
Chapter 15

"Vivian, give it back and I'll forget your trespassing"The king spoke in a very low voice but the anger he was feeling could be seen in his eyes which currently looked like crystallized blood.

Plus, his current appearance was proof enough that he was angry. There weren't many people who knew about but, but those who did know that, he could only transform when he is angry and thirsty for blood.

Vivian was scared of his appearance but as a knight who had fought many miscellaneous opponents with different shapes and forms, she did not lose her courage to fear.

With a serious face, Vivian opened her mouth and spoke:

"No, I will not give it back, you might be a king but, you are not a worthy one, and only those who are worthy deserve the power within this crown"

The King almost lost control of himself when he heard her words.

The crown was called 'Alpha Of Kramesh'. It was made by the first king of Kramesh 'Alfheimenreineral Thishtereinstein' who bravely fought millions of demons who inhabited the land and built this kingdom from scratch.

His power exceeded that of many living beings and was only matched by 10 people of his time. But despite having all that power, he still could not escape the one fate every mortal must face.....


Death was formidable and savage that even a strong person like him could not avoid it. But, he at least wanted his kingdom to be safe even in his absence.

He used a lot of his life to research ways to protect his kingdom in his death. He even developed a lot of useful things in his research that are being used by the people of the present time.

After 30 years, he finally found a way to do so. He developed a spell that could take a person's power and make it into an artifact, a weapon, or even give it to someone else, however, as his power was too much, no being or material could contain it.

This made him waste another 50 years of his life scouting for a solution. In these years he also developed a lot of useful materials and knowledge that is now being studied by children in Academies.

After his fifty years of research, he finally developed a spell called 'all creation' that could be used to create anything of your liking as long as you have the amount of power required.

He then used half his power to create the seven stones and embedded them onto the crown-making whoever shall wear it to be capable of accessing both half his power and the vast knowledge he had gathered.

However, he also put conditions which are written in a book called 'Kings' found in the royal library only accessible to the royal family

But, there was one condition known to everyone:

'you have to be worthy'

Although no one knew how to fulfill this condition, Vivian was hundred percent sure that king Lysander Imperiosus was not worthy.

She knew how he got his power.

"Just give me the crown women"King Lysander spoke with a harsher tone trying to intimidate Vivian. Although he knew that there were conditions that could be said as 'rules' in other words, he believed that he could find a way to use it without fulfilling them. And now, this woman tries to steal it from him, he was not gonna let her go.

Vivian saw that the king was trying to scare her and it worked a little, however, she did not show it externally as she did not want him to see her as a weak woman.

"People like Queen Kselia, Lady Margaret and Priestess Syna are the only people worthy of such power. A demon like you only deserves to burn in hell alone for all of eternity"

The king reacted to the last name said by Vivian and was distracted for a little thinking about something but, that was a big mistake he instantly regretted.

Vivian jumped out of the window and disappeared like a ghost. No trail of her was left.



And that's how she was able to escape from the castle and right now, she was dissapearing using the crow's power. Although she did not qualify to use a lot of the power, she could still use 2% of it. But it is not to be underestimated as it gave her two abilities, infinite stamina and telepotation.

"I should find queen Kselia" She thought as her eyes flashed with determination.


4 Years and 8months later

Somewhere above the sky, more than 1000 beings could be seen seated on thrones in a big pagoda. All of them had expressions that could scare a grown man on sight. It was as if they were at a funeral burying not a loved one but their futures as well.

They were none other than the celestials who had gathered for a very 'important' meeting and judging by their expressions, one could tell that whatever it was, it was bad.

A woman with pink hair and a man with blue hair appeared on the stage and swept their gazes on every one present.


Seeing their ugly expressions, the blue haired man opened his mouth and spoke:

"We have failed and doom is upon us"


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