
Yuu: Reaper (Completed)

One second Otosaka Yuu is hunting down ability users and the next he is inside an unknown world with millions of heroes. With people known as All Might, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist who run around the planet. Yuu's job has become way harder Or has it, With the league of Villains opposing those heroes there will inevitably be those in the middle, and Yuu is one of them. How will he get home? Will he fight Midoriya? Will he fight Bakugo? -------------------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Rook38 Link to Original Story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16732311?view_full_work=true Don't write petty reviews that I stole this fanfic since I clearly credited them. ----------------------------------------------------------

Nakahara · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Yuu hadn't stopped thinking about those words for what seemed like an eternity. Who was it? What did those words mean?

The Reaper growled in frustration, he couldn't remember anything at all, other than those blasted Ocean Blue eyes!

The Reaper sighed as he continued walking. His thoughts continued to consume him, mainly those about Jason.

He thought back to their fight in their world, during that fight he had put enough pressure on Yuu to avoid being possessed and lose his ability. However, his men weren't so lucky.

His thoughts moved onto his transportation into this current world, one of a popular shounen manga, if it existed in his world. The battle he had found himself in was titanic, thankfully it hadn't occurred to Jason to bring people from here to his world.

Things wouldn't end well, no one from his world would be able to compete against those from this one.

He continued to walk as his thoughts drifted to his vision of the future. He wished he could go back to it, to get a better look at the surroundings of the area, and maybe be able to figure out where it was taking place. The more information he had the better, sadly that was impossible.

He only ever got one look at those visions, sometimes they were useful, like the skyscraper or train in the desert, other times they weren't, just like this one.

"Who was the blonde?" Yuu asked himself.

Would he end up dead? Or just injured? The Reaper slapped his palm against his forehead, it was no use to theorize, he knew he'd most likely end up there anyway. With a small sigh, Yuu shook his head and cleared his head as he continued down the alleyway.

As he made his way toward the opening of an alleyway he watched as a little girl in rags sprinted toward the main street. She was slowly followed by a man in a plague mask, the same man from his vision.

Yuu narrowed his eyes as the man slowly walked past, paying him no mind.

The Reaper made his way to the corner of the alley and watched as the girl stumbled into a familiar hero in a green suit.

"Sorry, that must've hurt." The green-haired teen kindly spoke. The teen said as he knelt to help the little girl. Yuu immediately remembered the teenager, he was there on the day he had been sent to this world. From what he remembered the teen had worked to rescue his friend from a group of villains. He remembered how the teen had cried that day, it was good to see he hadn't lost his nerve from the retirement of the number one hero.

Yuu watched as the girl flinched when the teen reached out to help her. His amber eye moved to the approaching man in the plague mask, did he have something to with her fear? His eye narrowed as he watched him approach.

"Can you stand? Are you okay?" The teen asked, froze when he tried to pick her up.

"Now, you know…" The man in the plague mask began, the girl flinched at the sound of his voice. She slowly turned her head toward the man as he left the darkness of the alleyway, "... you can't go around causing trouble for the heroes."

The Reaper watched as the green-haired teen grit his teeth at the sight of the man, he knew who he was. A local villain perhaps?

For a few excruciatingly long moments the heroes, girl, and villain stared at each other. They were so quiet that Yuu could have heard a pin drop from where he was standing a few feet away.

"I'm sorry about my daughter, hero." The man finally spoke, "She likes to play around a lot and keeps getting hurt. I don't know what to do with her."

"Likely story," Yuu whispered to himself.

Yuu's eyes widened as the other hero moved into view as he put the green-haired teens hood and mask up, "Your hood and mask came off again. Maybe the sizing's off?"

The blonde teen turned his attention toward the masked man, "We're sorry, too, for bumping into her." Yuu noticed the green-haired teen struggling to change his expression on his face he was trying to keep his body language under control. "With that lovely mask, you must be from the Hassaikai, right? You guys are famous around here."

"Yes, don't worry about the mask." The Hassaikai quickly responded, "I'm sensitive to filth," Without missing a beat the masked man began to switch the topic, "It's my first time seeing you two heroes."

"Right!" We're still new, so we're pretty nervous." The blonde-haired hero rubbed the back of his head bashfully, he turned toward the green-haired teen, "Now, stand up, partner! Let's head toward a future we haven't seen yet!"

"What agency do you belong to?" The Hassaikai suddenly asked.

"We're students!" The blonde hero raised his hands in front of him defensively. Yuu noticed the green hero hadn't stood up yet. "We're still so new that it would be presumptuous to identify with an agency. We're just gaining some experience in different places for our internships." He continued without even taking a breath, "Anyway, we need to finish patrolling this division by lunch. Let's go!"

Even as the blonde began to walk away the green hero still didn't move at first, when he did the girl clung to him even more than before.

Yuu wished he was closer, he could barely tell the girl was saying something. The look on the teen's face said it all.

Without thinking Yuu took a step toward the opening of the alleyway, not again.

"U-Um…" The green hero began, with wide eyes and a tense smile, "Your daughter… seems scared…"

"It's just because she just got a scolding." The Hassaikai answered, sounding somewhat practiced.

Yuu took another step toward the man. How dare he!

The blonde hero's gaze moved from the masked man to his partner, "Let's go."

