
Youth Romance Story

So panic! The vampire wanted to chase me down. Jiang Yuan has planned his future since he was seven years old. Reject everything that can affect your study, first enter the key high school in Kamakura City, then enter Tohoku University, and then rely on the resources of Tohoku University to become a social elite, and then talk about the status of the above class with a wealthy daughter In love, at the end, I will be an ordinary son-in-law and spend the rest of my life in enjoyment. When he accidentally bound the system, he thought it was just an ordinary youth romance comedy. But... who can tell me what is going on with vampires, zombies, angels, and ghosts who are only interested in my blood! ------ I'm not the original author of this, I'm just a translator. change the original title cause I think its not catchy enough original title "I just want to pay off my debts, but I am in love with non-humans" official link https://m.qidian.com/book/1027545089.html If you like my translation please supporting me https://www.patreon.com/DreamStolen

DreamStolen · Urban
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50 Chs

45. Unexpected Encounter

After greeting sister Kaori, Jiang yuan took the tram to the nearest platform and got off.

(T/N:A tram is a train that runs on tramway track on public urban streets)

  His family lives in "Shitamachi" far away from the city. Even if you get off the tram, you still have to walk nearly two kilometers.

  At the nearby convenience store, he bought some Yumi's favorite snacks and fruits, and Jiang yuan walked in the direction of his home.

  [You have a new email]


  [Temporary Mission: Unexpected Encounter]

  [Task description: You will witness a kidnapping on the way home. Will you face the danger or shrink back? ]

  [Task reward: 1. Randomly draw a talent; 2. Basic attribute points +5]

  Looking at the mission information, Jiang Yuan fell into contemplation for a while.

  The fewer the words, the bigger the matter, the more and more outrageous the game release mission, now it is kidnapping, will bloody incidents be involved in the future?

  And this time, there are no options for acceptance or abandonment.

  Is this really just a daily love game?

  On the way home, there is no specific location or time. Is it possible to witness the abduction no matter which way you go?

  This is like the most terrible weapon of causality, because you will witness the kidnapping, so it will definitely happen on your way home.

  Standing in front of the convenience store, looking at Shitamachi, which was plunged into darkness, Jiang Yuan did not dare to leave.

  Once involved in any kidnapping case, there will be a certain degree of danger.

  He doesn't know how to solve this dilemma.

  Just like, the god of death said that you will die in an accident today, so no matter what you do, it will cause an accident and die.

  The passage of time is the last straw to break the spirit, because you don't know which second time will freeze when death comes.

  "Is there a way to break it?" he muttered to himself.

  Pay a high fare and take a taxi home?

  But if the kidnapping happened in the car, then even running away was an extravagant hope.

  Or call Yumi, tell her you will live at a classmate's house today, and then find a hotel to stay in by yourself?

  He shook his head. The kidnapping may also happen in the hotel or on the way to the hotel.

  It's not realistic.

  He took a deep breath, and since he couldn't avoid it anyway, he could only face the danger.

  Convenience stores only have daily necessities, and hardware stores that can buy sticks and knives for self-defense have already closed at this time.

  Maybe you can buy some scissors?

  However, with one's physical stamina, can scissors really cause effective damage to the opponent?

  Things that are too dangerous may cause anger on the other side.

  After some serious thinking, Jiang Yuan gave up all plans.

  This game can't let him, the only experience player, die, right?

  The downtown area in Shitamachi is not as brightly lit at night as in the urban area. It is surrounded by old-fashioned houses and dilapidated apartments that look very old.

  The old street lights erected at the intersection flickered and dimmed, and the rest of the road was completely dark.

  The dog chained in the yard can be heard barking at the slight movement outside the wall at any time.

  There seemed to be a dispute in the house in front, and the sound of something broken was heard from a distance.

  Jiang Yuan also saw a drunk middle-aged man lying at the intersection, spitting out the stench of acid water.

  He hid the bricks he picked up in his school uniform, staying vigilant at all times, and then avoided it far away.

  Walking into the front corner, Jiang Yuan suddenly turned off his mobile phone and hid in the dark.

  From the moment he got out of the car, he felt that something was wrong, and there were always gazes behind him, but every time he turned around, he found nothing but obvious footsteps.

  Is it his illusion?

  Still being followed?

  Jiang Yuan was thinking of the kidnapping prompted by the mission, and suddenly, he was directly pulled into the deeper darkness by a force.

  The man's palm was strong . With Jiang Yuan physical ability of 34, he couldn't break free. His body was controlled for the first time, and the bricks fell from his clothes weakly.

  He planned to shout for help, hoping that people living nearby could find and rescue him in time, but the person directly covered his mouth and nose with a square scarf, and could only make vague whimpers from beginning to end.

  "Little handsome guy, stop struggling, I have been observing you for a long time, and you will go home at this time every night, so you... absolutely can't escape my palm."


  The black shadow behind him stretched out his tongue and licked his earlobe, and made a deep chuckle. The voice was relatively thin. There was no doubt that it was a woman who hijacked him.

  Jiang Yuan wrist was held, and he clearly felt the resistance of the cocoon. His body seemed to be a bit bigger than an average woman, with a thick chest and a big belly. An unpleasant smell came from her, like in the road. Next to the trash can.

  It should be a single woman living in Shitamachi, or perhaps a woman who has been engaged in a lowly career for a long time. He was handsome and thinner, so this planned kidnapping occurred?

  Just to solve one's own needs, so take the risk of being a slut? !

  The so-called "witness kidnapping" in the original system,

Not someone else, but himself!

  Damn, I was cheated!

  After covering his nose and mouth, Jiang Yuan gradually felt that his body was gradually paralyzed and his limbs were weak.

  He immediately realized that there was a problem with the wet square towel.

  Jiang Yuan thought of sevoflurane, which can make people coma in a short time, but if the dose of this thing is not controlled well, it will result in death!

  Fortunately, The dose of cm sevoflurane does not seem to be large. Although the eyelids are heavy and the brain is dizzy, but his consciousness is still sober, not completely fainted, but completely lost control of his body.

  Jiang Yuan could only watch the strange woman carry him into a more remote old alley, where the darkness is almost sticky like a thick fog that cannot be removed.

  The black shadow wandered around on him, breathing heavily with a heavy nose, Jiang Yuan felt that his clothes were being untied, he wanted to resist desperately, but was powerless.

  "Little handsome guy, life is like rape. Since you can't resist, just enjoy her."

  She took off Jiang Yuan's trousers and began to untie his clothes again.

  "Relax, little handsome guy, I have no other malice against you. For a young body like you, I will let you go when I am satisfied." The woman leaned over and sniffed the smell of him.

  At this moment, there was another cold breath in the darkness.


  There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the strange woman seemed to be drawn by a tremendous force and hit the floor next to her in the next second.

  As if worried about her own affairs being revealed, she endured the pain and got up and ran towards the endless darkness ahead.

  The old street light at the intersection suddenly flickered and returned to silence again, by the fleeting light.

  Jiang Yuan seemed to see a face that was shockingly beautiful. She had a pair of scarlet eyes and fangs that were different from ordinary people.

  Then he fainted.

  Vaguely, he felt the regular ups and downs of his chest.

  There seems to be a gentle dampness between his lips...