


"What did you say!?" The old man hit the table from surprise and rose from his chair..

It's not like he did not hear what was said but, it's quite a habit of people to ask again when something unbelievable had been said.

Skyla put down his cup and spoke once again but clarifying his words this time:

"If you go to the Gura forest in Kramesh with your Xionometer, you will find a location with Xion energy over 5 000"

After saying that, Skyla continued eating his meal. He had not eaten for over 2days and was quite hungry to the point where he had ordered the maids of the mansion to give him more than 5 servings.

The old man just looked at Skyla with a shocked look.

He had lived for more than 50years and has studied the history of not only his kingdom but others' as well. In his studies and experiences, never once had he ever heard of a phenomenon that could gather more than 100 Xion energy, let alone 5000 plus.

'Is he messing around with me?' He wondered as he stared at Skyla who was eating his food not even bothering to assure him or provide any proof.

'No, he wouldn't do that'

The old man and Skyla did not have a direct relationship, rather, him and Skyala's parents were friends but they parted ways when Skyala's father chose to be a Knight for Kramesh. He on the other hand took his family from there and settled in this Kingdom 'Hebivah' with his family doing merchant business and another reason why he thought this kingdom to be the best was because, the king of this place was a close friend of his.

The king of Hebivah was a kind and generous man who would do anything to make his kingdom a heaven for his people. He deeply cares for his people but, that's it

He only cared for his people.

But that's a good thing since most kings do not even care for their own. Other kings would use resources for their own purposes without sparing a little for their people and if anyone tries to say something about it, only death awaits them.

"So, what's the catch?" The Oldman finally asked. He decided to hear about it and if it's all lies, well, he wouldn't care. It's not like he would lose anything by sending his servant to check it out.

Skyla stopped eating his 'sixth' plate and answered:

"There are soldiers from Gelhan and probably some from Kramesh"

The old man did not look scared at all. He knew that acquiring the treasure from that place was gonna be tough.

Treasures formed from Xion energy could be weapons or artifacts that could give life or boost one's power etc.

Some might even get abilities, for example, Skyala, he got the golden eyes of the seventh lucifer. These eyes weren't just from useless things like Skyla uses them for but way more.

Only the old man and a few people in the world knew their true worth.

They wouldn't be called, the golden eyes of the seventh lucifer for nothing after all.

'What if I get the treasure from that place'

When this thought flashed in the old man's eyes, a big smile bloomed on his face. This was a golden opportunity for him to make a big name for himself in the world and, there was also a chance that he might find something to make him live forever which was a dream for millions.

As the old man drowned in his fantasies, Skyla had a different thought in mind:

"If this old man succeeds in defeating those two with his army and friends, that's when I'll step in like a big boss, kill them all and collect the treasure for myself"

A smile similar to the old man's appeared on his face as he thought of his future plans and the possible treasure that might pop up from the huge amount of Xion energy.

"Haha, King of Kramesh and those bastards from Gelhan especially that old man, I will have my revenge"

A cruel smile appeared on his face and a cold glint flashed in his eyes.



The streets were filled with people going on with their daily lives with happy smiles on their faces. Some were selling in markets and some were buying, everyone looked happy

However, the king looked mighty angry. Blackish aura that screamed death surrounded his frame as he sat on his throne wearing nothing. There was woman, no, a girl aged about 18-19 seated his manhood the way she came into the world. She seemed tired and looked like she could not even move a muscle.

Aside from that girl, there were also other female servants of the castle almost about 50 standing in line at the left side and on the right side, there were naked females lying lifelessly lying on the cold floor.

The king looked irritated and violently grabbed the long black hair of the girl seated on him and pulled it roughly.

"Owww!" The girl screamed with all her might from the pain but she could not move even her finger so, she had no other choice than to just cry.

The other servants shivered even more seeing one of their own who they have worked alongside of being treated like that

But, what could they do?

If they even dared to show dissatisfaction, their and their familys' heads would fly like cannon balls. Even if they had worked together, they felt like it was not worth losing their lives for someone who you are not related to by blood.

The king slightly lifted the screaming girl by her hair and the next second, he forcefully pushed her down.

"Ahhh!" The girl screamed powerlesly as the king used her body like a toy. He kept on repeating the same process until the girl's eyes lost their shine.

"Useless" The king spoke and threw the girl's body to where the other dead girls were.

"Next!" The king spoke.

"Y-Yes" A girl about the age of 19 wearing a maid uniform who was standing at the front of the line walked forward with timid steps.

Fear was apparent in her eyes and her body shivered like a cat in the cold. She walked forward and took off the maid dress and then her undergarments. When she was done taking everything off, she walked closer to the king.

The king's foot kept tapping on the ground as he watched the girl slowly walk to him. His patience was running out each passing second.

As the girl was only a meter from the throne, she suddenly stopped and did something not even the king expected.

She knelt on the ground and spoke:

"I'm sorry, but, I can't have sex with you, my virginity is only for the one who marries me"

The king was surprised that someone actually rejected him. He was the strongest man in the kingdom and not to mention, he was the king.

He would never tolerate desrespect especially from a mere servant.

"Too bad" The king spoke making the girl shudder in fear, "You must die"

"Wh...." Before the girl could even finish he sentence, she felt her body levitate and flew to the kings raised arm.


She felt a strong grip on her neck that made her unable to breathe, she felt suffocating and the pain from being grabbed like that wasn't making things any better.

However, despite all that, a small smile formed on her face.

At least, she was not going to be defiled by a cruel and heartless man like him.

Death was even better for her.

She neither had a family nor friends other than the maids she worked with and she was sure that, they would not miss her and will most probably gossip calling her stupid.

"Goodbye queen Kselia"

But just as she thought she was gonna die, the door of the throne room opened and two men wearing white armor walked in.

The king thew her body to the side.

"Ha-Ha-Ha" She took in huge breaths of air into her lungs.

"Leave" The king commanded in a deep voice that sent a shiver down every maid's spine and the poor maid dragged their dead co-workers and left.

After they left, the king then looked at the two integrity knights:


The two knights shivered when they heard the king's voice and one of them spoke:

"We have bad news sir"


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