
Yours To Claim

[Warning: Includes Mature Content Not Suitable For Young Audiences.] In the mystical world of Luden, the terms Alpha, Beta, and Omega are not just mere classifications. They are the essence of life, the core of existence, and the determinants of the destiny of its people. Luden was a world initially steeped in ancient magic but after the disappearance of the spirits in this world, magic became a lost art. After losing the grace of spirits, the land of Luden became highly influenced by a unique phenomenon known as pheromones. Procreation. In this world, Omegas were the only people who could conceive and give birth to an alpha and omega. Since betas are the product of artificial conception, known as test tube babies, through the advanced science that Luden had utilized to save their people and increase the population because the number of omegas won't be sufficient for such task. All the while, the law prohibits forcing omegas to mate and marry against their will. It was said that the last spirits that ventured into this world were nurturing spirits. Perhaps, they had foreseen this future and gifted the omegas this role. Making them invaluable assets not only for reproduction but their talents leading to advancements in culture, arts, and medicine. However, the issue remains, that for every omega in this world, there are ten alphas. And not everyone wants to partake in such a miserable future being seen and used just as a tool. *** "A lot of our people died a useless death, becoming fried chickens and smoked slices of bacon strips. So stop going outside all alone if you don't want to become a seasoned filling of a meat bun or dumpling and become the next meal of those starving humans. Do you understand?" Slouching lazily on the sofa, Estelle warned the cub on her lap sternly before her hand slid inside a bag of chips.  "After you change, you should live like I do to protect yourself! Hey, are you even listening? I didn't save you just to become an Alpha's dinner! So learn to conceal your scent and blend with those betas. Omegas like us will be forever targeted by those stupid Alpha mutts, who only think with the thing below their belt, once we reveal ourselves," she openly ridiculed and continued to nag while grabbing a mouthful of chips, without even taking away her eyes from the television. --- Book Cover is mine don't use it elsewhere. Thank you.

Cloneheart · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Suck it up

Chapter 2: Suck it up

Meanwhile, Lyric paid no mind to her reaction and continued to admire her delicate facial features which was the opposite of her feisty behavior.

He shook his head and gave an honest and passionate remark, "I just thought that those blinding city lights don't hold a candle to your spark. I wouldn't mind burning my eyes by staring at you all day, sweetheart."

A picturesque reflection matching a blend of purple and gold-dusted aura which looked like enchanting fireflies dancing with the northern lights formed around the girl. Lyric could vividly see the pheromones she was emitting as they registered in his vision.

Lyric's eyes darkened, and the strong scent of his pheromone suddenly burst and filled her senses as he unconsciously released them.

"I'm warning you, Lyric. Stop it. I'm not in the mood," she said firmly. 

Estelle took a step back avoiding the rush of the soothing mint that brazenly entered her nostrils and attacked her from the inside.

But it wasn't calming her at all!

Worse, it was beginning to cloud her will, had she not tried to breakaway and just welcomed it into her system.

However, despite her efforts, the man continued to press forward until she could no longer move further when her back hit the solid rails on the balcony.

"Whoa! You're hurting my feelings, princess. After you used my body to quench your heat, now you're running away?" His heated gaze locked on her luscious nape, and not a second later, he leaned forward and whispered seductively, with a hint of playful tone that crossed his natural thin pinkish lips.

"Instead of sucking those distasteful cigarette butts, why don't you suck my d*ck as you did earlier? Though I prefer having to hear you moan my name instead of filling your mouth I could fill you down there, and hear you cry in pleasure clearly," he teased, deliberately mentioning how she gave her a head hoping to see her blush.

"What do you think, Ms. Wright?" he smirked, teasingly calling her by her last name, "Or would you rather be Mrs. Lyric? I don't mind adding you that title and making you my twelve children's mother," he added, carefully observing her reaction.

It's just that, instead of being flustered as he had hoped for, the girl looked up and matched his line of sight. Her intense dark orbs made Lyric instinctively gulp.

Although his two-meter figure towered over her with the two-head difference in height, the man felt as though he was being put in his place and stared down.

"Damon Lyric, do you know what I hate the most?" she asked out of the blue, giving the man a huge sense of foreboding.

[A/N: So, his first name was actually Damon but Estelle likes to call him Lyric.]

"You said you hate... silver hair," he automatically answered as though it was an established fact between them.

Either way, a tinge of confusion whittled his well-maintained handsome face.

Why would she ask that so suddenly?

"Right, I hate silver the most. That aside, what do you think is next?" she asked once more, a curve slowly forming in her frosty lips.

The man flinched as though he had remembered something. His insides were instantly filled with a sense of trepidation. But before he could find his voice to respond, the girl put her hands on his tensed shoulders and tip-toe.

Without batting an eye, she reminded the man coldly, "First I hate silver hairs. I only let you by my side because you don't look like him, but you mustn't misunderstand our relationship. I hate people who cling to me like leeches. And I'm not your princess... neither your Juliet, Mr. Romeo," she broke their contact and looked at him grimly.

"If you want twelve kids, why don't you marry a pig instead?" she gushed.

His jaw clenched, not by her last sentence but at the mention of an irrelevant person being compared to him but he had to suck it up.

It's either he starts getting pissed and lose her or stay with her and put up with it.

He would choose the former any day.

'You're the one here with her, not him. Pull your shit together and get your act straight.' He thought resolutely, 'She's yours now. No.' His expression turned serious.

Lyric ground his teeth, and his breathing deepened.

'Estelle has always been mine. All mine, no one else's.'

Seeing the man's mind floating elsewhere, Estelle furrowed her brows looking rather upset from his apparent neglect.

She doesn't really know why but the mere action was nagging at her.

Oblivious to the man's deep thoughts, a pout slowly formed as the girl pulled a long face. 

It wasn't known if she intended it or was it merely out of reflex when she reached out her hand and pinched his cold cheeks to get his attention.

She blinked and blinked once more, biting her unconsciously parted mouth after the sudden childish action.

'Ugh...' she groaned inwardly, before quickly masking her slip and feigning a scowl.

"Are you even listening to me?" she bellowed. 

Pulled from his trance, Lyric quickly snapped and cleared his throat before responding, "Ahem! O-Of course, I am." then flashing a gentle yet uneven smile due to her pulling his cheek wayward. "I'm sorry. I'm merely teasing you," his voice came out a little slurred.

Appearing as if those possessive tendencies hadn't crossed his mind, he covertly put a seal in his inner demons after realizing he had crossed the line and felt too comfortable.

Estelle snorted, disapprovingly, obviously not buying his excuse.

"Tsk, this is why men are so annoying. They just pay attention when it involves feeding their whims and itch," she grumbled without trying to conceal her opinions.

Lyric stood awkwardly, "... Why would you say itch? You're making me blush, sweetheart." He feigned a chuckle, trying to put humor in his words but it only made the atmosphere brittle, he sighed.

'Great. Did I just get another negative point?'

He was reeling in his mind and lost in his thoughts for a second when he felt something so out of touch.

Something hot and damp grazed against his lips.

'... Probably not, right?' 

His initial surprise gradually turned into a delight and soon began craving more from her.

Lyric didn't try to protest any longer, ultimately finding himself drowning in thirst in her oasis to satisfy his desire to conquer.

"Hmm, maybe you're right. Now I can barely keep my shaft itching for your wet p*ssy. Oh no, you can't bolt off now, babe. You have to take responsibility and ride me like crazy," he whispered and carried her to the bed without wasting more time when he felt her backing away.


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