
Chapter 11

Connor and Hestince left their camp fire to go hunting a little dipper into the forest when they unexpectedly found this beaty lying defenslessly under a tree..

The woman's beauty brought about the sinful desire in their hearts and they took her. The lady woke up and tried to free herself from their grip, but, she was too weak compared to generals like them who had gone through all sorts of training.

Her struggles only served to amplify the darkest of desire in their hearts and make them look forward to what they were going to do to her when they reach their camp.

They completely forgot about the real reason they had come to the forest in the first place.

As they walked listening to the woman's pleas to be freed, they suddenly came to a halt when the woman knelt to the ground and begged them.

There was snot and tears on her face but neither registered in their eyes, instead, they only saw the one look that made the hell fire in their dark hearts go wild.


The look of despair on the woman's face made their desires uncontrollable that they wanted to jump on her and ravage her in this place with no proper bedding and privacy

However, before they could do any of that, two figures came out of nowhere and took the lady from their hands with speed neither of them could react to.

For all they could see, the two figures showed up and the woman disappeared from their hands which was truly terrifying.

They unsheathed the swords hanging on their waists and got into a fighting stance but their hands were visibly shaking exposing the fear in their hearts.

They looked at the two figures and their Jaws fell to the ground from shock.

One thought reigned their minds when they saw the beauty of the two newly arrived beings especially the one with pink hair.


A pink light flashed in their eyes when they looked at the pink haired woman and, they both dropped their weapons and laid on the ground with their fronts like slaves that had seen their master.

This is what happens when one is in the presence of Asnemiola, the one who reigns over beauty and could enchant the heart of the strongest being in existence.

How could mere mortals resist her?


Kselia had lost all hope when she saw the amplified lust in the eyes of the two, all hope had been lost replaced by despair.

She had given up and had prepared herself for her fate. She told herself "Just count the stars in the sky and before you know it, it'll be over"

But suddenly, these two beautiful ladies showed up out of nowhere and rescued her from the hands of these evil men like Angels.

But she fainted before she could see their faces but without a worry in her heart for she felt comfortable in their hands.

She left her unconscious self in their care....


"So, what do we do with these ba*****?", Siyionme asked Asnemiola who stood beside her.

"We spare their lives but, we should punish them" Asnemiola answered her friend's query as she tried to think of an appropriate punishment for the two.

"Let's just curse them" Asnemiola said.

"Good idea, but, only you will have to do it" Asnemiola agreed.

Siyionme was confused, "Huh, but why?, your curses are more potent than mine"


Asnemiola released a frustrated sigh and answered:

"When I used the forbidden spell to escape from 'that place', it caused my divinity to be sealed"

Siyionme soon came to a realization and apologized:

"I'm sorry, if it was not for my..."

"Worry not Siyi, it is not like I regret what I did that day, even if I were to go back in time, I would still do it all over again without faltering"

"Aww Asi" Siyionme looked like she could hug her any moment as she was emotional but Asnemiola retreated a few steps back to prevent that from happening and spoke with a kind smile:

"It is alright, just do what we came her for"

Siyionme knew that her friend meant her words but that could not wash away the guilt in her heart. She felt responsible and like, she was taking advantage of Asnemiola's kindness

What had she done for her?


She had never done nor sacrifised something for the sake of her friend but the other way around, so, she decided something, a very important decision that would change many lives, hers, Asnemiola's, Twilight's and even Gelbius'.

After making her plans, she looked at the two men and pointed her palm at them.

"As the goddess of beauty, I hereby curse you lowly ones, from today onwards, the beauty you have shall turn into ugliness that will make even animals unattracted by you. Any being who sees you shall run away from your ugliness including your very family"

Her palm started getting covered by a red aura which then left her hands and separated into two small red balls.

The small red balls flew and entered their foreheads after which, they both closed their eyes and lost their consciousness.


After cursing the two men, Asnemiola and Siyionme left carrying the woman and flew back to their mansion above the clouds.

The two men were left unconscious in a dangerous forest filled with wild man-eating beasts.


"Ung" Kselia rubbed her eyes as she woke up, she looked around and found herself in a neatly decorated room with a lot of furniture and other things she had never seen before despite being a former queen.

The bed she was on felt soft and not to mention the pillows her head rested on. If she had happened to forget the events that took place when she fell unconscious, she would have surely mistaken this place for a heaven.

Well, it is not like she had ever seen heaven before, so, she always thinks, heaven is any beautiful place she sees.

She got off the bed and started looking at some things with curiosity but, she made sure not to touch a single one of them.

"What does this do?" She wondered as she looked at a rectangular box like thing on the wall. She walked closer and tried to 'touch' it forgetting about her earlier words of not touching anything.

However, before she could touch it, a beautiful voice that sounded like a melody in her ears spoke behind her making her freeze on the spot.

"That's an air conditioner" The melodious voice spoke.

Kselia's back was now drenched in her own sweat from fear:

'What have I done?'

'They must probably think I was gonna steal their wind condishiner'

'What should I do?'

Kselia tried to think of a proper reason to give so that they would not be angry with her, but, she could not think of a plausible answer in her head.

As she was thinking, the voice spoke once again:

"Are you not going to look at me so that we can talk properly?"

Only then did Kselia realize that she was being rude to the person who had saved her, so, she turned back and looked at the person.


She could not help but comment seeing her beauty. She had silver hair and eyes that were like the moon itself, a beautiful figure and the gentle smile on her face made Kselia want to hug her and start telling her all about her problems and wrong doings starting from when she mistakenly stepped on an innocent ant.

But, she controlled herself and spoke looking down:

"I - I am sorry"

"It is ok child, follow me" The beautiful silver haired woman started walking in a direction and Kselia followed with her head bowed like a humble servant.

The place was beautiful and filled with lots of things she had never seen, however, she did not have the leisure of admiring them as she was busy thinking of where she was being taken.

After walking for a few minutes, they finally arrived in a big room filled with pink, soft benches with leaning parts.

On one of those soft things, a pink haired woman sat there holding a small baby in her arms breastfeeding him.

The woman's beauty was greater than she had seen in every one of her imaginations. Her hair and eyes were pink like the bench like things she was seated on and her figure was to die for.

He eyes sparkled with a pink color and, she knelt on the ground.

"My queen"


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