
Youth Romance Story

So panic! The vampire wanted to chase me down. Jiang Yuan has planned his future since he was seven years old. Reject everything that can affect your study, first enter the key high school in Kamakura City, then enter Tohoku University, and then rely on the resources of Tohoku University to become a social elite, and then talk about the status of the above class with a wealthy daughter In love, at the end, I will be an ordinary son-in-law and spend the rest of my life in enjoyment. When he accidentally bound the system, he thought it was just an ordinary youth romance comedy. But... who can tell me what is going on with vampires, zombies, angels, and ghosts who are only interested in my blood! ------ I'm not the original author of this, I'm just a translator. change the original title cause I think its not catchy enough original title "I just want to pay off my debts, but I am in love with non-humans" official link https://m.qidian.com/book/1027545089.html If you like my translation please supporting me https://www.patreon.com/DreamStolen

DreamStolen · Urban
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50 Chs

47. draw cards!

  In the middle of the night, listening to Jiang Yuan long breath, Yumi suddenly opened her eyes.

  She sat up, her loose bathrobe came off, and her flawless body was exposed to the air, as if glowing.

  Facing the beautiful moonlight, a moan came from her mouth.

  On both sides of her forehead, two small curly white horns shaped like a goat grew slowly, and black wings like fallen angels protruded from her waist. The smooth tailbone extended a pink gradient, and at the longest end was one. Red heart.


  Yumi looked at Jiang Yuan who was still asleep, and a vague name came from her throat.

  Her piercing eyes turned into a pink full of lust, the blurred colors looked at Jiang Yuan, her hands gradually stretched out towards the forest covered by the quilt...

  After an unfinished sigh, Nanshan Yumi hide her horns, tail and wings.

  She put on her pajamas again, got out of bed, and sneaked into Jiang Yuan quilt, like an octopus wrapped around him, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.


  At 6:00 the next day, Jiang Yuan woke up in a suffocating chest murder case.

  He pushed Yumi away hard, and the morning air could finally enter his chest unobstructed.

  He got up, looked at Yumi, who was sleeping well, and sighed, and re-covered the quilt she had kicked off to cover the leaked spring scenery.

  Today is Saturday, and there is no need to go to class or tutoring for problem girls, but Jiang yuan has no habit of sleeping late.

  He set an alarm clock at 8 o'clock for Yumi, and then went downstairs to wash by himself, shoveling poop from the small briquettes in the litter box, and brewing a bowl of goat milk powder to let it cool.

  After doing this, Jiang Yuan did a stretching exercise in his yard for a while, and the small briquettes also ran around chasing a butterfly.

  At 6:40 in the morning, Jiang Yuan finished his morning basic exercise. He took out Natsume Soseki's novel "I Am a Cat" from the bookcase and read it carefully.

  Seeing something interesting, he stretched out his finger to touch the nose of the little briquettes and said:

  "Our cats are much simpler. They eat when they want to eat, sleep when they want to sleep, lose their temper when they are angry, and cry when they are sad."

  Jiang Yuan held a small briquettes in his arms and whispered: "I really envy you to be a carefree cat."

  Time slipped away slowly, and after reading a short section intently, he stuck the current page with a bookmark and waited for the next morning to continue savoring.

  At this time, he remembered the reward given by the game for completing the temporary task yesterday, and Jiang Yuan silently opened the game panel.

  [Newly added basic attribute points*5, freely assignable]

  [Random talent draw*1]

  The holographic image of the virtual character occupies most of the panel.

  Character: Jiang Yuan Xinyi

  Age: 15 years old

  Intelligence: 79+

  Charm: 85+

  Physical Fitness: 34+

  After each basic attribute, there is a simple "+" character, which means that it can be directly upgraded like a game?

  Afterwards, he looked at the hidden rules with attributes added next to him.

  [Upgrading the basic attributes at different stages requires significant difference in attribute points]

  [Current intelligence, every 5 points of basic attribute value consumed, intelligence +1]

  [Current bone phase, every 6 points of basic attribute value consumed, bone phase +1]

  [Current physical fitness, every time 1 point of basic attribute value is consumed, stamina +1]

  Jiang yuan probably understands the rules of attribute upgrades. For the high-level basic attribute values, the difference between each point will be very obvious. Once upgraded, it will bring a considerable increase in attributes, so more attribute points are required to upgrade the attributes.

  For example, spending 5 points of attribute value to upgrade his intelligence to 80 points, it is estimated that he will be able to enter the ranks of outstanding geniuses and be able to conduct in-depth research in a certain field.

  He hesitated for a while. With his 79-point intelligence and his hard work more than ten years in advance, his high school knowledge was enough.

  The 85-point skeletal figure gave him the handsomeness beyond an ordinary man, and it was this beauty that made him almost robbed of his virginity by a strange woman yesterday.

  Although being handsome can increase the success rate of the target, it will also bring unnecessary trouble to his life. More importantly, he can't upgrade his bones now, and his attribute value is still a bit short.

  It now appears that the most cost-effective basic attribute at present is physical fitness. Perhaps, if his strength were a little bit stronger last night, he would not have no resistance in the hands of a woman.

  Do you want to upgrade your physical fitness?

  Jiang Yuan hesitated.

  Logically speaking, the lower the basic physical fitness score, the easier it is to improve your physical fitness through sustained exercise.

  35 points and 39 points seem to be the same, and it is a bit wasteful to use them here.

  After thinking about it for a long time, Jiang Yuan Xinyi decided to settle for the time being.

  First, you can significantly improve your physical fitness through daily exercise, and wait until the exercise effect is not good.

Then use the attribute points to upgrade, there may be a chance in the future, you can directly hit the physical score to 70 in one breath!

  Then Jiang Yuan looked at the rewards of randomly drawn talents.

  This is a thousand-side dice, including reading, sports, music, art, program development, martial arts and other major categories, which is subdivided into countless sub-categories, and then the natural ability is classified as [Beginner] [Proficient] [Specialized Research] [ Master][Grand Master]5 levels.

  In the end, the side of the dice facing upward determines the random talent drawn.

  Talent is not a direct acquisition of abilities, but the ultimate level that can be grown through hard work in the shortest time.

  Jiang Yuan took a deep breath and decided to wash his hands first.

  The probability of simply drawing a miracle on a thousand-sided dice seems too small.

  Concentrate, draw out the golden light!

  Thousand-sided dice spins steadily, and Jiang Yuan gaze rests on the high-level talents of various grandmaster levels.

  Then the dice stand still.

  Entering the eye is a golden light that is too strong to look directly at!

  Actually... is it really a golden legend?

  The golden light gradually disappeared, and the face of the thousand-side dice facing upward was impressively golden with the words "Meditation (Grandmaster)".

  Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, unable to see the specific role of the meditation talent, but there was a small yellow exclamation mark next to it. Click it to give a detailed description.

  [Meditation (Master): An excellent guide can lead students on a smoother and broader path. Players can take the initiative to initiate a meditation of any ability in reality every day. During the meditation period, there will be a corresponding sparring exercise, and practice and strengthen the ability selected by the player.]

  Jiang Yuan couldn't help but smack his tongue secretly, meditation is not like the kind of talent that directly pours a lot of skill experience into his mind, but it is comprehensive enough!

  In other words, as long as he meditates for long enough, he can theoretically become an all-round genius!

  This wave of card draws, he seems to have made a lot of money!


  (The appearance of aliens will not let the book embark on urban supernatural powers. It is still a daily life of high sugar and no knife. Please rest assured to read!)