"Wait, but…" The green hero spoke, "Her bandages don't seem like they're from playing too much…"

Yuu took another step.

"She falls a lot." The man tried to reason.

"For such a small child to be trembling like this without making a sound…" The hero protectively held the girl, "I don't think that's normal…"

Yuu stopped moving, he was not only a few feet behind the man.

"Please don't force your own "normal" on other people's families." The man had an irritated tone to his voice now.

"Everyone has different dispositions, right?" The blonde reminded his partner.

Yuu began to back away, the heroes had this under control, they'd make sure she was safe. They wouldn't allow her to go back with this man. They wouldn't be heroes then.

"What are you doing to this girl?" The green hero asked. Yuu took this chance to duck behind a nearby dumpster.

The Hassaikai sighed, "Jeez, heroes are so sensitive to the subtle signs in people, huh?" He shrugged, "Very well." His hands fell back down to his sides. "It's embarrassing to talk about it. People are watching here, so will you come this way with me?" The two heroes began to follow the Hassaikai.

As the man began to turn back into the alleyway he locked his gaze with Yuu's and his eyes widened, he kept walking nonetheless, "Actually, recently, I've had a lot of problems with Eri. She just keeps Defying me no matter what I say."

Yuu watched as the man got closer and closer, any second now he had to make a decision. If he attacked the man and made sure the girl got to safety, would the heroes get hurt, would he? If he stayed out of things the little girl would be stuck with the man, he knew he couldn't allow it.

"Parenting, huh? It must be hard." The blonde hero spoke.

"Yes," The Hassaikai sighed, "Children are hard to understand, "They feel like they can and will become someone," Yuu watched as the man reached for his glove, and quickly saw the girl's eyes go wide.

His vision went red.

Izuku watched with apprehension as the Hassaikai began to turn toward them, "They seriously thi-"

He stopped speaking when his body was sent into the wall with a large crack.

Mirio and Izuku took a few steps back as a figure stepped out from behind a dumpster, his one eye was glowing and filled with pure rage, "HOW DARE YOU!" The teen screamed out to the now limp Hassaikai.

"Deku, protect the girl!" Lemillion shouted before charging toward the One-Eyed Reaper.

By the time Yuu turned his attention to the heroes, the green-haired teen was alone in the alleyway with the blonde's helmet laying on the floor in front of him. The Reaper's gaze moved to the air above him, expecting the teen to have jumped into the air.

He saw movement in the corner of his eye and saw the blonde hero rearing up for a punch. Yuu put up a shield but was surprised when the teen went right through it. He was sent stumbling backward when the blonde's fist collided with his jaw. Yuu sent a telekinetic wave out and sent the blonde backward a few feet.

A sudden blast of air threw the reaper off-balance, Yuu turned his head and saw the green hero with his arm outstretched, preparing to send another wave of air toward the One-Eyed Reaper.

"POWER!" The blonde's voice rang out.

Yuu turned to face him but failed to stop the punch into his stomach, with a grunt his vision went black and he fell to the floor. The One-Eyed Reaper had been knocked out.

Lemillion immediately noticed Overhaul slowly getting up, "Now, where was I?" He began to reach for his glove once more. Deku was surprised as the girl let go of him and made her way to his side.

"What, done with your tantrum already?" He asked her. She responded with a silent nod.

"Sir, are you okay, do you need any help," Lemillion called out to Overhaul as he continued to walk away.

He waved a hand dismissively, "I'll manage, sorry for the trouble."

Izuku tried to follow the two, "Wait-"

Mirio blocked him, "We're not going after them. Didn't you notice? He showed his killing intent to pull that girl back to him. If we chase them too far, it'll be even harder to catch him. Let's ask Sir what to do." His gaze shifted to the unconscious One-Eyed Reaper, "Besides, Sir will like an update on the Reaper situation."

"It's been a week and a half since we started watching them. Fewer people are going in and out than usual." Sir Nighteye spoke to himself, his gaze glued to the Yakuza's property.

"What?!" Bubble Girl sounded shocked, causing Sir Nighteye to turn to her, "It's Million… He says they came into contact with Chisaki and managed to capture The One-Eyed Reaper."

Nighteye's eyes went wide, "Tell him to get him to the nearest police station, I want to talk to him."

Bubble Girl nodded and relayed the orders.


Jason was sitting down on the couch of the abandoned apartment when he got the text.

OER has been captured by heroes, what are your next orders.


The brunette growled at the news, this would make things ten times harder. He can't just stroll up to a police station or hero agency and kill The One-Eyed Reaper. He would need to keep an eye on him, the next chance he got he needed to ambush him. Without support from the Yakuza, things could quickly fall apart.

He pulled out his phone and sent out a message to his friend.

Use your super hearing copy and get any information you can while keeping an eye on him, I suspect that a pro hero will want to speak with him. Keep an eye out for an opportunity to ambush him, If you get one let me know and I will bring back up. Finally, if you find out about any Pro Hero moves against the Yakuza, we will inform them. Best of luck.


Brian stared down at the message and grumbled, "Easier said than done."

The blonde watched as the reaper was put in a cop car and began to be moved. With a stretch, the teen began to jump from roof to roof in an attempt to stay within sight of his target.

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