
Yours To Claim

[Warning: Includes Mature Content Not Suitable For Young Audiences.] In the mystical world of Luden, the terms Alpha, Beta, and Omega are not just mere classifications. They are the essence of life, the core of existence, and the determinants of the destiny of its people. Luden was a world initially steeped in ancient magic but after the disappearance of the spirits in this world, magic became a lost art. After losing the grace of spirits, the land of Luden became highly influenced by a unique phenomenon known as pheromones. Procreation. In this world, Omegas were the only people who could conceive and give birth to an alpha and omega. Since betas are the product of artificial conception, known as test tube babies, through the advanced science that Luden had utilized to save their people and increase the population because the number of omegas won't be sufficient for such task. All the while, the law prohibits forcing omegas to mate and marry against their will. It was said that the last spirits that ventured into this world were nurturing spirits. Perhaps, they had foreseen this future and gifted the omegas this role. Making them invaluable assets not only for reproduction but their talents leading to advancements in culture, arts, and medicine. However, the issue remains, that for every omega in this world, there are ten alphas. And not everyone wants to partake in such a miserable future being seen and used just as a tool. *** "A lot of our people died a useless death, becoming fried chickens and smoked slices of bacon strips. So stop going outside all alone if you don't want to become a seasoned filling of a meat bun or dumpling and become the next meal of those starving humans. Do you understand?" Slouching lazily on the sofa, Estelle warned the cub on her lap sternly before her hand slid inside a bag of chips.  "After you change, you should live like I do to protect yourself! Hey, are you even listening? I didn't save you just to become an Alpha's dinner! So learn to conceal your scent and blend with those betas. Omegas like us will be forever targeted by those stupid Alpha mutts, who only think with the thing below their belt, once we reveal ourselves," she openly ridiculed and continued to nag while grabbing a mouthful of chips, without even taking away her eyes from the television. --- Book Cover is mine don't use it elsewhere. Thank you.

Cloneheart · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Luden, The World of Pheromones

Chapter 4: Luden, The World of Pheromones

In the mystical world of Luden, the terms Alpha, Beta, and Omega are not just mere classifications. They are the essence of life, the core of existence, and the determinants of the destiny of its people.

Luden was a world initially steeped in ancient magic but after the disappearance of the spirits in this world, magic became a lost art.

Over the centuries that passed, Luden thrived and entered the age of modernization. Even without the help of the famed ancient magic, it flourished through the help of advanced science.

However, the mark of magic didn't entirely fade.

After losing the grace of spirits, the land of Luden became highly influenced by a unique phenomenon known as pheromones.

These are not the typical chemical signals found in the animal kingdom. Instead, they are powerful, mystical forces that manifest in every individual right at the age of thirteen, a significant milestone marking the transition from childhood to adulthood.

It can be associated with an individual's aura and scent that can be passed on through the parent's genes. However, in some instances, even having an alpha parent doesn't guarantee a sure ball alpha offspring. 

In any case, people's pheromones vary even within the same class, some are strong, perhaps too strong while others lack it.


They are the people you can never ignore, but can't mess with either.

The Alphas are the leaders, the pioneers, the trailblazers in each nation. You can always know it with just the way they stand and portray themselves.

Endowed with an irresistible aura and commanding pheromones, they naturally rise to positions of power and influence.

The president, prime minister, judge, CEO, beauty queens, idols, Olympians and athletes.

Probably most of the prominent positions out there are filled with these beasts.

Their pheromones, potent and compelling, often lead them to be instinctive leaders, guiding others with their strategic acumen and charismatic presence.


Betas are the mediators, the peacekeepers, the glue that holds society together. They are the working class and ordinary citizens who hold the highest percentage of the population in Luden.

Though they weren't as outstanding as the Alphas, their pheromones promote harmony and cooperation, making them essential for maintaining social balance in this world.

One thing that makes them unique is the fact that they don't emit or sense pheromones. Thus, they weren't influenced by this mystical force, maintaining a level-headed choice against its seduction.

This makes them appropriate for the role of nations' diplomats, and negotiators, the ones who bridge the gap between the Alphas and Omegas, ensuring a cohesive and harmonious coexistence.


The Omegas are the nurturers, the creators, the heart of Luden. Though low in number, their pheromones are associated with life.


They were the only people who could conceive and give birth to an alpha and omega. Since betas are the product of artificial conception, known as test tube babies, through the advanced science that Luden had utilized to save their people and increase the population because the number of omegas wouldn't be sufficient for such task.

All the while, the law prohibits forcing omegas to mate and marry against their will.

[A/N: The term test tube baby is a non-medical term used decades ago while referring to IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization. The term test tube baby came into being because of the general idea that an embryo is formed in a test tube instead of the woman's fallopian tube.]

It was said that the last spirits that ventured into this world were nurturing spirits. Perhaps, they had foreseen this future and gifted the omegas this role. Making them invaluable assets not only for reproduction but their talents leading to advancements in culture, arts, and medicine.

However, the issue remains, for every omega in this world, there are ten alphas.

Some alphas are driven into madness because of their sexual desire to mate with omegas which often turns into accidents and assaults.

Thus far, more and more alphas would choose to marry betas, but more often than not, it would result in a dead marital life. Since betas could not really provide the pheromones that alphas needed to cool down and satisfy their ruts.

The interplay between the Alphas, Betas, and Omegas forms the backbone of Luden's society, creating a dynamic and vibrant world where everyone has a role to play and a destiny to fulfill.

However, amidst that growing society remains an elusive truth.

Spirits didn't entirely vanish.

They just deteriorated into Larkians, a form closest to their original bodies as spirit beasts, which was oddly similar to normal animals after the ancient spirits committed a taboo by engaging too intimately with humans, producing the first batch of half-bloods who were able to emit the mystical scent known as today's pheromones.

Despite what happened to their kind, the Larkians' intelligence didn't wane. 

To be precise, humans were the ones who couldn't understand their speech for all these years, creating a rift between the two species as humans continued to kill and capture Larkians for their own entertainment, using them as 'highly intelligent' pets for their own amusement.

While not knowing their origins.

Thus, the fall of the once revered spirit beasts. Both in number and in glory.

"A lot of our people died a useless death, becoming fried chickens and smoked slices of bacon strips. So stop going outside all alone if you don't want to become a seasoned filling of a meat bun or dumpling and become the next meal of those starving humans. Do you understand?"

Slouching lazily on the sofa, the girl warned a cub on her lap sternly before her hand slid inside a bag of chips. 

"After you change, you should live like I do to protect yourself! Hey, are you even listening? I didn't save you just to become an Alpha's dinner! So learn to conceal your scent and blend with those betas. Omegas like us will be forever targeted by those stupid Alpha mutts, who only think with the thing below their belt, once we reveal ourselves," she openly ridiculed and continued to nag while grabbing a mouthful of chips, without even taking away her eyes from the television.

Ah, this again!

The little cub suppressed letting out a leaden whine.

"Geez! I know that already, alright? But sister how are even certain that I will be an Omega? What if I'm an Alpha and go on a rut instead of heat?" the cub grumbled.

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