
Chapter 12

Kselia's eyes sparkled pink like Asnemiola's eyes and hair for a second and then she laid on the ground with her belly.

"My queen" She said as with a humble voice filled with respect..

Siyionme blinked a couple times looking at the woman who had groveled before her and then shifted her gaze to Asnemiola.

"What's with people abasing themselves before me these days" She spoke with an innocent look like she really did not know the reason.


Asnemiola released a helpless sigh and explained:

"Asi, we are on a mortal world dummy and you did not suppress your divinity, so what do you expect?" She said the last sentence in a scolding manner.

Siyionme touched her chin seemingly trying to remember something but unfortunately, she could not remember it, so, she asked:

"So, how do I suppress it?"

"Siyi, how can you even ask that question with a straight face?" Asnemiola facepalmed as she looked at her friend like the biggest idiot in the world.

Divinity suppression is one of the basic things a celestial must be proficient in incase they descend to 'miscellaneous' tasks....

... Or, to just run away from their duties.

"All you have to do is will it and it shall be"She said to Asnemiola with both her hands on her waist like a strict teacher does with her troublesome students.

"Ohh"Siyionme did not look embarrassed at all by forgetting something so simple. She closed her eyes and inwardly spoke:


After that she felt something seeping into her for a few seconds.

'Did it work? "She wondered. She did not feel any different.

" Of course it did, Look" Asnemiola confirmed her query and pointed her finger at Kselia who was slowly getting up from her groveling position.


Kselia got off the floor and held her head trying to collect herself.

When her eyes landed on the pink haired lady, she did not know why , but she suddenly groveled before her. She felt like she could do 'anything' for the lady if she were to be asked.

She raised her head and saw a pair of pink eyes looking at her with what seemed like curiosity.

She froze on the spot not knowing what to do. On one hand, she felt like fleeing from her since she had such a terrifying power that could enslave the heart and the soul just by looking at her, while on the other hand, she did not want to run from her since she 'thought', the lady did not do it on purpose.

How did she come to that conclusion?

Well, when she arrived in this room, she saw her breastfeeding the baby in her hands.

One may ask how these two things are related

From what she had seen of the women of modern times, they no longer feed their children from their breast rather, they feed them artificial milk so that their breast don't sag and to keep their appeal.

From her perspective, doing that is a sign of affection and, how can one expect a person who does not even show show affection to her own child to be kind?

A simple thing like breastfeeding her own child made her view in Kselia's mind a lot brighter without even knowing it.

"Thank you for saving my life" Kselia did a bow as she thanked the two ladies.

Siyionme and Asnemiola just looked at her their beautiful faces bloomed beautiful smiles that could conquer the hearts of millions.

Despite being higher beings, they were still women in heart. They could watch people slay each other and not interfere however, they could not stand still and watch a woman get mercilessly defiled and used like slaves.

Siyionme herself had done a lot to stop such things from happening when she was above the sky.

With her powers, it was fairly easy.

"You don't need to thank us" Siyionme said as she put the little Twilight in her arms down on the 'thing' she was seated on. She then walked to her.

Like Siyionme, Asnemiola aslo walked to her and both ladies put their hands on either sides of her shoulders.

"In the end, we are all women, so how can we let one of our own go through something so horrible and not do anything" They said at the same time with the same beautiful smiles plastered on their faces.

Kselia felt really emotional and raised her head, her eyes had turned moist and her face looked like she wanted to cry. She was doing her best not to hug these two ladies.

"Thank you so much"

In the end, that's all she could say. She really had no proper words to express the gratitude she was feeling in her heart.

"So, what are you gonna do from now?" Asnemiola asked curiously.

"I don't know" She replied with a downcast look like a dog that did not want to be abandoned by its owner.

Despite having known these ladies for a short time, she felt like they had become the most important people in her heart.

"How about staying here and work for us?" Siyionme suggested.

She needed someone to help her do chores in this mighty big mansion. Her friend Asnemiola was not much help in such things, all she is good at is eating and sleeping, she does not even know how to wash dishes.

She could still remember the day she asked Asnemiola to wash a few plates and instantly regretted it when all her plates were broken.

Although, there were plates in the mansion than she could count, that did not mean she did not mind them breaking. Everything in the house was a gift from her husband after all.

When Kselia heard what Asnemiola said, her eyes lit up and a beautiful smile formed on her face.

"Thank you, I'll make sure to work hard"


Somewhere in a beautiful white mansion, two men could be seen seated on a big table eating something that looked like steak with a red soup while drinking wine from silver cups.

One of the men was a middle aged man with clean white hair, blue eyes and a white well trimmed beard. He was wearing a beautiful green attire and was surrounded with an aura of nobility.

The other one had blue hair and emerald green eyes. His looks were youthful with no hairs seen on his chin, he was non other than Skyla who had escaped from the old man who wielded the cursed sword and came to this old man for accommodation help in exchange for information.

"So, can you tell me about it now that your belly is full?" The old man broke the silence and asked Skyla.

Skyla stopped eating and looked at the man. He then opened his mouth and spoke:

"Xion energy over 5000" After saying that, he continued eating the delicious meat on his plate and drinking his wine.


The middle aged man slapped the table hard as he got up from his sit.
