
Yuu: Reaper (Completed)

One second Otosaka Yuu is hunting down ability users and the next he is inside an unknown world with millions of heroes. With people known as All Might, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist who run around the planet. Yuu's job has become way harder Or has it, With the league of Villains opposing those heroes there will inevitably be those in the middle, and Yuu is one of them. How will he get home? Will he fight Midoriya? Will he fight Bakugo? -------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Rook38 Link to Original Story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16732311?view_full_work=true Don't write petty reviews that I stole this fanfic since I clearly credited them. ----------------------------------------------------------

Nakahara · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

A much needed talk

Sir Nighteye sat down in the same seat he had earlier that day, across from the One-Eyed Reaper. He knew he could trust him, when he had used his quirk on him earlier he hadn't seen the teenager ever throw a punch at him. Instead, he had seen the teen be attacked by people who were unknown to him. Similarly, the quirks they used were not familiar to him either.

"So are you going to ask any questions?" The teen asked, irritation clear in his voice.

The Pro-Hero nodded and crossed his arms over his chest, "Do you know those individuals?"

The One-Eyed Reaper nodded, "They are part of an organization that used their abilities to show their power and cause trouble for innocent people, I was sent to this world by a portal thanks to Jason, the man in the suit."

"So I take it you're ability is to take another's? Permanently?" Sir Nighteye took off his glasses and began to clean them, he didn't need to worry about what this teen would do. If he wanted to escape, he would have already done so.

"Yes, I take abilities away." The teen was silent for a moment, his hands drifted to his makeshift necklace. It was a packet of index cards, the few that hung open had a greeting written in French. The teen took a breath as he continued, "All they had ever done to my world is hurt people, I took on a mission to rid the world of superpowers and end the violence millions face."

Nighteye nodded along as the teen continued.

"I have been on this crusade for… I don't even know…" his hand slowly moved to his scarred eye, his finger barely touched it. When his finger grazed the scar his hand jumped away from the scar. It was like the scar burned him.

"Do you have any healing abilities, why not heal that scar?" Sir Nighteye proposed, "It's clear that it had a lot of impact on you."

"I've tried," The Reaper explained, "I've tried to use healing abilities on it, but I could never commit to it. For whatever reason, I would stop the ability before it could heal my eye."

The Pro Hero watched the teen, his gaze was downcast. This was a conversation that the teen had been trying to avoid, he wasn't used to something like this. The Pro Hero's thoughts shifted to the man who was named Jason, something about him rubbed him the wrong way. If he had the power to bring people over to another world there was no telling what he could bring to attack the teen in front of him. That would bring a world of trouble not only to the Public Safety Commission but the population as a whole. Sir Nighteye's gaze shifted up to the One-Eyed Reaper, "Do you know where this Jason would be, he's too big of a danger to allow him to act freely, he needs to be put into custody."

The Reaper nodded, "I think I know where, but nothing specific," the Pro Hero nodded, "I had a vision thanks to one of my abilities. He was in a cavern, I think there was a fight going on. The area was covered in rubble, and I saw him standing there." The teen paused, trying to recall what he had seen in the vision, "He was standing next to a man wearing a green coat and plague mask."

Nighteye's eyes went wide, Jason was working with the Yakuza? That didn't bode well for anybody, worse of all the Hero community. The Pro Hero opened his mouth to speak with the teen but was stopped when the door to the room opened.

Bubble girl entered with a frantic look on her face and phone against her ear, "Sir, It's the Fatgum Agency, they want to talk about our offer."

The pro hero turned to the teenager and gave a small nod, "Excuse me."

"Go right ahead," The Reaper responded, "It's important isn't it?" The pro hero didn't respond, he only got up from his chair and left the teenager alone in the room.

Yuu crossed his arms and closed his good eye in an attempt to activate another vision, hopefully, one that would help against the inevitable fight against Jason. The door opened and Yuu heard two individuals walk in. The teen opened his eye to look at them and immediately recognized them.

One was the green-haired teen who had been crying the night he was sent here, the other was the blonde who had rendered him unconscious. They stared at him in silence, Yuu did the same.

The green-haired teen narrowed his eyes and took a nervous breath before he spoke, "You're the person who appeared that night, right?"

The blonde glanced over to the shorter teen with a confused look in his eye. It was clear to the Reaper that he didn't know what the green-haired teen was talking about.

"Yes, I was," Yuu responded, his gaze shifted back to the shorter teen, "That night had a big impact on you, I can tell."

"What do you mean?" The green-haired teen asked Yuu to try to recall his name.

"Well, Deku-san? That's your name right?"

"Hero name." The blonde answered, "Mine is Lemillion."

The Reaper nodded before he continued, "When I saw you after that battle, watching the broadcast, you were scared and nervous. But what I saw in that alleyway was different, you worked hard to protect the girl from the masked man… and me." Yuu paused, gaze now downcast. He had let his emotions get the better of him, and now here he was, "Is the girl safe?"

