
Chapter 14

"W-we have b-bad news sir" One of the two integrity knights kneeling before the king spoke stuttering. It never ends well when you tell bad news and to make it worse, he did not have any good news to calm the king...

He's in trouble

"Speak" The king commanded with a calm and overbearing voice filled with authority that the two knights' hearts almost jumped out of their chests from fear.

The knight started his report:

Your majesty, we went to Veronica's to borrow her crystal ball so that we could see the situation at the Crater like you had ordered us to and... "The knight looked like he was hesitant to say the next words. Beads of sweat fell from his face.

" And? "

Hearing the king asking, he knew that there was no way he could avoid saying it, so, he continued:

" They were all killed by soldiers from Gelhan including the two generals and...."

The knight wanted to say something more, but, before he could continue, they both felt a heavy pressure pressing on them as if a huge mountain had been dropped on their shoulders. Even staying in their kneeling position had become difficult but, they had to endure it if they did not want to disappoint the king with a pathetic display.

They both looked at the king's expression and almost peed their pants when they saw it. They were sure that if the devil from hell were here, the two would look like twins.

His eyebrows were creased with lots of veins on his face and, on his head, there were big horns that resembled a goat's. He truly looked like a creature from hell.

"Go and tell General Marco, General Timer, General George, General William, and General Zack to show up here RIGHT NOW!!!"

The two knights peed their pants when they heard the king's voice that sounded like it had come from the depths of hell, it was so deep and commanding that it sounded like Lucifer's, and the fact that he had horns on his head made it worse for them,

"Yes, Your Majesty"the knight immediately ran out of the throne room with all his might leaving the other one alone with the monster. He promised himself that, after he does his given task, he would quit and run away from this kingdom with his family.

Who wants to serve a demon like that?



The other knight gulped as he saw his companion run away like that leaving him alone. He lowered his gaze a little and saw a trail of yellow liquid.

It was during times like these the knights regretted their jobs.

"And you?"

The knight almost jumped when he heard the king's demonic voice speak to him.

"Y-Yes, sir!"

The knight calmed himself down a little and then spoke:

"We could not find her and..." The knight paused and looked at the king before continuing, "It has become impossible to locate her with the resources we have sir"

"Oh" was the king's only response but if one were to look into his red eyes, they would see the unfathomable rage in them. This news made him angrier than the first.

The knight waited for his fate as he did a silent prayer hoping that the king would not kill him. Although the king did not explicitly show it, he knew that he was angry and he surely did not want to be a victim of his anger.


When the knight heard the king's words, he felt like a sinner who had been freed from hell and allowed to enter heaven. His heart palpitated in elation and all the fear he was feeling disappeared like it never existed.

"Yes, your majesty" The knight rose and started walking to the exit with a happy smile on his face


Just as he thought he was free, he heard the king's voice speak once again saying the words that made him super angry.

"Bring me your wife"


Somewhere in a big forest, a beautiful lady with long blue hair and mesmerizing brown eyes ran with all her might.

Half the skirt of her dress was torn revealing a pair of her beautiful, long, white legs. Her feet were bare, she was not wearing shoes however, she did not look like she cared for anything.

On her head, there was a golden crown that was designed for a 'king'. This beautiful lady was none other than Vivian, the supposed new queen of Kramesh.


After Kselia left, she was alone with the king in the throne room.

"Go wait for me in my chamber," The king told her in a commanding tone.

"Yes, Your Majesty" She turned around and started walking to the said chamber.

As she was a lady of nobility, the elegance and grace in her movements caused the eyes of the servants to stick on her. She carried herself pretty well.

She asked some servants for directions along the way and finally arrived. She closed the door and started searching for something as she deranged the entire room.

After searching for 10 minutes, she finally found what she wanted. It was a crown with different colored stones, red, yellow, green, purple, black, and white.

She took a pair of white gloves from her cleavage and wore them. After that, she took the crown and wore it on her head.

The seven stones on the crown glowed when she put it on her head.

With a satisfied smile, she walked to the window intending to go out from there, however, just as she was about to go out, the door of the room opened violently and a tall figure dashed in with a horrifying look on his face.

It was none other than the king of Kramesh. His eyes which were normally red seemed to have gotten even redder. Veins were all over his body and two goat-like horns were on his head.