reaper. When he stood up he turned toward his friends and restrained them with the same wrappings the bandaged teen had tried to use on Yuu. He then placed a hand on his chest and electrocuted himself, which rendered him unconscious.

The Reaper stood up and looked at the three teens, a glow illuminated his eyes, they had lost.

A few minutes had passed since he had beaten everyone in the chamber, he had restrained them all with a combination of abilities. He would have to help the heroes know where they were.

"Time to find the bastard." Yuu sighed to himself.

He made his way out of the chamber and used a tracking ability and followed Jason's footsteps. He hoped he wasn't causing too much trouble, the heroes wouldn't last if he decided to intervene.


Jason had been walking through the halls for a while, looking through the many index cards that had once been the Reaper's. It was an interesting read, full of greetings ranging from Japanese to french. Something was odd, however, the handwriting.

It seemed too neat to be the Reaper's. He didn't seem the type to have that neat of handwriting.

He heard explosions and sounds of fighting echo through the halls. With a sigh, he slid the index cards into his breast pocket and decided to find out what Overhaul was up to.

The Reaper would be dealt with soon.

Jason's eyes cleared of purple light as he appeared beside Overhaul, who looked exhausted. He guessed it had been roughly five minutes.

"I take it things have not taken the course you wanted?" Jason smirked at the man, he watched as the blonde hero continued to dodge the attacks.

"I take it the Reaper has been dealt with?" Overhaul asked, "Otherwise, why would you be here?"

Jason teleported the blonde backward and toward the floor, "He's being dealt with now."

"Then help me focus on this one." Overhaul narrowed his eyes toward the hero, "His quirk is permeation, he can phase through objects and individuals."

"Thanks for the heads up." Jason drew his blade from the staff and dodged a kick from the teen, but was surprised by a second kick, which threw him off his feet and onto the floor.

Before Mirio could knock Jason out, Overhaul sent a wave of spikes toward the teen. He was forced to stop and move out of the way to protect Eri.

Thus the cycle began. Mirio would keep Overhaul and Jason off balance but was never able to fully defeat the duo due to being tasked with the defense of Eri.

After five minutes of attack and retreat, Jason found himself taking the brunt of Mirio's attacks.

Jason would lunge and stab with his blade, but Mirio would phase through the attacks and land attacks on him.

When he wasn't using his quirk, Jason would teleport him upwards or into a wall but nothing ever worked.

"This is for Eri," One clean right hook shook Jason and threw him off balance and stumbled back.

"You got a really good right," Jason said to Mirio before he teleported above Eri. The blonde swiveled his head and his eyes were wide in fear.

Jason glanced to Overhaul for a moment, he nodded, and Jason brought the blade down on the girl.

When he next took a breath all he felt was the pain. He let out a blood-curdling scream. Why? He was just about to stab the girl, why was he hurting?

He coughed and could taste iron in his mouth. He opened his eyes and noticed how far away he was from the girl.

He was just over her…

He tried to step toward her but let out another scream. His leg hurt so bad, it was on fire!

His gaze slowly moved downward and he went white. One of the spikes… he couldn't think straight, his gaze moved back toward the girl and that's when he saw him.

The Reaper.

He was suddenly in between him and the girl. He had cuts and brushes and a bit of a nosebleed. His jacket was torn in some places and his eyes were filled with exhaustion but the frown on his face spoke otherwise.

The Reaper began to walk toward the leader with a limp in left, he had most likely taken a few hits during the battle. Jason could work with this.

The brunette pulled his leg out of its predicament with a long and painful grunt and readied his staff.

"Where is my necklace, Jason." The Reaper asked, out of breath.

"It wouldn't worry about them!" Jason smirked as he teleported behind Yuu and stabbed the teen in the back. The teen let out a pained groan and fell to the ground, the weapon still in his back.

Jason watched as blood began to coat the ground and laughed. He had done it! He had beaten the One-Eyed Reaper! He had done something that hundreds of thousands… had tried and failed to do!

Jason began to laugh!


"Jason." A familiar voice spoke.

A chill went up the brunette's spine.

The teen turned and looked down at the bleeding Reaper and was met with a glowing eye.


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