
Yuu: Reaper (Completed)

One second Otosaka Yuu is hunting down ability users and the next he is inside an unknown world with millions of heroes. With people known as All Might, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist who run around the planet. Yuu's job has become way harder Or has it, With the league of Villains opposing those heroes there will inevitably be those in the middle, and Yuu is one of them. How will he get home? Will he fight Midoriya? Will he fight Bakugo? -------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Rook38 Link to Original Story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16732311?view_full_work=true Don't write petty reviews that I stole this fanfic since I clearly credited them. ----------------------------------------------------------

Nakahara · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


By the time Yuu had woken up, he found himself contained within a straightjacket and unable to move. He tried only once to wriggle out of his restraints before letting out a simple sigh and went still.

This was the worst-case scenario, how was he supposed to finish his mission while being stuck in this harness in custody. He thought back to the alleyway and frowned, why hadn't his Telekinesis work on the blonde superhero. And was he the hero from his vision?

As he continued to think about the blonde the door to the room creaked open and a single man entered the room. He was tall and lean with smooth green and yellow hair parted to the left and wore grey office clothes.

"Good morning," The man spoke, "You may call me Sir Nighteye, I want to ask you a couple of questions."

When Yuu didn't respond the Pro Hero continued, "I want to know why you've been attacking Pro Heroes."

Yuu didn't respond for a moment but let out a breath, "They got in the way of my mission."

Nighteye narrowed his eyes, "What mission?"

The One-Eyed Reaper didn't respond.

"We searched you up in our database, you must be new here since we couldn't find you," Sir Nighteye began, "where are you from?"

He was once again met with silence.

"What about that scar," Nighteye asked, "Did you get it in a fight?"

"I'm not sure." The One-Eyed Reaper finally responded, "All I know is that I have it."

Nighteye glared at the Reaper and was silent for almost a minute. In which time Yuu returned his glare.

"Are you hungry? thirsty?" Nighteye asked, "I don't have much in the way of food, but it may help."

Yuu was about to reject Nighteye when his stomach growled, "I could use both."

The pro hero nodded, "I'll be right back."


Meanwhile, Brian stood on the roof of the building beside the Agency, using an enhanced hearing quirk that he had copied to keep tabs on the Reaper.

"So, how are things progressing?" Jason asked as he appeared from a purple light.

Brian glanced over his shoulder, "He just woke up, Sir Nighteye has been trying to get answers, however, The Reaper hasn't given much in terms of answers."

Jason smiled as he made his way to the edge of the roof and stared at the Nighteye Agency, "I have everyone on standby for me to teleport them if there's a way we can get in there and kill him let me know."

"It wouldn't be worth it Jason, from what I can tell there are too many heroes," Brian turned back to the building, "We would lose, we need something quick."

Jason brought a hand to his chin, "I can still teleport him," he took a glance around the rooftop and smiled, "I got a plan."


Yuu sighed at the silence and his mind drifted back to the mysterious voice he had heard not too long ago. Who was she?

It was clear that she knew him before his crusade against abilities had started. Perhaps when he lost his eye?

Yuu tried to touch his eye, but his arms were still restrained to his chest by the straight jacket. He frowned and forced his hand touch the index cards, which helped him let out a calming breath.

"Did she make them?" He whispered to himself just before Sir Nighteye reentered the room with some crackers and a bottle of water.

"Can you get me out of these restraints," Yuu narrowed his eyes at the Pro Hero, "I can't eat with my hands tied to my chest."

Nighteye rested a hand on the Reaper's shoulder and looked the teen in the eye for a moment, before moving to unclasp the restraints, "Behave yourself, otherwise I'll have Lemillion and Deku knock you unconscious again."

"I don't plan to," Yuu responded, "I know I'm not in danger from you, you won't get in my way."

"Of your mission?" Nighteye asked, "May I ask what it is?"

Yuu was silent as he took bites out of the crackers in front of him and a few sips of the water. The silence lasted for only a few moments before Yuu began to speak.

I am currently trying to rid my world of all abilities." He answered.

"You mean quirks." Nighteye corrected, however, he noted the use of 'my world'.

"No." Yuu corrected, "In my world, they're called abilities, and all they've done is cause problems for people."

"You've said it again, 'my world'," Sir Nighteye remarked, "What do you mean by that?"

"I was thrown into this world by someone I was fighting," The Reaper answered, "He's been trying to kill me ever since."

Nighteye went quiet. He had every reason to not trust a word this teenager was saying, he was a villain, he's attacked people and defeated several pro heroes. So why did he seem to be telling the truth?

"Why should I believe you?" Nighteye asked, "All I know is that you've attacked people and been on the run from the law for a while now."

Just before Yuu could answer he was engulfed in purple light and disappeared. Nighteye smiled and made his way to the door, once he was in the hallway he called to the two students, "Lemillion, Deku, follow me!"

The two, who had been waiting for any information on the mysterious teen, followed the pro hero.

"What's going on, Sir?!" Lemillion called out to the pro hero.

"The Reaper has been teleported to the neighboring roof," He glanced over his shoulder, "We're going to help him."

Deku tilted his head as they entered the building's elevator, "Isn't he a villain?"

"Yes," Sir Nighteye nodded, "But the information he possibly has outways that fact."

The two nodded and prepared for a fight.


Yuu stared at the group in front of him.

The man in the lead was instantly recognized as Jason, his three-piece suit, and cane identified him almost as clearly as his smug grin. Everyone else was new to Yuu, the first was a tall male with short blonde hair, he wore a brown zip-up jacket and torn jeans, his emerald green eyes shined with an eagerness to fight. There was a black girl with curly hair cut into a pixie cut she wore a plain white tank top with black biker shorts and a pair of running shoes, Yuu immediately noted how close she stood to a potted plant, which stood out on the otherwise empty roof.

