
Youth Romance Story

So panic! The vampire wanted to chase me down. Jiang Yuan has planned his future since he was seven years old. Reject everything that can affect your study, first enter the key high school in Kamakura City, then enter Tohoku University, and then rely on the resources of Tohoku University to become a social elite, and then talk about the status of the above class with a wealthy daughter In love, at the end, I will be an ordinary son-in-law and spend the rest of my life in enjoyment. When he accidentally bound the system, he thought it was just an ordinary youth romance comedy. But... who can tell me what is going on with vampires, zombies, angels, and ghosts who are only interested in my blood! ------ I'm not the original author of this, I'm just a translator. change the original title cause I think its not catchy enough original title "I just want to pay off my debts, but I am in love with non-humans" official link https://m.qidian.com/book/1027545089.html If you like my translation please supporting me https://www.patreon.com/DreamStolen

DreamStolen · Urban
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50 Chs

46. ​​My youth romance story really has a big problem

  [Complete temporary tasks: unexpected encounters]

  [in accident, the peaceful daily life is broken, you finally see the true face hidden under this world, facing a different kind of creatures, do you feel fear or alternative excitement? ]

  [Rewards: 1. Randomly draw a talent; 2. Basic attribute points *5, players can assign by themselves]

  Jiang Yuan opened his eyes in the claustrophobic darkness, and there are white canine teeth that were stained with red blood.

  "Are you awake?" The ethereal voice of the girl came from the darkness.

  He was about to speak, but immediately felt that his neck was stung by a needle.

  The girl slowly got up after she warmed up and sucked for a while with a stinging suck.

  "This is my reward for saving you, it tastes good."

  She opened her scarlet eyes: "Boys remember to protect themselves when outside, so goodbye."

  The girl quickly disappeared into the darkness. Jiang Yuan hurriedly got up, tidied up his messy clothes, and left the alley almost rolling.


  "His aunt."

  Back home, Nanshan Yumi brought a small ball to the entrance to greet him. Seeing Jiang Yuan mess, Yumi's face appeared anxious.

  "Brother, you went home half an hour later than usual. Did something happen on the road?"

  Jiang Yuan rubbed his eyebrows with exhaustion. What happened tonight was a bit outrageous. He himself hadn't cleared his thoughts, and he didn't plan to tell others about the shameful encounter.

  "I missed the tram, passed the demolition area in front, and accidentally fell, but there was no injury, Yumi, don't worry."

  He sighed, and the snacks and fruits he bought for Yumi also fell in that alley.

  Yumi patted her chest far beyond her age, and let out a sigh of relief: "It's all right, it's all right."

  She suddenly approached, sniffed Jiang Yuan body, and finally stared at his neck steadily, her expression a bit wrong.


  She recovered, and quickly covered her nose with a look of disgust.

  "Onii-chan smells so bad, go take a bath! Yumi will not hold the smelly Onii-chan!"


  Jiang Yuan smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to rub the hair on his sister's head.

  In the bathroom, Jiang Yuan looked at himself in the mirror.

  The handsome facial features, the slightly fluffy hair sprinkled the fine fragments of the sea on the forehead, the star eyes are deep and charming, and every move exudes handsomeness.

  He sighed. In the final analysis, the indecency incident tonight was that his own charm was too high, and he was single again, so he was regarded as a target.

  If the unknown girl comes one step later, her virginity is probably not guaranteed.


  Jiang Yuan leaned in the mirror and saw four blood-stained holes on his originally smooth neck, like teeth marks left after being bitten.

  Recalling the tingling suck.

  She was sucking blood at that time?

  Scarlet eyes, obviously sharp canine teeth, a heterogeneous bloodthirsty hobby.

  and many more.

  Jiang Yuan shuddered suddenly, wouldn't he meet the legendary vampire?

  Is this world really normal?

  Or is he the only one who is crazy?

  Go fuck your Youth Love Story. Whose comedy love story will appear daily? The ghost knows what weird things will he come across in the future.

  Master is not playing anymore, can this broken game be uninstalled?

  Jiang Yuan felt that he was frightened today and almost lost his virginity. But the inhuman vampire is really unacceptable!

  He was so angry that he messed up his hair.

  After taking a comfortable bath, she changed into the cute pajamas prepared by Yumi, and felt that he had to tease Little Briquettes in order to calm her frightened soul.

  "Meow~" Jiang Yuan yelled at the little black cat while holding the nutrient cream.

  Little Briquettes stood up from Yumi's arms, stretched out his four legs first, and then jumped off the sofa. When the front legs fell on the ground, he couldn't stand firmly, and his hairy body fell on the floor.

  Yumi laughed as she watched aside.


  Little Briquettes look back at Yumi and gave a cry of dissatisfaction, before wagging his tail, twisting his butt, and striding forward. He walked toward Jiang Yuan with dignity, squatted down in front of him, and stuck out his tongue. Licking th the delicious nutritional cream.

  "Yumi, do you say that there are alternative creatures in this world? For example, vampires?"

  Jiang Yuan lowered his head to feed the cat intently, and suddenly asked abruptly.


  Yumi was stunned for a moment, an inexplicable nervous expression appeared in her eyes, but it disappeared quickly. She replied subconsciously, and her tone was a bit wrong and colder than usual.

(T/N: sus...)

  "Onii-chan, you...did you find anything?"

  "Huh? Today, some classmates were talking about vampires in "Twilight", they were a little interested, I just asked." Jiang Yuan thought about his secret.

No abnormality of Yumi was found.

  "Brother, that's just a film and television work, how could it be true."

  Yumi said softly, she walked to jiang yuan back, her whole body pressed against his back, her hands wrapped around her neck, and her voice had returned to normal.

  But her eyes are still stayed on the four bright red teeth marks like small moles.

  "Yes." Jiang Yuan put down the nutrition cream and couldn't help but yawned.

  "Go upstairs, go to bed early today."

  He carried Yumi on his back and walked upstairs.

  "Uncle and aunt are not going home today?"

  "In the afternoon, Mom and Dad came back and took away some common daily necessities. They said that during this time they would stay in the factory to work overtime and live in the staff dormitory at night, so that we can take care of ourselves."


  "So, Yumi will sleep with Onii-Chan tonight!"

  "No way, no way!"

  "Yumi is scared. I was frightened by the vampire Onii-chan just mentioned. Onii-chan will be responsible to me!"

  "You said that it was a film and television work!"

  "But people are just scared~ Onii-chan~"

  "Well, well, I really can't stand you. At that moment, when you sleep in the bed, I will go back."

  "Mua~I like Onii-chan the most~"

  Carrying the clingy sister on his back, he opened the door and entered the room, leaving all the strange encounters behind him.

  He took out the quilt pillow from the cabinet and laid it on the floor, and carefully tucked the quilt corner for Yumi, before he walked to the floor and lay down.

  "Good night, Yumi."

  "Good night, Onii-chan."

  Jiang Yuan couldn't sleep, he looked at the moon outside the window, and at this moment it seemed to have become the bloody eyes he saw tonight.

  He sighed in his heart, closed his eyes, and finally fell asleep.

  "Hope is an illusion in my drowsy state..."