
Chapter 16

"We have failed and doom is upon us" Said the blue haired being with a sorrowful voice..

The other beings weren't any better as their expressions were also filled with sorrow. They had spend the last 4 years searching for Siyionme, Asnemiola and most importantly, the baby they had. They wanted to kill that baby at all costs even if they were to lose their lives to Gelbius later, but, wouldn't they have the last laugh in such a situation?

One of the Celestials rose from his throne and spoke:

"Do we not still have 2months left, should we not be making them count and continue our search, we might be lucky and find them in a short amount of time"

The one who spoke was a man with blonde hair and yellow eyes whose name was Himeru, he had the divinity of Intelligence. Of all the people present, he was the only one who refused to fall into despair and thought it best to continue their search that to sit here without aim.

He refused to give up before the time has ended.

The pink haired lady who was on front shook her head and pointed somewhere above them:

"It's already began"

The Celestials looked at the direction the goddess of time had pointed and all rose from their thrones from surprise. Their bodies trembled and sweat developed on every part of their bodies drenching their clothes.

They all saw a huge and tall (700 floors) building in cylindical shape forming out of nowhere. It was surrounded with beautiful silver particles of twinkling lights.

However, despite its beauty, all of them knew that what was inside was more terrifying than all of them combined.



There were three blazing red suns wantonly showering their deadly heat on the wastelands. The seemingly endless red sands stretched into the horizon, so vast that it was impossible to see the end of it with the best of eyes. And to make it worse, the air was filled with a purple gas like substance that looked like it could kill with a single sniff of.

But, despite its deadlines, there were more than seven hundred quintillion beings living here. Their skin was red and their eyes were also red with no hair on their heads but, there were goat like horns of different sizes. These beings were none other than, the abominations of the world

The demons

There were different types of them for example, the Succubus and incubus-These were the type of demons that are lustful and had the power to enslave weak willed mortals in Lust. They also had great stamina.

Although, this power is great, however, they had their weakness which is, they are weak in combat. If they were to be stripped of their power, they would be nothing and could be defeated by a human.

Currently, these nefarious beings were also witnessing the grand display of many towers surrounded with the silver aura appearing out of nowhere. Their hearts which were used to pleasure of sin were beating in terror and fear as they were sensing many powerful and dreadful auras that surpassed their own.

Not only them, but, the demon lords themselves were also shivering as they saw this. It was a miracle itself that they were still standing on their feet.

"We are doomed" Said a female demon that looked similar to a human except that it had two long horns on its forehead. Her name was Helleis, one of the top demons that ruled the underworld.

There were also 4 others with her shivering at the sight of those towers, the energy that emanated within them was so frighteningly high that comparing it with theirs was like comparing a single grain of sand with a whole dessert.

"We can only hope that Siyionme won't take revenge otherwise, we will all be wiped out in a single minute or less"


Back in the mortal world

It was midday and the people were going on about their daily lives. Men were doing business, women were busy doing chores with some gossiping in their houses and children were playing with their friends.

As there was no war or serious quarrels, the atmosphere in their world was peaceful and calm that almost everyone had a smile on their faces.


The ground suddenly shook violently and many people who were unlucky got buried under their houses when the humongous tremor happened.




Men, women and children started to panic running in different directions. The peaceful atmosphere that was there a few seconds ago was replaced by a great chaos.

"What the h***!!!"

A man suddenly cursed pointing in a direction at which, a big tsunami was coming from heading their way and they knew that, if it catches up to them, they would cease to exist.

"RUN!!!" Another man yelled with all his might telling people to escape and 'try' to save their lives even if it was futile, they could atleast try right?

Every race in whichever world was experiencing the same phenomenon and doing their best to save their lives.

Tornadoes, Volcanoes, tsunamis and other destructive agents of nature brought about disaster killing many in their wake.

Men abandoned their children and wives in their futile attempt to escape from these disasters.

Those who still had honor in them, used all of their power and resources trying to buy others time but, alas, they could not even buy a single second but, they atleast died like heroes, unlike others.

Suddenly, everything came to an abrupt halt and disappeared.

"What happened?" A woman with red hair who had survived the tragedy asked.

There was confusion on the faces of those who had survived as they tried to think of what had just happened.

They could not just treat this as a natural phenomenon as it had killed many and destroyed a lot of their world.

They wanted to know but some did not care and were happy to be alive...

Amidst their confusion and celebrations, something started happening that caused the expressions of those who were happy to survive to turn sour

The ground started shaking once again.
