
Young Master Liu, Pamper Your Little Wifey

A day in early-winter, Xun An was passing by and heard a man's groaning.. The man was God like handsome and injured on his back.. As a doctor, Xun An felt a strong sense of responsibility and saved him.. Two years later, Huff! Huff! Panting Xun An collided with a man, as she was drunk, she couldn't see his face properly but felt that she saw his face somewhere.. "Please save me.. " A group of thugs were vying behind her. When they were chased away.. he said, "Woman, I have let you go before, but this you came by yourself, I won't let you go.. " Hubby, do you like this? " "No baby, it's too revealing, let's change." "I've already changed 105th dress." "Hubby, they bullied me earlier, so I taught them a lesson, ain't I good? " "Yeah, my baby is best. " "Hubby, let's have a little riceball." "As you say wifey.. " Like that two persons in different world meet each other by fate and never let go off each other.. curious? want to know more! then read the story! Don't forget to support!

Dawn_003 · Urban
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14 Chs

Ain't you rich?

Tao Ruan was so shocked after seeing the stall in front of her.. 

It was a crowded barbecue food stall. 

Everyone was shouting and having many kinds of barbecue with beer and cold drinks. 

When she looked at that place and then looked at the person beside her, she felt that the difference between them was too much.. 

She was regretting her decision not to go to that restaurant. After all, how could a person like him eat here? 

She was biting her lower lips and slowly said, "You.. don't need to do this for me. "

When Zhou Zimo heard her words, he chuckled, "What am I doing for you? "

"Well" she bit her lips more and joined her two index fingers, "If you are not comfortable then you don't have to eat here, trust me I'm not that hungry.. "

Zhou Zimo patted her head after seeing her innocent look, "Don't worry, I am also hungry and I come here once in a while."

When Tao Ruan heard that, she simply widened her eyes in shock and stayed silent for a moment, then mumbled, "Ain't you rich? "

Wasn't he a rich guy? 

After all who had not known about him! 

He was the legendary assistant of Young Master Liu, they together made history in the business world. 

As Tao Ruan was also found in business and studied business commercial, she always read about business in newspapers and it was almost covered with both of their names! 

Why was he saying this kind of thing? 

It was easy to understand that he wanted to be frank with her but she was really feeling sorry for him. 

After all, how could a person like him come here often and eat those oily foods? 

"Don't think too much" Zhou Zimo patted her head and held her hand to go inside. 

When Tao Ruan was mumbling, even though her voice was low, one couldn't underestimate Zhou Zimo's hearing power.. 

It was even better than the average person, so he could hear her and chuckled. 

He was really rich but it was only now.. 

He also had a past and this barbecue stall was one of the pillars of his past. 

He always likes to come here and enjoy the barbecue. 

After thinking for a while, he said to her in a gentle voice, "Ruan Ruan, I am rich now because of my hard work and Young Master's mercy but I am not someone who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. So, don't think too much, alright? "

When Tao Ruan heard him calling her Ruan Ruan so affectionately, she was a little shy. 

After all, besides her mother, whoever had called her like that? 

But in the end, she shook her head to let those ideas shoo away from her head, after all they were worlds apart. 

Even if he wasn't that rich before but now that he was, his family couldn't possibly accept her or she also shouldn't think like this about a person with whom they just met. 

Maybe, this guy was very kind and did this for anyone, so it would be better if she forgot this incident quickly. 

Zhou Zimo could tell what she was thinking.

But he didn't want to clarify anything in a hurry, he just wanted to let each other be at ease and take everything slow. 

If she was really that kind of person, she was showing now and would want to be with him, He would make her his or else would let the bygone be bygone. 

"Okay, let's go. " he smiled at her as he dragged her inside. 

When he went inside, the boss of the restaurant quickly came over, "Xiao Zhou, you are finally here. "

He greeted him with a broad smile. 

"Yes, " Zhou Zimo nodded as he smiled, "I was kinda busy dealing with some matters and didn't have any time to go out. "

"Oh I see. " he nodded but he looked so worried, "Remember not to push yourself too much, sigh.. youngsters these days are too reckless."

When Tao Ruan heard all these things she felt that Zhou Zimo was not lying to her but he was really a regular customer or else he couldn't bribe the boss within a few minutes, right? 

Moreover, he didn't leave her side for a while, so how could he do anything? 

All in all, she was thinking too much. 

"It's good that there's still some tables empty.. " the boss said after looking around for a while, "Do you want as usual? "

Tao Ruan was really confused now, how could he, Zhou Zimo, the cold and aloof guy who was counted as eligible bachelor among girls, like to come to her not only that but how he was talking casually, he definitely had a great relationship with them. 

When Tao Ruan was lost in her thoughts, Zhou Zimo grabbed her and said, "Let's sit in the corner's seat. There will be less noise. "

"Umm.. " she hummed. 

When they were about to go there arm in arm, the boss teased him, "Who is this pretty girl? Your girlfriend? "

When Tao Ruan heard the word 'girlfriend' , her face became red in blush. 

Zhou Zimo's ears also turned red.. 

He really wanted to say yes.. 

He really wanted to let everyone know that she was one he liked but held back because he thought he might scare her and said, "No, one of my friends. " and left from there. 

Tao Ruan felt something hard stuck on her heart tightly while she listened to him but quickly recovered after telling herself again and again, they were simply impossible. 

Whereas Zhou Zimo was also not that happy. 

After sitting down, he said "you can order anything you want, after all they knew what I wanted. "

She simply nodded as she was still feeling the burden on her chest. 

"Boss, " Zhou Zimo called the boss to order their food. 

"Yes," the boss also came over and took the order. 

As she told her preference, he ordered everything, "Prawns black sizzler, fish chungking, Crispy Thread Chicken and salad. 

Also two bottles of cold beer. "

"Okay, wait for sometime. I will arrange everything. " by saying he left. 

"It's good to be here. " Zhou Zimo smiled, his smile was so gentle that Tao Ruan couldn't help but look at him without even blinking. 

It was not bad to meet someone accidentally. 

Sometimes this accidental meeting could bring a new light in one's life. 

The more she thought about it, the brighter her smile became.