
Yours To Claim

[Warning: Includes Mature Content Not Suitable For Young Audiences.] In the mystical world of Luden, the terms Alpha, Beta, and Omega are not just mere classifications. They are the essence of life, the core of existence, and the determinants of the destiny of its people. Luden was a world initially steeped in ancient magic but after the disappearance of the spirits in this world, magic became a lost art. After losing the grace of spirits, the land of Luden became highly influenced by a unique phenomenon known as pheromones. Procreation. In this world, Omegas were the only people who could conceive and give birth to an alpha and omega. Since betas are the product of artificial conception, known as test tube babies, through the advanced science that Luden had utilized to save their people and increase the population because the number of omegas won't be sufficient for such task. All the while, the law prohibits forcing omegas to mate and marry against their will. It was said that the last spirits that ventured into this world were nurturing spirits. Perhaps, they had foreseen this future and gifted the omegas this role. Making them invaluable assets not only for reproduction but their talents leading to advancements in culture, arts, and medicine. However, the issue remains, that for every omega in this world, there are ten alphas. And not everyone wants to partake in such a miserable future being seen and used just as a tool. *** "A lot of our people died a useless death, becoming fried chickens and smoked slices of bacon strips. So stop going outside all alone if you don't want to become a seasoned filling of a meat bun or dumpling and become the next meal of those starving humans. Do you understand?" Slouching lazily on the sofa, Estelle warned the cub on her lap sternly before her hand slid inside a bag of chips.  "After you change, you should live like I do to protect yourself! Hey, are you even listening? I didn't save you just to become an Alpha's dinner! So learn to conceal your scent and blend with those betas. Omegas like us will be forever targeted by those stupid Alpha mutts, who only think with the thing below their belt, once we reveal ourselves," she openly ridiculed and continued to nag while grabbing a mouthful of chips, without even taking away her eyes from the television. --- Book Cover is mine don't use it elsewhere. Thank you.

Cloneheart · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: I call the shots

Chapter 3: I call the shots

Annoyed, Estelle released a strong flow of scent coming from a blend of hundreds of different flowers that began to swallow the man's minty smell.

Not long after, her pheromones dispersed and covered the entire floor leaving the man unable to react in time, inhaling an amount he would rather avoid in this instance.

"H-Hey stop it! What are you thinking? You're doing something you'll regret later!" He couldn't help but exclaim. 

She's doing it again, damn it!

"You were still in your heat cycle a few hours ago."

Of course, the pull of her pheromones will be stronger than usual, and it's not good for a susceptible alpha like him. 

Is this woman trying to test his will by deliberately trying to trigger his libido or is she just plainly testing his manhood?

"Do you want me to go berserk and fucking hurt you? Damn it, you're making me insane, woman!" 

Damon moved his hand to cover his nose but the girl grabbed his face and started to kiss him, claiming him and biting his lips fiercely as though she was hungry for it.

The proximity, the skin contact, it's all making him drunk in her pheromones. So does she.

Estelle chortled, "Didn't you say you want me to give you a head?" she teased in between kisses.

"Ha... you're... playing with fire. Shit! You taste so sweet. Damn it all!" He growled and it sounded somewhat painful.

His jaw tightened as he tried to suppress the urge to bite her flawless neck and mark her his.

'Calm down now... Don't...'

"Argh..." he groaned, burned in her scorching touch as she ran her fingers on the peeking muscles of his chest down to his scrumptious abs, underneath the loosely tied robe he was wearing.

"Cute," said the girl who was visibly satisfied with his reaction.

Her hand tread further down almost hugging the raging burrito against the flimsy fabric. 

Finally, Lyric caught her hand.

In a rather low, breathless voice, "Do you want to go limp tomorrow?" his question was more of a warning. "'Cause I won't mind granting your wish and f*ck you all night until you can't stand," he feigned even though deep inside he was battling her temptation laid bare in front of him.

'Good god, calm down, Damon! Don't even think about taking a bite on her, damn it! That will be the death of you, bastard. Keep it in! Keep it fucking in!' He could hardly convince himself.


Every single fucking time they did it, he would always think of claiming and marking her.

'Get a grip and don't be greedy. She'll be all yours for the taking, patience is a fucking virtue, man!'

But no matter how much he wills it, in the end, he couldn't keep his hand in check.

It's as if the devil inside him was grinning at his actions, saying:

What's with the fuss? As long as you don't mark her. Go on, take a bite of those peaches. The sooner you finish, the sooner you'll get over that itch.

"Damn it whatever!" he blurted out, causing Estelle who was trying to give him a hard time as payback for disrupting her earlier to jump in surprise.

'What's wrong with this guy?'

"Did you eat the wrong medicine?" Estelle breaks away to check on him.

'Did he lose it?' she cradled his face and lowered it on her level, but his eyes were clear. There wasn't a sign of going into a sexual craze.

When the man caught her wrist, he fluidly snaked his hand on her waist, inside the thin fabric that shielded her from the world.

Feeling the plumpness of her hills and curves inch by inch.

"The dosage you gave me earlier wasn't enough. I guess I'll have to eat you out again. This time I won't shy myself," said Lyric and kissed her before she could say anything.

Estelle weighed his kisses before she responded, it was intense but not rough to the point of hurting.

From the start, she had planned to break his third leg if she concluded that he wasn't in his right mind and tried to force her into it. 

Thus, Lyric who maintained his level-headedness, unknowingly saved the future of his next generation and the next to come.

Meanwhile, that same man in question...

"Man, why is this piece of garbage so annoying?" his face was now burning both in lust and frustration.

'I better burn all these useless clothes next time. It's just taking up so much space. She's better without it anyway.' 

Regardless of how much Lyric wanted to grab and tear the flimsy silk which almost served no purpose of covering her mounds, into pieces, his hand halted its intent just from a pinch of the girl.


What a bummer.

A string of clear, translucent liquid, tied tongues blended in with the amorous, squelching noises created by the slapping of their oral meats.

Unable to keep the raging bull underneath his robe, he carried her to the bed with just one hand while the other held her head to deepen their kiss.

"Estelle... ride me... come on top of me..." Lyric whispered sensually in deep ragged breaths with a hint of desperation.

The girl tilted her head, glancing at his pleading look as he called out to her like he was expecting another round of smut all the way to hit home in between her legs.

Both were panting with madness, shrouding their faces with a deep shade indicating their carnal desires.

A flicker of wild light flashed in her eyes, something Damon failed to get a glimpse of due to the visible influence of the girl that hit him more than opium.

"I call the shots. Not you," she reminded but the man wasn't offended nor fazed.

In return, his next words rendered her speechless.

Lyric gave her forehead a conforming peck and obediently murmured in her flustered ears, "Alright, you can just open up those lovely legs of yours and stay still. I'll do the riding until you come loads on me..."


What the hell?!

That's definitely not what she meant!


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