
Chapter 17


The ground tremored once again prompting the people to panic again.

"ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!" One of the people yelled as he ran trying to save his life.

Others also thought the same but, that did not stop them from trying to escape. Their will to live was so great that, despite knowing that it was futile, their feet refused to give in and be

killed by the brutal phenomenon.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Volcanoes and deep waters erupted from the ground roaring to the skies. The tornadoes once again came forth and merged with the volcano and waters creating a deadly combination that started wiping more than 100 people every 30 seconds.

This was what one would call...

Total annihilation!


In the Gura forest

A middle-aged man could be seen lying helplessly on the ground. His entire body was filled with grave wounds, it was truly a miracle that he was still alive, although, he could not move a muscle.

He was none other than the middle-aged man who was with Hestince and Connor.

"Am I going to die?" When this thought appeared in his mind, his heart clenched in defiance and fear enveloped his whole being.

He didn't want to lose his life

His thoughts wandered as he started thinking about his youth days when he got the sword of Scathach. A weapon feared by many.

Although, he could not use it to its fullest potential because he lacked the evil and rigorous personality, the amount he could use was still considerably high that it made him complacent.

The middle-aged man could still remember the day he destroyed a certain Church in Gelhan.

There, he met a priest who asked him a question:

"Are you not afraid of God's punishment after your death?"

The young him smirked hearing that question thinking that the priest was trying to buy time. He walked closer to him and pointed his sword at him slightly grazing his skin which started bleeding.

He then opened his mouth and spoke:

"Death?, Death is my prostitute, I 'do' her every day and you know what" His smile became big and scary" She begs for more every time I do her"

He then saw the priest shaking his head looking like he pitied him which did not go well with him:

"Any last words priest?"

The priest stopped shaking his head and beamed a beautiful smile on his aged face:

"Even if you are strong now, you won't be able to escape death when your time comes"

His young self just looked at the old priest like he was looking at a delusional fool. He neither believed in God nor the devil. According to him, their existences were nothing but a big fat lie to control people and use them.

But now that he was on the brink of death, he could not help but start to wonder if it was wrong of him to insult their names as he did.

What is it that lies beyond the doors of death?

Is it judgment to go to hell or heaven?

Or is it complete perishment of the soul?

So many questions but no definite answer. Everything is always a debate.

The eyes of the middle-aged man started to lose their shine despite his resistance. He wanted to live and maybe repent

But, it was too late, he could not do anything about it. He had taken thousands of lives, destroyed churches, cursed God, and worst of all, he even called death his b***ch he f***ks every day making her beg for more.

"Maybe it's her who is pulling my soul to take her revenge"

The middle-aged man's eyes lost their luster and he died there.


Soon after the middle-aged man's death, his sword started glowing with a golden brilliance and flew in a direction with lightning speed.


Above the clouds

"Say, stop all"


"Come on, say it, 'Stop all"


Two beautiful ladies could be seen staring at a small blue-silver haired child seated on a big rectangular table seemingly, trying to get him to say something

But, alas, the baby kept looking at them as if they were speaking a foreign language he could not comprehend. His small hands were palming by the table and the cute expression on his face made him look irresistible but, the two ladies did not look affected by such a display.

They definitely weren't

There was also a lady with blonde hair who was inferior to the other two, especially the one with pink hair, but, she still stood out if she were to be compared with 'normal' women. She was dressed in a fancy looking maid dress, wearing white gloves. Her ocean blue eyes looked at the two ladies who were asking no, they were 'commanding' that he says the words they wanted him to say.

But for her perspective, it was stupid since she knew that the child did not have teeth to pronounce those words.

Kselia sighed as she saw her mistresses try their hard to do the impossible.

It's been 4 years and 7 months since she started living with these two saviors of hers. She had to admit that working here was hectic especially considering that, her mistress with silver hair always wakes her up during the night to cook lots of food without the one with the pink hair knowing, but, she got used to it and as time passed, she actually started enjoying it.

The treatment she got here was the best that she even forgot all about her problems of the past and started creating new memories with the three and even learnt their personalities.

Siyionme was helpful, caring and kind and, as for Asnemiola, well, she really did not have much good to say except that, she is kind.

She also played with the little baby named Twilight. She saw him grow from being a baby to a toddler. His hair was blue at first but strange silver streaks grew and now, it's hybrid, a mixture of blue and silver.

But, too bad, he still could not speak despite his age which was not really normal but, since she did a checkup with her power and found him perfectly healthy, she didn't really pursue the matter that much.

There was only one thing that puzzled her, which is, the two ladies take turns breastfeeding the child.

Was that normal?

Definitely not!

How was it possible for miss Asnemiola to produce milk despite not giving birth?

To this day, she still did not know why and like a good maid, she did not question her mistresses.


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I'm really trying my best with grammar but, without your support, the motivation is not in its best form.