His eyes shifted to the remaining two members of the group. One had short black hair and had bandages covering his neck, lower face, arms, and legs. He wore a black tank top and shorts and glared at the Reaper. Finally, there was a pale skinned girl with red hair and freckles. She wore a blouse and shirt combo, other than that she didn't have any specific features that stuck out to Yuu.

"Nice to see you again, Reaper." Jason smirked at the teen, " You don't look too good."

Yuu didn't need to inspect himself to know what he was referring to. This world has not been kind to him, his shirt was torn in multiple places, his jacket was fraying at the edges and his jeans had a massive hole in the knees

"You know numbers won't help you win, Jason." The grinning gang leader frowned when The Reaper mentioned his name, "We've been down this road before."

"Is that true," Jason leaned on his cane and shrugged, "I wonder if you were as confident before you lost that eye." Jason's smirk returned as the Reaper's eyes glowed in anger, he had struck a nerve.

Yuu took a step forward but screamed out in pain as a splitting headache suddenly arrived. The teen fell to his knees and clutched his head, everything was returning, the memories. He saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes and white hair. A little girl, a collapsed building! He could hear himself cry in denial, the memories shifted to an abandoned warehouse. All he could feel was fear, anger, frustration, and pain.

"I see you're in worse shape than I thought, maybe I should kill you before this world does!" The smirking villain turned toward the black girl, "Connie, you restrain him. Brain, Nora, you know what to do!"


At that moment Deku, Lemillion, and Sir Nighteye arrived on the roof.

Izuku watched as the Reaper screamed into the air and his hair began to glow, "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

The three who were approaching him stopped when the building began to shake. The two U.A. Students were about to make a move when Sir Nighteye held out his arm to stop them, "Not yet."

As the building began to form cracks the shaking receded and with a couple of deep breaths Yuu glared at his enemies, "Let's do this!"

Yuu's eyes began to glow as he readied one of his many abilities. He turned his attention to the nearest one to him, Nora, dodged a fire blast and grabbed his shoulder.

Yuu sent a telekinetic wave out and threw the redhead away from him. He then made eye contact with him and tried to steal her ability, but nothing happened, "Why won't my ability work?"

Connie activated her ability and created a vine, which slapped Yuu in his gut and sent him stumbling backward, Nora ran toward the Reaper and gave a sidekick to his chest.

The combination of the stumble and the kick sent the Reaper falling off the edge and into the alleyway below. When Yuu hit the ground he wheezed. He didn't move and worked on returning his breathing to normal.

"Brian!" Jason began, "Follow him!"

As the teen made his way to the roof, Jason glanced over to the three heroes on the next roof, his eyes narrowed.

"Now!" Sir Nighteye ordered.

At that moment Lemillion and Deku jumped across the alleyway and began to fight against the group of villains.

By the time Brian landed, the Reaper was leaning against a wall and was still gasping for a normal breath.

"Let's see what's stronger," Brian began as he dropped down into the alleyway, "A power that takes abilities, or one that copies them!"

Brian lunged toward the Reaper but was surprised when the brunette disappeared.

Yuu smiled as he dodged the lunge and punched the teen's gut, making him stumble backward. The invisibility still worked!

Why couldn't loot?

Brian swiped several more times to no avail before being hit with a left hook.

He stumbled back and activated another ability he had copied from someone. He jumped backward, away from the Reaper, and punched the air.

What resulted was a massive gust of wind knocking the Reaper off his feet and into the street in front of the Agency.

Brian smiled when the Reaper reappeared and clutched his head from the impact.

Brain activated the ability he had taken from the rival group at the school, his arms turned into wings and his feet into talons.

Yuu glanced up in time to see talons diving down toward him.

He dived out of the way and shot a fireball at the blonde's right-wing, setting it ablaze.

Brian screamed in pain and dodged a second fireball, he transformed his arms and feet back to their original form. He checked his right arm and cringed at the burn mark just above his elbow.

"You're good!" The Reaper smiled, "But not good enough!"

Brian narrowed his eyes, "Why?" He decided to ask, "Why do you take abilities from us, they were given to us for a reason!"

"All they've done is cause pain!" The Reaper responds with a growl, "Look at how many people Jason has trapped here!"

"They deserved it!" Brian quickly responded, "They didn't know their place!"

"They lost their families and friends!" The Reaper's eyes began to glow, "You're just as heartless as him!"

With a wave of his arm, Yuu used Telekinesis to throw the blonde into the wall of the agency, and with another, he threw a trash can at the blonde.


Mirio activated his quirk as the suited villain's cane swept through him. Within moments he had thrown the villain to the ground, knocking the air out of the man.

Mirio glanced over his shoulder and saw Izuku and Sir Nighteye wrapping up the fighting. At the same time, several other heroes from the Agency joined the fight.

"WE'RE LEAVING!" The suited Villain suddenly yelled out.

Mirio turned to face the villain but was met with a purple flash. He was gone.

When he turned to the other heroes, they were just as confused.

Sir Nighteye turned toward the ledge of the building as The One-Eyed Reaper appeared, "We have to talk."

"Yes, we do." The Pro-hero responded, "Follow me."


As the group found themselves back in the lighthouse they looked to Jason for guidance. He made his way to the nearest table and sat down, "Get some rest, heal your wounds, we'll need it for the upcoming fight."

As the group filtered out, Tamaki made his way to Jason, "How'd it go?"

Jason glared at his friend, "I need you to do something for me."

Tamaki waited for his orders.

"Find out everything you can about the Reaper's past!"

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