"We… we don't know…" Deku's gaze fell, "After we knocked you out, she left my side and he left." Lemillion put a comforting hand onto his partner's shoulder.

The blonde gave a comforting squeeze before turning his gaze to the Reaper, "What about you, why did you attack him."

The Reaper shrugged, "When I saw the panic in the girl's eyes… something just snapped." He tried to find the correct words, "Everything just went… red?"

"What about those people on the rooftop? They had quirks I haven't seen before." Deku asked, "Something was off about them."

Yuu sighed, "This is going to sound ridiculous, but I'm telling you it's true, you ready?" The two teens nodded, "I'm from a world similar to this one, where we don't have 'quirks' but rather abilities. The main difference is that only people in their adolescence have abilities and when you turn eighteen you lose your power." The teen paused, his gaze was still glued to the table in front of him, "I can take away the ability of another, and somehow ended up with the quest to rid the world of abilities."

"But what about abilities that heal the sick?" Lemillion asked, "There have to be abilities that are good."

The teen nodded for a moment, "There are, but the places I've had to go to take these abilities are horrific," His gaze moved to the teens, they were filled with sorrow, "I've had to take abilities from people who were being experimented on." The Reaper punched the table in front of him, shattering it in a single hit, "PEOPLE WHO HAD BEEN RIPPED AWAY FROM THEIR FAMILIES AND WERE TESTED LIKE LAB RATS!"

The two watched in silent horror. Deku wanted to believe that the Reaper had been lying, but the rage and sorrow in his voice were more than enough to convince him, he was telling the truth.

"Any ability can cause trouble," His voice calmed down, "I've stopped terrorists, freed people being experimented on, and ended entire crime rings." The teen moved his hand to his scarred eye, barely touching it, "I can't even remember what happened to my eye, but I'm sure it was the result of whatever threw me into the endless crusade."

Lemillion opened his mouth to speak but hesitated for a moment, "... So the people on the roof sent you here?"

"The one in the suit." Yuu nodded, "they're trying to stop me from ripping away the power that they've known for half of their lives."

The room went quiet, no one knew how to carry on from there. After what had seemed like an eternity Yuu glanced up to the heroes and sighed, "Do you guys have sleeping pills, I can't sleep without them thanks to a stupid ability I took."

Lemillion made his way to the door, "I'll ask around."

A half an hour later Mirio and Izuku made their way to Nighteye's office and entered once they got the go-ahead from Bubble Girl. When they entered Nighteye glanced up to them, still on the phone with what sounded like the Fatgum Agency. The two students stood across from Nighteye, waiting for him to be finished with his call.

"Yes, thanks for considering the offer," Nighteye nodded as the person on the other end of the phone responded to his words, "Thanks Fatgum, your help will surely end this fight quicker, I hope to see you at our briefing in the coming days."

The pro hero put his phone on his desk and turned his attention to the two students, "I presume this has to do with our guest, has he said anything else?"

Izuku glanced at Mirio before they told him everything the Reaper had told them. The pro hero listened silently, only narrowing his eyes slightly or cleaning his glasses. As they finished the pro hero sighed and glanced at a stack of worn Index Cards on his desk, it was something he had taken from the reaper when he was captured.

"He's been through a lot." Nighteye said to himself, "He's doing what he thinks is right." While the hero would have loved to arrest and stop the One-Eyed Reaper he knew it wasn't his place.

When the Pro Hero had looked into the Reaper's future he had seen almost a year of pain and ridding the world of powers. He saw the teen descend further and further into madness, if he had been born in this world he would have rivaled the power of All for One.

What had surprised Nighteye was just how attached to his goal the teen had been, even as he began to bleed out with several crossbow bolts in his back. It wasn't the Reaper's death that the Pro Hero had seen at the end of the teen's road. Instead, It was a hospital bed, a girl in a school uniform, and a broken memory. He continued to stare at the index cards, which had been a gift from the girl as he pondered the role the Reaper would play in the coming battle.

He had already concluded that the Reaper would play a part to counter the Shadow Collective, the specific role he would play was still up in the air. He knew from his fight against both pro heroes and Jason's group that the Reaper would be a massive boon for the group that would soon be sent against the Yakuza.

The hardest part of figuring out where he would be in the formation wasn't deciding the placement, he had seen the teen alongside Mirio and Izuku. Instead, it would be convincing the other agencies that the Reaper was on their side and not someone who would attack them. If it came to it, Izuku and Mirio would knock him out like they had in the alleyway. Nighteye believed that it wouldn't come to that, the teen was far too focused on his goal.

He had said before that he would defeat anyone who got in the way of his goal. And as far as Nighteye could tell Jason and his group were the only ones in his way.

The One-Eyed Reaper was on the warpath, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop him.

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